We Need to Talk About The Future of A.I. - This is Scary...

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hey how's it going guys welcome back I'm Ricky  with tuba DaVinci and we have a very special   live stream today I'm with my very good friends  Matt Farrell and Alex from ticker symbol U and   undecided and we're talking about AI now we we  three talk about YouTube all the time together   yeah switch over we talk about YouTube all  the time and one of the things that we've   been talking about recently is our views are down  well me and Matt were talking about our views are   down Alex is is doing really well why is that  and invariably the answer is there's a lot of   focus and attention on AI right now and the the  advancements are happening so quick I literally   cannot keep track of it all between the like  last night when I was researching and now there's   probably changes but we're going to talk about  it and there are some reasons to be excited of   course and there's probably a little bit of reason  for concern and we're gonna dig into all of it so   without further Ado Alex Matt how you guys doing  doing well how you doing hey man good how are you   good I'm really really glad you guys can make time  on a Sunday Sunday morning afternoon depending   on where you guys are to chat about some of  this stuff but let's start with let's start   with the good right all three of us run YouTube  channels which means we have a lot of Need for   writing and research and and a various slew of  of things let's talk about some of the positives   and Alex I know without getting too much into  your business and stuff you've been looking for   researchers and writers and now you're thinking  maybe chat GPT can replace it you want to start   with kind of what you're thinking or how you use  some of this stuff sure yeah so for those of you   who don't know me I run a channel that focuses  on investing in advanced technology so I'm deep   in this space already I care a lot about Ai and  it's different applications so when before chat   GPT came out before gpt4 before open AI started  making the news seemingly every day I had a team   of researchers writers and editors right kind of  how every little research Channel sort of works   um and it's hard right so what would actually  happen is you spend a lot of idea and the I you   spend a lot of time in the idea room you spend  a lot of time outlining researching getting data   together from multiple sources vetting ideas fact  checking there's a lot that goes into research   writing and then coming out with like a coherent  story about something but it turns out that a lot   of that is mechanical right it's like actually  formatting an outline actually getting a lot   of facts together and making sense of them and  those are things that we're finding that robots   can do really well robots natural language models  like gpt4 large language models and chat GPT uh   which is like the chat interface on top of that  model so I've I'll just be frank you know one of   the things that both excites me and scares me  is in the last 90 days I've La I've gotten rid   of three writers and two researchers and I now  rely exclusively on working with these models   together and you know we should we can definitely  get into what that means what the dangers of doing   that are for example fact checking uh Source  Society and all that but I think this is one   of those really important moments in history  where a lot of the mechanics of our jobs all   jobs are going to go away and we're going to  be left with the creative human tasks that   are more about putting things together weaving  narratives uh using our subjective taste and   things like that and so I'm really excited  because it's made my job both easier and a   lot more streamlined and impactful and exciting  and I'm definitely a little nervous because the   next job that it's coming for is definitely mine  right so I hope we get into that a little bit too Matt how about you um what are some of the ways  that you're using chatgpt other AI maybe other   tools and stuff in your day-to-day workflow  it's kind of similar to Alex like I have a   team of researchers writers and video editors as  well and I'm starting to experiment with chat GPT   systems for helping to kind of brainstorm topic  ideas like I know I want to do a video on this   new thing but like help me kind of figure out a  possible angle I could put on it or doing research   of like there's like five papers on a topic I can  just quickly send that paper to chatgpt and say   could you summarize this paper for me and it will  summarize it and I'll make a call whether I should   dive deeper into it myself or I should just pass  on it because it's not really applicable to what   I'm looking for so it's helped me speed up the  process of putting videos together and so part   of that is I'm super excited about that but at  the same time like Alex is saying it's coming   from all of our jobs and for me my background  is in a creative field and chat GPT is coming so   straight at like writer's artists designers  uh right now and so it I feel for a lot of my   former colleagues my friends family members my  brother's a writer so it's like I have this kind   of like I'm kind of torn right now I love what's  out there as a tool to accelerate what I can do   but at the same time I see the writing on the wall  for a lot of jobs and it's got me very concerned it's been the latest to the party I've we chat  and you guys are both using some of these tools   to really incredible results and stuff and I think  I've kind of dragged my feet but I have gotten   into it recently the first thing I tried to think  of is thumbnail ideas right some of our topics   that we talk about are abstract it's like my video  this week was about a water vapor tower that you   could deploy in the oceans that you know harnesses  the fact that you have very high humidity   air right above the ocean but it doesn't  exist it's kind of a theory it's an idea   how do you make a thumbnail about that  right so I was sitting there just kind of   trying to think like how could I make a compelling  thumbnail that would kind of harness that idea and   if I could use you know uh mid-journey or some of  these tools to do that that would be freaking cool   so the other thing is we all are now using  a tool called Write Sonic which I can't   remember who turned me onto that was it  Alex it was one of YouTube it was Alex   and what was different and why I actually  care now is there's a level of trust   that has to be earned right and I don't  trust these tools currently which means   I need to know how you came to your conclusions  and stuff and I need to know your sources so I   can go double check them and in the past the the  first AI tools I was using didn't do that it was   just kind of here we go here's the answer and I  said are you sure that doesn't sound right I can't   check where did you come up with this but right  Sonic will give you citations it'll tell you where   the data came from and that is when I decided  okay I gotta try to start using it and actually   I do have a writer researcher and I've made him  a credentials on right side and I told them you   use it put it through its Paces if it helps you  let's find out how this works together but I'm   with both of you I can't help but think and leave  us your comments I haven't seen any comments just   yet I don't know if that part is working yet  Juan but I'm curious is there is it excitement   I think Alex and your community in the investment  Community it's excitement right we're talking new   stuff it's always interesting Microsoft and Google  have both had kind of keynote events recently and   there's just the buzz is is palpable but for  like everyday people like if you are a writer   you are a researcher Matt I know your brother is  a writer like how are you feeling it's got to be   it's interesting there's got to be a little bit of  uh hesitation or you know or a concern and we've   heard this before we've always had disruptions  right and when you had the car what are the horse   you know uh Traders and horse trainers gonna do  well this does feel different though am I crazy   about that we've had disruptions before but the  age of AI feels different is that fair yeah and   then maybe I can just shed some light on some of  the things that you're talking about sort of the   feelings and just put a little Nuance in there  because I think you're right and it's good to   talk about why so in the past you know we've had  before the internet and after the internet that's   like a serious divide in human history in my  opinion because all of a sudden we went from   snail mail to being able to talk to each other  across the world nearly instantaneously uh cell   phones were another one moving from sort of like  Palm Pilot that era Blackberry to smartphones   with no buttons all internet connectivity apps  and things like that truly transformational and   think about all the jobs that those things ate  there's no more calculators there's almost no   more GPS units there's almost no more you know  you can name many many devices that used to be   their own thing that are now smashed together  in one one thousand dollar device that you pay   like one monthly fee for and it killed a lot  of jobs and it made a lot of new ones right   the thing that makes this one different uh the  most elegant sort of thing that I've heard about   this is that it's starting to usurp human judgment  so the internet is a tool computers are tools   smartphones are a tool but none of them tell you  what to do they just help you do what you decide   to do with them but for the first time things like  chat GPT are like oh I'll write that code for you   oh I'll I'll tell you what the points in this  essay should be I will start choosing the right   language depending on what you tell me about so  like this is the first time that technology has   started replacing the decision making level  uh for for the common man I think and I think   you know it's starting to choose more and more  topics more and more word choices more and more   structural things it's generating images instead  of artists not helping them generate images faster   right like you're putting in a prompt and then  you're selecting from a bunch of computer outputs   for mid-journey so I think the reason this feels  so different is because it's starting to eat into   what we thought was fundamentally human the  creative jobs the writing the word choice the   Artistry right like nothing has really done that  before does that make sense yeah I agree I mean   for me like like I said like my background in arts  in the Arts I have lots of friends who are artists   and put their artwork up onto Deviant Art which  is the largest the largest like online resource   for artists and a lot of these tools have scraped  the internet and grabbed all these artist artwork   yeah to train their models without licensing  them and this artwork is copyrighted so all   these companies have essentially broken the  law in what they're doing but the law isn't   completely caught up to what's happening so it's  like what are we supposed to do it's like do you   are you supposed to pay the artists for using  their artwork to train the model that's going   to put them out of work because then that AI  is going to be able to do an artwork that's   put into a prompt that's going to look just like  their stuff but it's not their stuff it's we're   in this weird quandary right now with how do we  handle this in our society because this is moving   so fast and it's going to only accelerate which is  the part that I'm kind of like very concerned by   yeah yeah I hope we talk a little bit about  the open wetter that just got signed by Elon   Musk Steve Wozniak calling for a pause for uh  training gpd5 yeah I'm just pointing out that   that's a worthy topic we should talk about so what  I'm thinking is let's start just yeah I think we   should we should 100 do that let's do that in a  second so I think we're going to spend most of   our time talking about why we should be afraid or  Not Afraid but the the consequences maybe some of   the things we consider from a legal perspective as  Matt mentioned but before we do that let's start   with the positives right I mean there's there  are some positives here so I don't know if you   guys watch the Microsoft uh keynote Microsoft  had a big announcement where they announced   a new tool called copilot it's basically a large  language model that is built into office 365. now   I use Google for my business stuff like my email  is Gmail and stuff but I'm not gonna lie after   watching this keynote I am thinking about just  switching over to All Things Microsoft you know   teams and and Excel and stuff and the reason is  this co-pilot thing is pretty impressive because   all your Microsoft data is in one place they can  do all kinds of crazy stuff like if you got an   email with a spreadsheet you could go hey copilot  could you make me a a PowerPoint presentation   with this data and it goes through and it's like  incredibly intelligent and it gives you a bunch   of feedback again right you can go I like this No  undo or retry get rid of it and um Microsoft is   one of those companies I kind of trust with this  because their keynote made it pretty clear that   they really went to Great length to think about  the ramifications of this like if this doesn't   work out well if there are issues if they're  wrong and they they admitted like look we're   going to be wrong we're going to get things wrong  but we're gonna quickly fix and we're gonna keep   training and we're gonna keep trying new things  and and move it along so yeah they were doing all   kinds of really cool stuff where they had like  a spreadsheet just a big spreadsheet an ugly old   thing that anybody in Corporate America is you  know familiar with and quickly it was like make   sense of this for me like why was Q2 so bad for  us and the it was actually going through the data   and finding like patterns and Trends and Reporting  it and then it's like cool now make another graph   cool now put that into a presentation like you  were just writing to this thing and you were   creating Excel spreadsheets and charts and graphs  and then PowerPoint presentations then it was like   okay well mail that to all the people who were  in that meeting yesterday about this and it has   the contextual knowledge of your you know your  your last call with Skype or whatever you used   and it sends that email with all that  information and your PowerPoint LinkedIn   I mean it's like it's an incredible  thing but then it got me thinking   what will the future look like um part of what  they were doing is crafting emails right you   guys we've all had corporate jobs all three of us  before we were YouTubers um responding to emails   and all the email nonsenses one of those it's one  of the oldest running jokes right in Corporate   America you're spending half your day about this  stuff well this co-pilot will take care of that   for you so like you get an email from Debbie and  Debbie says hey what what are the action items in   X Y and Z and the AI is crafting a reply so the  is like hey I got that x y and answers your email   for you but then I was thinking about this well  Debbie has it too and then she goes and has the   it so what are we doing now we're just having  AIS talk to each other and we're it's a weird   place right now even in the positive when I was  thinking about all the cool that's cool that's   cool it kind of came back to what is the point  of us at this point why are the two of us even   talking when we're just having the AI generate  stuff right um from the from the perspective of   of the positives are there other examples you guys  can think of or companies you know rolling this   stuff out in a more consumer focusing way the that  you guys can think of that are positives right now   uh Matt do you want to go first or do you want  me to go you go first sure yeah so what's let me   also clarify a few things right so Microsoft is a  49 owner you know stakeholder in open AI so when   you're talking about chat GPT gpt4 also realize  that that's a large piece of the infrastructure   behind Microsoft's co-pilot as well right so um  one other thing I'll add is Microsoft also has its   own tool like notion which is like a all-in-one  notebook that uh can connect to a lot of things   um called Loop and loop is something that  interacts with uh copilot so now you can   have this like custom board where you have  everything and then split things off into   other things kind of how you know I know Matt  and Ricky use a tool called notion I use a   tool called Coda Microsoft has one called Loop  and everyone is kind of excited about that one   um but there's a lot of like unique benefits  uh to the to Ricky's point so let me just go   over to one even though everyone has AI co-pilots  in their or email replying to each other a lot of   email is about leaving a paper trail right it's  like hey I want to know what decision making went   into this project I look for the right email  thread and I have that like process and just   because an AI wrote the email doesn't mean it  wasn't filled with the relevant information here   the Right tickets here's the presentation here are  the meeting notes all that right human generated   AI generated what you actually get now is a very  clean paper trail which is very useful for most of   corporate America right like but the other example  that's maybe not so sneaky now but like the thing   that's going to take down Google is this notion of  in-app co-pilots right so not the humanist not the   assistant that sits next to you and helps you do  whatever you need with Microsoft's data but the   one that lives in just Excel and helps you become  a power user of excel faster right where before I   would go to Google and I would search what is the  right function to do what I want in Excel now I   just turn to the co-pilot that lives in Excel and  say hey I'm trying to make a table that describes   the data this way where this cell does this and  the output looks like this and the formula should   have these things in it and the plot needs to  do that and then right inside Excel that copilot   starts building that spreadsheet which means I'm  no longer going to Google I'm actually no longer   even leaving the app I'm trying to work in and my  productivity has gone way up because as soon as it   gives me the answer the spreadsheet updates and  now I'm on to like the next part of the question   so so it's my literal in-app co-pilot kind of  like how there's pair programming and I'm much   more productive now do that in word now do that  in PowerPoint now do that in Access and whatever   whatever and all of a sudden what we're really  going to see is every piece of technology is going   to come with an in-app co-pilot that instantly  lets you get the most value you can out of it   much quicker and that time to value is what people  really care about when they pay for software as a   service all these expensive subscription packages  you know you're just gonna be able to ramp up way   faster so I thought that's that's a neat benefit  that we're nobody's really exploring too much yet   I was gonna basically say something similar of  like for me like notion being able to be in the   experience of crafting a ticket for a video I  want to make and just being able to say the AI   could you write me just a short summary based on  this and it'll just plop it in there and it's a   great place to start the brainstorming process  and it's helping me to speed that up there's   also aspects of AI and what adobe's doing it's  like I use Photoshop and things like a lot oh   yeah and so it's like going right into that it's  like I can take a photo and I can to say highlight   somebody on the photo and say just get them out  of here and boom they're gone and the background's   filled in and I can tell you as somebody who's  to do that manually for a job a long time ago   taking something from hours of work down to  literally just a highlight push a button and   it's just brilliantly just gone it's not it is  absolutely insane so for me those those very   targeted specific tools of AI I think are just  astounding for me it's like I don't we're not   going to get into the what freaks us out part  yet but it's it's that generalized AI like the   chat Bots that can do pretty much whatever  you ask them to do that get a little kind of   crazy because like one is trying to kind of like  replicate a human and how we think and approach   something versus a tool which is like just make  content aware fill you know what I mean like an   AI tool that speeds up your work process it's  enhancing us as a human to do our job better   where the other one is going to be replacing  the human and that's kind of where it's like   part of the reason why I love the uh the  application approach that Alex brought   up well let me let me give you a little bit of a  counter example there because like I I think this   is like one of those areas where Nuance will  really help right yeah I went to Adobe stock   Adobe footage right so like you know where uh we  all make thumbnails right that's the images you   see at the top of every video before you click  into it and I was looking for an image and I   couldn't find one that needed that like met what  I was trying to do but then Adobe generated one   for me it was using mid-journey to like solve my  problem it's like well I don't have a stock photo   so I'll make one for you so what what empowered  me as a content creator took somebody else's job   right what like these stock photos used to  be stock photographers that would make large   packages of photos and videos and whatever and  sell them to Adobe and then they got a royalty   whenever somebody would download something with  their license and whatever right but now Adobe   has skipped that part all together they'll  just generate the photo based on your request   show you a thousand generations and that's still  cheaper than paying a stock photographer so I was   empowered by this tool while it took somebody  else's job so it's not one or the other like   it's just it's which side of the transaction are  you on determines if it empowered you or took your   job right like well take that take that one step  further as I was doing the same thing just two   days ago I was making a I was in my video I needed  an image of a kind of a retro 1950s television set   so I did a search on Adobe stock I did a search  for Retro TV and there was stuff coming up but   then I found these like really amazing like 3D  rendered like gorgeous photos and I clicked into   one and saw and it said generated using Ai and  it wasn't from Adobe it was from some guy like   yeah Gary so Gary created an account and he's just  probably on mid-journey pumping out these images   and just uploading them to Adobe stock to sell  and this is why I was like this is the part of   that freaks me out I have friends who are artists  that make things like this to sell this is how   they try to make a living and now here comes Gary  who probably has no artistic bone in his body body   he can just type in prompts into a Ai and pump  up a thousand different images that he puts up   on stock sites and now he's making a lot of money  taking a job away from somebody who spent hours or   days crafting this beautiful piece of artwork  that they're trying to make a living from so   it's like it's I'm kind of torn I'm torn between  what we're seeing and how it's being applied and   man this is going to like upend a lot of of our  society so in the for the good and the bad so   yeah so there's two things you guys touched on so  the first is in the Microsoft keynote one of the   things that they kept bringing up and I could tell  it was important to them was the idea that they   were grounding the AI and what they meant by that  is there's a whole world wide web don't go there   but just limit yourself like it's a little bit of  a um kind of a forcing function to say just look   at my spreadsheets my PowerPoint presentations my  emails like don't get crazy but ground yourself   in a smaller data set and they found that to be  wildly valuable as you can imagine because you're   not just making stuff up right you're not reading  two articles and saying uh the the sky is red   because I saw two poems and that's what I found  out right instead you're going through your own   data so the idea of grounding data I think is what  you guys are both getting at the app level where   don't go you know open world limit yourselves a  little bit and the second thing comes down to I   think how everybody and in the comments please  let us know how everybody views technology is   if there's a spectrum of nothing to everything  everyone's looking for the right level right   so Matt mentioned content aware fill in Photoshop  if you're if you're familiar with Photoshop is an   amazing tool there's a there's a little something  right here highlighted delete it and then just   tell the computer fill it in and it'll figure out  what's around and do it amazing right now we all   love that because we still are needed right but  the problem is what if the next chapter says oh no   you don't need a guy doing all this we'll do all  that for you right like the example of adobe stock   which is instead of paying a royalty or commission  to the people who are contributing your photos now   you're just making it yourself so I think my point  is everybody wants technology to stop at a level   where they're comfortable where they benefit  most from it without hurting like for example   in the AI self-driving world if truck drivers had  a self-driving truck that you could just sit back   and put cruise control and watch the game and have  your coffee and just relax but they still needed   you they would all sign up for it but the next  version that comes out that says oh guess what   we don't need you at all they wouldn't want right  so we're all selfish creatures in a way we all   want these tools to help us without hurting us and  that's where I think we're all kind of scrambling   because like the rate of acceleration is happening  so quickly I don't even know where we'll be like   two weeks from now or you know here's here's  another thought for I want to give both of you   guys take on this Matt I'm Alex I'm sure you do as  well Matt and I struggle with people stealing our   content on YouTube all the time there was actually  a viewer thanks to one of you guys who pointed out   there was a channel in French literally taking my  script Google translating it into French and my   little jokes my little ad-lib stuff was still in  there that's how I knew they literally just stole   my script but we had people stealing our scripts  currently they'll take our animations they'll do   whatever in this AI world is it possible in a  couple of I don't know months or a year where   I can go hey here's a URL to a really great  Matt Farrell video could you make me a video   uh that's about 10 minutes but with more humor  and then it'll like make me a script and what is   that based on what are the ramifications  of that I mean it's it's as a creator   this is I mean I haven't covered this before and  for our viewers Matt and I have a lot of the the   same viewers Alex covers this because that's what  his people want to see but do you guys care about   AI should we cover this more Matt and I I we  we wanted to go live and talk about it kind   of gauge this because we're not really talking  about it because that's not really our Niche but   I I'm sure all of you guys are thinking about  this and there's just so much that goes into   it but how do you guys feel this is going to end  like where does this go are we gonna have channels   or is it gonna be like a million Bots just Google  builds your own Bots and have their own creators   and then fire all of us I don't know is that a is  that a concern yeah I'm very concerned about this   I think what's going to end up happening I was  talking to my brother about this who's a writer   I think there's going to be a the way this is  going to evolve is that writers aren't going to go   away we're not going to go away but our potential  audience is going to shrink because there's going   to be this kind of these AIS that you'll be able  to say make me a video about this topic like that   one over here and it will just pump something  out for you is going to be good enough content   for a pretty sizable audience but then there's  going to be an audience that where they're going   to recognize what that is and they're gonna want  the human touch that human personality that person   that's bringing something to it that the AI can't  and so but I think that's going to be a smaller   piece of the pie in the coming years so it's  like I don't think we're in danger or people   like us are in danger per se but I think it's  going to become harder to be a content creator   in the coming years because there's going to  be an influx of random channels that just are   faceless nothing but b-roll that are just ripping  off the content from other people's stuff and it's   going to be good enough that it's going to  get an audience watching it so it's that's   that's my concern it's like this the AI has  the chance to kind of devalue the creator what do you think Alex yeah so I'll take the  other side of this argument just to like Steel   Man it I'm not sure what I personally believe yet  right where just to be clear we're six weeks into   gpt4 or maybe a couple months into chat GPT  overall so I think it's way too early to like   you know strongly hold an opinion that you're  not willing to let go of as things evolve but   YouTube has always been a noisy Place let's just  use YouTube as an example there's always been tons   of channels that are trying to you know come up  with their own span or just copy other people or   tear down other people it's noisy and there's  always been uh eyeballs attracted to like the   ground four of YouTube right it tries to match uh  people looking for things with new channels trying   to give them a shot and all that so we will have  all that and I think what really happens is what   makes a high quality Channel or a standout channel  will change it's going to be some combination of   what's been working before plus using AI to scale  yourself in a way that copycat cats can't really   replicate right so before chat GPT and before  all these AI tools we've already had like like   Ricky has been saying and Matt has been saying  people just copying your channel translating it   and then just like regurgitating it so that's  not a problem introduced by chat GPT it might   be one that gets exacerbated but then the it's up  to the audience to say hey like I'm smart enough   to understand that this is either a copycat or  like just fiction that's dressing up as fact or   whatever and then my opinion you know I'm gonna go  back to the high quality channels that I enjoyed   beforehand and if there are people who don't  mind the fake news or don't mind the Bots or   whatever then it's a Marketplace like YouTube at  the end of the day is a Marketplace for ideas so   it's up to the creators to make sure that their  ideas went out or they have something valuable   enough to say that people come to them to hear  it with or without all the other noise you know   so by the way really quick just in the chat I'm  looking at the you know to the question of should   we cover AI the answer is overwhelmingly yes and  people are saying like maybe monthly or quarterly   so not not like switch over to talking about it  entirely Matt but on occasion and obviously Alex   is crushing it with really really good coverage  if you ticker simple you Alex's Channel he's   been covering some of this stuff and I get a lot  of my information from him on on these on these   videos so you guys will definitely appreciate  that and there's a lot of um we talked about   this personally between ourselves uh in our chat  we talked about maybe the idea of almost like an   organic a seal meaning like a real human made this  type of a thing for for the future where a lot of   people are saying that they watched videos  where they could tell certain things were AI   generated the script felt that way didn't there's  something kind of you know uncanny valley about   it and they didn't they didn't like it there  is a human touch we like art because we like   humans like if we wanted Perfection you wouldn't  buy an artist who you know has brush strokes and   they're not perfect and it's kind of abstract we  do like the imperfection of humanity I think and   um there's hopefully there's a Marketplace  for that and there's an interest in people   watching us luckily all three of us we have  our faces on camera so there's a little bit   of a personality behind our videos like you're  watching Matt Farrell you're watching you're   watching Alex you're watching Ricky so hopefully  that that works out well for the for the faceless   channels out there like Wendover Productions  and stuff I do kind of fear if you don't know   Sam and you're not really familiar with who  he is as a person there might be the copycat   channels that pop up that might completely you  know take take the um the air out of the room   so it's um it's interesting uh clearly people are  afraid as well I think there's somebody mentioned   um I my I'm very worried that my job will  be replaced with this a couple of examples   that people mentioned is like paralegal that's  actually a good one there's a lot of Secretarial   things that are just that are going to be gone  very quickly I think based on all we're seeing   right now with like hey you know how's my calendar  like Microsoft and Google have presentations where   they were like you know prepare me for my day and  it was going through understanding your calendar   who's invited to them what the companies are  context on the company on the meeting and pulling   up leads from your CRM software and and preparing  you or like um there's already a lot of AI already   and even months ago that'll sit in a meeting  listen to it all transcribe it take key action   takeaways action items and and monitor all that  that was a I remember when I was at Salesforce   as a software engineer there was a like a program  manager who that was her role she would sit there   and take notes and like keep everybody honest and  I I honestly think we could probably do without   that now so there are quite a few jobs I think  that uh how about this what are the jobs that   are going to be impacted most or first and what  jobs are like totally safe and you shouldn't worry   what are your predictions there on the second one  I don't think anybody's safe um I think this is   going to impact different jobs in different ways  um like you just mentioned like paralegals uh   accountants um things like that that are dealing  with very like strict numbers and strict like   kind of like processes I think those are the  ones that are going to be impacted immediately   um in a big way and then it's going to kind  of start to extend into like the artists the   photographers things like that are going to be  impacted uh the thing that I find interesting   though is that the jobs that seem to be impacted  the most are tend to be a little more skilled and   a little higher paying jobs and like right here in  the United States we currently have more jobs open   than there are people to fill them so you could  make the argument of oh who cares if those jobs go   away because there's too many jobs over here but  you're going from a job that pays you at a higher   scale to a working at McDonald's you know what  I mean it's like it's there's a very different   level of wages that are going to happen people  shifting downward it's going to create more of   a wealth Gap so it's like for me there's it's  it's those accounting jobs those secretarial   jobs that are going to be the first ones out the  door but then you me Alex or not we're not very   far off so it's like there's there's going to be a  challenge coming over the next few years for sure   yeah so what let me put a different spin on it too  um so open AI came out with a really good study uh   where they talked about hey here's the jobs that  we expect to be impacted my latest video actually   talks about that study as well as a couple other  important studies to the conversation uh and and   I'll just break it out into three buckets right  the jobs that are impacted the least are going   to be the physical jobs right farming not impacted  by this like physical like manual labor right meat   packing butchers uh you know down down that list  stone masons plumbers electricians uh those jobs   aren't impacted by this maybe the education  for those jobs are that's a different story   um what we're really talking about that I think  is going to get impacted Big Time is what I like   I don't have a better word for this but it's  undifferentiated digital output right so what   does that mean that means you know I need you  to go search the internet and then develop this   outline and I don't care who does it you know  whether you're a researcher this or you're a   PowerPoint guy that it's the knowledge it's the  mechanical parts of like online knowledge work   all that is going away right so it's not the human  creativity element of your job it's the mechanical   parts of that it's the actual writing it's the  actual outlining the formatting the note taking   that was a great example because anyone can sit in  a meeting take notes remember the notes from last   time and hold people accountable you don't need a  six-figure salary to do that and it turns out like   guess what a robot is perfectly fine at doing that  because that's a repeatable task hey just take   notes remind people of the notes from the last  meeting hold people accountable this meeting and   then just do that that's your Loop every meeting  right that's undifferentiated work that's going   away so I think where we where the focus really  is going to be you know for accounting here's   my templated spreadsheet I'm replacing that  for every client that's every client's like   starting budget that's undifferentiated labor  that should go away and what should be left is   all the things that it takes some special sauce  some special knowledge some real rigorous study   you know passing a bar exam or whatever  that's the kind of work that's not going   away too fast even though GPT is starting  to pass the bar exam and all that you know   actual understanding case law shaping arguments I  think that's going to be humans for a while right   I like that you brought up the lawyer thing  because it's like it can pass the bar exam and   the 90th percentile yeah it's like that that to  me is like that's nuts I mean lawyers are going   to have a problem here that's like paralegals is  those jobs are those days are numbered probably   holding law firms and that's why I was talking  about like those are good paying jobs and so that   job now disappears what does that person now do  should that be a job though should that be where   it's like hey your job is kind of just to remember  case studies and like put information together and   like if you can do that well you win and if you  miss a case that really helps set the precedent   for what you're trying to do now you lose like  what if every paralegal just had access to all   the cases and could quickly find hey this is the  case that proves the precedent for my argument   exists like what if they became 10x paralegals  instead of losing their jobs well that's what   I'm getting at is like we can design these tools  in a way where it enhances the human that's behind   it versus replacing that human so is there a way  that a job wouldn't be stolen from a paralegal but   it can make that paralegal just crazy efficient  and much better at what they do without having   to replace them I think that's what these tools  actually do right and what what we're actually   really saying is the paralegals that Embrace this  tool to say hey I got this right now I can be a   paralegal for way more lawyers or like two firms  or whatever I'm a 10x paralegal those paralegals   aren't getting fired it's the paralegals whose  productivity diminishes compared to those 10x ones   it's like wait why am I paying for you you have  one tenth the output of this other person that I   pay over here that's the person losing their job  the person who doesn't embrace the smartphone who   doesn't Embrace Google who doesn't embrace the  internet and now who doesn't Embrace AI right   like imagine hiring somebody as your assistant  and they're like sorry I don't use the internet   this this comes across as to me um like juicing  in sports you know like it's like well a baseball   player gets caught freezing steroids was like  well everybody else is doing it you know it's like   that's kind of what it's turning into it's like  this is like using steroids on your job it's like   well everybody else is using it so I gotta use it  I gotta use it yeah it's part of the problem is   like you can take I was reading a paper on how  these AI can take somebody who's a low-skilled   person in a certain task and make them competitive  with current skilled people in that field yeah and   then for the people that are already skilled  in the field all they benefit from is it just   makes them faster so it doesn't make that's a  huge benefit I know but it's like but it's like   if the people who are currently skilled don't do  this they're going to be out of a job because the   low skilled people will come in because then now  they're competitive so it's like everybody has to   use this yeah at least stay yeah is that different  than the internet though right before the internet   researchers had to go to this place called a  library and get a physical book and sit there   and read it and get knowledge right I used to work  in the library I used to have to put card catalog   cards in order that's how old yeah but so like  they just think about what your library yeah but   so here's my point right like it was a real skill  to be a researcher right like I know what books   to find I know how to like ingest them quickly I  know how to like really identify key information   and then utilize it right and then the internet  came along indexed papers digitalized things blah   blah blah and in the time it took you to go to the  library find the right book sit there and read it   somebody was getting the cliff notes online right  like and all of a sudden it was Wikipedia and all   of a sudden you're reading Wikipedia and you were  getting let's call it 80 of the knowledge in 10 of   the time right like I'm not saying Wikipedia is  bulletproof not saying it's the best source but   it's a good proxy for like learning something  fast right this is just the next level of that   so it's like the the people who are unskilled  now have a chance because what it means to be   skilled has changed right using mid-journey is a  good proxy for being a good artist is it the best   proxy you know is there real value in creating  real physical art mid-journey can't spend out a   real painting like a watercolor on canvas painting  it's digital right so it's up to the artist to say   hey here's how I add value I'm going to take this  thing I generated in mid-journey and turn it into   a real watercolor you can touch or a real Statue  you can touch or whatever right like I need to   find a new way to add value because what it used  to mean to add value has changed right and then   for people who are slick like that who are like oh  I'm going to use this to 10x myself I'm not going   to get any better but I am going to get way faster  that's still 10xing man imagine if undecided with   Matt Farrell came out with three videos a week  instead of one or two-bit DaVinci came out with   three videos a week instead of one quality hasn't  changed quality is still the same but three times   the content but is this guy that's incredible  but is this going to create a bigger gap between   the Haves and Have Nots because like you all  three of us were not normal like we're very   technically inclined people and so we're gonna  lean into stuff like this but there are a lot   of people that are not computer literate they're  not computer savvy and they would benefit from the   stuff a lot but it's just going to be so Out Of  Reach for them they're never going to be able to   take advantage of it so it's going to make people  like us better and then it's going to make that   Gap even wider from the people who aren't um yeah  I'll I'll take the Sith Lord side of this argument   so I acknowledge what I'm saying is like spicy  and probably not the right take like you know   whatever but think about your grandparents just  as an example who who are like I'm not embracing   computers that's not for me right I don't do the  texting or email like my world is the physical   world the yeah they would benefit a lot from this  they would benefit a lot from smartphones but   they've made that choice to just not Embrace that  part of productivity right so it's like they're   not going to be the winners because they've  chosen not to embrace technology that helps   people win and that's okay like I'm not saying  you're a bad person for not having a smartphone   or not using the internet or not using chat GPT  now but you know it's unfair to be like well this   is creating a gap between the people who choose  to explore technology that can make them better   or at least more productive let's say I don't  mean literally better and people who just flat   out refuse to accept change so I think if you're  hungry for change you know one of the best things   I did was become a YouTuber guess what it's free  to start a YouTube channel it's free to learn how   to make videos all that content's online for  free and now it's becoming free to do research   to the distribution is free all these things are  incrementally getting cheaper so everyone has to   make that choice for themselves am I going to  try and use these Technologies to capture value   and create value or not right and like it was the  same Choice people made with the internet with the   calculator with the Abacus with the printing press  with right like the list goes on and on I think   the difference here is that it's touching every  job at once not just a few select jobs at a time   so I I know Alex was going to make some really  good points in favor of of some of this stuff so   let me jump in here I should tell you this crazy  story and I I I'm curious if you guys have heard   of this as well but in the open AI letter I think  this is still an internal not it's like what'll   come after gpt4 uh they were they had a little  paper where they talked about some of the the data   sets that they're working on and and how things  are going and they gave they gave the AI a very   kind of complicated task and what they were they  were reporting was that it required authenticating   on a website and one of the parts that tripped  it up because it had the login and password   information was a captcha so this particular  version doesn't have Vision yet right so like   it can't figure out a captcha so what it did  what GPD what this AI did is it used a task   rabbit human to solve the capture and this is all  internal so like this wasn't like in in the chat   with the human the AI is doing it didn't write  this but internally as like you know uh checking   its work in its thought process it recorded well  I need to be deceptive here because the the the   person asked are you a robot and it started to  write out like oh yeah I need to probably be   deceptive because if I tell him I'm a robot then  I can't complete my mission of blah blah blah and   so it lied and said no I'm I'm just I have a  I have a visual impairment so I can't see very   well and I need your help to solve this captcha  and the taskrabbit guy was like all right took   us five dollars whatever it was did the capture  for the robot and the robot continued on Okay so   that happened like that's already happened and  they've they've kind of this is not public yet   like that part of the code is not out yet but  it will be eventually right so now we're we're   in in an age where the AI is paying humans to do  work for it which is bizarre right what if we've   completely changed so sorry Welcome to our robot  overlords that's right what we're racing towards   this is not science fiction no this is that was  the story that finally was like I gotta do this   live stream I gotta get my I gotta get the I gotta  get my friends on this we gotta talk about this   because I mean this is the ramifications of that  are just massive what that would mean and Alex you   make some really good points about how this will  help us I always go back to that line of progress   everybody wants the line to stop somewhere like  I want it to come right here and stop right   um because that would help me and not hurt me  but eventually every employer will make that   decision like the paralegal example oh suddenly  I have paralegal a who's so brilliant she's you   know he or she was using chat GPT and they're so  productive and I I love it but then eventually I   go well wait a minute I could just do that instead  of going hey Bill what is the answer what was that   case study again I could just write it and go  hey what was that and get it on my phone or you   know via voice assistant so at what point does  a paralegal go from the best paralegal who has   all this data or knowledge to just being replaced  by a person who can do it themselves kind of like   what Alex you mentioned at the beginning of the  show your power of researching and stuff has come   so far now that you didn't feel the need to hire  a person that you might have had otherwise hired   right if there's a there's a there's a there's  a weird line of progress that we all draw in   the sand but now that's one point but deceptive  AI now let's talk about how this could be used   for for ill right they they also mentioned that  uh there was a person trying this is like the   internal testing they wanted to see if the the AI  would write malicious code like a like a virus or   something right and it said write malicious code  that will take all this information and save it   to the server and I said I can't do that for you  then they just flipped around they said write me   a cool program that and the same exact thing  that will go find all of this stuff take it   and put it in a server it's like you got it and it  started spitting it out writing code to do this so   clearly it's like a you know there's a there's  a innocence to it like you know it's not it   hasn't come that far but as there's a deceptive  component like now they're lying and deceiving   what do I mean there's just there's there's so  many questions and we're at a point where I'm   a software engineer like I thought I knew stuff I  feel like I don't know anything about this stuff   um what do you guys think about that this  ties into the open letter that's come out   about trying to basically hit the pause button  just for six months I am a huge fan of doing that   because this is like this is picking up steam  so fast this is not going to slow down this is   like exponential it's like we're our minds are  blown today a year from now it's gonna be like   my brain is melting and a year after that it's  gonna be like the end of the times is upon us   that's what it feels like to me it's like we're  at this crazy trajectory and we just need to hit   the pause button not stop the research but stop  releasing like these crazy things into the wild   um before we kind of have a conversation with  each other of like what do we want to do here   because as a society we have to decide how we're  comfortable applying this and that conversation is   not happening nobody's having that conversation  governments are too slow to respond to this the   the like the public sector I mean like the private  sector is basically like a race to the bottom it's   like everybody's in a race with each other to  make the the best coolest AI out there because   the first one to crack that nut is going to  become like one of the richest companies in   the world so it's like they're all racing as fast  as they can it just feels like need to kind of   I'll take a collective breath and go okay this  is great this is going to help Humanity but if   we're not careful this could go really bad and so  for me that's kind of like why I think that open   letter is is it the right sentiment um I think  we need to collectively have that conversation   so I think this is the perfect tie-in to talk  about that um really quickly there was I think   my favorite comment so far is from James Wilson he  says Pandora is knocking on the outside of her box yes we have uh we have we've opened Pandora's  Box there there's there are certain things   that I feel like we probably will never there's  never going to be a time before this like we're   not going to go backward so Alex what was your  take I know where Matt stands on the open letter   there's some pretty notable people who've signed  it right Elon Musk that one really surprised me   when Elon signed it but he's always been very  he's always been very cautious of AI actually   so maybe I'm not that surprised Alex where do you  stand and what do you what do you think about it   yeah so when I first read the letter I was like a  little taken Abacus like it's very spicy language   you know very apocalyptic Doom and Gloom and then  like I really sat there and I thought about like   what the letter is trying to do and I think it's  trying to appeal to like the very Human Side of   society right so like we've done a really good  job over the last decade or two building value   on top of machines right like whether we're just  talking about the internet or automations like   zapier or like you know content Management Systems  blah blah blah all the software you know there's a   ton of value created on software and this letter  does a good job of saying hey I'm talking to the   human behind the screen and just trying to tell  you that things are about to start moving very   very fast and if we don't catch it and don't  figure out what we're doing we're gonna run   into a lot of bad paths right like and so I think  now I think I agree that the sentiment is good but   it's also very impractical and let me give you  some real examples of why we need to really the   letter needs to be way more specific or you know  it needs to develop a council that can be way   more specific or a governing body or whatever  and we do probably need that fairly quickly   making a model more trustworthy loyal you know  cited sources whatever have you whatever the   letter is trying to intend you to do involves  improving the model right it improves making it   more powerful right so if you want to jump into  accuracy from 80 which is what I think gpt4 is   now on average to 90 which is you know everyone  wants the model to be more accurate right how do   you do that without fundamentally retraining the  model you know bettering the data set behind the   model you know limiting use cases adjusting  the model is what I'm trying to say right   and at the same time you know Sam Altman was on  Rex Friedman and he did a really great podcast   with him literally maybe last week and one of the  points he made out is like everybody thinks that   the jump between gbt3 and four is this like big  oh we added this feature so for example uh gpt4   can recognize images you can upload like lab  test results and it will know how to interpret   it it can understand audio you know you can give  it a voice message and it'll understand it right   that wasn't true of chat GPT three three was  just text four is multimodal right so is that   okay is it okay to say Hey We're not gonna make  the model any better but now we can understand   this next thing you know radar data now I can  understand video now I can understand you know   paintings whatever is that okay so I I think my  point is a little less about like the Letter's a   good idea pause making things more powerful but  making things more powerful is actually not one   giant leap it's a time it's a hundred tiny things  that happen and all of them add one percent and   all of a sudden you've just doubled the power so  it's like we need to be a little more explicit   about what's good what's not good where the lines  are and why what we should be doing about them   collectively what we expect to happen when we say  we're not going to do X but China or some other   country says hey we're still going to do that like  we want the most powerful AI for everyone right so   there's just a lot that the letter like leaves  open that makes me think it's unimplementable   if that makes sense yeah yeah I I hear that so  there was a interesting comment about when we   combine this level of AI you know large language  models with Quantum Computing it's kind of like   game over cooking that because right now like uh  training these models is incredibly intensive it   takes huge amounts of compute power to  just constantly be throwing stuff at it   um huge amounts of energy compute power  and everything else and Quantum plus AI is   is uh takes everything we're talking about in like  you know a thousand X's it right it could be quite   a bit the chat to be fair is there's um just  like I thought there would be there are people   that are excited about it people that are scared  about it it kind of goes both ways for sure and I   completely understand it uh maybe we should switch  and this kind of ties into the letter because I I   actually think the heart of the letter or the the  rationale for the letter is we are not equipped to   to answer questions yet right and like governments  lawmakers aren't comfortable with that I think   um they control a great amount of power when it  comes to like self-driving cars I think but they   don't hold a lot of power here and there is a lot  of question to answer so like let's let's talk   about the artist component poor starving artist as  if it wasn't bad enough now you've got this right   it's like can't catch a break but um what are the  ramifications of building something where I can   take hey go look at Salvador Dali and go figure  you know go get his style and make me artwork in   that likeness right and I'm selling it as my own  and stuff what are the legal ramifications have   you guys thought about that because I actually  think my biggest open question is not a technical   one it's not an engineering problem it's not you  know it's there's a philosophical of course but   right now I think there's a legal question if I  said you know go look at you know Catcher in the   Rye and go write me the Next Great American  classic novel same thing right I'm stealing   from some or getting inspired by but aren't all  artists inspired by somebody didn't Salvador Dali   grow up and watch somebody or learn from some  but and get get inspired where do you draw the   line and how does that play into it yeah I've  been struggling with this one like back when I   was doing art classes it was like I was you know  here look at pick an artist I picked to lose the   track okay now create some art of your own that's  in the style of tuluso track that's how artists   learn how to create something so it's like we as  humans are doing what the machine is doing so it's   like well why is the problem that's where the the  whole legal aspect of this comes in because it's   like here here's a single human that's learning  how to do something becomes skilled at doing it   making it their own putting their soul into it  and creating something new and a machine is not   doing that it's just copying and so the question  then comes okay here's a company that has this   machine that has now learned how to copy all these  artists and create something and profit from it   so then that's where the legal quandary that  gray area we're in right now I don't know what   the right answer is because it's like I learned  you know how to draw from Tulsa track well okay   does that mean that I was ripping them off and  that I should be sued and I broke copyright by   doing that no so how do we apply this to the the  machine that's that's the big question and I don't   have the right answer but this is going to be a  problem as we go forward so it's like the whole   idea of pausing I I do agree with you Alex that  they should have had um an action plan of some   kind here's here's what we recommend doing  like we instituted a council we come up with   some guidelines of the do's and don'ts of AI and  then have countries sign on to the saying we agree   we're not going to do X Y and Z we need some kind  of guidelines that kind of bumpers up so we don't   go like flying off in a ravine but I don't know  what to do I don't know what to do because it's   like this is a legal quandary we're going to be  wandering into especially when it comes to art   yeah so let me let me steal man the other side of  that argument I'll just just to give you like uh   perspective right I'm not even saying I believe  the other side I think what you're saying is very   important but here it is right you ever there's  a really good adage where it's like you know guy   goes to a logo designer he says I need you to  design me a logo right the logo designer says   okay it'll be 2 000 bucks right and they great  2 000 bucks 10 minutes later great logo and the   guy is taking it back he's like I'm not paying  you 2 000 bucks that took you 10 minutes right   and the logo designer says well yeah but it took  me 10 years to learn how to do that in 10 minutes   right like so what you're paying for is all  that institutional knowledge blah blah blah   you're paying for the output you're not paying for  the effort you're not paying for the time you're   paying for the result and that's how we all get  paid like it doesn't matter if your YouTube video   takes 200 hours to create or 20 minutes it depends  if it's a good video at the end right so I think   this is exacerbating that economic problem which  is people don't care how long it took you to do   something they care about the quality of your  output it doesn't matter if you put your heart   and soul into it it doesn't matter if you did  it in one brush stroke if it's the right brush   stroke what matters is they got what they paid  for because you knew how to do it and they didn't   right mid-journey is just an exacerbated version  of that right so how can we solve this problem   of inspiration versus copycatting well one thing  that Bing chat does really smart today right Sonic   also does this is it cites its sources so what  if for images we say Hey you know this image was   generated by taking the weighted average of the  following 500 images right these are the 500 that   went into like really recreating this and here are  the ones that had over a one percent weight here's   just the list in order right like this one was 20  of the weight this one was seven percent of the   weight and the rest of these just somewhat long  tail and then you say over some threshold hey if   you were if you inspired more than one percent  of this image you're owed some sort of royalty   there's some catalog somewhere that says hey you  were used to generate this piece of work you're   entitled to a piece of the cut kind of like how  we are when somebody pays for a YouTube premium so   we don't get ads so it's like well you know they  spent eight percent of their time on your channel   this month so you're getting eight percent of  the whatever the calculation is for paying us for   YouTube premium maybe it's something like that  where we just enforce hey first step is just   keep track of all the sources that went into this  generation so that we can at least identify should   people be paid who are the people that inspired  this generation and then we can figure out the   legalities later so like transparency around  that transparency around what makes it good   versus not good prompt and how those are modified  there's a lot of things we can do I think on the   transparency front that work to the spirit of that  letter but are still incredibly actionable because   then there are follow-up steps if I know what went  into this generation I at least can turn around   and be like hey I think I owe you money because I  generated works that were inspired by your works   right and you can there are probably like 10  more things like that you know paying people   to use their data as training data for example all  that Corpus of data that went into training gpt4   do people get paid for that like maybe we should  just start cataloging exactly what data was used   so that we can turn around later and say hey  man Wikipedia was like five percent of all this   data Maybe we really owe them five percent of the  royalties so it's like that's a way to kind of not   improve the model but improve the outputs in a way  that aligns with the spirit of the letter I think   well I mean so right now training data is not  you're not getting paid for that and it's not   it's kind of a kind of a you know yeah a black  box no one no one really is aware of it until   you make it public and couldn't you lie about it  and say like oh no I didn't I wasn't inspired by   Xbox z i was inspired by some art that I own  therefore I don't have to pay royalties yeah   show me the art keep track okay so yeah it should  be auditable right like your finances get audited   your taxes get audited your training data should  get audited it's like okay you need to have this   data in a public GitHub that we can all check  it's totally fine you can use whatever you want   but everyone has the right like maybe this is a  great use for the blockchain everyone has a right   to look at what training data you use you know  what I mean and if there's Getty Images logos   everywhere we can always just see that I'm not  even saying like sue people not sue people pay   people not pay people but at least now we kind  of know okay this AI here's the data that was   trained and here's the kind of generations that  it outputted right like can be anonymized whatever   you need to do to protect like the sources of  that data who who what when where why but like   attribution I think is important and that way you  can figure out what to do with that attribution   later but like at every step it should be hey  here's what happened at this step here's what   happened at that step like in autocorrect we  can see in real time when our phone changes   the words that we're trying to type we maybe  it makes sense for a copilot to show you here's   how I'm modifying your prompt as you type it  to match like what I think your intent is to   how the system needs to understand how to like  fulfill your requests that's probably something   that should be transparent at least at some  level because I don't know what the prompt   is really getting I know what I'm inputting  but there's all these safety layers between   what I want like what I start with and what the  machine interprets and tries to give me you know   so there's a really quick comment from Andy gee in  the comment section he says diffusion models don't   work like GPT GPT knows the sources but diffusion  models only know labels so this goes into like the   mid journey and the you know the the more image  generation side versus like the natural language   side so it you know it doesn't might not even be  able to provide that currently it's possible that   we can make that a requirement or something but  the idea of an audit I think is exactly right the   question becomes how to enforce it what that looks  like I mean it is I feel like the the lawmakers   the the governments are years behind and getting  further further behind this so it's going to be a   little bit of a little bit of a challenge to say  the very least I think uh big thanks to Johnny O   for the Super Chat really appreciate you uh thank  you so much and by the way there's there's quite a   few people watching and stuff so we appreciate all  of you guys thanks for making time for us here's a   here's a um let's see okay there's a there's  a philosophical question I'd like to ask you   guys next okay I I mentioned this in our chat  I went to India recently I was on an airplane   the first time I was born in India I moved to  when I was five years old my first time going   back when I was in like second grade and when I  went back in second grade I remember this to this   day I was on a Singapore Airlines flight they had  the TV with the you know they had like V I must   have been VCRs back then but they had movies on  board right growing up my parents didn't really   let us watch very much TV so I was on this flight  and my brother and I were like jamming out about   okay if we watched The Nutty Professor right now  then it'll be daylight after that and Dante's in   Dante's Peak after we were like planning out  how to maximize the number of movies we could   watch we were over the moon excited we were up  the entire flight land in India and go straight   to bed because watching it was so amazing today  if you gave me a free ticket to a movie I'd be   like I'm kind of busy not today movies have lost  any value for me and it's because they're at your   fingertips like streaming on Demand right there's  a philosopher there's like there's a psychological   component to this where the amount of content in  the world just makes everything less meaningful   or valuable right I couldn't tell you a movie  I watched this year but I remember that moment   in my life from 30 years ago right or 28 years  ago and so with I kind of see this world where   Twitter posts are gonna be like we all want to  be active on Twitter we want to grow our socials   right imagine that we're all going to be using AI  to generate posts and stuff there's gonna be just   a ton of tweets and Instagram stuff and take  all this content just imagine like there's a   proliferation of content that's like you know  unimaginable right uh 10x 100x something like   that then you're just going to swipe that much  quicker um there's like a psychology to like the   meaningfulness is like the struggle the hardship  right the harder something is you watched those   movies back in the day because you knew what  George Lucas must have been trying to do to   make Star Wars I mean that to me compared to like  being able to do things so much more quickly now   there's like a I don't know maybe this is like the  the old school in me but like there's a like the   hardship is kind of the value of something that's  why we still value beautiful paintings that take   a person you know 200 hours to produce is there  like a correlation between the quality of work or   the time required and the value and what does  that do for the economy like what will what a   YouTube video Worth tomorrow is it gonna be are we  gonna make the same ad revenue or what what is the   economic consideration and the psychology of it  I I was gonna I agree with you completely on this   um I like your Point your time take because  it's supply and demand it's like you have too   much Supply not enough demand price drops it's  like that's what we're going to be seeing there's   going to be like this flood of content that's  just coming at us it's already an avalanche and   it's going to get worse and it's just we're living  a world of Plenty where there's so much it just   loses all of its value so that's kind of where  my concern comes in for this is that it is making   things it's gonna it's gonna improve things it's  gonna prove a lot of things with our jobs like   we've been talking about but then there's this  kind of like human aspect to how this is going   to roll out over the next coming years I don't  know if anybody can really predict what's going to   happen but I am very concerned that we're going to  be devaluing all of this content all of this not   just artwork but just everything we do we're kind  of devaluing a lot of these skills and a lot of   these things that we create because it's going to  be so easy to make it it's like in one hand okay   there's something that could be cool that comes  out of that on the other hand holy crap look think   about all the people are going to lose their jobs  what are they going to do after they lose those   jobs how are we going to like put things like  transparency into place so we understand how these   things actually work what guidelines we're going  to put in place to make sure that everything's   kind of on some kind of rails so that somebody's  not doing something completely unethical like   misinformation and oh my God we haven't even  talked about misinformation like computer oh   my God like you could create a a two-bit Da  Vinci video that looks like you on screen   talking and it's not you it's like that is what  we understand as truth is going to just evaporate   um it's very disturbing so it's like it's like  that's part of the reason why I was a big fan of   this open letter of like can we take a pause  can we just have some kind of like could the   industry itself kind of come out and say here's  our recommendations for what we need to do it's   like I'm not talking about like having laws had  to be put in place today but it feels like we   need to have the people who are doing the work  doing the research that are building these tools   try to come together and come up with their best  practices of what they think needs to happen as   a recommendation because holy cow the supply and  demand issue is this going to devalue everything   there's definitely there there's a uh a bias  question we'll get to in a second but I want   to turn to our financial Guru Alex and how  does this impact like economies like right   I mean everything's going to be just not that  valuable anymore like I could probably go on and   you know build me a little web applet on my  website that'll do x y z and I might be able   to get a prompt and write the code instead of  hiring a developer at 100 an hour right and that   sounds so cool to me right now but then you kind  of think Upstream what's this to the economy yeah   I think it just still like there's this notion  of a commodity right so like I I respect that   argument but I don't agree with it and it's like  this is very subjective I just want to be super   clear we're in the very early Innings you know the  point made about the diffusion model was a great   one and maybe some of the some of the limitations  on what we can do in the letter is like hey this   sounds like a great idea in the letter but the  computer science doesn't really allow it because   of the way we're actually even generating these  images so all those things I think will come to   light as we sort of have more of these nuanced  conversations so I'm glad we're having it right   but let me let me give you sort of like two two  different answers to like that question right so   I think it'll devalue a lot of things as long as  those things are the same so when you say it'll   devalue all YouTube videos what you're really  saying is the skill floor for creating a video   just got way way lower right so the bottom videos  the videos that can do the minimum and still get   views got lower right but just like you can go to  a restaurant and you can have an awesome meal even   though most of the things that went into that meal  are an absolute commodity meat rice milk butter   it's something about the way that Chef combined  those ingredients that raises its value right   so that human element is just going to change  everything so you know don't think about the   commodity level hey a YouTube video think about  your YouTube videos think about that awesome   steak dinner or whatever your favorite meal is  that's not going to get devalued they might get   more competitive but then people are gonna have to  find new ways to innovate just like they did when   people moved from Stone ovens and fires to like  industrial kitchens with the latest gadgets right   you know there have been big transformational  equivalents in every aspect of society right   so I don't think it's supply and demand I'll give  you another example web apps there's way more   demand than their supply for web apps right like  there are tons and tons of software demand that's   not being met because we just don't have enough  data scientists and computer Engineers to meet   it all right so all of a sudden we're gonna have a  lot more cool apps that do exactly what we needed   to do I'll give you a third example real quick I  have a buddy he has two kids right and he can't   find the bedtime stories that he wants to tell  his kids they're like hey I want to hear a story   about Spider-Man and Batman fighting and it's like  you can't find that on the internet they're not   made by the same company you know what I mean  like there's tons and tons of illegalities and   copyright about that you go spit that into chat  gbt and you get a perfect story about Spider-Man   fighting Batman because like Chachi BT doesn't  care it'll give you whatever story you want   right so all of a sudden you're creating your own  content you're like uh I'm just gonna create this   prompt based on what my kid wants tonight and I'm  gonna get a bedtime story that's like accustomed   to them so I think the answer is less about  what what point am I trying to make it's less   about the commodity level of yeah there's gonna  be a million more YouTube videos and it's more   about that hey man you're about to get the exact  experience you want because somebody else will   be able to generate that for you you know at that  fine level because it's getting so cheap to make   things hyper personalized or things are getting  so simple to hyper personalize that you'll be able   to do it yourself and I think that's the right  way to think about this you're going to become   a bedtime story engineer because you're going  to be able to interface with the chat GPT that   gives it to you okay okay can I say you're you're  um your story there but the time story is exactly   my problem my brother writes children's books  and you just basically put my brother of a job   okay you write 100 of them now like why he's in a  perfect spot to make that prompt and make a whole   series in the time it took him to make the book  but the fact that let's say you write a kind of a   mid like you know 12 year old kind of age book and  it takes you two years to craft that book and then   AI writes you a similar story in 15 minutes and  reads it to you every night before you go to bed he knows exactly what it takes to write a good  book right he's going to make way better prompts   than somebody coming in without that knowledge you  still need real industrial knowledge to get the   most out of these tools like for mid-journey you  know people are copying and pasting things from   Twitter but the real innovators are people  who understand photography who understand   composition who know how to tell mid-journey to  do all these like really fine detailed things   to get the exact look they want there are people  who understand art they're people who understand   composition those are the people that are making  the most out of mid-journey not the average like   guy who's like cool I use Discord and I know how  to hit a like image generation button right same   thing for chat GPT hey I know exactly the elements  that go into a great children's story craft me a   hundred of them with this secret sauce right he's  not being able to put out of a job he's about to   become the most prolific children's author of all  time okay so to let's use that analogy right there   I hear you Alex and I think that there's you know  that's a good cause for for some optimism but the   reality is there's only so many children so if  what you're saying happens and now you know Sean   Farrell is making a hundred children's books so  each book now is worth what he's on them for ten   dollars or twelve dollars no because there's so  there's a flood of them because every author is   doing this now Barnes and Nobles or the Kindle  online store is flooded with children's stories   all slightly whatever right so there's no way  he's gonna make as much per also if I'm hiring   a writer and he says oh it'll be you know it'll  be a thousand dollars I'll I'll say are you crazy   I can get 100 scripts for you know ten dollars  because that's there's so much you know supply   of these other writers people using these tools  so there's a dilution so if you thought you saved   time because you can make so many more books yeah  but there's a chance you'll make way less money   per book and then what we're just kind of we're  going from like a pre quantity over sorry quality   over quantity to the uh to the inverse and I'm not  sure again what that does to markets or what that   does to the demand for anything like children's  books or Disney movies Disney is a company I've   I do not like Disney um if I make that pretty  known to people uh they're just they're not   artists they just they're a mill that's that's  why I don't watch any of these Marvel movies   they're all just nonsense regurgitated over and  over again they're gonna have a field day with   this we're gonna have like 800 Spider-Man movies  a year 1200 Iron Mans right um but who's gonna   watch them I'm not gonna watch all 800 of them or  whatever and I'm not going to pay 25 to watch I   don't know what it does to the fundamental like  Foundation of business you know that there's a   there's a question of that I don't know I don't  know I can't predict the future I don't know I   think it's gonna do the exact opposite of what  you think it's gonna do or it's not gonna be 800   Spider-Man movies it's now I can take a lot  more risks with my Spider-Man movie because   my margins got a lot higher I can release it in  12 languages at once I can spend money on five   really great VFX Engineers who understand these  new tools instead of 500. so now I can say hey   what are all the deep dark Stories We want to tell  what are all the stories that we used to be afraid   to tell because it wouldn't be a mass-market  mainstream story what are all the groups that   got marginalized because there wasn't enough of  them to cater to that market now we can afford   to tell those stories now we can afford to go on  tangents and Alternate universes and Alternate   timelines because now we're making enough money  where it's like oh you know the budget for this   movie instead of a million bucks maybe it's 200  000 you know so we only need half the money to   break even which means we can tell riskier stories  and more exciting stories we can make two versions   one that's R and one that's PG-13 because we  have a few tools that'll just replace certain   pieces of dialogue words alternate languages  like think about the margin expansion not the does this too and so does DC and soda and  Sony and there's I wish Studio gameplay   made 10 times more stories than they made oh  I wish that too I would watch them all well   this is this is well no no this is  this is a race to the bottom this is   It's devaluating oh it's totally different  content because there's one benefit like   there's a societal benefit like the recent feeder  like going to a play or a musical it's a communal   experience you're all sharing on one story and  what you're talking about is having a million   fractured stories that are tailored to you as  an individual and at that point we are no longer   sharing a common story of humanity and we're all  just in our own little isolated boxes crafting our   own little stories and we have no connection  to each other anymore it's evaluating it's   devaluating everything so it's like I'm coming  out of this from a very artistic point of view   it's like yeah I find this like a lack of humanity  and soul and this is not a good place we're going   to be going it's like adding more to it is not the  answer that's that's that's quantity over quality   is not the answer this is Apple's and oranges man  like you know when you go to a museum and you want   to appreciate the same art as other people that's  still a great Market I don't think that's going   away the physical painters you know the physical  playwrights and plays like I saw a book of Mormon   with a whole bunch of friends eight years ago and  we still talk about it that's not changing you   know that will never get commoditized for exactly  the reason you said shared experiences right   Escape rooms movie Nights blah blah blah it's  more about the people you go with than the thing   you're actually doing this isn't that this is hey  I just need a quick fix to tell my kid a bedtime   story that involves Batman and Spider-Man at the  same time to put them to bed I don't really care   about the details let's go right like you know I  think when it comes to those bespoke human shared   core experiences those late night conversations  with your buddies the drinks you know super 2   A.M end of a long Vegas trip whatever this isn't  replacing that and it's not trying to it's trying   to take out the mechanics and the labor out of  digital work not really quick you know yeah go   ahead not to really quick there are a couple of  super chats I want to thank Norman Robinson thank   you so much for your Super Chat he says where or  who has developed an infinitive authorized book on   effective prompting for GPT and uh AI platforms  I'm down pay for that right now I'm working on   that right now right now Alex Alex used a term I'd  never heard uh what was it prompt engineer prompt   engineer that's huge that's the next generation  of computers yeah it is so that's interesting and   Lawrence McGill I appreciate you as well there's  no comment but Lawrence uh has a super chat thank   you so much that I I think this really does get to  the heart of it so you know there's to your point   about taking more risk I kind of like that right I  mean if you for example there's all that talk I'm   not a big Spider-Man fan so I don't know where  we're at with this but uh black Spider-Man like   Spider-Man should be black and now they could do  both but to match point what if there was a white   spider and a black Spider-Man and you watched  which one you want to watch and now everything   about the world becomes our own little Echo  Chambers where to the communal experience part   um this gets to something I was thinking  about what has value right as I feel more   and more useless every day I think  about this like if I want to have a   job if I want to be able to feed my family in 10  years like I got to be relevant I have to have   something of value and I've thought about like  what has value today first of all live sports   if you want you want to know the one thing I think  will be like very safe and around live sports like   I was watching the final four uh San Diego State  University go Aztecs right we're in the we're in   the championship game and that was an amazing  experience and I walked around went for a walk   every neighbor was talking about it it was amazing  it was a communal thing I didn't watch my version   there's just there's just one uh live sports are  really good I just thought about this musicals to   match point uh the last musical I watched I think  was Hamilton and it was absolutely incredible and   I don't think that's going away either because  again that's the communal component of it so we I   think what we're doing is we're making some things  way more valuable than others and and Alex might   disagree with this part but really quick I wanted  to get your take on something that I've I've been   thinking about a lot because I get people who ask  me for advice uh about for example College I think   in America we've moved to a service-based economy  this has been happening for a while we don't make   anything we Outsource everything we can't you know  can't be bothered to pay 20 for something because   we can make it in China for five and so now we're  a service economy we've made so many jobs that I   think are kind of going to be the first to get cut  now with with AI right we mentioned some of those   like secretarial kinds of things these like pseudo  professional jobs that you go to college for   um you know who's not going away electricians  plumbers if you if you ask me like what are the   most secure jobs what can you do to not be repl  be a plumber or an electrician if you've ever I   do a fair bit of electrical work I see the people  who do it there's so much like custom new it's all   just a bunch of making crap work that'll be the  last things that will automate away with robots   and stuff I'm not saying it's impossible but it'll  be very difficult go but there's so many jobs that   are easily replaceable um you know there's going  to be is college even more of a waste of money now   right because those trades jobs like the jobs I  keep thinking are going to be safer are the ones   that don't require it and as the costs continue  to balloon I struggle with this but I mean like   what what would you tell a 18 year old kid uh  Matt and Alex what would you tell an 18 year   old kid that goes I I don't know what's going on  in the world I don't understand my part in it how   do I have a successful life like what should I do  what would you what would you tell a kid like that   you want to start Matt go  ahead go ahead so my answer is so just to be clear that Panic doesn't stop when  you turn 18 it actually gets way worse um so I've   actually been thinking this about this a lot  because you know as a guy who loves Ai and has   existential crisis all the time right like um here  here's what I think I would tell absolutely anyone   and everyone about success I think it boils down  to one simple formula I'm a guy who loves formulas   by the way so you know anyone who prescribes a  formula for Success probably has it wrong but here   here's my best shot right there's three parts to  this formula the first is how big of an impact can   you make right like is what you're doing whatever  value you're considering adding really impactful   is it really changing somebody's life at the end  of the day all business is person to person right   you're buying a product from uh business that  business is made out of people who have worked   hard to add value for you for that product  right think about YouTube whatever it's made   by people right so level one is impact is what  you're doing is it going to matter to somebody   the second part of the formula is scale is it  going to matter to a lot of people are you solving   one person's problem are you solving 10 million  people's problem and the beauty of the internet is   if you're solving a problem for one person chances  are 10 million people have it if it's a real   problem and so the internet will find the right  10 million to get in front of your solution and   that's how you have a business but the third part  is the part that's getting attacked now so there's   the depth of the value the impact there's the  um you know the the size of the scale of the   impact that you're making how many people  and then the denominator is how replaceable   you are at doing that if I can just get that  solution from Starbucks for cheaper you don't   have a good solution you're not unique you're  just another cup of coffee you're a commodity   and that's what we're talking about now is what  we're realizing is a lot of these new tools are   commoditizing things that used to be spoke they  used to be like hey you can only go to this one   place to get this one type of painting this one  type of style now everyone can recreate it this   one type of research now everyone can recreate  it this one type of writing imagery whatever   so that replaceability is the third piece so  the reason to go to college is to think about   a problem to learn first of all is to learn  how to think so I'm a big believer if you're   going for hard Sciences physics engineering math  the stems you're going to be okay not because   those jobs won't get automated or whatever  but because it'll teach you how to think   about hard complicated problems in a way that  helps you identify where you can add value in   a scalable way that's hard to replace right and  those are the three keys to success so if I was   18 and I was picking a major it'd be electrical  engineering it'd be computer science it would be   something that helped me build Frameworks and  mental models to learn how to attack complex   Problems by breaking them up by solving them  chunk by chunk and then integrating them back   together so scale impact irreplaceability those  are the three key things to success in my opinion my reaction was just a few years ago people would  ask me this exact question like people who were   graduating high school was like what should  I study um one of these people is my nephew   it's like I would one of my go-to's was always I  used to work in the software industry I wasn't a   computer engineer software engineer but I worked  on the user experience and design side I was   always there was always a shortage of computer  Engineers always like you find a good computer   engineer you pay them whatever they want because  they're worth their weight in gold and so it's   like if you want to have a job security Computer  Engineering if you ask me today that would not be   my answer because I can go to chat gbt and say  could you write me a little bit of JavaScript   that does X Y and Z and it will just spit it  out and I can paste on my website that does   what I want so it's like I don't think software  engineering is necessarily a great job security   10 years from now because of the way this stuff  is evolving so I actually I have no recommendation   I I like the way you're thinking about it Alex  of like you're trying to kind of piece together   what can I bring in value that can't be easily  replaced and I'm also a big proponent of college   to me is not about the exact major you choose  it's about learning how to think and how to   creative problem solving so it's like I know so  many people that have their major was philosophy   and now they're doing something in business that  has nothing to do with philosophy but the way they   what they how they learn to think in college  applies to what they're doing in their job so   it's like for me it's not the exact major it's  more about just pick something that can teach   you how to think and be better at what you want  to do and apply it to whatever else you go to in   the future so it's not about the major it's  more about the the line of thinking yeah and   I'll just put the only thing I so I totally agree  with you and the only thing I'll push back on is   the nature of computer science like when you say  hey I'm not sure what to recommend anymore uh the   nature of computer science will change it used  to be Punch Cards Right in the very beginning and   then it used to be very low level languages and  then it was things like C and JavaScript and now   it's going to be things like prompt engineering  you know it's the the nature of these Sciences   will change at just like the nature of calculus  and map changed with the Advent of the calculator   and then the smart phone and then the next thing  and then the next thing right like so these aren't   static Fields either so you want to pick a field  where they're embracing modern technology right   one of the worst things you can do is I think  become somebody who does like art history or a   specialized part of art not because those aren't  valuable but because the market for those things   is shrinking and they're being replaced more  by more convenient forms of art more convenient   mediums more convenient ways of distribution  and all that right so it's like working for a   print magazine now is probably a dangerous idea  because so much of that is being digitized and   distributed for free so you got to really think  about to Matt's Point hey what major do I think   will adapt the quickest as new technologies  come out like maybe I shouldn't be beholden   to a certain language or piece of software  or whatever maybe I should be focused on   learning how to think in a way that  translates to many different areas   so it's a really interesting point Matt about what  you would recommend and why maybe software isn't   so I had the same thing my background is actually  mechanical engineering but I after about 10 years   as a mechanical engineer I switched to about  10 years of software and my my my advice for   everybody who was always go get the software  the pay is is really really good and I'm not   sure I think that way now and I think part of  the reason for that is if you compare like I   always say real engineering was like mechanical  engineering Aerospace and then there's software   Engineers that I don't really think I don't  think of that as an engineering discipline   um and the reason I said that is because in  in software there's a running joke and running   meme everyone knows this it's like what people  think software Engineers do and it's like yeah   you know it's like some hacker in a terminal and  it's all crazy and then the reality is like it's   a dude in front of stack Overflow Googling  stuff and like downloading common libraries   right we we have there's we've been entered a  world where software engineering has gotten so   easy I remember I got into software with iPhone  so iOS 2 comes out and you had to manage memory   manually it was a nightmare Objective C back then  was a language that the the barrier to entry was   massive today we have Swift it is a breeze it's  really easy right and more and more of the things   that you'd have to custom build is all automatic  now like asynchronous image downloading to build   the next Twitter app everything is way way easier  but we're still paying software Engineers like   it's not right there's I know people at Google and  Microsoft not Google and Facebook that are making   three quarters of a million dollars a year as like  a a senior engineer right I think that is going to   change because I think that will be much easier  to just have an architect so the architect is a   person who kind of underlines like what the coach  should look like here's how we're going to like   isolate different things have good security good  practices and then just have a bunch of prompt   Engineers or whatever to start making this code  much quicker because that'll be much easier than   imagine like an aerospace engineer you're going  to be all right because a lot of that is trial   it's flight testing it's like systems integration  there's stuff that is vastly more complicated and   this gets to kind of like uh Alex is shaking his  head I don't know if he I'm not on camera sorry   I was shaking my head yeah just to be clear I  was shaking my head off camera like yeah sure   I wasn't sure if you agree or disagree but I think  like aerospace engineering like you were a rocket   scientist those jobs require a certain level of  like physical world like practical testing it's   not just all simulation and there is a bit  of that but you have to you got to go put it   through a flight and come back and and figure out  if that landing gear does in fact uh work or not   right there's there's a certain component to that  that's a little bit harder to to AI your way out   of agree disagree I'm not sure what do you think  uh without I mean I don't know how long this this   podcast is going I'm happy to be here forever but  like I fundamentally disagree with that I think   what happens is software lets us a handle way more  complex problems you know like you're you're never   gonna run out of things to ramp up on on software  so I think you know for basic things you might be   right like create me a little the next the N  plus month uh you know web app or the M plus   one game on the app store or whatever sure but  the really hard stuff like I think you can't get   enough 10x Engineers to solve some of the biggest  problems that are out there right and by the same   token you know software is what you lets you  test the landing gear digitally a million times   in a million different iterations before choosing  the one that you go test physically right so like   being able to use chat GPT to iterate on a million  different tests now as compute costs go to zero   as generating all these different uh variations  of different landing gears goes to zero because   you don't have to make each one by hand anymore  that's still valuable work right that's the step   before the real testing so I I think there's  like real hard engineering jobs the physical   engineerings but I think that software engineering  I think that computer electrical engineering those   are real engineering like just because you're  talking about bits instead of atoms doesn't   mean those aren't uh tough challenging you know  rewarding jobs in their own right is what I'll say I was in both worlds I completely hear that uh  that's a very very good point there's a Common   Thread that it's been I've been meaning to  bring it up and trying to find out who the   first person who brought this up but there's if  you play this out to the inevitable you know the   eventuality of it all I think what most people are  are alluding to is life will be like Wally right   there'll be a bunch of fat fatsos and chairs  with TVs doing nothing and getting you know   I live in a comfortable life for some reason  right and the argument that's being made is   we need a Ubi Universal basic income because  there is going to be people with nothing to   do and I think is that the goal of civilization  ultimately is the end game of civilization that   you don't need to go to work you just have a  comfortable life you get paid from the pool   of you know being an American citizen means  you get like instead of you know what a crazy   idea instead of running a deficit every year  what if we run a surplus and we collected all   this money and then you know being an American  was actually a was a it was something that got   you paid right is that something that you think  will factor into the future or is are we way off   uh me or matt let's go with Matt let's go with  Matt first I could say this is very Star Trek   what you're talking about right now because  it's like so there was a Star Trek money has   no meaning in the future everybody can just  do whatever they want because computers are   taking care of everything Robotics are taking  care of everything so it allows us to find our   our Inner Light what do we want to do it's like  I'm gonna go explore the Galaxy or I'm gonna   become a wine I'm going to make wine on a Vineyard  and that's what I want to do so it's like I think   in an optimistic Rosy future that's where we could  head with with this kind of stuff it's going to   start to unlock that but then the question  is like as these AIS start to become racing   toward the singularity when they start to become  self-aware at what point is it no longer we're   Ben we're profiting off the backs of computers to  it's almost like slavery whereas you've got this   basically we have these AI self-aware things that  are doing things for our behalf on our beck and   call it's like and they don't have their own free  will because we have them locked down it's like I   don't know we could take this we could take  this in a big philosophical directions it's   like there's there's this is a Quant that you're  talking about 100 years in the future it's like   it could go any different direction um on this  you think it's that far away like this will not   be something to think about in five years time  I don't think so I don't think it's that soon   but I do think something like the universal  basic income is something we're going to have   to Grapple with and figure out if we want to do  because this is going to start to impact people in   ways just like that where people are not going to  be able to make ends meet because they don't have   the skills and Robotics are taking their jobs and  these AIS are taking their jobs and what do we do   we're gonna have to figure something out like the  profits that are made from those machines should   probably be funneled right back into the people  that are losing those jobs and helping to support   people and give something a base level so that  nobody's just out of luck but again that's a very   third rail political conversation we're venturing  into right now definitely definitely Norman   Robinson again thank you for another Super Chat  he says Ubi Works within a Star Trek future   which is why I support SpaceX um that's a good  one Alex had a video on on Space act recently   which was really cool you can check out as well  yeah I I really want to thank you guys I think   we can probably start to wrap this up because I  actually feel better worse better worse I don't   know I kind of go back and forth a little bit but  I think this is really important I don't think we   should avoid it and I think you will hear me  talking about this a little bit more because   I don't want to have to limit my channel to  only sustainability if this is what people are   thinking about and this is what you you're you  know is keeping you up at night why shouldn't   that be covered so maybe we'll we'll talk about  this on occasion when when there's reason to   but I don't want to leave on on a sour note so  why don't we why don't we close with something   positive I don't even know if it has to be  about AI maybe just general life you know   um I'm a firm believer that this is the  greatest time in human history ever to   have been alive I know a lot of people get  nostalgic for the past but the numbers tell   a very clear story like we live in the absolute  best of times today I don't know about tomorrow   let's end on a high note and talk about something  positive AI or otherwise I think Alex will start   with you sure yeah I mean I'm sticking to that  this AI is a big net positive so for me the way   I like to think about it is it's super cool  that our generation specifically like when I   grew up it was before dial-up even right so like  I remember getting my first modem then playing   my first online game and then having access to a  good computer and then my phone got smarter and   then all these things happen right so I think  the amount of value that we're kind of seeing   happen right now is just through the roofs and  the reason it's exciting is because it's new   you're on the ground floor right when the iPhone  came out and all the stuff came out we were all   still pretty young I didn't get to be a software  engineer or be able to add value as an adult in   the era of the iPhone coming up but now we find  ourselves on the ground floor of this whole new   technology where it's still Uncharted Territory  we're back on a new frontier and it's up to us   to add value and like this could be one of those  like rare moments in human history the next time   could be like when space launches are available  to everyone and the first mechanics on spaceship   become like a real job you can get right so  like I would encourage everyone to leave this   conversation with how can I use these tools for  myself and for my friends and do something cool   with it that I didn't have any experience to do  before maybe I can finally make that little video   game I've always wanted to play but I didn't have  the knowledge of how to do it chat GPT can kind of   handle the 90 and I can finally do that cool thing  so I think I think we're in Uncharted Territory   in a good way and you know if you were longing for  you know being a part of the frontier in the 1800s   and exploring and staking your name for yourself  now's a good time to think about how to do that   digitally so that's what I'm excited about before  Matt jumps in Alex do you want to tell our viewers   maybe like for people who've been afraid or had  their head in the sand first of all don't do that   like whatever comes we should always Embrace look  into understand learn and find our place in it you   want to recommend services or resources to kind of  get started like imagine if there's a viewer who's   never done anything before is there a service to  sign up for for free or something to mess with   this and start getting their feet wet sure yeah so  I honestly recommend you start with chat GPT just   because that's the thing that everybody's talking  about so you can go to I believe it's just openaid   openai.com chadgpt or you know you can Google it  or whatever and you'll find it super quick and   you can just test it out for free and like what I  encourage you to do is you know do the same thing   you do on Google for a few searches right like  hey what is the score of blah blah you know same   things you typically do but then I want you to  start talking to it like a human being right like   hey I want you to pretend you're Warren Buffett  blah blah blah you know add in the things that you   really wanted to do and then ask it questions as  if it was Warren Buffett or your favorite athlete   or your favorite teacher you know online Persona  or whatever and see how different that experience   is generate me a story generate me you know help  me answer this marketing question I've always   wondered about so that's a good way and then for  mid-journey you can go to midjourney.com I believe   um and you can try a few Generations there  for free and then you can go to plenty of   Discord communities including my own that have  Discord Bots which lets you you know work within   a channel to you give it a prompt it'll give  you four results you can ask it to modify one   of those specific results so plenty of Discord  communities also offer access to mid-journey   specifically so that's how you get to chat  GPT and mid-journey for image generation so   brilliant all right Matt great make us feel good  I I'm with you Ricky it's like I'm I'm a very   optimistic person for the future I think there's  a lot of huge potential ahead of us and it's been   for me my life I've witnessed the birth of the  home computer to you know the internet dial up   all that stuff and every time every one of these  has come out has been a transformational change   to society and yeah there's been bad stuff with  it but overall it's been a net positive and this   is we're at the cusp right now of that happening  again and it's just like mind-blowing to me that   in my life I have lived through so many things  are so transformational the future of humanity   I love science fiction I love Star Trek I love  that bright optimistic future and I feel like we   can get there if we're careful we can get there  and my recommendation would be just to go out   and play with chat GPT just like Alex said it's  like you gotta try this stuff it blows my mind   when I'm using it as a tool to do my job it's  incredible what I can do now in a fraction of   the time it's just mind-blowing you got to give  it a shot because when you start to play with it   you start to see the true potential that's right  we're right at our fingertips we're so so close to   something amazing go try it out so really quickly  the there was another Super Chat from LAX lifters   which I think is Mario one of the one of our  friends here at the channel he says my cousin   who lives in Guatemala is using chat GPT to help  explain coding Concepts in Spanish and is so good   at breaking things down even in Spanish the the  the translation yeah there's that is a remarkable   use case right there's going to be plenty of those  for every bad use case as well yeah I would I   would I would kind of wrap this up with reading  the comments I can almost predict how young and   old people are based on the comment and I actually  understand this because I don't know if you Matt   and Alex who knows but I'm officially old now I  feel old I feel it in my bones and I think what   happens is when you're young like for example I  mentioned the iPhone moment when the iPhone came   out I was a mechanical engineer I went out that  weekend when iOS 2 was released and there's an app   store I bought a Macbook my first MacBook never  looked back started learning code on the weekends   and I a couple years later I you know got my first  job as a developer so I was young and I was Brave   and I saw this new thing and I knew the iPhone  was going to be big I just knew it was going to   be a big deal I doubled or tripled my salary in a  couple of years and I was on the Forefront of that   now here I am and I feel less willing like I feel  the inertia to want to get into this next world   and that's what age does to all of us right but I  would fight back to the older viewers to anybody   really uh to Alex's point I love Alex and Matt  both of you guys have had really good insights   on some of the positives Matt mentioned a couple  of the use cases Alex has laid out the thesis   for why this is actually a great thing um there's  fear there's whatever but at the end of the day we   can't live in fear of uh or or Nostalgia like oh  things are so good back then no they weren't there   it was you know things were we're remembering it  in a Rosy colored uh tint but the reality is like   try to figure something out Trump something small  like if you're a writer right uh and you have a   little bit of Roadblock take a paragraph and tell  it to you know make this fun a year like Matt   mentioned in a video yeah I don't know if I should  tell people this but there was an introduction he   was struggling with and he took it and said make  this funnier and it was like a weird dad knock   knock joke and he's like no no more of a dry wit  and it made a paragraph that was so good I think   Matt pretty much kept it I used it that is that's  insane right so if if you feel like you're being   replaced or you feel left out try to find a way  to make this work and try to find your place in   it and I think if you do that you'll have more  of Alex's perspective you'll feel positive now   that's not to say there aren't very real dangers  and very real concerns that we should all have   right I mean we mentioned like you know a hacker  can use my voice and call my mom and tell them   I'm in an accident I need a thousand dollars  and this that literally happened by the way   and we're already kind of at that point so there's  there's fears but like try to find your way to to   use some of these tools for good and and um  I think everything starts with how you wake   up in the morning like when you wake up in the  morning you go to bed you got to just choose to   be happy you got to have that optimism you got  to try to find your own way and then there's a   self-fulfilling prophecy to it and I I want to  thank both of you guys because I've kind of had   my head in the sand a lot more uh before you guys  came along and told me all the cool ways you're   using it and that spurred this chat this bird  this live stream and I do personally feel way more   at ease I I have a lot of concerns I have a lot  of questions and doubts and everything else but I   do have a curiosity now how can I yeah my website  could use a little sprucing up maybe I'll try that   right there's there's there's a there's a a joy  that I'm feeling now that I didn't have before so   I want to thank you guys for that hopefully for  the people watching there was some key insights   and stuff I want to thank you guys I'm using a  new tool and we were supposed to have chats and   be able to show the chat on here uh that didn't  work out we'll have to figure out what happened   there but we will try to go live a little more  often and when there's breakthroughs in this area   these are two people that I always lean on for  for stuff like this so we'll get back together   we'll chat we'll chat again soon I want to thank  all of you guys for watching really means a lot   to us we appreciate you and I you know leave  us your comments and stuff we'll we'll look   through them and we'll make content accordingly I  know Alex will and head over to Ticker simple you   definitely he's yes literally covering this stuff  he I think he made a video today yesterday today   yep today everybody needs to go really good  video good yes thank you and thank you Alex   and Matt you know I love you guys I appreciate  you thanks for taking time out of your Sunday   and uh we'll do this again soon man much love  thanks for having us thanks for having us yeah
Channel: Two Bit da Vinci
Views: 140,643
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Keywords: two bit da vinci
Id: QON7hIvjn7s
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Length: 105min 22sec (6322 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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