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this is the beautiful capitalist compound known as bungerberg and a small community thrives as a result of my technological innovation and schlatt's business skills which is not at us the assistance of slimesickle our newest twink intern who has signed his soul away in a contract that schlatt authored now that her new intern rightfully has no rights let's give him a tour of his brand new habitat where are we going next okay well let me let me show you a couple of things over here we have the clock tower still there's a little bit of prettying up come over here i'll show you a little secret charlie i need you to stay over there okay show me well i got it here's your blaze ride now get out of my face and leave thank you yo oh my god it's a grinder xp so you don't have to do [ __ ] anymore how the [ __ ] did you get that there back up i i was i wasn't that wasn't me i was not i was not sneaking towards that okay good he's checking some stuff below the clock thing he's coming up i think he's coming up right behind you right now wow and i mean wow hey that's i know that clock tower is for you no i know it's off limits is it off limits for that guy hey hey sticking around stop sneaking around oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] how'd you [ __ ] how did you see me we've got good eyes we have a vision for the the way we want this place to be run you know funny you use that word run what does that suppose something is something that i would never do well you aren't a legally binding agreement i am i do you sign the contract there's no date of expiration on that as well no i am now thinking that's how we got you you got you got me good with that one that's how we get our get all our interns absolutely you said you haven't had any no no yeah that was uh i saw some bones under the bridge back there oh all right follow me i'll show you the phantom oh more crushing wheels my favorite this is a lot this is a lot you got to help me it's too much for my brain no no you're okay you just eat some bread eat bread it's fine you're fine it's fine it's okay it's okay that is terrifying i didn't know humans could do that okay okay okay i'm good so this shoot connects to the mind we have encased fans that blow cobblestone up it gets processed by three wheels the first wheel turns it into gravel jacket wheel turns it into sand third wheel turns it into livestream i'm gonna take another shot second in case they blow that is not typically what happens when you're when you tell someone how the crushing wheel works no but this is our intern he has large brainies absorbing the knowledge i guess oh my god i'm just going to go ahead and put it on my office yes we can so this is the office building this is where all the uh logistical and administerial stuff gets done wow this looks good yeah all our employees have access to a kitchen uh don't [ __ ] with the table please we got that we got that at ikea oh sorry yeah yeah i thought i recognized it from minecraft staples but that can't be though if you were a chiefs maybe that's the ikea malm we actually have one of the jungle skogs upstairs you know that those big brown stuffed bears right we i don't want to i don't want to show it to you in fact please whatever you do do not go up that elevator you will see things you'll wish you didn't even know who goes up there do you do you know what's up there no i don't i respect the integrity of our deal and i and i respect that as well and partially because i am legally obligated to do everything that you say is it's just one of the minor reasons slime jump up and down there we go what the [ __ ] is going on what the [ __ ] going on stop i'm i'm it's gonna take some getting used to it is it's a weird quirk feel free to help yourself to any of the items in the kitchen you got like any like chests here or is it like yeah we do we do it's kind of like the you know those north korean pop-up shops that they that they put up that are kind of like fake i don't sell anything as you can say i've been as you take the uh the the car ride from the airport into the into the uh that [ __ ] temple looking hotel that's a pyramid so this is the potato you know and then that guy uh stole the propaganda poster from the 12th floor and then he got [ __ ] killed yeah i remember that they airlifted him back to the united states but he was in a vegetative state speaking of vegetables here's a carrot yeah hey all right that's good put that back up on the item frame though you're right he's the only one right it's the only one yeah you don't want to eat yeah he's been involved in formaldehyde i have like a i have sort of like a goop on my hand after touching it is that yeah oh here we have one of our residents yeah hello selma meet uh meet our newest intern i'm uh i'm really glad to be working here with these guys legally ob legally con contractually so i'm how do you like how do you like living here i mean you you've seen firsthand how how great it is here yeah it's um it's great i'm having a lot of fun giving everything i i earned to them but whatever hey will what are you doing up there how'd you get up there william get off our wall you got any chicken it was actually really easy to climb up here well that's not the entrance oh oh oh wow it's uh it's time for you to pay taxes selma i just looked at the clock again yeah you guys have all my diamonds man so what are you waiting for go get some more also you're welcome for the [ __ ] blaze ride yeah [ __ ] thank you bro we love our residents we love them absolutely over here we have this was made by marisa uh before the walls went up but when i told her that she'd have to pay uh two netherride per day's tax she decided to move out but she's left an arabian tree so you could stay here in these corners it's kind of bare so i mean you'll have to furnish it yourself but it's functional you have little platforms here oh my god downstairs too downstairs you could probably live in this little like yeah there you go oh that's my bed right there [Music] oh oh oh oh i'll leave you guys to it i will need a wrap cause i mean are you are you spunking with me is oh geez oh god you have satisfied me for now boy is there not like shifts or anything i just i get to just live here um there will be sheds so we're looking at a 24-hour 24-hour period you know yeah 24-hour period shift so it looks yeah so it looks like monday and then tuesday then wednesday then thursday thursday definitely thursday yeah friday friday maybe even plans for friday saturday are you good are you good are you are you good with weekends do you have a lot going on in the weekends i mean i had i i had something but uh all right not important so saturday and surely he could take sunday off you could take sunday sunday yeah that's the lord's day here's what we're gonna do one day you will see boy let's go ahead and uh craft you a bed i forget all of this you know don't look at them like that i it's disgusting man that's really disgusting all right use your bed let's go back to the airbnb tree and get you set up because you're the intern you're not going to be paying rent you you'll be working for your rent it's sort of like indentured servitude right that i mean that would be illegal so what's what's my exciting you know first first job i'm ready to i'm ready to go you showed me the ropes well we do have a a moat that isn't particularly pretty mm-hmm i think maybe you could make it doc are you any good at building i'm just thinking yeah i think i could make that happen just give me give me sort of the vision for it and i'll see what i can do [Music] i don't know what you're on about he might be seeing things maybe he hasn't eaten today oh maybe it did give him a lot of potatoes though i think i've eaten a lot of starch all right where am i what am i doing first where am i building you're making it look good yeah we want where like where is it is it gonna be like under the thing is that kind of what you want no no no don't touch the mode um we just want we want this bit of island to extend uh like outwards to the left the right and maybe maybe uh what do you think schleich maybe like that northern side was only one when dan knew the cobble yeah yeah look i don't even know if we need the the the moat to be honest i think we replace it with big crushing wheels it's true oh that's there's gonna be a lot of power that will be a lot of power you know what that that'll that's that's something for the future all right i'm gonna work on this stock i'll let you guys know as soon as i have an update very good we're also thinking about make room for a lighthouse i would say put put some grass like some dirt you see like right behind you where the cobble is remove the cobble in the sand and just fill out grass all along that area there uh and while you do this i'll go ahead and i place music i'll i'll i'll be back in a bit okay all right show me how to do that it's all trade secrets all trade secrets they just gave me a bunch of of dirt and wood why are you talking to my [ __ ] intern i'm working he's working don't distract him he's on the job charlie charlie i don't know i don't know how i feel about about the dock being this big it's almost like a bridge you said you wanted a big dog no like maybe maybe yeah it is why are you using wood use why are you using slabs i was planning on slabbing it later i was going to slab it up eventually all right i would say do do half this size hey not much man not much uh hell yeah what up swagger hey how are you though are you are you looking for work are you looking for any work what do you mean are you sure i am okay well uh don't look around here for work don't not do not why the nice intern you have there oh get out of here get out of here nice and turn maybe get out of here can you show gus the drawbridge sure sure you guys here come around to the main island over there on the no not there hold on i need to get i need to get this [ __ ] trespasser away from my intern get away from my [ __ ] intern leave marisa go back to from whence you've came stop harassing my [ __ ] intern hi hey mike how are you [Applause] [Music] yo we pimped jimping we're fighting him when you find him drown him you will receive 100 and he will respawn in the airbn tree hey we already got you in a contract for 400 years charlie what your new name is pudge hey i didn't mean to tunnel out here wait wait hey hey hey gus hey what's going on i was just seeing if i could outsource some help on the dock i i was just wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no please not on no no don't eddie gosh you don't want this on your track record you don't want this on your track record hey get back here [ __ ] what i'll give you 600 years hey stay back get get in here right now get in here right now i don't want to get in here now get in there right now you're in violation of your contract guys please tell me to do something else tell me to do something else so i can do something else i'm weak we just work here man listen we just got you oh my gosh please schweger he's gonna haunt my house and kill the outside of my house swagger that's my one request please kill him outside of my house [ __ ] he's gonna haunt him charlie would be the worst ghost too dude swagger please i'm begging you kill him just outside of the property don't right here dude dude you're gonna have to turn the bed around man that's gonna really change i'm sorry about that i'm sorry about that but uh it's a violation of his contract imagine someone walks into your house murders somebody and then just says i'm sorry about that hey i didn't murder him he drowned it was a horrible accident i didn't see anything i i i did i didn't i didn't see it either you know i understand it's on brand but i didn't catch your face i wouldn't nark on you at all and i mean we don't see a body you know there is nobody there is nobody so i guess nothing's doing business with you happened here and we won't speak about what happened here yes because nothing happened here if it make anything uh better here swagger why don't you take the deed to my uh 2004 toyota corolla oh it's collateral hey you hear me yeah i could hear you here um we had a bit of an issue with charlie uh he's he's back and building which is great but i should probably probably probably tell you explain to you what the problem is i'll have him explain to you what the problem was so please just follow me oh god i almost got crushed to death you know that maybe we upped the timer by a second yeah maybe just add keep it of round five all right i saw that schlatt i'm glad you're okay man would you like to explain to schled what happened i'm taking another shot good you're gonna want you're gonna want a few more for this you're gonna want this to not be comprehensible for you and you're gonna want to forget this in the morning oh god [ __ ] that's not enough as the intern please do not push i i will do it okay what happened all right so i was just sitting here minding my own business and gus johnson rolls up and says hey kid do you want a knuckle sandwich i hate that guy i hate i cannot stand him uh which i i would tell you more about how much i i can't [ __ ] stand him if i didn't own 500 time shares in boomer island he made you buy timeshares i mean that's neither here nor there i don't i'm you know i'm not you willingly bought timeshares i mean i it's hard to say what was sheesh i thought like that was the thing grandmas did right i i mean i went to i was just surrounded by so many of them i i started yeah that's how they get you yeah they planted that they planted a decoy here they had me fooled for a good ten minutes and uh and then they abducted me wow and then and then swagger i listen man i completely understand how you might have misread the situation there he filled my lungs with water yeah i encased him i encased him in cobblestone prison and then i drowned him to death oh my god the way that i read the situation is that he ran away willingly yes to what it sounds like to boomer island and then he planted that decoy himself sounds like and then when i went there he tried to hide from me because you know that he pleaded for gus and eddie to to help him because gus and eddie gus and eddie know nothing about hand to hand combat they do not they didn't have they didn't have his head to be able to put on a dummy no that was all charlie's doing wait wait no no no no no no they they uh they took it and then they and then they they made me give it to them they said oh that that's a stupid bit that you're doing that you're just doing this thing that's that's [ __ ] stupid i would never run away from bungerberg wow and you know even if yo even if all that was true charlie you know what they say snitches get stitches [Music] you can't sneak away from this one because the song is called sneaky snitch right yeah yeah uh that is what they say though and so i feel like some kind of punishment is in order even beyond the uh i have drowned in water i don't need any punishment oh but i think you do i mean i've i've learned my lesbians i'm definitely not going to do that again i think i sentence you to the hand crank big circular motions this isn't one of those is it oh it's it's circular and big don't tell anybody this yet swagger but there's going to be a floor in my office building that's entirely hand cranks and uh all of our workers are just gonna be up there on sunday oh i don't wanna i don't wanna cry yep discipline we'll set you we'll don't don't say that phrase it like don't don't say that one don't i thought that was a quote from like plato or something no remember we don't go out the wrong way remember our windmills um yeah yeah don't you [ __ ] tell us what bunga would think we've created this this this is a shrine to him we need to have him doing something that's stimulated all right well we'll leave you to this meeting we'll think about ways to stimulate you yeah now oh we'll think we'll think long and hard [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] don't know don't just don't just sneak away hey hey oh hey swagger thought i'd come by and check on charlie see how the internship is going oh yes hey welcome hey how's it going it's going good a bit of a rocky start with charlie but he's he's working his uh his his um he's trying his tries to bank so he's going outside all right that's good that's good i hope i hope so i'm working on this don't worry here hold on i might be able to to make your labor go a little bit a little bit slower or quicker i mean just hold on any way you can get me in there a piece of iron i've got 22 flint right here all you need is one piece of iron huh we need there's one piece of iron baby all right i have the perfect plan we can get you back to the palm cove okay and things can return to something i'm dying oh charlie what's going on something's wrong with him he's he's dying or something swagger i think he's anemic i'm deficient i'm [Applause] definitely do you have any pieces of iron on you why do you need iron he needs he needs iron he needs my blood um i can get him yeah i have just the things hey swagger have some nuggets please i will need i will oh my god i gotta let me put them in my bloodstream oh oh it's a little it's a little better but i'm still a little tingly i'm still just a little you should be fine you'll get over it it'll be fun oh it's not gonna hold me over it's not gonna hold these baked potatoes are so low in it i'm low i'm getting scurvy i need iron swagger please he he seems like you know he's been in demon since he's been young i mean he needs a he needs a single nugget at least i mean at this point god you know what i really need is just i just need to i just need to lay down i just need to lay down on my quarters where'd charlie go oh no charlie she's going to lie down in his quarters yeah yeah he's going by the airbnb tree but tell me more about this um this machine here i'm very interested in uh in the machine yeah no i mean it's it's what you've got here it's incredible you know it's you've got an incredible machine going on well yeah i have this contract here that charlie signed says he has to do whatever i say really yeah this is the one and only contract that is so interesting that you have that right now can i take a look at it real quick you know make sure that he he signed it and all that i mean yeah well he definitely signed it here it is oh okay let me just let me just read through this um no i still have the contract no no no no where is show me show me show me no no i'm gonna put it away no you don't have it you don't have it it's gone it's gone it's got to be gone it's gotta be gone there's no way they still have it right here what the [ __ ] no no no no no we still have it [ __ ] fake no we still have it no you'll try to burn it again need a contract no you just try to burn it again i don't know how to read but i know that's [ __ ] not it nope you don't know why you're right i'm going back to the b tree i'm not building the dock why you don't like your time here let me [ __ ] read it let me read it gus and eddie have been giving me lessons i can make out two to three words now look if you don't wanna look if you don't wanna if you don't wanna be if you don't wanna be part of the part of the [ __ ] uh internship and that's fine we can disguise letting you go but schlatt also has to be here you know what i think we i think we need to discuss payment [Music] sure um what is your ape i'm thinking i'm thinking [ __ ] this i want to go part-time part-time yeah time part-time okay what about payment are we just gonna glass over the payment well i don't i don't real hang on one second diamonds diamonds charlie hey i have no [ __ ] idea i've lived in a cave my entire life i have not oh [ __ ] have you ever um what's a good like starting like wage but like not because it's like you know i you ever ever compromised on on payment before i mean literally no idea you want to be a middleman here can you help me do you even want to work here still man i mean if we gotta we gotta renegotiate terms all right okay we could do that all right here's what i'm thinking here's what i'm thinking i might as well come in and uh be the mediator here yeah yeah yeah i think that what charlie wants is he wants to learn he wants to learn from you whereas you know up until this point it's been a lot of slave work i think as well we've we've established so far um and you know i think that when you when you treat people like slaves they're you know i mean they're bound to run away right yeah yeah it's funny you're not crazy yeah you ever see 12 years to sleep you put it in a good way you put it in a way i couldn't that's all right um the uh uh as negotiations were being drawn out i informed schlatt of what had occurred surprisingly he agreed to draft a contract with benefits insurance paid leave and even full access to the jungle skug in schlemco towers however he cunningly slid in a fine print hidden away in the dungeons of schladenko tower charlie cranked to produce crucial power for the next step of our planned expansion it was finally time for us to create some infrastructure to connect bungerberg to the rest of the epic s p to establish dominance expansion profit and [Music] you
Channel: SwaggerSouls
Views: 1,415,622
Rating: 4.9693041 out of 5
Keywords: Funny, gaming, comedy, hilarious, moments, swag, yeet, swagger, SwaggerSouls, souls, misfits, we own you, we own you now, we own you epic smp, swaggersouls epic smp, schlatt epic smp, minecraft intern, slimecicle intern, slimecicle intern epic smp, epic smp intern, bungerburg, bungerburg epic smp, schlatt swaggersouls, creat mod, swagger create mod, swaggersouls, swaggersouls genius, epic smp jschlatt, epic smp swaggersouls, slimecicle minecraft, jschlatt, jschlatt swaggersouls minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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