We need to talk about EMILY IN PARIS... | Parisian chic | Justine Leconte

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This episode is supported by Shopify, the  platform I use for my online shop. Check   the video description for more info and a free  trial! Hi everyone, it's Justine. There is a   new show on Netflix it's about a young american  woman who moves to paris for a year to work in a   marketing agency i'm french i lived in paris and  i lived in the us so right now i'm getting quite   a few messages asking justine what do you think of  emily in paris what do i think i feel personally   addressed by this show and in today's video i'm  gonna be with judge and party as we say it what   in this show is true or has a part of truth what  is just a big pile of cliches let's have a look   shall we emily in paris is clearly a mix between  sex and the city and the devil wears prada meaning   a mean boss lots of designer clothes inappropriate  for both the weather and the pavement in paris   affairs and unlikely situations don't get  me wrong both of these shows are very good   entertainment wildly successful no question but  emily in paris is happening in my country now so   we need to do a bit of myth busting first wanting  to work in france without learning the language   i'd say bold so at the beginning of the first  episode first season emily arrives in paris goes   to her new workplace meets her boss well that's  very unfortunate excuse me that you don't speak   french it's a problem well i'm going to take a  class but je parl um francais already english   speakers tend to assume that the rest of the world  speaks english which is partly true because most   countries do teach english in schools but not  everyone feels comfortable speaking that language   and if you're just assuming that people have  to speak your language it can come across   as disrespectful in France on top of that you  are missing out on the culture and everything   which matters so much to us that's why we take it  personally i say we like people in general um we   are very proud of our culture our history our food  and gastronomy and you want to speak the language   so that you get the finesse of our culture or  so we think so if you're a tourist in france   i highly recommend that you ask first to the  person you're speaking to if they speak english   without assuming that they do and starting to just  chat away also just learn the basic words bonjour   s'il-vous-plaît merci excusez-moi. French people  will always appreciate the effort and try to   improve your french as well then café de flore in  the saint-germain district which is the literature   culture and university district of paris so emily's stable neighbor turns  out to be a philosophy professor   talks about simone de beauvoir etc um that's very  famous i'm surprised that they did not mention   that ken lagerfeld used to work there because  it's a show about fashion and he's very famous   for that he sketched in that cafe for years  it contributed to make it famous actually   and then i saw the prices on the menu behind them   and i thought what what so i checked  the prices online they charge 740 euros   for a cappuccino hello hello hello that that's  like that's stealing never paid that much for   a coffee not even any berries please ridiculous  then i checked the other side of the street let's   go the other cafe that they're mentioning they  charge eight euros for a cappuccino that's like   copenhagen level under my standards and salaries  in denmark are a bit higher than in france   please don't pay that much for a coffee  in paris ever then we have the parisian   snob new boyfriend thomas despises and avoids  regular conversations and wants to talk about   philosophy and higher things all the time yeah  i agree so though talking about wine it's like   conversation about the weather  far more interesting to drink it   no it's exaggerated of course but it touches upon  something that does exist and that we call the   snob parisian parisian as opposed to provence  not provence not the same thing provence means   basically the rest of the country  everything that is not paris   snobs real parisians as people from outside call  them are usually born raised in paris still live   there have never lived anywhere else and they  can come across as arrogant and disdainful   even towards other french people who were not  born in paris but somewhere else in the country   like me i lived in paris but i'm not from paris  snobs are generally well educated intellectual   friends of the arts why not often affluent  and they tend to gravitate inside that social   privileged bubble i've experienced it firsthand  and i can totally see how it would bother   foreigners as well because it's a very exclusive  milieu i do think that people like this exist   in every affluent capital city in the world  that i've seen so far but it's true that this   cliche in the show does hold true then affairs  in the workplace something you should know is antoine's mistress   so sylvie who is emily's boss the boss of the  agency is in an affair with antoine antoine is a   very married client of the agency and the wife of  antoine and sylvia are actually even friends and   and they meet on regular occasions and everyone  seems to find that normal well let me tell you   this isn't normal and when the same antoine  gives lingerie to emily and sends that   to her office and emily finds it inappropriate yes  it is inappropriate we talk more easily and openly   about relationships than in other countries  but but we are not like that geography issues   in the first minute when emilia arrives in  paris and gets driven to her new apartment by   a cap they drive past eiffel tower check  ponte check the train check check check   check that has all frenchies roll their eyes but  then also it doesn't make any sense geographically   they start in eiffel tower drive to the ponteo and  then come back to the ag detrion it's like filming   a movie in new york and having the guy drive from  wall street to the west village via central park about speaking too loud i can't find that scene  anymore but basically it's at the office emily's   speaking and one of her colleagues goes why are  you shouting yes it's true that people in the u.s   speak a lot louder than we do after living in the  us myself i still don't know why is it because the   cities are super loud because you have so many  cars and then if you want that cap to stop and   pick you up you really have to make him hear you  i don't know maybe if you're american enlighten me   in french restaurants for instance the  music is very subtle quiet and people   are expected to also speak quietly whereas in  restaurants in the us the music is super loud   and if you want your direct neighbor to hear  what you're saying you really have to speak up   i have problems with this the whole time  that i lived in new york uh people kept   asking me to speak louder and i was like i  can't i'm french i don't want to yell at you   next one cigarettes over food oh there  you are stop eating why are you eating   i'm sorry it's just so good and i'm so hungry  we'll have a cigarette no no no no no no do you want to have lunch no i'll have a cigarette no one skips lunch no one since we're here   let's talk about all the comments i got under  my previous videos about french culture like   french women are thin because they don't eat  they just smoke and drink coffee all day where   where is that coming from look i'm french  huh i don't drink coffee i don't smoke   none of my friends do and i certainly don't  skip lunch or any meal and i don't know anybody   who does that myth about french people smoking  like chimney i don't know where it comes from i   think it comes from older movies i'm just going to  look at the statistics objectively from the world   health organization american smokers would smoke  22.5 cigarettes per day versus 14.4 for french   smokers it's data from 2012 so we'll see in two  years when they update the data but like it's not   true that french people smoke so much more as for  smoking indoors which keeps coming in this series   no it's forbidden to smoke in the workplace or  in any public place by law since 2007 and in   bars and restaurants since 2008 so no no then the  pleasure of doing nothing you know the wonderful   thing about paris is that nobody judges you  for doing nothing i mean it's practically an   art form here yes absolutely true we take time to  enjoy life and it doesn't mean being lazy at all   i love to sit down in a cafe with a glass of wine  or a tea or whatever alone or in company and just   appreciate the moment unload all that stress  when was the last time that you did that   that you took a step back and just breathed  literally it's a happiness booster you should try   also i read somewhere not in that show somewhere  else but i can't find the source anymore   that americans are good at entertainment while  french people are good at leisure i couldn't   agree more i think it's very accurate next point  than a big one the customer is always right   the chef tells me the stick is correct um well  correct for him but not correct for me so she's   basically arguing with the waiter about having the  cook cook her meat for longer i suggest you try it   uh maybe you suggest you cook it longer yeah i'll  take yours no no come on the customer is always   right major cultural difference right there  no here the customer is never right well maybe   i'll educate the chef a little bit about customer  service you think you're gonna change the entire   french culture by sending back a steak yes in  france we do think that the customer is king   just not like in the u.s in france when you're  eating a restaurant you are guests as a guest you   get the good treatment white tablecloth napkins  made in cloth the bread the free water everything   you get three courses the waiter is expected to  guess what you will need before you even have   to ask for it and without asking you what you  need the cook is your host it would be rude to   make them feel like they've made a mistake before  you even tried before you even tasted your meal   looking at it in another way it's the cook's job  to present you perfectly cooked and seasoned meals   with a beautiful presentation it's your job  to assume that the kitchen did their job right   that's exactly why the waiter and then the cook  tells emily you should try it you might like it   as it is i'm gonna add a bonus tip in there don't  put salt and pepper automatically before you have   tasted your food assume that the cook  seasoned it the way it is meant to be eaten   it's rude if you put more ingredients  before having tasted french cooks love   foodies clients who can just taste and immediately  tell you this ingredient you added a bit of this   a bit of that like they love people who know and  appreciate what they're eating if you're able to   do that the cook will come out of the kitchen  to salute you and have a chat the waiter will   get you a complimentary coffee you'll get a dj's  teeth on top of that and the next time you walk in   they'll call you by your name and give you the  best table that's how it's done awkward situations   due to translation mercy for the shower what  the shower is la douche oh i enjoy languages and   and puns in other languages so i find that part  really funny if you speak both english and french   you'll get the nuances the jokes are not always  good taste but they're all pretty accurate   eiffel tower charms yes that was  missing i could eat your clothes   here again the scene is extremely exaggerated  but yeah it comes across a stacky it's like   wearing a giant sign on your forehead saying i'm  a tourist it's not cool in france if you want to   blend in and or live like a local i'd  avoid that one more we have one more   oh this is it it's on the fifth floor this  is the fourth floor uh i just swept off   these bags five flights this is the fifth  floor obviously the ground floor is zero da   this is called segundo in french the context  and the tone of what people are saying is   essential to understand if they are being  serious ironic or plainly kidding and this   tonality thing there is a law between cultures  in the u.s people usually say what they mean   in french there is more of a context to understand  you need to be able to read between the lines   in japan you need to even understand  what has not been said at all like   it's another level of complexity in terms of  understanding nuances there is a full scope   of communication differences sources of  miscommunication and misunderstandings if you're   interested in this there is a great book called  the cultural map that analyzes and maps countries   on an axis based on how much context you need  to understand the language is super interesting   so yeah if you're american and you move to  france especially paris you need to get used to   that kind of gymnastics that's it for the little  roundup thumbs up if you enjoyed this video thank   you very much i must say for me at least it was  very fun to film so i hope you liked it as well   what bothers me most i think in this netflix show  is that it puts all french people into one box   and we don't like to be put into boxes we want  to be unique in the way we dress the way we look   our behavior our style i guess in this sense  we are quite a homogeneous bunch after all   i've done previous videos about the french culture  since that's my field of expertise um i will link   them here and down below in the description for  instance the way we wear perfume our relationship   to food the way we do skincare and makeup how  we see beauty in general if you're interested   in more insights on the french culture then to  be fair we would now need an american to review   this show from the american perspective because  there are quite a few stereotypes about the us   served in there as well but that is not my field  of expertise so i want to open the discussion to   you guys if you know the us and all friends if  you've been to paris what do you think is that   what you expected do you think there are some  stereotypes that are completely out of line or   others that have not been picked up yet by the  show and that you find are missing let me know   see you very soon in a new video and until  then you'll find me on instagram take care bye
Channel: Justine Leconte officiel
Views: 719,851
Rating: 4.949316 out of 5
Keywords: Emily in Paris, Netflix, French women, Parisian women, French woman, Parisian chic, stereotypes countries, stereotypes about countries, French stereotypes, stereotypes about French, stereotypes francais, clichés about the French, French reacts to Emily in Paris, reaction video, reacting to Emily in Paris, are French people rude, French diet, true or false, French girl stereotypes, Justine Leconte, assumptions about the French, American stereotypes, French people
Id: lCXYfpqSrAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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