The FUTURE of Two Bit da Vinci...

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I'm going live yeah hey guys how's it going Ricky with Vinci first live stream 2024 uh I wanted to do a little bit of a special episode really for our our fans our viewers who who actually care about us and me and kind of how we're doing and stuff and uh kind of it all started I've been gone for about a month I've been on some travel you'll see some of the videos we've been working on here in the next couple of weeks but while I was gone I just saw like back to back to backto back videos from creators that I love and I've been watching for a long time talking about either making less videos or quitting YouTube and uh it kind of got me thinking December's is a a period of reflection for me I you know I'm not really big on January resolutions but December reflection is a is a big thing I look at look back at the year how we did um and and kind of where we're headed and I wanted to take a minute and kind of share all that with you guys cuz this is a this is a journey this is a crazy journey I would not have thought I'd be on but here we are for me it kind of started with Ali abdall who I've been watching for a long time he's a really brilliant dude he's a freaking Doctor Who started a YouTube channel started making more money on YouTube then as a doctor and he talked about how you know after some time it was time to go after that it was Tom Scott who I've always been a really big fan of and I actually had a chance to meet Tom in particular I met Tom he did a video in San Diego probably two two three months ago no actually no it was July so it was a long time ago but our our team our film team actually did the filming for this episode he did on 360 revolving house here in San Diego so I got chance to meet with him and he was telling me how exhausted he was and he told me that this would be coming and that you know he he would publish this shortly that he'd be stopping this and that was like a really big deal because Tom is a Legend on YouTube I mean his videos get such good views he's an incredible Storyteller and he's not doing weekly stuff anymore another person who I've been following for a long time is DLR video shooter his name is Caleb Pike and when I first got on YouTube back in 2017 I watched a lot of his videos on how to film how to be a filmmaker because I I'm an engineer this is the last thing in the world I ever thought I'd be doing and he decided to make some really big changes cuz he was kind of just tired of everything and so um it was time for me to do the same thing I think it was time for me to make a video about this the good news as somebody already mentioned in the chat um about what I'm doing or something uh the good news and I'll come back to this like I'm not going any anywhere but I do want to share some some updates about the channel and kind of where we're at and stuff um people have asked or have our have our views dropped or what's happening um I'll take a step back a little bit further I have been an employee right I've worked for somebody for most of my adult life 16 years from 2006 from the first day out of college I had a job lined up till 2021 wow it'll be almost three years this year um so yeah I had a full-time job for about 15 years when I went full-time on YouTube it was a leap of faith it was this crazy dream it was always what I wanted right but I want to share a little bit of kind of like what I've learned in that time because for anybody who runs their own business this is not going to be news but for anybody who's who's worked for other people who has a stable paycheck um it's a really hard transition I'll tell you A Simple Story the first two months of going full-time back this is like like July 2021 was brutal I felt horribly unproductive I didn't know what I was doing it just felt like what have I done you know am I being any more productive than if I just was part-time I had one employee at the time so my channel was doing things even if I wasn't full-time and I'll share this simple story around 1:00 I'd normally come out for lunch so two weeks prior when I was at Salesforce working for somebody else I'd come out around 1:00 and go sweet half my day is already over I'm so excited lunch get a couple things done my day is over fast forward 2 3 weeks being full-time working for yourself same exact scenario 1:00 rolls around step out for lunch I'd look at my watch and I'd go holy crap half my day is done what have I accomplished I've done nothing today what's going I got to get something done and I'd get kind of frantic right same scenario three weeks apart and that to me sums up perfectly what it's like to be a full-time YouTuber right it is an endless amount of work I have never worked more hours in my life than I do now um the last couple years while I was still at the tech company in my software company I was working for tib Vue as well so I was working long hours and that's nothing that was all that new to me but working for yourself comes with certain stresses that nothing can really prepare you for right I have a I have a staff now I'll get back to this is the bigger the bigger part of the story is really it's not about me but we'll get to that um I have a staff now which means I have payroll to make whether or not I'm making money on YouTube or I'm doing well or getting views or getting sponsors or anything else I had apparel obligation I'm really proud of the fact that three years later through a pandemic all the stuff that's happened I've never missed a beat my my guys have always gotten their paychecks on time that's been a great kind of source of Pride um but you never know you never know what's around the corner and I have a sponsor man manager his name is Yama he's one of the real stars of this operation and Yama and I talk all the time about like how's the pipeline looking and like you know are we going to be all right if the sponsors stop stop showing up um what are we going to do right and he's told me several times like like for example last year was really challenging and I think it's still true today where sponsor money was just not around people were not spending on any kind of marketing because the recession High interest rates people just like the economy was just softening and there wasn't a lot of money around and so he told me like you know we got to basically he was telling me we got to say yes to stuff that comes up because I don't know what else I could get you right so we took that really seriously because I wanted to make sure that we can keep growing and um and and keep the running the the business running we had a really breakout video If you guys remember we had this 15 million view video on the Ocean Gate submarine and that kind of propelled us the second half of the year and last year turned out to be a record year for us it was the first time that I made more money than at my software job which was always the challenge for me is you know I used to make good money back when I was writing code and last year was a good year and now we're in this year and we'll see how it goes but it's a it's a level of stress that never goes away right it's and it's little little things like for example uh come January I got to do taxes and so I have to claim all my profit and so I have to pay I have to pay taxes on my profit now I can leave that money in the business cheing account but that means I'm paying taxes on money that I don't even have right so normally January is kind of a rough time because I take a lot of the money out of the business and I pay myself right the dividend and I pay the taxes on everything but the the checking account the company checking account is a little lean and it's a it's a source of stress for a while until the you know the residual money from December that I was owed comes in and YouTube page or whatever else right so um that's kind of where we are right now is you know we're going to be going to be all right I think it's going to be another good year I'm projecting an even better year than last year and um um you know so it's should be all right um but I wanted to kind of take a minute to take this to make this video because the the sense of burnout and like all you know people say like the youu burnout that is a real real thing I'm I'm on a little Discord chat with Alex from ticker symol you Matt frell uh Ryan from a channel called zeroth that you you've probably seen he's killing her right now um and a few others right and you might be thinking oh you guys talk about YouTube strategy I would honestly say 75% is just mental health and staying um staying viable on the platform right because it is it is really a grind and I I say that it's a grind for a couple of reasons the first the first is that um it doesn't matter how hard you work right YouTube is a weird place where like most other things oh I'm going to put in extra weekend work some overtime and get more money in my paycheck there's no such thing um it doesn't matter how hard you work it doesn't matter if you pour in 100 hours 200 hours into a video it doesn't mean it's going to do well and that part is endlessly infuriating right that could I mean it takes the wind out of your sales when you uh when you think about it the second part is that um witness says so having a job is tough we get it uh this isn't having a job though like I mentioned maybe you're not I'm not being clear about this but the second part about YouTube that's really frustrating is it's really hard to be creative all the time right and that's what we have to do um first you got to try to find a topic right then you got to um do the writing and research and then you have to do the video edit and then so we publish on Saturday now you would think Saturday morning is a time of Celebration because we're done right kind of because what if the video is not doing well then my entire Saturday normally is ruined and my wife is in the chat and she'll tell you uh instead of spending time with my family and doing what I should be doing on a Saturday which is the day that we should not be working instead I've got my laptop open I'm refreshing YouTube analytics to see if our clickthrough rate is not good enough maybe I need a new title and thumbnail maybe I got to Spruce it up and that is irritating even if you have a great video and it's doing really well those Highs are really high of course and you you you love Saturday but then the reality of Sunday hits you it's what's next what's the next video right if I could just make one video a month that would be the dream job right um but I don't get the kind of views or money to be able to do that right it's just not possible um Robert said Robert diog says the first year is the hardest absolutely the first year the first week the first hour the first is always the hardest right people even even when it comes to making money and stuff people say if you're saving for your retirement account the first 100,000 is the hardest and then after that it gets you know it gets easier and uh and that's all true but YouTube is endless and if there was one thing about YouTube that would um make me want to quit it's that part it's the part that there's never a break it's not like okay if we have a great video we can just take a week off I mean it's we could there's nothing stopping us other than the fact that we have to pay the bills right and if you want to have any kind of a staff you want to have people that love you and trust you that you're not going to just like stop paying them whenever it's con inconvenient for you well then you have to have a steady stream of it and you know there's nobody else coming to help us like there's no we have no plan B right um like my wife and I call it like we burn the ships on the way right so there's no going home there's no going back at this point I'm two or three years removed from software if I were to go back to writing code I would need five or six months of training and practice to be able to nail an interview so it's um it's like going back um really quick we had a little Super Chat from uh Smokey B uh thank you so much he says please keep the content coming you're one of the few great channels uh really really appreciate you that means a lot there's those are the things that keep us going as you can imagine we'll get back to that here in a second um so YouTube really is brutal and I don't think you know there's there's a lot of Glamour people think there's a lot of Glamor associated with it and there are some right I mean I get invited to do cool things or or to go go to cool places and and that stuff is incredibly awesome um but it is endlessly endlessly um exhausting sometimes now the reason why I'm not going anywhere the reason why this isn't a I'm quitting YouTube video is simple um it's actually incredibly simple I can just sum it up really quickly my team right you guys see me uh hosting the channel because I've always hosted the channel but the difference is from 2017 to 2020 2021 I wrote and researched everything and I hosted everything and then by 2020 we hired Juan so he was doing the video side of it but now we have a writer his name is Israel and he is an absolute genius he uh he's a PhD chemist and he is a source of our you know he hases some of the great work on our script so now we we split the work one script I'll write one script he'll write right and then we have three video editors and we're actually in 202 we're going to plan on hiring our fourth editor um his name is Isaac he's actually in the room right over there um and he's going to be coming on board in the next couple of weeks so we'll have four editors a writer right so that is why we do this and we can do this comfortably I was gone for a month I went to Spain for 12 days I was in Dubai for 2 days and then I was in India for two weeks and all the while the videos kept coming out uh everybody had a couple weeks of holiday and we still are able to deliver and that is why I don't feel that much burnout I think a lot of the stress and stuff I feel is self-inflicted really the healthy thing to do would be make a video and then just forget it if it doesn't do well oh well on to the next one but I take everything personally and um part of why is you know we run sponsors right and so these sponsors trust us they have such and such budget to try to promote their products right and they trusted us they called me and say hey Ricky think you're the place we want to spend our money with so I take that very seriously and when a channel doesn't uh when a video doesn't perform well I take it really personal and I always tell the brands like look if there's a video that does really badly cuz we do experiment quite a bit we I'll make it up to you like I'll make a free video for you if you ever see the same sponsor kind of close to each other odds are the first time I wasn't happy with the performance so it's not contractual I'm not forced to do that but I just do it because I believe in good business business at the end of the day and I take that personally and I um I don't like the feeling of letting people down that is a innate character strength or flaw depending on how you look at it that that um I I definitely have so I think going into 2024 we're going to make a couple of changes I think most all good stuff right we're not going to change the frequency or anything like that but we are going to um make better we want to make better stuff the only reason why I love YouTube to this day is because I've never felt like I've mastered it in fact probably the opposite right I love learning new things and trying new things right you guys have I've probably told you a little bit my past but I went to college for mechanical engineering uh for six years I was an aerospace engineer that was really good fun and then I switched to software and I did software for about 10 years and that was really fun until it started to feel repetitive it wasn't that challenging it was just more building other features that are kind of similar and the fun came out of it and so then now I'm on YouTube the difference is six years uh I'm actually in year seven we started our channel in 2017 um I don't feel like we're good at YouTube and that's largely my fault because I'm not really the hip and with it kind of guy the things I'm into not a lot of people probably are into so we have to keep evolving to cover the great stories and that's where I'm going to continue to lean on all of you I want uh we'll do polls about what what we should make next do vote on them they matter you guys know look at look at the polls that we run on our community uh on the community tab those are the videos that get made um I'm looking at the comments here as we're going but um we want to do more on-site stuff like I want to go for example we have a script coming up on the Panama Canal now I could just sit here in my studio and do the research and sit here um but Tom Scott just retired I feel like Tom was doing such a great service right he worked really hard traveling to places and and giving you kind of a rundown like in person talking to the people he didn't just sit in a studio he I mean he ran himself pretty ragged for 10 years he didn't miss a beat um and he he did it all with a very minimal staff he was doing a lot of that stuff himself so um we want to do that not every week but we'll try to we have a video going out uh Wana is over there next week I believe our next video is going to be on the sagata Familia Church in Barcelona which is which is a church I've been fascinated with for a long time and we flew out to Barcelona we went inside we you know we we met with some people we've did a lot of research and uh that will be one of the that'll be probably the first of this new example and I'd love your guys' thoughts on it um I love your guys' thoughts on on on this one Daniel Daniel Schwarz says Ricky you're a genius I'm a mechanical engineer 2 and barely made it through give yourself more credit um any anybody who's been to engineering school let me know in the in the comments I will I'll be brutally honest with you I went to Berkeley for engineering school and that those are the four hardest years of my life every job everything after Berkeley was much easier engineering school really is incredibly brutal so anybody who's been through it I know um I know what that takes and uh good on you because it is truly a very difficult thing um but we're going to try to do more of the onside stuff I want to know your feedback on the srat Familia video that we have coming out we it's a story right it's not like a typical YouTube video it has more character it almost feels like a novel and that's kind of the direction that I want to go if we're going to do this why not have as much fun as possible Right what why not do the things that we want to now I'll be honest with you when I went first went full-time the money was very limited um so it wasn't like we could just travel somewhere or do something like that right it wasn't that wasn't in the cards but now we can if we plan it out if we're strategic and smart um we can we can go places and I want to right just already right now I have three scripts that I'm looking at and we've done large part of the research but I I feel like what we should do is a hybrid where we do some of the research ahead of time and then we go there and then we meet people or we see the thing we let we let the reality of it shape us a little bit and then we end up making the script that something that could be a lot of fun um and I think for me when I when I was watching Tom's video for example and meeting Tom I got a chance to chat with him a little bit one day um I think what a lot of the people on YouTube like is the creative part right I want to come up with a cool idea and make a video about it what they don't like is the business part and that's what people don't tell you about running a YouTube channel is you're everything you're suddenly a bookkeeper you're a CFO you're you're the creative you're the art director you're the video editor you're the host you're the you know public speaker it is I would be if you know if I were hiring somebody in the future and you told me that you ran a YouTube channel you would be the top of my list because I understand now just what that means and how much hustle and grind that you have to have to to do that um Power of light says oh you mechanical engineer YouTuber on the side that's awesome power of light good for you uh very very cool um but for me I actually like the business part a lot so one of the things I pride myself on is whenever the team tells me you know this this is challenging for us when we try to do this that's hard and I'll go and like write some software tools to automate make things easier for the team and I really love that right I'm I'm an engineer at heart after all um maybe in a couple of years tuba Da Vinci is not going anywhere unless all of you abandon us and the views go to zero and we're forced to shut it down we're not going anywhere but things will always change right I would be happy to hire a new host for example and maybe in two or three years that's probably the time Horizon I'm looking at it might be me on one video and then this new host on another video right I don't have to be the guy on camera all the time but um we will strive to make better stuff um we just had a chat with the video team I want to have more more engaging visuals better content right it's an incredibly um competitive Place YouTube that's one of the things that we can't lose sight of the viewers you guys don't owe us anything right you watch us on your free time right you went to work you you slept you did your chores and now for a few hours a day you have free time and you choose to watch a video that we make that means every everything to us and we do not take that lightly one thing I've learned and this is not just like an empty platitude like that is everything to us and so we take that hyper seriously so in a world with Netflix and Anime and PlayStation 5 it's tough to get eyeballs and increasingly as the algorithm has changed you know like subscriptions don't matter very much some of you guys might mention that you might be a subscriber and you don't get our recommendations right because YouTube is hyper focused on getting your attention even if you told them you like me but you're showing to be more interested in sports content they'll show you what you're most likely to click so it becomes a grind and and Caleb Pike mentioned this in his video that he doesn't want to go chasing the wave and all this kind of stuff anymore he if he does make a video it'll be a video he wants to make when he wants to make it now you know that might be down the road but I actually really think what makes it easier for us is I have this big team even like Tom Scott as big as he was didn't have this level of people and so for me half the fun is coming in here so this is the film studio right over there is like the living room in this little mini house where the team sit half the fun is walking in there what are you guys up to what's going on show me what you're working on let me see what's going on um kind of at my core I've always loved teaching mentoring and I've I've taken great pride in that our whole team has really learned their role since they've been here like I didn't hire people with any experience in what they do now um our writer was a PhD you know guy he did some blog writing and stuff but we've learned together Juan and you know the other editors weren't video editing when I hired them so it's been um it's been a labor of love but that's also what makes it fun for me right I'm not just sitting here doing this alone if I had to make next week's video and do all this work by myself alone I would have probably quit in 2021 to be honest with you guys right um because it is a lot of work and the fun is in the family aspect like we've built here is kind of a family culture I love the people that I work with the I'm so proud of the team that we've built and um you know it's hard sometimes there's a lot of lot of hours put in and things but that to me might be our our secret superpower right but some other people don't have um is we have the team to be able to do this don't look at me and think that oh my God Ricky you're so such a genius I'm a I'm a I'm a small part of this bigger machine that we've built now obviously it's in my vision it's kind of what I've wanted but slowly over time it'll become more and more other stuff like one of our one of our our newest employee uh Isaac just proposed a video that we might be making in the next couple and this video wouldn't have been made if it wasn't for the fact that he's on board now right so it becomes bigger than me and um it will continue to be now the other thing that makes this better for us is I I get bored easily you guys know that if you look at my channel I've pivoted over the years right like what we do has changed I when when we started this channel I was remodeling my kitchen and getting into woodworking I I built an entire kitchen from scratch and so I was doing a lot of like woodworking stuff and sharing some of the things that I was doing taking this old uh cheap table saw and I built it out and built like infeed and out feed tables to be able to do as much work as any $5,000 table saw and build a kitchen with it right but that wasn't going to last because I'm not going to be woodworking enough to make a woodworking channel that that wasn't me either and then we were all about solar panels and sustainability which is a huge North Star for us and that hasn't changed like we we love that stuff you'll see that content still but I think we've pivoted to more just engineering like how do we bring engineering content um to the masses right and I think that's something that that that is something that we can do for a long time when I think about what there's a there's a there's an old saying in life you want to be successful it's actually kind of easy okay find something that you really enjoy doing something that you're good at right and work hard for a long time don't quit right just keep doing it and after 10 years it's nearly impossible to imagine that you're not going to be successful right for anybody who's done this you know I'm saying it's easy to quit right it's easy to quit out year one year two a lot of people do that like on YouTube a lot of people who are really good I watch them I think wow this person has on to something holy crap we could learn from this guy but the difference is they quit right they quit and we're still we're still here maybe that's really the the thing that um that has that has gotten us here but I love Improvement like continuously making better stuff learning new things and YouTube provides that for us and we can keep we can keep Evol evolving right we could do more Tom Scott like stuff where we go on site what was keeping us from doing that well our team was younger right we were still learning in training I I couldn't just leave for a week and expect everything would be smooth but I literally just did that guys like I was gone for a month I was gone for a month look at the CH you would have never known right uh if you follow my shorts and stuff like I was making paa in Spain or Burge Khalifa I made a couple of things that would have given away where I was but otherwise you would never know that we were weren't just here cranking out and doing the work we also took time off and stuff so I think um when I think about this it makes me realize how proud I am of this team and that really is what tuba Da Vinci is about you should not see this face when you watch our videos right you shouldn't be thinking about me because that's how it started uh admittedly right and I I'll always have a big big part to play here and stuff but what we've done is we've built this team of people that love what they do that that love making content and want to keep pushing the envelope right and that is a lot of fun forget the YouTube right I mean that would just be fun no matter what if you're working with people that you really like being around and you're all in it together right when we do well I give out bonuses like everybody benefits when we do well and when we're stinking it up which also happens sometimes then you know we all suffer uh from that as well and so that would be the one advice I'd give anybody does anybody have a YouTube channel somebody mentioned that they do um W Juan's in here um Juan says he little camera shy Juan is going to be hosting stuff you'll see one of the things that we have in mind for this year is um one of the things we're going to do sorry I'm just looking at some of the comments here one of the things that we're going to do this year is we're going to start a couple new channels possibly one is going to be a tech Channel because if like forget me if my guys the video editing team that are all here if they whenever I hear them talking about stuff like what are they into forget me and what I tell them what topics to do it's always around technology and stuff like we just got the Apple Vision Pro video coming soon and you know they started to mess with it and now Juan wants to buy the he'll he'll correct me in the chat the Facebook meta Quest 3 or whatever the competing one just just to get a feel for how they are so this Tech channel will be the first tubit Da Vinci the tubit Media Group if you will channel that is not has nothing to do with me I won't pick topics I won't be on camera I won't edit I'm I'm not involved and these guys are going to run it so that will be coming probably in a couple of weeks and um um so power of light just mentioned that he has a channel 2,000 Subs just started power of light I love it hope uh I'll remember that name hope to hear from you and kind of how it goes for you and uh hopefully this is uh helpful in terms of expectations and things and you got to be you know you got to have that patience uh Dean F says I've had one since 2012 7,000 Subs uh that's awesome Dean what kind of content do you make I'm kind of curious so Painted Pony says we'd love to meet the team you're going to you've you've seen them a little here and there but you're going to see the team a lot more I I'm not the kind of I don't want you know I don't want it to be that you guys think I'm some magician who's so who's doing so much content every week that's not the case at all um and I want everyone to get credit if you notice one thing that I'm really proud of every video that we make there's credits of research writing host the host is currently always me and then the video editors you'll see the name of the editors that make these videos I do that on purpose because I'm I want them to feel that Pride that you know we we reached over 50 million viewers this year in 2023 50 million people saw my team's names on these videos because um you know people have a tendency to think that YouTube is this cute little you know bespoke thing but we have teams like a lot of big YouTube big bigger than me we have teams of people that make this possible and it's very important that they get the credit for um uh Beach Crow says some people haven't hit the like button yes hit that like button I'm going to try to be more youtuv and stuff um you know one of the things that we've one of the things that I struggle with is I've and I think this is dumb because most people have told me don't do this is for six or seven years I don't make the videos about me I'm not really the like I'm out of Personality Channel you guys probably don't even care about me it's just whatever topic I pick um the the problem uh ha says Tu bit Bourdain Anthony Bourdain and um Parts Unknown his before he passed away oh my gosh that was one of my favorite things I love that dude and I love food I'm a major foodie I don't know if you guys know food is one of the great joys of my life not that's why I love travel I travel to eat and figure out some things to do uh between meals but I've thought about doing like maybe maybe we'll do like shorts on more of the food kind of stuff but food is fascinating too right I'm hearing some ideas for comments and stuff um but yeah we'll we'll keep we'll keep making new kinds of content and it'll be about more stuff and I'm going to try to be a little bit more personality driven because the one thing I think at this point that the frustrating part for me is if you told me okay you know seven years into YouTube I would have thought it would get easier but if you look at our views it's still feels like every new video is just starting from scare one again it might do well it might not not it it there there's never a a moment where I feel like we've built this audience and it just gets easier to make content it it doesn't it feels as hard as it ever has I mean we had videos in 2019 that have outperformed videos that we've made recently so with all this stuff it's still Mike Thomas says engineering of the Paris 2024 Olympic venues would be interesting oh my God Juan if you see that write that down that is brilliant Mike that's a great idea that's EX sort of thing you know that's kind of a combination of engineering and Logistics perhaps but that kind of stuff is fascinating because because um it is it is a it's an incredible thing that people pull off Kathleen says would love to see a Food Channel come from me what if you told me like if I had a billion dollars in the bank what I would do first of all tuid Da Vinci would continue I wouldn't quit it that's how much I love what we do right I get to cover cool stuff around around the world obviously I'd have another host most of the time and I would just go to the ones I wanted to do but the first thing I would do a dream of mine would be to make like a Michelin star rating system so it'd be like the two bit Chevrons or you know two bit uh hexagons or something and you would it would just be this quiet thing where I would travel the world and go to my favorite restaurants and my favorite meals and um just cover it right and have a little website where we we showcase this because sometimes whenever I have a great meal at a great restaurant I wonder to myself I just got lucky like I I was I was in LA with my sponsor manager Yama and I went to this amazing Japanese restaurant it was just dumb luck because we were going to this we were going to this venue in Hollywood and I just decided to pull up my phone and H that looks good I'll go there it had really high high reviews it looked like it would be good it was fantastic they had this like seven course little sampling menu and it was insanely good but I've always wondered like how do you just ensure you get great you know so anyway um Kathleen long story short that could be a lot of fun um some somebody is uh mentioning meet and greets and stuff inner g84 says do you do meet and greets um I try to visit viewers you guys know this is true there's um I met with one of our viewers in Toronto when I was out there we try to meet people whenever we can and uh that's not a bad idea Juan says we'll try to do that I would love to do that um yeah Khloe Clifton says have you thought about working with other creators like Khloe Abrams yes we have um Claudia my wife who's on here in the chat she is she's going to start doing that this year she's already she actually just booked me recently for a podcast on the genius link podcast it's a service that we actually use but I'm going to try to get my you know get out out there and and do more stuff with more people um I do have some friends in the industry obviously at this point just from like CES and stuff but we'll try to try to make more stuff um together because that really is one of the fun things is meeting these friends like Matt frell has been my friend since 2017 or 2018 maybe when we started our channels he's the best friend to this day we talk daily uh he was showing me just before this um just before this chat let me see if I can pop the picture here's a little let's see if I can zoom in so it's not so so here's a little look at what Matt frell shared with me just before we hopped on this call he's he's shown me that he's watching a um a video of mine on his Apple airpods Pro and um you know if if I couldn't talk to these guys or if I wasn't making these kinds of friends like it wouldn't be the same so absolutely we'll try to do that as well um as always I I really hope that you guys do let us know what kind of content we should make because that matters a lot I think it you know it's if we're going to make videos we might as well make the videos that you guys want to see as well and there's that intersection right I I would never just chase the algorithm and oh this video is doing well go make another video I can't do that that just it sounds kind of desperate or it's just not in my nature to do that but at the same time you you guys can see from my my topics like he's kind of just all over and that might not be the right thing too so if we can find a way to find okay this would be an interesting topic that a lot of people are into and I like it too we find that marriage that is the Home Run and I want to hit more home runs this year because if you're going to make all the extra money if you're going to make the the videos you might as well get more views right why not um our goal really I want to be doing like a million views per video because if we could do that then we could potentially have the conversation of going to a video every other week or hiring more staff or either way cuz at this point we have a video editing team of four people which means we can have a team of Two and a team of Two And if we told them hey instead of taking only a week to make a video you now have two weeks you can have more beautiful visuals more better storytelling and there's two team so over a twoe period we have two videos still obviously it costs more to do that way but that's our goal we want to make our videos better and better and better we want to be the best that we can possibly be and storytelling is one of my passion I want to write a book one day be a novelist at some point maybe that that'll be like I'm 45ish I'm turning 40 by the way in 40 days 40 40 days to 40 um so again it's kind of reflective time right and um if I haven't already mentioned I want to tell you guys that I appreciate all of you um hearing I know I have friends that have been making YouTube videos even longer than I have who haven't gotten as much traction so I know how hard it is and um we don't take that for granted and everything's always always going to be about you guys and finding our place in this very crowded U business and it can be frustrating but honestly for us I think the the the pros outweigh the cons at this point right I asked my wife a question I think it was like two days ago we sat down at the dinner table and I was watching another I quit YouTube video I forgot who this Creator was um and I and I was just thinking you know I'm thinking about myself but what about my family because YouTube takes a toll on everybody as you can imagine right um a bad video bums me out and then suddenly I'm insufferable my wife has to tolerate me um instead of being out on a Saturday having fun at the park or something right so the YouTube challenge affects your whole family that's the first thing and so I asked her you know we just came back from 30 days of travel which was good fun right we planned to go to Spain our goal was we're going to go make a video about sagata Familia but we're also going to have a little bit of fun meet some family we'll be in Barcelona for New Year Year Eve and New Year's and then we'll be in Valencia for the day of the Kings which is where they celebrate Christmas basically when the kings came to visit Jesus and um so that was good fun but we did make a video so like two two like full days we're walking around with cameras and mics and you know doing work right but and that's not like just being on holiday and then in Dubai we made a short about the Burj Khalifa and did did you know a fair bit of work and then in India we actually did an episode two now this one is one of the ones I'm really excited about one of the biggest treasure discoveries in human history actually probably the biggest treasure find in human history happened 5 kilometers from where I was born in India in in a in a in a city called trandum and I had a chance to meet with the royal family who owns a temple and and I had an hour interview with the the princess of this family it was insanely cool right that's kind of that kind of access is something maybe nobody else has on YouTube right so that video is coming I still have a lot of research to do for that one but that my point is 30 days of travel we were there in India for my brother's wedding so there was there's that too but we we worked and I asked her like does that bug you does it bug you that we can never just be having fun like it's always work right every trip we go on let's find a way to do some video and while we're there and capitalize on the fact that we're there right but to be realistic more often we travel for the video and then we just have fun around it a little bit and I asked her if it bugs her and cuz I was really curious and she said not at all right because in a lot of ways for us to give structure to a trip if you're just on 10 days of holiday and you're just having fun um that might be for some people but for us if you told me you know 5 days we're going to do some work 5 days we're going to have fun and we're going to sprinkle it around a little bit it's actually almost more fun because making content like that is really fun it's fun to go out and and to see something and to create content right we're creating something from nothing like we took this empty SD card and came back to a completed video uploaded to YouTube with a title thumbnail that you guys can all watch at any point from anywhere in the world that never gets old for me right and so we love it and we will continue to do that um and I'm glad that her answer was the same as mine so I think at our core we love what we do enough and we just need to get clever and good enough at YouTube to minimize the hurt like minimize the bad videos the you know those poor Saturday mornings like I mentioned and find a way to just maximize the the joy and I have to also work on not taking things so personal and if a video does bad just move on I mean what what else can you do right you thought it was a good idea the world disagreed with you and so what right I'm not a bad person I'm not a bad uh Creator I'm not a bad uh researcher sometimes it doesn't work out right and YouTube will remind you of that it is the most humbling job in the world is being a YouTuber because just when you think like there was a stretch when we were really hot we were doing really well and I was thinking oh we got this finally we figured out YouTube we got it no it was right back down crash and burning we got some Duds we're back to fighting and and struggling and stuff so um so it was a it is truly a humbling platform to be on Peter says last summer we did a tour of the bridges in the UK are we talking about like the London Bridges or just all across UK that's that's very interesting I was in the UK last year for the fully charged show was such good fun um here's some some good questions in here so aloon says what's your thought on on video time have a sweet spot or just cover what you want in the time it takes that is such a damn good question such a good question um we don't have any rules I don't make videos longer than need to be you guys might disagree because my our videos are on the longer side probably on YouTube but we really don't um we our scripts always are longer than what you guys see we cut out a lot we'll like we'll write something we'll cut a lot of it out and then even while I'm filming and I'm in the in the zone and I'm I'm recording the script I'll like ah that breaks I cut that out and I'll cut stuff like while we're filming and then Juan on that video editing will cut stuff out and then by that point it gets really tight but it's still like 15 minutes typically so we no we we don't add anything that we don't need to and we're going to try to be more cinct instead of telling the entire story pick this one part and tell that one part of the story and and keep things tighter um so there's a very special guest in the in the comment section Chris Arnold I don't know if you guys know who Chris Arnold is but he was the the co-founder of tuba D Vinci from back in 2017 he is on a couple of videos on the channel if you scroll back far enough um Chris says a video might do bad according to the algorithm but might be one of the best videos according to your viewers that sentiment is so true but it's also what's very frustrating because there are no participation trophies right there is no reward for well that video was a dud and our sponsors are mad at us but we're so happy with it right I mean it has to align at least over the course of a year you can have some passion projects that don't you know get a million views and we will do that you will see videos that you might be like what the heck is this we'll do stuff that we want like that is never going to change we'll take gambles we'll try random stuff and throw stuff on the wall and see what sticks but over the course of a year we have to if you want to stay in business in 2025 then this year we need to pick this Cadence of videos that can get us there we can't just do whatever quirky thing comes up we have to do videos that you guys want to watch and and blend it all out right that's the other thing about being a self-employed person is you have to think about stuff differently if you're uh I like getting a paycheck every 14 days like you know like clockwork that's not really how it is in business like we have to I look at things over the year right um I might I might start paying myself not every month but maybe I'll pay myself quarterly or something in a in a bigger amount that way there's more money in the pool uh for bigger projects or bigger expenses and stuff you know like hard ing employees obviously is expensive um but you have to have a a year Horizon right over the course of this year what can we do and um it also allows us time to do projects that don't pay right like we might have a passion project like this India treasure video I mean if if the title was the biggest treasure Discovery in human history I I feel like there's a lot of intrigue people would would care so I actually think that video could do well but even if it didn't I'm going to do it because that happened 5 km from where I was born right that's just a that's just a cool story that I want to tell and I think it's interesting and I think I'm uniquely poised to tell it and I think the world would be better having this story told and I'm going to try it um skdy 1963 says paid like a farmer um I I did a video this year on engineering technologies that will kind of change the world and feed the world and I did a lot of research into farms and farmers and oh my God I have so much respect for Farmers if you ever meet a person that says I'm a farmer give them a hug uh truly yes they get paid when their crops come due like it's a brutally difficult business um and I'm not saying YouTube is the only one there are some very tough businesses out there but Farmers farmers are one of them uh delore says you would be great as the Batman that is a freaking compliment as far as I'm concerned I'm I'm curious why you say that I'm not sure exactly um you know why but I'm really curious about that uh Kathleen says the Indie video would be phenomenal love a Cathleen um hopefully the research on that doesn't take too long but that is a it's pretty complicated story um we'll see AJ oark says a series of content focusing on the science technology and art of the Brewers Vitor and the makers of spirits and how they produce products that and how they bring the market that's interesting I've been thinking about a guys trip this year to The Bourbon Trail um so like maybe fly into Lexington Kentucky or like Louisville and drive up through all the way to Nashville and go on you know the you know the the distiller tour where all the bourbon is made H because it is freaking fascinating if you've ever had a chance to sit down with venters or like people who run wineries or you know distillers and talk about the art and the science of alcohol it is freaking fascinating I think the the the the Art and Science of alcohol might be more interesting than the alcohol itself honestly but it's pretty amazing um So Divine says I love your setup have you thought about doing more smaller electronic reviews uh Divine I'm not sure if you heard earlier but yes we're it won't be me but it'll be a part of this company we don't have a name yet that's that's kind of the next thing want and the guy is going to come up with but I have my video editors are going to do that they're much younger and hipper than I and they're going to come up with um a channel that reviews products because as you can imagine being a YouTuber we get access to a lot of cool stuff like every battery and Robot vacuum we have it probably right so it's kind of an easy opportunity to then turn around and like do a really in-depth review about these things and so Apple Vision Pro we mentioned we're going to get you know we have one of those sitting around here I need to go mess with it a little bit more and formulate my thoughts but that one we can make a video on the main channel uh my video my my angle would be how even at $3800 the Apple Vision Pro is kind of a bargain which might sound like a like crazy talk but I'm going to compare it to some of these headsets that like military fighter pilots have on you should be interesting right that'll be the techie sciencey tuba Da Vinci part and then I'll have the guys on their channel do just a full review of this product maybe compared to others and stuff so yes that is coming for sure um rag says a collab with Robert Murray Smith some kind of practical applied engineering would be cool that's a great one I would love to reach out to him um love his channel would love to do that that's a that's a really good one yes my wife says uh suggest a name for the second channel uh right now I think it's called two bit gadgets but if you guys have a cool name for a tech Channel we'll we'll we'll roll with it and we'll um we'll publish it um so I started this whole video talking about kind of an update on the future of tibba Vinci and you know I I I wanted to share some of the the thinkings and the techbit da Vinci I like that that's interesting thank you Michael Phelps that's a it's a good it's a good anal it's a good one um so yes there's a lot of challenges and I I wanted you guys to know like the the YouTube struggle is real it's 100% real uh we talk about it all the time internally and also with my other favorite YouTubers it is truly a it is a hard thing to do for a career um there's no guarantees you guys can all just get bored of us or we could you know it could fizzle right we just don't know so it's it's one of those things that you got to take you got to appreciate and that's one thing for me like being an immigrant I I have a sense of like I never know how how long something will last so for me like I appreciate and I I'm not going to just go throw tuba Da Vinci away tuid D Vinci is it means so much to us we've built this thing over seven years right but um luckily I I've invested a ton right I could have paid myself a lot more money than I have but I went the other direction and built this team and that's probably what I'm proudest of what I'm proudest of is is the team and it's going to be our secret sauce and I I my one of advice for any of the other YouTubers out there if you're watching this then you've been thinking about quitting um turn that around a little bit and think to yourself how do I make this how do I bring other people into it right Tom Scott gets to go and do all these cool things you're telling me there's not some other host who you could train and teach to then experience the world the way Tom does I mean Tom's seen unbelievable stuff right of course there is so maybe that's the way to think about this is bring in more people into the fold and make it a family affair bring other people along see their development their Joy their accomplishments because then it becomes not about just some Channel and the number of views on a metric screen but about the personal growth of everybody and um Dennis Dennis says I'm just amazed you keep coming up with interesting content Dennis I'll I'll tell you what man um that's the hardest part it is brutal like I mentioned if I like I've had moments where I was so proud of a video I was I remember like Saturday morning you know we play it we all watch like oh my God we're so excited such a great video we're so you know we're so pumped and then we go to bed and the next day it's like all right back to work what's next and that part is kind of exhausting man it it truly is H but that's up to us we could maybe make videos left off less often um but we can't do that based on our cost until we reach some level of success so when we reach some level like if we were getting 10 million views on every video okay well maybe we make a video every other week or like Mark Rober right he gets 100 million views on a video and does one video a month that is when it becomes a dream when you got to make videos very often it's a dream but there's like an asteris it's a dream but it's also daunting and grueling um there's a there's a line that Tom Scott mentioned and it hit home so hard he was like you know it's a dream job and I love it but I'm so tired and I can relate to that right I've never stayed up as late for any job as I have as Tu Vinci because sometimes we have to get videos out and you know we got to get it done so uh let's see schomo uh Baron apologies about I'm butchering that name says your format lends itself well to analyze startups already funded and what they want to do and go deep into it would be incredible to see from you uh my favorite videos of yours that's really really good to see because that is in my opinion one of the things that we owe the public right I mean we have this platform and you know we we we share kind of it's kind of a a shotgun approach sometimes we'll do a history like this incredible aircraft it failed what happened right there that's not going to help anybody you know the aircraft has already failed it's not going to come back um but it's like a u it's a fun story right then there's the this startup has an idea for example Juan and I are traveling to to Canada to meet with this company that has this breakthrough technology for recycling plastic right I'm still working on the title and the thumbnail for this one but I mean how amazing is that that company would benefit greatly from us putting them out there and sharing it with the world and that is a noble noble goal that we take very seriously like we we definitely want to showcase great companies and if you guys know of any you know you know Reach Out energyx is a company that we covered we were very impressed with their Tech in Austin Texas it was one of the viewers told us there hey there's this lithium extraction company called energyx reach out to them we reached out and they agreed and we met and we did a video so um we you know that's something that we definitely want to do JT Brewster says you're an immigrant question mark um so this is what I mentioned earlier about making things more p uh personal Rob H says join late what's the tldr Rob I'll give you a quick tldr uh YouTube is incredibly brutal but we love it and I'm not going anywhere things will always change nothing ever stays the same but I'm um I'm really honored to tell you that I've invested in this team and I have a team of people and that's what I love I love working with my team to do cool stuff YouTube is just happens to be where we publish too and we'll change somebody mentioned X we'll we'll we'll start to publish everywhere we'll start to be more prolific we'll do some AI dubbing in different languages we'll do everything that we can to get our our content out there but I think what makes us uniquely poised is we have a bigger team than a lot of people are our size like we're not that big but that's my favorite part about this whole thing is our team and how proud I am when I see their stuff and I see the growth and the progress and and um so I'm not going anywhere we're going to keep doing stuff it'll be fun um to the question about the Immigrant thing yeah I was I was born in I was born in a the capital of a state of Kerala in India the city's name is trandum which is like the British shortening the the local name is THU vanand him and we were just there I was just there 2 weeks ago about 10 days ago and uh yeah my family you know it's a great India is a amazing place for anybody who wants to visit the problem the challenge the frustration I have is there's just such a lack of opportunity so my parents did everything they could I remember waiting in line at the American Embassy and stuff and like my parents fought really hard for very long but we uh we ended up moving to the US when I was about five then I got my citizenship I was you know we had we were residents for a while and then we got our citizenship like when I was I think was like 13 so took like eight years is that right 13 something like that I forget now I'm I'm getting old but um it gives me a unique perspective about America yeah I I'm so grateful for coming here and the opportunity it's hard to imagine someone like me running a channel I mean there's other people in other countries that do this stuff but America has been amazing for me um and my family and I owe that all to my mom and dad for for what they did um and you know for what they did for for us and stuff and that's the story that's the story of tuba Da Vinci it's not one I tell very often and that's probably my fault because again I always think this is not about me it's about this topic but if I always do that then you'll always only watch for the topic and I never get to build like a sense of passion in the fan base and I'm I don't know maybe you guys don't want to hear anything about me maybe I'm maybe I should shut up and not do it but in a way I think um I think it helps to make it more personal relatable right I have two kids I have a wife um you see the kids on the videos a little more often especially the oldest one he's a natural um when he's 10 like in a couple years I'll have him host episodes he's ready for it he's so he's so sharp and he's just such a natural on camera so um Dennis says how did you lose your Indian accent well I was 5 years old right so I was very young and um we're Indian Christian which is really rare but being Indian Christian like I went to a English-speaking Catholic School uh a private Catholic school so I was I was reading and writing in English at the age of three in India you go to school way younger than in the US and you go to school way longer longer days more everything um but I was I was in English school I came to the US and I was top of my class I knew how to read and write and stuff far above anybody else in my class cuz I had been doing it for like two years at that point right by kindergarten so I don't know maybe I had an accent when I was younger but I was young um um yeah so David Renfro I remember David from back in the he he was very active in the uh in the vice versa days but he says you and Matt are my two faves uh I appreciate that David it's always an honor to be mentioned in in the same sentence as Matt frell who's one of my favorites I've been watching his stuff forever so I I appreciate that we've we've talked about how we can bring back some maybe um some more live streams or something uh Rob H says is Indian Christian rare in carala my friend is from there too so Rob if you know an Indian Christian almost 90 95% they're probably from my state that's where most of the most of them are but even in carola it's not like a large maybe it's like 10% or so or 15 or you know some small percent but it's much higher than the rest of India and um yeah um it is definitely rare it's it was a weird childhood growing up right I mean I'm I'm Indian I'm this immigrant I'm not from America so like there's certain cultural things I wasn't hip to plus I barely felt Indian most of the time cuz a lot I mean Indian a lot of culture is tradition and religion and most Indians are Hindus and I didn't relate to any of the Traditions or cultures I didn't know any of the festivals or anything we were Christians right so it's an interesting Dynamic it's like uh uh sigu George which is a very mlly Ali sounding name says didn't know you were mullu mullu here as well that's awesome dude S I don't know if I've ever seen your comments before but yes I am M heli I'm from carola see there you go that's why you you bring this stuff up um this is a new uh a new turning over a new Leaf for me and being a little more you know it's not like I'm a I'm a pretty open book to anybody who knows me like I'll tell you anything but online I've always just been like no one cares about me no one no one cares just tell the story that's what they're here for that's kind of what I've I've always done Johnny I need to meet Johnny O at this point the most generous um super thanks viewer thank you for that Super Chat that's a that's a huge um huge amount of money you I think you gave even more than that last time dude you really don't have to do that I it's really appreciated we'll put that to good use um really appreciate you Johnny you're a you're a remarkable dude um I'd love we need a talk or something at this point you're you're you're becoming a thing of a Legend um just in in terms of like how this money will be spent that money is probably already spent but we use MacBooks for the team uh that because I I have a lot of Automation and scripts I can run to like update people's tools and things so everyone has MacBooks I just spent I think like $5,000 on a new M3 Max MacBook um which will get moved into the new the team so um between cameras and MacBooks and and networking and nases and stuff like this business is not a cheap one but it's also good fun uh Carl uh Carlin DT says I'd love to see you interact with Engineers like Scott Manley I love Scott Manley he's super cool I would love to do that as well he does some great content around space uh I would I would love to do that um Mark Cox says my daughter is True Tech but she is so loved um that's that's awesome Jeff says rainy days here in San Diego my goodness tell me how do I me if I can do a poll like on the Fly let's see if I can yeah start a poll okay um should I do a video on why California filled its people with flooding okay there we go let's try this I'm going to try to be more interactive here um one of my one of my one of the team members mentioned doing a video about why California has completely failed its people in regards to what's happening right now I mean we had rain and it's causing Untold uh destruction at this point we live at 1,000 ft elevation on this mountain so we we don't have flooding concerns but I mean looking at my my my my friends and my local Brothers here in San Diego it's been it's been pretty rough the last storm was bad there's flooding like near La right now um it is a country it is a state that is not really equipped for for this sort of thing for for for rain so that's something I'm I'm curious about uh G sweeper ask if I'm a fan of Jason fensky and Engineering explained absolutely I we actually talked about him if you have maybe seen I'll do more not a lot like once in a while we we take such we complicate things so much we do all this like bespoke animation and takes forever right Jason's probably way smarter than me I mean he just goes up to a whiteboard and just writes on a whiteboard and it's compelling so we'll do more whiteboard content I got that idea from him I was blown away by how many views he gets he's clearly built a loyal passionate fan base um but one of the things that he's done is he talks about like engines cars right he has a very clear Focus so if he does he's not really engineering explained he's cars explained like he has really Niche down so his viewers know to expect that's one thing maybe we need to have that conversation because we cover a lot more stuff than he does um which also means that you might not care you might find us for the video on the sphere and like that but then we make a video about an aviation topic and you don't care um so we have to figure that out I really don't like the idea of niching down too much but um we got to find that balance maybe a little bit better than we do beach beach Crow says your animations are fantastic I really appreciate that it's something that we pride ourselves on and it's something that we're going to do even more of um like we mentioned the video going out next week on the on the church in Barcelona I really want your guys' feedback I'm looking forward to the comments what you guys think because um really happy with this one so far from what I've seen in the video it's looking so cool and it's going to be um pretty amazing so how about a video describing the engineering of flood control that is that is a good one I did do a video on a um kind of a permeable concrete that could help with flooding it didn't do all that well to be honest but maybe a bigger engineering the engineering challenge of flood control could be really really interesting so yeah I like that one that one could work um that one could be fun see and you guys know when when when we when we ask this question of what we should cover and what we should do you guys know that I take it seriously because we really will we'll we'll make these videos based on uh your feedback because it really does matter to us it's it's easy to lose sight of what what we should do what we ought to do but we we want to make that a really tight feedback loop what what should we make how should we make it what do you guys want to see and at all the while continue to make sure that we have fun right um we have to enjoy this everybody has to enjoy what they do otherwise it's just a chore and it's a chore that you do until you don't anymore right and I don't want that to become the future for this thing I want you know our email is isn't at2 our email is ricky2 bit. Media right I made that decision a long time ago because in my mind the goal was that I have so many passions that maybe we should have different channels like let's make this a media company and that's the goal um you know we're growing that team by one or two this year and um we want to cover more stuff and love what we do and to love what we do there has to be a a balance of topic selection um viewer engagement and and and uh success right and um Patrick says glad you're not going anywhere love what you do man uh Patrick really appreciate you that means a lot right it's somebody one of the one of the people that was quitting YouTube mentioned that people think that being on YouTube is such a it's rewarding because you get to reach all these people well not really right because I don't see you guys like if I mean one of my favorite things and I'm not like some celebrity or something right but like I am get I do get noticed more in public now than before so like if I'm somewhere and someone's like Ricky stupid avinci oh my God big fan that makes my day oh my gosh that's the coolest feeling because that is a real person who watches and and I get to see them face to face and uh never don't ever think that I don't read the comments we read the comments um the volume of comments has probably gotten to a point where it's hard to keep track of every single one but we see the comments we see the people who join the live streams and stuff and it it means a ton man it really does um I hope you guys know that it is one of the good the feel-good parts about what we do because it's it's easy to to lose sight of it right now I'm in a room by myself talking to a camera like a weirdo right um and even seven years later it's hard luckily I have normally I have a film I won usually as my camera person and even just having one like one other human being can help but um yeah this is what what we do is reaching humans there are people watching this and it's the coolest part oh Nathan Nathan Define says search using iosia uh it'll plant trees while you search I actually do use it um I right now mostly for work I use Firefox um so Ali HRA who's in here just said we love tuba D Vinci she is one of our editors if you've seen some of the really cool like infographic animations I it's probably Alejandra who has blown us away with how she's one she she's developed skills that are just truly remarkable at this point and she's one of these Superstars here at T D Vinci so thank you so much Ali David McCarthy uh super thanks thank you so much um he says no question but glad to see the channel keep growing absolutely um it's never over this channel will continue to evolve as it should I think um there there's fundamentally there's always two kinds of people people who hate change right and people who Embrace change or there's probably a spectrum I'm I'm I'm I'm simplifying but I think that's a fundamental distinction because I actually think it it'll determine your politics it'll determine your views on a lot of things right but I would remind everybody that nothing stays the same right we all get older we lose loved ones like nothing there's no snapshot in time that you can preserve forever take a photo enjoy it right the memories but life changes and so it doesn't really make that much sense to fight it we should probably learn that everything changes good or good or bad like I'm I'm using this apple Vision Pro that we just SP I should have brought in here as a prop and part of me is like man this thing's kind of depressing like what am I supposed to do slap this on and I have blinders on I literally am blocked off and I'm seeing the world through a camera is this the future are people going to be sitting around in Office Park um with their apple Vision Pros on re not even interacting in real life is this a good thing and uh normally the old man in me The 40-Year-Old in me is like oh you know sounds like a sounds like a bad thing but now I'm going to try to try to try to think of it as well there might be some use case there that is is good uh Tom Jacob says the only change oh change is the only constant in life that is absolutely well said um True Tech says there was a time we had hair that is correct that is correct I had hair at one time and here we are no one's no one's mentioned the beard by the way how has nobody I might be no one's mentioned the beard you know the number one comment the number one comment on tuba Da Vinci in 2023 in 2022 in 2021 was always about my stubble like you guys know I never had a beard it was always um um I I got to bookmark this comment um the the comment was always that my beard was like this weird 5:00 shadow it was up to too high I look goofy I agreed I never had a look I've really liked um I was if I clean shave I have this baby face and I'm bald that didn't work out well a beard I'm not a beard I was never really a beard guy that didn't sound right so I did the double in between so right now I'm trying this out I've had this for about a month you'll you probably notice in some of the videos I I've got this thing and I'll try that out but uh I'm not kidding the number one comment at tuba D Vinci is about my beard it's not about the content it's not about the you know um but there you have it uh there was a there was a question earlier yeah okay so uh digy watch saver says is your video in India about the padman Swami Temple and the room of solid gold did you get to go in um that is correct so that is the temple that I only got to see from the outside we didn't get to go in or anything and there's reasons for that and the video will cover that that you oh you got the Apple Vision Pro should I go put it on and log in virtually um but I wasn't able to go into it but I got to meet with the royal family and um the the Indian cultural part of that story is really profound and uh it's definitely it's definitely interesting uh most people are saying looking better than the stubble yeah I agree my I wish I could move this thick beard on the top of my head but that's not a thing um maybe there that hav noticed but yeah it was always too high anyway we'll see um yeah this is the Apple Vision Pro let's see if I can see you guys I to log in maybe or something let's see uh who's who's tried the Apple Vision Pro has anybody tried this thing out yet it is a really uh oh I can connect to the computer it looks like oh wow holy crap okay so now let's see if I can move this in the corner and a little bit higher right there okay so now I'm looking at you guys and I have the comments instead of looking down on my computer I have the comments over here uh damn that is cool okay yeah this thing is pretty cool you guys if if you guys have had a chance to I don't know if they have this the Apple store yet to go try out the problem with this though too is it's not it it maybe I'm wrong we'll W will figure this out but it feels very uh tailored to one person it's not a social thing the first thing I want to do when I put this on is call my son and be like dude get over here try this out but it'll do the iris scan and in invalid user and it just feels incredibly private which you know t 10 months from now it will be but right now if anybody saw me with this their first thought would be I want to see right I I put it on my wife and she's like what am I looking at what what is this and I I don't know I can't see what she's saying but she was she was not even logged in like it wasn't working for her right um so right now I'm looking at the camera dude Juan if do I look goofy as hell I probably do but if if I don't if there's some way I could not look so goofy why is it not working now there we go move it over a little bit more actually I'll just put it right in front of me I don't need to look at the screen there you go cool so now I'm looking at the comments and looking right at the camera um so what do you guys think ju do I look like a dork or is this cool um Jason Harper says such a cool piece of tech it really is um Digi watch says the beard fit perfectly with the Vision Pro that's that's hilarious um it kind of does yeah uh this is one of the things that we get to do we get to try stuff out would I have bought the Apple Vision Pro if I had had to pay with it with my personal money and I had no value to it no I'm a very stingy dude but when it comes to the tubit um when it comes to the YouTube channel I want to know is this the future of computing spatial Computing is this a thing that actually um matters or you know will work I want to know so we'll do a couple videos talking about it uh j79 says let me pull up the comment you guys can see it as well says emperor penguin says dude what the f are you doing uh Jada says what kind of education do you have have you changed your Christian faith since coming to the US that is a deep question you know what we're getting deep in person let's let's talk about it so um I went to school I went to I went to public American public schools my whole life um in California the entirety of my my life and I went to college at the University of California Berkeley I studyed mechanical engineering and my Christian faith has not changed now we I've been Christian my whole life I think I've probably like weaned a little through college and stuff and having a family and uh uh having a family and and children have you know have uh renewed a sense of faith for me and uh yeah I'm as Christian as as ever my my whole family is Christian my parents are super hardcore um and yeah so up the Lauren Lauren Bush says the goggles look goofy uh I feel Goofy but I'll tell you what this use case is interesting man I'm looking right at you guys and I'm seeing the comment section which is kind of cool um KK says your voice is engaging you convey interest in your subjects don't overlook the value you bring KK thank you so much I appreciate that it's um it's good to hear man it it it really goes a long way for us it's it's not don't don't think that those kinds of words don't matter they absolutely do we're blessed with all of you guys Nathan says I have I I I have a face blindness Google Glass would have been great for me to help remember names of social Gatherings but got mocked to death I hear you Nathan that's such a interesting interesting situation like a like an actual handicap face blindness having difficult in Social Gatherings and it probably brings you anxiety I'd imagine and if you could have a tool to help you that's fascinating right this obviously you're not taken to a social Gathering because you're not actually seeing the world you're actually being it's all being recreated for me right this these are not cameras that are actually working or anything dude Juan Juan just Juan get over here real quick who else is here is is brim anybody else here Isaac Isaac all right Juan get over here so well as if I could show you one but dude I am looking at the comments right now right in front of me with this and that's kind of brilliant if I'm honest Juan uh I want you guys should know Juan at this point this was employee number one before whoops I just moved it what happened there before I even paid myself $1 from tet D Vinci Juan was the first employee and he is probably the number one reason why we're still here he makes my job incredibly easy like disconnected Googles are my future everyone fix what um's cutting out oh really yeah really okay so um so um yeah Juan is a absolute Superstar I have seen him develop from 2019 when I first hired him to now he's employee number 0000001 and he is the largest reason for why we are here and still doing it is it still cutting out it's probably the classes you think so yeah I'll take it off people I don't think people were holy crap the the real world is bright um energy says Ola Juan yeah so Juan is a absolute freaking rockar and he's the humblest person you'll ever meet he'll never say it but everyone who meets me like in real life we'll hear about onean because I bring him up all the time and he's trained I mentioned Alejandra who's another one of our editors one of my wife's best friends she was employee number three or two can't remember then there's brim and Isaac is our newest tired which you'll meet him soon enough and um it's just amazing fun guys like if I could give any if I could give you guys advice on anything love what you do there's no replacement I mean you know the the the alternative and I know some people who do this they have a job that makes them a ton of money but they hate it so it's just a matter of let me get all my money in the bank and then quit and then retire um that could work as well that's hard for me I I need I can't do that I have to love what I do I've always tried to right I love software now I do this but love what you do because life is freaking short man man it really is I'm 40 I'm 40 years old I was telling my mom this at my brother's wedding I was telling my mom you have a 40-year-old son my God like it must make you feel so old right um my mom still looks really young you wouldn't yeah what or you can meet me now oh there you go um yeah so Isaac come over here this is our newest hire he hasn't officially started I just bought his MacBook what's up man say hi everybody so Isaac Juan and brim are gonna start a new channel where they do tech reviews and they're they're you know way hipper than I they'll make it fun have nothing to do with me but that's why I love this you guys and I think you guys need to know that maybe if you guys were up for it you guys could host an episode on tuba da venci would you be down um let's try the tech yeah um life is really short as somebody just mentioned true I think it was true Tech um uh J says that that more of of a civil no I was a mechanical engineer most of my engineering days were in aerospace engineering I worked for the Navy on the F-18 program before software which I really loved as well is it better yeah it's okay but yeah you got to love what you do and we really do is it easy is it frustrating does do you know do I want to strangle the the the algorithm God sometimes sure sure of course like that that does happen but I think um but I think overall we love we love this we love making content for you we love learning about new things right every week is is a blank slate um we did research for this analog computer that blew me away CU When I first saw the article analog computers what are you talking about like digital processors are better why on Earth would anybody care about an analog computer that was so much fun I got to learn about use cases and Brilliant companies doing interesting things right and that was that was amazing that was an amazing script that one really stood out to me uh the aviation topics are always a passion of mine um this Indian temple that's crazy right I mean treasure in the trillions guys there was so much treasure they stopped counting cuz it was like why keep counting it doesn't it doesn't even make sense anymore I mean like 400 kilogram pure gold statues and things like it just L lunacy really um it's just such a fascinating thing and every week we get to do other stuff so just remember that um what you know when when you see these things it takes a toll it does so I appreciate all the friendly nice comments anybody who's had uh constructive criticism I appreciate you too because that's how you grow I don't want to I don't want to just hear the good stuff if you guys have like hey this would have been better if we you did this or that was missing and you guys do there is that one one thing Matt Matt frell and I talk about all the time is we have the smartest viewers like in the world because if I make a mistake on something I will have 25 comments by the time I wake up telling me I was wrong on something and it's because you guys are brilliant um so if I make videos that brilliant people want to watch that feels pretty good it means that okay I mean do I think sometimes I should be in the audience and you should be the one doing the video yeah I I probably do but um it's amazing it's amazing that you guys are so brilliant and and point stuff out it's how we grow we take what we do very serious like we do make mistakes we try to correct them or or whatever um we've gotten better at making less mistakes I remember early on we had kind of felt like there was a stretch of two or three videos I remember like in 2021 where we had a video like an a little error either like a kilogram pound conversion or some typo on the screen or like a fact wrong or something and we had like back to back to back videos with it and it made me really mad um feeling like we were not doing you guys' service so uh we try to do better we'll make mistes Stakes obviously and stuff but we we take that very seriously and we we know how smart all of you guys are and um that puts the pressure on us to to keep delivering as well uh Gregorio says that is cool my kids Fly Navy fa1 18s dude that is amazing man where do they fly out of we're here in San Diego I used to work um in North Island on Coronado on Coronado there's also like you know fighter Town Top Gun here is up the road from us so we're like in the heart of like fighter Town USA basically and the Navy is a big part of San Diego culture there's you know it's the Pacific Fleet of the of the US Navy so obviously it's pretty big and um and that's really cool man you you should be proud of your of your kids that that is that is amazing and in a different world I would have been a a Navy pilot maybe I would have had to get started young but I had the background I you know being an engineer and stuff really helps it's just very tough and demanding in in different kinds of ways um Allan says you are way more correct than mainstream media you know I get this sentiment quite a bit and I think it's probably why we exist because the mainstream media always has like there's always some angle it feels like sometimes um I'll give you an example I had a neighbor of mine call me like out of panic he's like oh my God Tesla's recalling 2 million vehicles for faulty computers that are going to crash please don't drive your Tesla seriously he called me like at like 9:00 at night scared to death for me cuz I have two Teslas and so I had lunch with him and I was I was like where did you what were you doing he's like I was watching MSNBC or whatever it was and I was telling him dude it was an overthe aair software update to change the font like the font is bigger on the screen when you're need to it's like is that that's what we were talking about here right so um I do feel that we're left with a with a hole there's a disservice that they don't do also they just cover a bunch of stuff very topically which I I'm never going to be like that I'm never going to be all right and here's this and here's that I'm going to do deep Dives I'm going to find the context the the perspective I'm want to find that part that makes this feel like it's important otherwise there's no story right there's nothing to talk about you'll notice that in in a theme of ours um Gregorio says Amy was in LaMore Nick was out the war College oh my God I had many trips to Lam more there was we had this uh F-18 mishap there was a crash in Lam more and I was there for about a week straight eating at the same one like barbecue restaurant Lam more is an interesting place but I I know Lam more very well um yeah so yeah mainstream yeah mainstream media definitely leaves something to be desired that might be what we do but but we got to yeah I want you guys to know that we love what we do not every part right I don't I don't always love obsessing about a freaking title and thumbnail because otherwise no one will watch it but it is the world we live in we live in a headline world where there's a bajillion other tiles on people's faces and if you don't click ours um it doesn't matter how good the video is so we understand that and I'll take all that knowing that the big picture though this is still a dream job and I was just telling the guys that I was telling them like one day I came home uh from that I mentioned I was in LA two days ago I got back at 2: in the morning and I come in and I look into the office and they are you know our our office over here has this big TV there's supercomputers for all the rendering which also means good for gaming and they're they're up there playing video games and having fun and I told them I I worked at Salesforce which is famously an amazing place to work I have the highest regard for Salesforce I know they've done some layoffs and and kind of come back to reality but Salesforce was an amazing place to work when my wife was pregnant with our second uh son they gave me the father six months of paternity leave six months to stay with my wife the kids be at home um and I work from home anyway so when I left and I've always been blessed with the most amazing managers back from the Navy days uh good Blackberry Salesforce wherever I've worked I've had the most amazing amazing bosses and I knew that was something I wanted to do as well so if there's a if there's some you know I'll try to if people are working late or there's like some deadline or something I'll try to get food and you know just all the cool stuff that we've always wanted right and I take hella of pride in that as you guys can imagine like I mentioned I've I don't miss Peril like I've built this team we've done training we've been through so much together we've learned so much together that stuff is what I love the YouTube of it YouTube is just the end place where we hit upload to but man I love this team and I love what we do so I want all of you guys to know um that's kind of my take on it I think that's where we're going to be around for a long time God God willing obviously and all of you guys willing but uh we're blessed we're blessed beyond belief to do what we do I never take that for granted and not not for a minute um we think about you guys this channel often and it is a it is a true blessing what we get to do and I appreciate all of you guys for taking the time today I haven't really had too much time to look at how many people are on and stuff but like yeah there's like there there's been like 300 people watching this whole time um thank you thank you for for letting us do this um I'd be lying if I said everything was always fun and stuff it's not right any job has crap that you got to do um right Caleb Pike in his video was saying that maybe you love building houses but you hate pouring foundations but every house needs that Foundation port and you hate it then you try to that's all true uh there's probably not a job on Earth that's perfect all the time right but all all together being able to do what we get to do together as a family the Family Affair around here um it's truly amazing and we'll keep broadening out right like I mentioned maybe we'll start uploading all of our stuff to x a few days later or something or I don't know like wherever the you know the short firm content is something we're still trying to figure out I've made quite a few shorts you guys have probably seen not to great success or anything but maybe I'm just missing it maybe I'm you know not not really there but we'll keep trying stuff we'll keep trying stuff we'll keep having fun with it we'll keep buying new gear and toys and keep up in the production value and um above all else we'll try to be the engineers's Guide to the Galaxy right we'll try to bring that engineering perspective to the stories of our time that is what our goal is um and and we'll try our absolute best to always do that and I'll I'll try to make these little update videos a little more often and stuff you guys can kind of sound off on questions and stuff that you have um and uh just see if there's any other comments or anything yeah you guys are you guys are always um Andrew Nicholls says I love paternity leave as a concept it's so important for both parents to be involved in early childhood um absolutely man I have a I have a very good friend named Emily who still works at the Navy and they have no like particular maternity leave or anything and she you know they just have normal time off and then there's like medical time off and stuff but she burned all of her time off her medical time off like her sick leave for her first kid and when the second kid came along she had to go back to work after a couple of weeks and there's nothing to be done about it and I remember thinking that's just heartbreaking because my wife was home I was home for both of our kids for months at a time we got to enjoy it we got to it's hard enough just being a parent for anybody who has children you know the early years are tough like there's a lot of sleeplessness and um everything else so yeah we know we we'll try to do what we can to make this a dream job for those guys out there I ask them all the time what can we do differently what are how are you feeling you love and what you do and um it's a North star for us and it it really helps right CU never lose sight of what the goal is right I mean it's hard it's it's easy on YouTube especially you start chasing oh my God that video did so well let's do more videos like that let's get more views let's get more views but never lose sight of what you're doing like what's the goal so for us have a great family unit my mom my wife my kids have a great team have a bond help them be there for them have you know have have a team of people that are happy doing what they do the best work of their life and um if we can stick to those things I have a feeling I could be wrong YouTube will work out you know we'll because we'll be here we're not going to burn out and crash and burn right as the team gets bigger the stress for everybody comes down as you guys can probably imagine 2021 202 like 2021 2020 when it was just me and Juan Juan and I were working mad hours uh Juan was putting in a lot of time and the greatest thing that's happened to Juan is new hires because now Juan can stop being a superhero with a cape every day and now he can be a human he can actually you know and we've we've done the grind and hopefully we're entering a stage of better Healthy Growth as a company cuz we can't you know you can't work late hours and 80 hour weeks forever but you can for a while because it is hard to start your own thing um and um think help says what have I missed are they walking or taking a break no no I wanted to share the general I'll say it one more time really quick now I'm sounding off here but YouTube is is is a tough place to run a business like it's not all rainbows and sunshine obviously um and I was telling everybody that the reason why I'm around and um and I'm going to be here for the Long Haul is because of this investment I've made in our team our team is amazing they do a lot of the work that you guys see you guys think of me and you think I'm so great it's it's a team effort around here we we have a brilliant writer we have editors and I love being around them and I love seeing everybody grow and we're going to do the best work of our life and I think longterm um the successful YouTubers probably have some equivalent right I think Mr Beast has a lot of fun with his team I've never met the guy but he's a he's a legend and he clearly enjoys being around his people that he's built right and that's why he'll be around and he's not going to crash and burn and he's still doing the crazy stuff that he does if he was a oneman show that he might have quit already right so there's a lesson there somewhere like you know the the the key to longevity is is is is not just being a superhero all the time um but but relying on your team um a little bit more as well all right I think I'm wrapping up here uh Henry schaer says I really dig what y'all do Popular Science was my favorite magazine when I was growing up and you bring some of that back man I'm glad you said that um I'm so glad you said that because that was one of our comps actually we we talk about who are we what are we trying to do Popular Science absolutely is a legendary publication honored to hear that comparison you're right um yeah um Daniel says the team makes you look good Ricky uh absolutely and somebody else mentioned like you always hire people that are smarter than you yeah Tony pill says I've always tried to hire smarter people than I uh so Tony clearly has run his own business and kind of knows absolutely for me I just I I go by like potential and like heart like I just love good people I would rather hire somebody who was a great dude or girl great guy or girl who had potential then some genius editor genius whoever who was a bit cocky or would ruin the chemistry of the team longterm the you know the former the the young guy with a good spirit I will always win out and that's my philosophy you know we we just need creative people like we're not you know creativity goes a long way and it's really valuable around here so it's a commodity that we we definitely encourage um yeah so thank you guys so much this was fun this was a video that I've been wanting to make for a while I've been jetlagged for the past week um I've been waking up at like 4:00 in the morning and going to bed at you know like 6:30 my wife and I have been been like forcing ourselves to stay awake to try to adjust to our time this all this travel and stuff is is definitely harder for me now my near 40s compared to when I was my 20s I feel like in my 20s I go to India and come back two days I'd be back to normal but um definitely harder now a lot of amazing comments you guys are you guys are our um our North Star this is all um really awesome to hear so thank you guys so much hope that gives you a little bit of perspective in what we want to do what we're about you know we're not going anywhere but we're going to keep evolving it'll never stay the same we're you know hopefully always better and better better budgets better travel more on-site more unique exclusive stuff greater stories greater storytelling better writing better script everything that is what I love above all and the only fear you guys should ever have is if I get so good I'm you know we're getting 50 million views every video and my video edits are so perfect and it's amazing and I get bored but I'll be honest with you I don't see that ever happening I don't think I don't think we're close so we have a long way to go and that means all that much more fun to be had right so thank you guys so much I'm going to uh sign off here really appreciate all of you this is going to be a fun year this is going to be the best year we've ever done like this is going to be the year that we make the coolest content you've ever seen starting with next week really want the people on this live stream especially you guys have kind of heard about this Barcelona church it's a story it feels like a novel it's really interesting love to know what you guys think until next week guys thank you so much for watching and we'll see you very soon
Channel: Two Bit da Vinci
Views: 29,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: two bit da vinci
Id: KVn2iU-gy5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 35sec (6095 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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