emily in paris sucked (a review) πŸ·πŸ‘‘βœ¨

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[Music] emily in paris sucks i'm always on the hunt for a good tv show and unfortunately i've been left pretty disappointed lately most recently with emily in paris a netflix original series that follows a 20-something american girl who moves to paris for her marketing job it stars lily collins in the title role and was created by the same people behind sex in the city although it actually feels like a forgettable version of gossip girl jane by design or ugly betty i am the show's exact target demographic and yet from the very first episode i knew i wasn't going to enjoy it but i'm a completionist so i stuck through all 10 episodes so here are my thoughts on emily in paris after my one and only viewing just a warning there will be some spoilers so steer clear if that's something you're worried about and if you couldn't tell from the title this is going to be a pretty negative review so if that isn't for you just don't watch this video anyway let's get into it emily is a mess i like lily collins i think she's a very sweet person and i know that she actually has decent acting chops but even she can't make this awful character better emily is one of the most insufferable characters i've seen in recent years maybe only slightly better than sierra burgess if you're above a certain age and have lived in a major city then you've met a version of emily she's the recent college grad with a communications degree starting a pr position at some company you've seen ads for on instagram when her friends from back home come to town she brings them to 235th or bar pd she spends her first paycheck on a ridiculously expensive bag that was popular three years ago and then complains about not being able to afford to eat out for the next week in the show emily moves to paris after her boss is unable to go but guess what emily can't speak a word of french well that's very unfortunate excuse me that you don't speak french it's a problem well i'm going to take a class but your parlance already [Music] [Music] i don't think that's the account for you she spends the beginning of the series using a cell phone to translate which we all know would never work anne spends one or two episodes going to a french class we never see again she never winds up speaking more french by the end of the show except for using a tray here and there it's trey important bonjour i am trey xitay to be here but that's not an issue because she winds up meeting more and more characters that just so happen to speak perfect english thank you my lousy french gets me nowhere no she's not nice to anyone you're nice and french and you speak english it's things like this that reveal how ignorant and arrogant emily is and sadly i don't think that was to make a clever point about her cultural dissonance she spends most of the show trying to force the french to be more like her instead of learning to adapt to her surroundings and learn from them so you've come to teach the french some american tricks i'm sure we have a lot to learn from each other but your experience is not with fashion and luxury brands true most of my experience has been in promoting pharmaceuticals and geriatric care facilities for those of you who haven't met me i'm emily cooper and i'm so excited to be here in paris i'm looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you and likewise having you get to know me your name is here my name is luke yes luke why are you shouting sorry sophie it's emily um are we closed today or is there a national holiday that i don't know about because i've been hanging around here for two hours and i what are you doing i've been here since 8 30. we open at 10 30. ah this steak isn't cooked at all um excuse me pardon monsieur the chef tells me the steak is correct um well correct for him but not correct for me i suggest you try it uh maybe you suggest you cook it longer yeah i i'll take yours no no no come on the customer is always right maybe i'll educate the chef a little bit about customer service you think you're gonna change the entire french culture by sending back a steak i don't take such a simplistic view of men and women that's very american that's literally why i'm here to bring an american point of view you're more like the prude police i'm just trying to imagine a social campaign that doesn't seem tone deaf to the cultural moment look you come to paris you walk into my office you don't even bother to learn the language you treat the city like it's your amusement park and after a year of food sex wine and maybe some culture you'll go back from where you came as seen here when she lectures her co-workers about their work ethic excuse me what is this i just received from you oh it's just something i sent from the chicago office our corporate commandments oh are you commanding us to do what thou shalt always maintain a positive attitude thou shalt be on time thou shalt praise in public and criticize in private thou shalt avoid workplace romances and thou shalt remember that we are all a team thou shalt always maintain a positive attitude thou shalt avoid workplace romances you told french people this no wonder they hate you oh not just this they disagree with everything i say that's the french way they're very disagreeable could you imagine if it was the other way around and a french character came to an american office and tried to make it more french it'd be ridiculous and honestly emily is just bad at her job she almost loses a 2 million watch because she's too busy clubbing and she becomes involved with a client but of course because she's the main character it's not her fault it's everybody else's and since she continues to get away with everything there's never any dramatic tension to help us become invested in her story even when she's fired the other characters quickly explained that oh no she isn't really sylvie just fired me oh that's all we thought someone died just my career no it's impossible to fire someone in france what we the bureaucracy takes months yes simply abandon your self-respect come in once or twice a week to move papers around your desk and don't make eye contact with cindy why what are you doing here do i need to fire you again no um but i have outstanding clients and until the paperwork is filed i still have a duty to them and to savoir shivya would you please bring me a copy of the paperwork so i can close this matter may we sylvie thank you at least if there'd been some kind of devil wears prada-esque moment where she realizes that she needs to actually put some effort into her job i'd be okay with this but nope by the end of the first season emily is in the exact same place she started she doesn't learn a single thing and it leaves you wondering what was the point of this entire show another thing i dislike about emily is how she completely ignores social boundaries and norms hey don't post my tits i'm not buckethead wait stop calling me buckethat i'm sorry i can't remember your name still friends at one point she posts pictures of someone else's food on her instagram and sleeps with the 17 year old brother of her friend oh and that same friend emily not only kisses her boyfriend she also sleeps with him but we're supposed to like emily and think she's nice come on make it make sense but i'm an agreeable person people like me that's my strength it almost seems as though the writers of the character didn't completely understand who she was they constantly had her reference movies from the 2000s but we never see the character actually watching a movie oh my god i feel like nicole kidman in moulin rouge it's amazing isn't it the entire city looks like ratatouille and we're supposed to believe that she was obsessed with gossip girl and wanted to be serena vander woodsen when she was clearly blair because my friends and i were obsessed with gossip girl we all wanted to be serena vander woodson in her gorgeous crazy expensive couture i can't believe it was done what gossip girl we watched the entire series to find out it's dan and she wants everyone to like her and yet continues to do things that she knows annoys people it's ridiculous i need lily collins to redeem herself with an audrey hepburn biopic pronto because this show isn't doing her career any favors one side characters the only characters i genuinely found compelling were mindy and sylvie they had interesting backstories goals senses of humor and had a life outside of emily whereas many other characters like gabrielle seem to just be an attractive plot device to help get emily out of trouble and appear whenever she needs them to her shower's broken and she can't speak to the plumber grab gabrielle from downstairs can't get into the restaurant she needs to go to gabrielle's instead and have him make a michelin level meal lost an actress and a two million dollar watch drag gabrielle to the club and have him help her this man is supposed to be a chef and yet never seems to be at work or at the very least paying attention to his customers gabrielle your restaurant is going to go out of business coincidences and cliches want to play a drinking game while watching emily in paris take a shot every time emily meets an attractive french man who finds her irresistible while also coincidentally being able to speak english just kidding you'd probably get alcohol poisoning maybe you want to have a drink tonight i have a boyfriend in paris in chicago so you don't have a boyfriend in paris did my gift please you the other day oh um yes it it was very thoughtful but uh no it was unnecessary oh not the daughter and a tad inappropriate huh according to whom me excuse me i like american [Β __Β ] and i'd really like to go home now please tell me we'll see each other again tonight oh okay sure you said a drink and i meant it the entire show is just a bunch of cliches and coincidences strung together in an attempt to create a cohesive storyline and spoiler alert it is not well done there's absolutely nothing in this show that you haven't seen before and honestly that's what's most disappointing because there is definitely potential for a truly interesting story that detailed the complexities of trying to find your footing in a new city even sex and the city with all of its faults had episodes that actually brought up interesting points about society the only somewhat surprising moment in the entirety of emily in paris is the reveal that gabrielle had a girlfriend but that's because it quite literally came out of nowhere she was never mentioned or even seen until the episode she needs to exist here yeah no the food's fabulous i know so chef is my boyfriend gabrielle yes do you know him not really um he lives in the apartment right below me which is right down the street from the flower market where you and i met i'm just grabbing some questions for gabrielle i can never get him out of bed anymore oh sleepyhead why not have her and emily befriend each other at least one episode earlier it would have made that plot point at least a little more interesting we're still stereotyping in 2020 the entire premise of the show is based around emily having trouble fitting in but the french are the ones with the problem not the obnoxious american in paris maybe i'm just not cut out for this city you know i thought it was gonna be an adventure and it is six people nine pm eight eleven wonderful we'll see you november eighth you booked the eighth of november this is the 11th of august oh my god you reversed the dates no you have asked the dates okay because you just yeah but it's just like really important your language is seriously effed up the french are rude they're lazy they're sexist they're horn dogs they're ignorant the show honestly feels like weird anti-french propaganda it's like it was written by someone who went to paris for one week back in the 90s and thought to themselves wow this place is beautiful but its people really suck of course i love paris and the food is so delicious the fashion so chic the light's so magical but the people so mean i mean they can't all be mean oh yes they can i'm not at all surprised that french critics have hated this series in the entire show there are only two major characters who aren't white mindy chen and julian mindy chen is played by korean-american actress ashley park and while i love ashley's gretchen in mean girls the musical i have a lot of problems with this character it felt like an easy way for them to exhibit negative stereotypes about asians through the mouth of an asian just so no one could call them out for it sushi safe or anywhere that's asian although she's mad enough a chopstick camp hunt your skin don't ask how i know that you can't punish people for their thoughts i'm from china we've tried chinese people are mean behind your back french people mean to your face i had my shot and i blew it you you get more than one shot mindy in china you only get one kid same for julian played by samuel arnold he's a black gay man who works with emily and his entire shtick is that he's sassy no other traits whatsoever because i guess tv shows haven't learned that there's more to being gay than being sassy i think i like you i saw them a stop wait wait wait do you think sylvia knows i don't plan to be around to find out i can't even see these characters as a diversity win it just feels like they're doing the bare minimum the fact that they're the only non-white characters is absolutely ridiculous when you consider how diverse paris is we couldn't give emily a few non-white love interests no okay the clothes alright this is probably what you wanted to hear me talk about if you're familiar with this channel then you know i love fashion so i was genuinely excited for the show to come out and to get to see some fresh style inspiration and memorable looks but boy oh boy was i disappointed the costumes in the show were styled by patricia field the same mind behind the outfits in sex and the city and the devil wears prada but i don't see any of the outfits from emily in paris influencing any fashion trends besides many of the outfits looking like they're straight out of a 2011 episode of gossip girl they're also painful to look at this pink on pink on pink outfit is burned into my corneas many of the outfits worn by the title character emily are some of the worst people compared her looks to harper finkles from wizards of waverly place but they actually reminded me of the outfits emilia clarke wears in me before you but somehow worse the biggest problem to me isn't even that they look bad which many characters actually point out in the show any tips on what to wear not that sorry i don't speak french american yes but did you think that i was french honestly no i was being polite you look american hey you said we had to wear all black i said you had tsui it's that they make no sense emily isn't meant to be incredibly wealthy or even have a background in fashion and yet she's wearing multiple pairs of louboutins and has a closet full of chanel uh-uh i don't think so let's just do a quick little tally of all the chanel emily wears [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] if you're wondering why i'm giving emily's outfit such a hard time it's really quite simple there was potential so many of her outfits could have gotten the she's american point across while still being fashion forward instead of fashion backward especially since we see camille and sylvie wearing gorgeous outfits here let's take a look at some of sylvie's i rarely see older women in tv shows who get to exude so much sexual charisma and get to dress this stylishly and while i greatly appreciated it it actually left me wondering why emily had to look so horrendous in comparison camille while overdone and busy in typical patricia field fashion still has some great french girl style moments pierre cadeau a fashion designer in the world of the show is supposed to have this awesome revolutionary fashion moment but his show winds up being a knock off of the victor and rolfe spring summer 2019 old couture collection and no it doesn't feel like an ode to it more like an easy way to create a supposedly fashionable moment that the average emily and paris viewer wouldn't recognize they also look weirdly cheap if you've watched me review things before then you know that i usually try to find something redeemable and positive but i really struggled with emily in paris i don't see myself ever re-watching it even as background noise which is a shame because i think the cast was doing their best with what they were given if it's renewed for a second season good for them and good for the people who enjoyed it i just won't be watching it what were your thoughts on emily in paris did you love it or hate it don't forget to like and subscribe and i'll see you soon bye [Music]
Channel: ModernGurlz
Views: 1,300,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: style, modern gurlz, 90s fashion, fashion, movie review, movie commentary, moderngurlz, review, movies, patricia field, gossip girl, emily in paris, lily collins, netflix, sex and the city, chanel, fashion week, nyfw
Id: bVbCDvdwg4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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