We Need To Find The Spindle - Enshrouded Hollow Halls Update Part 6

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welcome back to more shrouded today we're going to get more progression well we're going to get the spindle hopefully we're going to get um a new tower that I'm actually in right now that is right here so that should hopefully become a new wave point so I can delete some of the other ones and then we hopefully find everything we need to find up here to get um our next missing tools because we're going to need to unlock you know better gear better armor um better crafting recipes you know which are all locked right now behind me getting these tools so um I've I've been exploring a little bit here trying to find my ways through here to get to where I need to go and I came across this Tower which I'm in right now I'm in the ground floor and um this is where we can unlock the fast R point at the top because I want to get to the glider but the problem with the glider is it needs um what does it need it doesn't need the spindle but it needs resources that I don't have yet so if we look at the journal here at the workshop at the who has the glider is it the blacksmith oh copper ax oh I didn't know we have a loock this now I found some copper or along the way um and actually no sorry I picked up a copper bar just now in the tower and that must have unlocked these recipes that is pretty awesome oh my God we can have custom grabbling hooks what we can place them in the world oh no they're Furniture okay so only in our base that is oh look at that we got um new weapons no okay I got really excited there for a second thought we had some new weapons unlocked so the picking up copper and um the other the bronze ingots unlock things yeah the glider sorry for the glider we need linen and linen I'm pretty sure we can't make unless we have the spindle which is obviously something that we need to unlock as soon as possible because otherwise we're going to be stuck so um yeah so Viper how are you doing so that that's the idea so we just got a bit of sidetracked here with uh the glider sorry with the tower so we're got to do that first and get through here whoop okay so I just this is literally the entrance of the tower this is the first level and um I'm just I just hit the first button here that's the first puzzle so I'm going to have to try to find the second button oh so one of them bounc bounces off the walls okay so here we go here we go oh okay okay okay okay okay here we go here we go we just casually walk along here with everything okay woo whoop holy moly okay so this is the door we have to open oh nice there's a big boy healing potion okay but where is the button that we need to shoot at or press or oh is it that one no that is another button oh my God okay it's this one is it yes oh okay so one for two two for one okay so now we can go in here yes look at that we found another copper bar and I can't do the copper bars yet unless the copper bar became a new recipe in the Kil I guess let me see um not Workshop yeah actually workshop and Kil is it oh the workbench has a new recipe a copper block wow that looks badass looks like dungeon material right there that is fantastic um the Kil does the kill not have no that's just bricks oh my gosh yeah charcoal kill tal wood asset so where are we making Forge you would think that we can make copper bars in the Forge oh new arrows uh copper arrows very nice so we can make copper arrows now that will be brilliant that will 14 damage um which is a great upgrade to um actually poison arrows are also very good but they need copper arrows and a poison sack which we actually have a lot of so finally we found a reason for the copper suck to exist what do we have new here from the copper stuff let me see here we go we have a new door okay is that it no there's one more or two more things no that's it okay and then we have new stuff was The Alchemist what do we have new with the Alchemist not really sure okay must have been just some decorative stuff all right so let's go and get the spindle oh I went the wrong way I went back Ted good morning how are you any more copper ingots that would be awesome no that's where I just came from what happened it'll go double back on me twice yeah there we go that's the right door now there's actually a room here balcony nice chest do we have okay copper arrows free arrows not going to say no to that these things surely wouldn't have um copper arrows uh copper bars they have metal sheets usually yeah no nothing here what is that glow dust nice oh yes fire braks just salt so oh we need four lights oh that's pretty here yes another copper bar oh there we go look at that nearly missed it and there's another one nice so I wonder if the last last one is actually across here oh no what oh geny ma that give me fright oh yes chest beautiful what do we get what level is that level 13 but it's only one upgrade yeah that's not going to help much so we can actually Salvage that we can get rid of that I don't need salt we have loads of it um Heartwood oh that's interesting that's the next level of wood that is very curious um we don't need any of those because we we Farm loads of those again cine cile we don't need we have loads of it home okay yeah and this one we have loads at home as well okay good now let's see where is the last opening another chest okay wizard boots actually I already have them and I'm wearing them because they have a higher um Health regeneration than the warrior boots or the other boots I was wearing so the other ones only had plus one Health regeneration so I sacrifice a little bit of armor so where would we find the next last so one more left somewhere that's where we came from ah yeah that means we weren't here before so we should check all these doors there we go nice hidden how are you little too much adult beverage last night oh no yeah plenty of water I only had I had a few beers last night myself but um towards the end of the evening I definitely uh drank my bottle of of water so I wouldn't go to bed you know with the alcohol in my mouth drun lots of water and um drunk at about an hour and a half before I went to bed so sobering up basically before you go to bed is always good okay where is the other one there I'm curious though about if there is anything up there can we get up there where those things are I don't see any Hooks and I don't see a c cling wall so yeah I you know why is this there why does this exist up there it's it's bothering me like you know why why do we not just see the lights go across why is there that bridge that we can't access I guess it's so we might not see straight away when we walk in the the buttons left and right so it could be more of a distraction than actually something useful okay before we go there let's make sure that um yeah there we go experience scroll what what is that the most different experience SC that describes in scr gain a small amount of experience upon absorption of the content yes nice can we craft them that would be amazing how much experience did I get it's a secret I guess okay oh yes there we go that's what I'm looking for okay here we have the door now let's go upstairs what down here prayer flame scoll wow that was a good drop in some random a golden chest [Music] nice okay yeah so we're full now um yeah Mana regeneration Rings might be good for when we start using the push glider oh now we're on top okay I see oh wow okay you're not sure you're alive either I think that's it undergrowth of the revelwood Height's Madness was in The Elixir cradle the root of the rot the seat of insanity a Labyrinth of maladian disorder nestled in the bosc's heart well somebody took poetry glasses simple yes or no would have [Laughter] sufficed okay so now we find OOH what do we have here like it look at that got to check those nooks and grannies or those couches and obvious spots okay fast Trel Point great so I can get rid of this fast Trel point now though this one is a really nice one because it actually has clay and it has iron here so we can actually make some upgraded tools and leave this one here for farming yeah loads of iron Big Iron cave here loads of clay here yeah so I think I might this specific one just for farming though I could probably just Glide across to be honest um yeah so we can get rid of this one here as well yeah leave that one there for now and we just get rid of this one here um can we get rid of this one theoretically we could because we have a Spire here and we could glide into here so yeah I think we can get rid of this one as well though it might actually be nice to have this here to walk across here yeah leave that here for now I think and we get rid of this one and then this one we don't need this here anymore either I think because we can't walk from here to there anyway or here so actually maybe we can go from here to here I think so and we still have a lot of exploring to do here so not sure we can get everywhere from the Shroud so leave that there for now leave it there for now okay so let's empty everything and then we should be able to get the uh spindle Clifford how are you good old cakes in the morning there we go we have a new Quest so let me empty everything first some bones some cloth we oh yeah I threw the cloth out some bone meal do we have some salt I don't know but let's just goes through all the boxes anyway yeah I crafted a lot of these now I queued up um some more um actually fire brakes and copper bar is going to go in here now as well have the food here strawberries going on a different chest oh do we have some meat actually to cook yes now that my mouse is working again um I should not have that issue where I'm constantly um not clicking the button coner how are you doing I hope you're doing fine hey game sorry I didn't see your last stream was re acting I was re acting didn't want to get myself out of the mode how are you doing this morning I'm fine thank you and don't don't ever worry about not being there it's not it's not it's not like you know you know we missed you anything and it's not like we stopped like 10 minutes into the stream saying well we can't continue unless Conor shows up so we're just going to have to wait it's not like 9 like three hours of that stream was us waiting for you no no I'm only joking um no always appreciate you you being there no no worries and don't ever feel like you have to be there there we go um ah yes okay so we have our things oh I got a new Shield at the end of the last stream I was saying oh I can't even get a new Shield so I did one more run uh around of that camp and I got a shield it's like okay it's now actually finally realizing I wanted something um so we're going to put our gear here we got some new shoes okay we're going to have to put those Rings somewhere else stamina ring stamina ring no that's a we don't have a Mana regenerating really anyway I'm going to have to get a bigger box together for all this obviously but let's put the shoes here and the hardwood should go hardwood yeah H should go with wood I guess hardwood is something you collect so it's like wood so it should go into the why did I keep doing that I hate this so much um when you press the wrong button there we go want to press sort hi yeah I talked to you in a second I already harvested everything that was here as well so you can see here we have loads of um camomile and loads of corn here so I put the corn all in here so that's fine and we have have the beets and the tomatoes and strawber everything's here actually flux that's what I crafted here I think I crafted flux seeds here yes so I wanted to make sure that if we need a lot of flux I want to basically put tons and tons of fla seeds here just to have a full Harvest of just FLA manual placement there we go nice so this is going to be all flax so let's see oh yeah our trees we're going to have to check out the trees in a minute as well to see what we actually get from each tree but let's see what the blacksmith has I will be doing another historic track today in moccasins and book skin pants and shirt was bed roll over my shoulder that sounds very exciting actually that sounds relaxing as well kind of very down to earth hi game still going through your last video from your live stre nice to catch you this one mcgyver mcgyver 2005 Gyver how are you um it seems that the time at the time you use hardwood is when you get some iron ingots yeah so that's the next level of resource strange dreams of the castle have you heard of Pike meat's wisp they dancing lights in the sea good alens but merely a trick of the light until my daughter saw them the strange glimmer in the water moving prowling now I see the same glow whilst I Slumber from within the castle it haunts me it's no trick it lives are you prepared to change that kid don't like when people call me kid to do my best work I need a smelter yes smelter thank you what requires a crucible beautiful so what do you have for me on new stuff we can actually make a level 14 shield now thank you that we can actually craft it but I think what I found is is good oh wow a tank set holy [ __ ] what is that so we have Parry power physical resistance two block 45 health and then we have the adventure set critical 120 Health melee damage 40 oh I like that I think we're going to be making that I like the adventure set I know the resistance is probably better on the T actually it's not better on the tank side is it it's about the same it's actually about the same it's 61 and and 30 um but I think oh the rising fighter yeah that was the old garbage one I think the adventure set might actually be really nice but you can see we have the same stats so these two are both equal in stats which again also is I hope they change you know I know we have plus six par power here and plus 13 crit but if we are talking about this one requiring more copper and more resources to craft then it should probably have some slightly higher default stats as in 25 physical resistance and 17 or 20 magical resistance you know it should be a little bit higher especially if it's called a tank set so I know it has the parry and physical resistance and those stats but I think without those stats it still should be slightly better than what we have here so yeah they're going to hopefully revamp this because in the moment it's all very basic you know the only thing they do is every now and then change these extra attributes and that's about it everything else is the same so it becomes kind of like not as never let the tempting you know to wear different sets necessarily in the end it's all about damage if you do enough damage you don't need you don't need any defenses end of story why does it highlight these I don't understand okay okay so um let's eat we're going to do a big food here I'm going to eat one of those before we go out and we have a bit of water okay good Let's uh we don't check out the trees yet we're just going to go up here and go to the oh the forge locations over here as well okay let's go here and see if we can do the spindle actually let me try something I want to see if the chests respawn in this in this Tower cuz if they do that would be a good way to farm a golden chest dude that would be amazing especially if the resources re refresh in the tower so we have this Tower here so let's go down one where's the stairs oh it brings us all the way to the bottom no does it oh that's crazy so we can't do the middle Place anymore so we can only go up or down nah there we go so we have to do all this again is it okay but if we do this again the resources are all backy as well look there loot fire break yeah so all the stuff responds that is actually pretty cool cuz it means that um we could get some yeah free resources here especially when it comes to the fire brick and stuff nothing respawned here let's quickly check here they're not giving us any Bron any copper ingots here I just want to see if the golden chest would be back um oh fire Breck more fire Breck than copper now all those people in only one bed lots of spooning oh they they're only allowed to watch me sleep they they have to sleep standing up so this one oh there we go what is that that's the big one yes chest let's see what's in here take that ah there we go how do we get up there again there we go oh hang on before we do oh it's not giving me any more copper ingots it's like hell bend on giving me fire breaks which I have no need for I need to make tools so getting free copper ingots would actually be preferred but okay ah I missed have some water here if you ever get the chance hiking so much fun oh I I I used to love all that stuff and then I became unfit uh then I became very unfit oh I think we're just back here at the start where oh are we yeah we are I just forgot to pick that up I just went to the wrong one I did that earlier as well it's very confusing to me anyway to not to the average person yeah there we go I had to look at the four lights why did I not look at the four lights I just want the other golden chest and I want to get a legendary item that's okay chest and then we have a chest here the golden one it's just the wand so you can't do it from the top down which is interesting okay so yeah that's fine we just go here all right so now where we want to go is I don't know which one I think it's this one spindle I guess it's this o we're not going to make it we're not going to make it ah we're falling short of it so how do we get across there can we make that jump maybe I should go more across and then across let me see so maybe we do this and that will get us across and then we can walk from here yes much better so the tower is really needed because without the jump of the tower there's no way you're going to get up here oh what we have here okay I take it oh is it up there how do I get up there let me see oh it might might just be ahead here okay yeah there we go nice oh it's up there is there somewhere a hook or something oh ooh spidies but loads of mushrooms oh I didn't make a new torch let's make a cheap torch if we can we need plant fiber let me just get some plant fiber come on these are not bushes what oh are these not bushes give me your bush come on there we go what meat do you have no meat is that another tunnel no I thought was big fat all standing there okay let's get back let's not get sidetracked I have a tendency of getting sidetracked sometimes um I know it doesn't look like me um if you um you don't H uh have to even take a backpack uh I've done hikes it's just me walking around my neighborhood oh uh I we usually we have a place where we go a little bit up in the mountains and all that but like I said I'm extremely unfit in the moment I have to start with small walks and then go from there and get bigger okay that was awesome The Matrix special effects oh whoa oh nice oh the amount of string we're going to get from here wow nice keep it [Music] coming keep it coming let me pick it all up though oh there's something over there that might actually be it yes the hand spindle love it and what is that sleepless night clean with and okay [Laughter] yeah is that a candle can I pick the candle up no nice G oh that goes back up about here cuper or okay yeah we already were here that's just another way another way of getting here yeah I think that's it this is pretty much complete now oh is that a chest over there no okay so um we completed the abandoned Hunter Hunter camp and this is where the forge is I wonder if we could just simply go here yeah we have to travel back here anyway so let's go and bring the spindle home first and see what we unlocked and that way we can queue up some stuff and we take some time to craft and then go scadal get the forge the bodies they can be used like light yeah that's awesome um let me put everything away first look at this we got 52 strengths that is awesome that's some salt I think I don't know I have no idea actually these spores they should be coming with me it should be up here nope should be up here there we go yeah and then here we have the fire break and the copper bars and this goes here nice look at all the mushrooms that is awesome and then we have the potion here what's your wish my hand spindle yes oh an ambush but I hit my tracks how could the soldiers ah spiders you say ignore me then place that hand spindle and we'll move on push now whilst we craft my secrets are mine to keep okay what do you have what do you have a new recipe somewhere you have a yellow marker so there is a new recipe here somewhere where I missed it it was it was so new I missed it um okay take care do you have anything new no but I have new manual crafting hang on a second there we go explosive powder bell net holy crap so that's with the linen now yeah so we can make like really serious Kabooms I love it who doesn't like serious Kabooms I think we're going to have to expand our base sooner rather than later um well I can put a crafting table here I guess oh it's only tiny it's only tiny tiny so we can put it here linen okay so flax o how much flax do we have though let me see that's just to repot so if we need a lot of flux and a lot of linen I think what we should do is um there's no flux here so I have to wait for all the flux to be um hang on there must have been flux in here otherwise it wouldn't have disappeared yeah 31 flux so let's no it's wrong it's wrong the wrong machine oh it takes two flx okay that's why craft some pretty quick though that's pretty cool okay while this is crafting Let's uh check out our trees and then we're going to have to make new tools so this is one of the trees I planted I have no idea which one so I'm assuming we just get wood from that do we get more wood than the average tree from okay so let's see excuse me so I I I basically crafted five of each tree so let's see if we get all the five trees down what did I end up getting from this these five trees and then I do the other ones okay there's nothing else we missed no okay so that was one of the trays I guess um so let's see what we got um 64 six need the chest well it would be good if we had a chest that is empty enough where we can put these in um to make a new chest happy to help that will temporarily go here that way we can see what we actually end up getting from each of those type of trees um hey aamin how are you um azaman quick question about no man Sky how do you find part in the orbital update as far as I know there is no kartographer Maps or portals anymore um oh yeah that's actually yeah they changed a few things uh you used to be able to put navigational data as well into the little um machine you know the little Machin Canin put down and you used to be able to put navigational data in and that brings you to like a location where you had a chance to get a esos exoit Pod Drop pod and that doesn't work anymore you can't feed it navigational data anymore so they changed a few things the whole area closes area close to where the spindle was has a lot of flux in that area as well as Pike meat yeah Pike meat I don't know what that is yet so I have to um investigate because that was part of the next Quest as well hey poker face man did you win everything no I didn't I actually for the very first time in me playing poker with the guys I got we allow rebby yeah but I never had to Reby um we all allow rebby until midnight and only two rebis in total and like not per person in general in total and I got kicked out very early actually um we started about half eight so I got kicked out an hour in and that was unusual because usually I don't and I had a very strong hand I had I had something like Ace queen or something suited and uh we raced pre flop I raced pre flop and then it was hold and we play and then somebody else called and I was like okay and an ace comes up and there three and an eight or something I was like there you go boom he raises I go all in because like I'm not even going to mess around like yeah that was it it's like either he's going to go away and he doesn't think I have the ace and he's going to fold but he's not going to call so for so my so my Allin was more of a a scare tactic but he calls and I'm like what the [ __ ] and he turns an A in his three Suites around I'm like [ __ ] so like uh you know that was it like um straight out so I bought back in but then I lasted until about half 1 in the morning but again the the I lost my hands to like again Ace King suited Ace Ace comes up on the Flop with something like a two or something and then I slow play it because we were pretty high blinds at this stage so I slow played to get most of the money and um and nine comes on on the turn and I'm like okay that's it you know boom Ray he goes all in I'm like yeah I got this you know Allin call and um I have my Ace King two Aces on the board no problem and he turns around an Ace and a nine I'm like are you absolutely kidding me like unbelievable so I had good hands and just got beaten by better hands you know it's uh so they were acceptable losses because they and shitty cards that I lost against you know but oh man what an evening it was very exciting we we had like after I got kicked out the guys that were left there were some amazing Hans um like we had two kings against two Aces uh pair of sevens hitting trips pair of T hitting trips on the Flop against High pairs you know a man there was some serious good hands like being played that night my pimp hand wasn't strong enough no but but these are good evenings you know I mean it's it's it's just for fun like you know so you do like a little Buy in you know to get the chips and then whoever wins in the evening gets the money and the the second place gets the money back basically they buying back so it's it's really good it's a lot of fun so we have 50 here let's make more um seeds why can I not make more seeds oh water crap that stupid water okay 10 20 30 10 20 30 so there we go we have 60 flux seeds then that's going to be good and the rest is um yeah up for crabs so we can put more stuff in here no oh yeah it is here so flux 10 20 there you go uh wait is it legal in your area to gamble at your house in your area of nobody cares it would be different if uh it was like every night you have like strangers coming to your house and playing for money and you take a cut as the house no you know what we're doing is fine it's just a couple of friends basically meeting up for poker you know and playing between them so there's no strangers or anything like it's about five or six of us and that's it just a couple of bruskies and that's it you don't you you don't need to worry about that here for that type of stuff so um let's go and get um over to the forge but let's make better tools actually do we have enough bronze ingots already collected to make some tools or copper ingots where do I make the tools oh yeah with you let me see so the copper axe takes four ah the pickaxe takes eight because I was just about to say let's make the pickaxe first so that we can get more copper faster and we have that one hardwood which is very important so I'm assuming that seeing that we don't have enough of this anyway let's take the hardwood and the strings and make the copper so that we can chop down the trees quicker I guess yeah let's do that got a hard and let's just repair everything as well oh when you turn it into a gambling operation where you take a cut so say for example if somebody would host and they would host every evening for friends but they take a cut yeah and the house basically makes money every night then you basically need a Gambling License because you facilitate gambling yeah um people just playing between them there it's again it depends if we would play like say we put like something like 20 quid into the pot like you know each that's that's it like yeah but um if you would play where everybody puts like five grand or 10 grand in the pot again that's a whole different story you know but I think there's uh there's legal limits anyway like you know that you can get away with things like and all that but um yeah this is just local stuff that nobody cares about um I don't even think there would be any legal issues if you would even if you were pedantic about it I don't think they're were they would be okay so let's take that Axe and replace this one and then we can theoretic yeah we can destroy this one we don't need that any longer there we go let's actually get some water quickly refilled before we go uh that's interesting mind I live in the United States my are is completely illegal yeah no it depends like in this yeah absolutely you could have some areas uh you know which are completely ATI and and you're not allowed to even walk on the street and say bet your F the light is going to go green you know I'm not being funny like it could easily be you know that you couldn't even do that in in some places um yeah yeah that's pretty tough corner but again it's like a we do it once every month or two months you know depends if people are around or something so it's it's not even something that you could make a profit from in the sense that the tax man would be interested I don't think so um let me see let's go not here where's our Tower where's our new tower here so if we go across again and this time walk straight there do we have the marker there yeah we do oh crap I forgot to press that's we're going to hit a wall are we going to hit a wall I think no we might be okay we might be okay yes okay we're okayo always pick up the fla so hardwood is that the big boy trees over here now I wonder [Music] so let me see is that those trees here wow they're big boy trees yes oh nice loads of Heartwood here I love it that is sweet and what about this one is that a good tray so basically those trees that have those special leaves on the side I guess what is that down there getting damage so it's too far away yeah get a few more of those oh a lot of people play poker Blackjack you just can't use money playing the game is no issue yeah I mean we're playing with chips you know we don't play with real money you know yeah it's different if you do it on a company premise you know then I can see that being an issue of somebody again I think it all depends yeah you you can you can have laws like I don't know there's some stupid laws I don't know if they even exist anymore like you can't write a donkey on a Wednesday yeah yeah that law may maybe exists still from 1912 or something in some countries but if you're a cop who enforces that law you're being a dick you're you're being a dick it's like you know there there's certain things where you go you don't have to be a dick about it you know just just calm your harm you know and assess the situation and if it's just harmless friends just having a bit of bantering and nobody's making a fortune here I think you can just like take a chill pill and relax you know if if if if somebody reports it to you you know it's it's not that serious there's I think there's bigger things to worry about you know when it comes to legal things legal issues um oh [ __ ] so if we have to go up there that's going to be quite a jump I think yeah we might be able to make it going across here yeah awesome we can actually walk up there as well that is really nice oh man chopping those down those massive trees is so satisfying oh yeah Loa always added they rarely removed absolutely yeah ooh oh yeah that thing is the most useless uh actually yes and no because um like this is the funny thing about this thing it's easy to fight yeah but basically what happens is it just runs away and you fight it and every now and then it does like a little poison fight yeah like that and you can see when it does that it drops acttion poison [Applause] yeah so if you hit it like often enough it can drop like multiple poisons so I guess in a way these creatures are kind of a good um source of poison and they're also drop poison I don't need the mushrooms I can grow them myself but um I think they're really weird creatures because they're like so harmless and you just feel so bad killing them it's like oh no I I didn't need to destroy it really but yeah chasing plants is a little bit annoying but there's actually a good spot um right down here somewhere where there's a house where is it I think it's here there [Music] or yeah somewhere here in this area just as you get into the new biome there's a house and right beside it is basically five plants so you could theoretically just kill them get five poison reload the game get five poison etc etc o what do we have here blue goblet Tavern the lights are getting very excited [Applause] here okay ooh look at that Hing nice I hear P pter I have no idea where it's from what are these plants oh the fiber plants look at that oh my God God there's so much fiber here that is awesome okay these footsteps are really freaking me out because they sound like they're right behind me but they're not there's another door here okay yeah rats I knew it get some fur I've got my eye on you oh okay you do that then whoa hello there oh hi guys that is awesome look at that chest Tiding here G it's an Archer close but what's the stats throwing damage yeah that means nothing to me um but what a sexy chest I sat on oh I sat on a strangers Crapper ass cheeks touched where his ass cheek cheeks were oh my God that is a grossy josy um haunted by a typically D typical day in Island there is a law that says it's illegal to carry a concealed weapon over 6 feet long what the hell like okay but it's it's okay to have it 5T long like I don't know um I freely went to an Irish bar in Tokyo in Tokyo called uh chal I yeah chal I I think that's how it pronounce uh the couple um the opened lived in Island for a very long time very good yeah see what else do we have in this Pub there is actually really little here in this place for such a big place and this whole upstairs is pretty much useless oh what is that lockpick I don't know if that was worth a lockpick I'm sorry that is not worth the picking of the lock oh secret attic okay you got me intrigued is there door behind that no I just a basic chest yeah we take that and yeah suppose yeah that's it there's not much in here really well the chest upstairs is me the chest downstairs can have good stuff in that's that's actually fair so let's go along here how much hardwood do we have 204 yeah that's plenty for now how do we get up there how do we get up [Music] there oh oh oh [ __ ] whoa well good luck to you you just blow yourself up your [ __ ] maybe these guys have some um Bronx ingots um okay that's a big boy camp that we're at maybe oh yeah it looks like we can go up the camp let's get that metal do these guys give us metal no any chests here oh Big Boy chest why does it have to be a crappy weapon why could that not be a legendary version of that so they found something in here oh hello nice is that the oh is this I can't believe it I thought we had to go up this was complete lack what a beautiful find oh sexy I actually didn't think it was in here I was just curious about this because I genuinely thought we have to go on top of the mountain to get it oh that is sweet very lucky okay more mining notes okay this is an awesome place to do actually a lot of mining this is great I take it well I have the metal scrubs here I need a few more Pi lock picks one oh wow oh hang on there's a chest have here so if this is a new area up here sorry that Tower where's that we're looking at the tower over there probably or here somewhere okay so that's of no interest to us there we go there's an entrance over there and entrance over here yeah oh bastard landed on the doggy oh what do we got here another chest maybe I love exploring this camp this Camp is awesome the way it's laid out and everything I really love it it looks actually very genuine like you know the way you see some camps like in games and they just look like okay whatever but this one has like the bridge across you know the stairs up on the side it looks like a proper way you would imagine something to be scaffold scaffolded for mining like this is the great thing about handcrafted Maps you know people can really make things look awesome what is going on here well ah hang on the [Music] second said that the Shroud that's the deadly shroud I can't get through that I think that will be the deadly shroud let's have a look ah is this going to be deadly shroud no just shroud could be loot here oh just in case we fall in interesting so that's it just the one mushroom here so is this like a troll cave there's absolutely nothing here this is such a troll thing they just wanted you to probably fall down here and uh then go from there it's like yeah we're going to get somebody in here then they're going to make a wrong step and they fall down and it's going to be funny that is literally what this looks like okay sometimes the light the lighting effects make normal shot look deadly yeah yeah it looks really dark red yeah this was a nice little D detour I love it that looked really nice oh crap it's dark now so we have to go over to the exit on the other side now it's actually not that dark the Moonlight is is bright enough here actually uhoh you know just wanted to make a point here this the scary Pants Attack middle of the night from straight up front but still can't be seen now that's not an enemy what do we have here yeah that looks awesome the way that's set out laid out oh that's where we came from earlier and we didn't continue if I would have continued I would have come out here yeah okay so that means I have explored everything I just wanted to make sure there was nothing I forgot and then here's the entrance exit I guess wow dude personal issues here much do we get any metal out of that well I started hitting it now so I have to finish it two okay okay let's go straight to the Obelisk research I guess might as well continue the circuit shroud shroud is not my friend o that could have hurt badly what is that oh a clay mine okay okay that is pretty sweet oh look at that beautiful loads of cine Coline mine I I I love it that um I'm not being fous here funny I love that people are trying to explain to me how to pronounce things yeah like C cile I know it's camomile but my brain doesn't say it right when I'm not thinking really about it or focusing on it so this is probably the one instance it doesn't matter how many people write in chat this is how you pronounce it because the moment my brain doesn't work which is the ma majority of TR times it's like I have dyslexia for that one word it just doesn't work uh Nestle was in the staffle Kingdom a Chasm so deep it contents have eluded us for Millennia no secrets can resist mination by light of the Eternal Flame an archaic evil Brewing growing it must be buried flooded and sealed Humanity never uh should never brush against these tendrils of pandemonium but the tendrils they sound like fun yes o basic sort again oh the spooky sound effects yeah they did a good job though overall I have to say who that Lorraine Grim here okay whatever this is set a wave point there and see if we can get there as well a patchy shroud patch we just run past each other going okay you didn't see me I didn't see you we we we just won't tell anybody that we saw each other here it's so terrifying because I I like the ground could be gone any second here and you just fall is that chests really two chests H okay weak weak sauce weak sauce can we walk see path up looks [Music] oo ah it's not even a real cave it's a pretend cave I don't really want to go this way around this looks like a valid way up okay can we get around here somewhere see I don't know if I should go down there because I don't know if it's safe to go there just in case can we even go there no it's so scary oh there's red stuff we have to be so careful yeah the deadly red stuff yeah we definitely don't want to fall down there but that is where we we have to go I think well not really maybe it's like around here so yeah let's go home let's go home let's go home let's just do this another time hey watch out sparks flying yeah you want me to craft a crucible the smelter there we go 50 fire bricks holy crap um actually I have quite a few fire bricks what else do you have Crucible so Fight Fire with um we have The Crucible we need 50 bricks now so let me actually go and just put everything away um oh the wood did we not put the wood in here as well the hard wood oh yeah we're just heading on left okay Twix should be going in here as well so this is for outside outside outside outside hello somebody smashed something okay it's bright enough yeah and then you get surprise tucked in the dark it's bright enough around me just not uh very bright full stop yeah I can't wait to get the fireplace to get the fireplace uh from the um farmer we need to just continue doing these Quests for the MPCs that we have and that eventually unlocks them the quest from the farmer to say hey you know get me whatever the I think the pot for the fireplace they usually want you to look for an item part of what they want to build so like The Crucible for example here and then once we have that we can Auto cook basically so what do we have here oh [ __ ] oh yeah the torch yeah who has the bigger torch did you make a big torch Big Boy torch I think so we need a goo and glow dust for it um no it wasn't you was it you yes wax torch there we go catch you later excellent okay so let's put the gloves in here and now we need the 50 fire bricks so we need to go to the Kil I think sorry not the Kil this a 10 okay how much 10 20 30 40 50 oh how many LS of clay do I have oh okay um oh yeah where's clay I think that was it no there we still still have 35 looms of clay okay fair enough so let's get the rest of the trees here and then we can make uh this SM actually plant these here first there we go [Music] for [Music] we go nice big farm and that will be then it would be nice to get an upgrade where we get double yield or something to make this like better because this is going to take wow you know forever there we go okay let's check out the other trees so these are funny because there were trees that we made but we can't collect them and they just give us fiber and whatever and quak so they're not really twe trees twees they were basically like this yeah so now let's have a look and see so this is just the normal TR normal tree again just what so similar to the other tree oh yeah let me see um I didn't check really how much I got from that crap doesn't matter this is pretty much going to be the same as the other five trees we had except the other tree had 100% resin with every tree this one doesn't seem to have that this this seems to be basically your basic tree that has a chance of getting res resin but nah not really okay and these guys here I think should be full resin now um yeah these guys should have wanted to resin guaranteed l two oh no resin but these are supposed to be resin treeses another ah there was four resin so yeah these these trees are the resin trees there we go another two another four actually I had two already in the slot so whatever we have there minus two is what we got from these trees and another wow that was three so yeah these are very good for resin so we got 16 resin from that that was pretty good the wood seems to be about the same so the red ones are definitely worth it I would say so if we look at the recipe here for the trees these ones really useful and these ones like you said really useful because from them we got a lot of wood so I would say wood is not really a problem so I'm going to plant more of these there we go I'm just going to queue up 50 don't care actually you know what um that was a mistake uh let me go split stack confirm split stack confirm split stack [Music] confirm let's only make a few I forgot we're making five pair so this is going to be 20 basically and that should be enough 20 of them should be plenty where's the resin is the resin down here yeah okay nice so how many of those guys have we crafted so far that's very slow I guess 11 so we have about 20 we need 50 to make the so 26 we're halfway there we're halfway there okay so while we're waiting for that let me see let's go back to the that camp that had a chest that we can farm and enemies that I now kind of know how to fight best but oh hidden hunting crowds we could technically try to get in there as well yeah like these green guys I kind of know now how to fight them properly it's a bit tedious but if there's more than one it can get tricky so you want to get them oneon-one that's really the only way of fighting them um let's do a quick reset so we can get the water from the place so the the trees that we need is the hardwood trees because um well we still can go and farm them I guess pretty easily yeah it's only one time so it's actually really funny sometimes I can do three and sometimes I only can do it once ni strange okay so let's head up here oh no no no no how do I interrupt ah wock I didn't repair my sword hang on I didn't repair my sword there we go and we also don't want to lose this so let's put that um into here the crafted chest there we go I know I need better equipment let's see if we can go right here it's to camping big massive tray is just too satisfying to knock down oh yes nice get a bit more clay oh look at those ass cheeks look at those ass packs that didn't work what you want to see ah bastard oh it's a wall Runner unbelievable oh my God lot what a Nimble ninja these guys have not given me any meat yes okay nice anent obis crude life blood is extracted diluted and alchemized transformed transfigured molten and born a new profound power fueling the bodies of The Young and the Ember Veil rhing them we've failed blinded by our stoicism there's a word for you let us Point our gaze back towards the sky for this hollowed core cannot be saved um okay so that was it nothing else here nothing exciting here I thought hunting grounds or whatever it was was like there's going to be one big badass mofo that we have to fight or yeah hidden hunting grounds what is the hunt what what is what is sorry what does this make the hunting grounds what is here exactly that makes this worthy of being called the hunting grounds rock hard glutes yeah there you go okay let's let's go and um see if we can take on those dudes so let's head right up here there's a few in this Village as well but um I think the chest that is the most important is on actually we could go straight to the exit with the chest and then we have to only find fight one dual-bladed green ninja oh Lads of poison o okay let's do [Applause] it we only have 66 left okay oh no oh hang on there's a cave what's in the cave I ask ah bollocks I was going to skip left and right what's here I don't think I've seen that cave before Oh okay it's a piglet cave oh hello there here oh wow oh I can see you I can see you okay what's at the end of the rainbow here nothing okay so we're at the other other side of the tunnel now oh that's all new area that is awesome more pigs over here oh look at that a broken house Lush pasture so is this copper ah metal scraps okay oh [Music] nice it's only level 11 curious no more chests here really okay let's explore we have to wait for things to craft anyway oh okay nice okay so let's see if we can fight those green dudes now what up there oh there was actually somebody there that was Ninja okay I'm just pointing it out how ninja that was yeah just saying that was like uber ninja I will never give you meat bigles it sounds very wrong what are you saying I might actually just take the raw meat with me and wait until we have the cooking thing or and only cook minimal because this is getting a bit painful to constantly cook um is there anything up here like a chest or anything like a chesty chest nope so if we go around the village the back here we can actually get to the chest and then I think we only have to fight a single yeah so this is where the golden chest is up there see that see that [ __ ] your ass is mine that's how we that's how we roll man that's how we roll so we just have to get our find our way up there now I think this exit is just a shorter access yeah or you could just do that I guess yes can we get up here God Dam it oh wow do you see that ninja what a SLI flip and slide J oh we get an oh my God they respawn as well we get another free saw plate that is amazing we don't have to even craft it okay so let's see if we can get the the big mama again here first of all we need to come on no actually I want the the explosions for the Big Mama [Music] h oh my God she's a big fat cluts there we go there we go and she's dead oh not yet there we go she's dead so these shroud arrows are actually really good because they're stuck I didn't know that okay well it's purple so oh it has stamina cost I hate those can't stand those oh wow sneaky booger he wants head from the Big Mama well we collected head that's for sure oh my God I hate when it gets so dark um there's a chest here I think somewhere oh my God why you being such a knob this one seems to always have building materials inside is there a chest down there we have to check it out no okay [ __ ] want oh man all that work and all I get is stupid purples and stupid wands and stupid staves staffs staves something like that um okay so our stuff should be finished crafting now actually so let's let's go home yeah the city the the the look on the image they look pretty good so I hope they're going to look good when we place them as well um let's check excellent that's actually we have enough now brilliant this is might this might actually be oh no it's a stamina bow isn't it that was the stamina bow yeah I'm not not interested but we got a saw plate which is awesome because that means we can actually make a second one of those it's actually pretty cool um yeah let's put the saw plate in here and let's put everything else away okay and then we have some potions and then we have some thingy Bobs here um what I might do is take the mushro rooms out because they take up a lot of space right now and put them here as well and then we have to put the meat away there we go and the blocks nice okay so with so many things now we can and we should be able to build the smelter yes thank you anything else oh look at that we still we got one of those yeah I already have one of those I tried that one out but even with the poison damage it's just not very strong um it it doesn't do more damage than this which is kind of a Pity I kept the other one and upgraded it by the one thing I think I was able to upgrade once for the extra poison damage but just it's just not worth it see if if we get a legendary version of that most likely um before we forget let's just repair our weapons here okay and let's place the all right now charcoal 20 o okay so we need charcoal let me see it's 20 shal so we need 15 30 45 60 so 60 will be even 20 20 20 which is great so four okay and then here we have a lot of charcoal right now oh we can't make 10 oh we don't have enough copper or do we 20 copper ore for 10 oh balls but at least we're going to be able to make the new axxe oh yes is she going to tell us now about the yes the fireplace thank you there we go we just need the cattle oh this is going to be amazing I have faith in you I have faith in you yeah you and me both um there we go where is that o that is holy crap this whole circle is the fireplace for the farmer it's like could be anywhere in there okay why can I not move the map hey let me move the map what are you doing wow okay so we're not going to get into this area for a while because we're going to have to go back here go Chum Chum Chum go across here and then zoomi Zoom Elixir well and and then we have to see where we're going to put a fast travel Point um we theoretically could go around here maybe and could get to here quickly that way unless there is a huge F of mountain in the way but we should check that out that would be really good to see but yeah let's see if we can um okay we have 10 copper bars that's great and then we can make make the axe and once we make the axe we get loads of copper ore hopefully are these all grown no report repot report report oh one is grown the rest will be grown very soon then I guess so let's just go to bed yeah that's why I wanted the fireplace I can't wait for it because cooking the meat manual it's just such a chore at this stage but two Constitution three yeah we're going to take this actually with us there you go okay now um we also will be able to make a little bit better armor I guess once the once that is done 2 and a half minutes ah this is still not growing okay so what we could do what is that so we could fast travel is this oh this is on the top side I think so yeah yeah that's up there on top so we can't really get to it from here well let's head here and go around here and see what we have there just for 2 and A2 minutes until we can um you know get the fronts and then [Music] um yeah okay let's go this way and pick up all the flux oh is that it is that oh no no this we can't go in yeah yeah yeah we had a problem with that because there's deadly shroud there so we need either this is not available and Early Access that part or it's um we need to upgrade our what is that we need to upgrade our flame to be stronger oh that's a hazelnut tree oh wow yeah that's what that looks like there's more hazelnut on it what happens if we destroy it do we get a hazelnut seed can we grow our own no just Twix okay in that case zoom zoom my friend wow hit me actually I managed to get a hit by a crippled flower okay it's just not dying okay you're absolutely bugged out ow you penis you're such a penis D so what do we have here yeah we have to go up here and around that's where we want to go oh it's actually getting a bit darker now sorry hang on a second um because I'm streaming during the daytime the light is changing a bit faster and differently so let me just fix that um we can make it a little bit brighter now there we go excellent more flax always appreciated wow there's mean flowers everywhere whoopsie oh look at that nice oh okay yeah you're harmless yeah might as well oh the green actually comes off it oh that is pretty cool oh they just keep spawning okay does that mean we have a potential infinite uh source of um poison yeah look there poison came off and it came off again that is awesome okay let's pick up the um TI there we go Poison Poison [Applause] another poison here yeah beautiful we got two Sparks that is awesome these big boys give us two Sparks each and let's see where we can get over here okay there's a village yeah let's see what it's actually called let's head into it oh the village with no name seriously were we here before could have been how is this not named h yeah yeah let's go GH why am I wasting a lockpick yeah wow we we unlocked we lock picker a door to the outside worlds woo let's head over here because hey look at this if we can find a way around that that would be pretty sweet okay can you just stop I want to get to that okay whatever oh Farm Farmland no mine whatever mine Amber mine nice I actually have no idea what we need umber for I haven't really seen a recipe yet that has Amber so not really sure what do you think Amber is for is that for candles or something like that g i drunk the potion I was switched it's there oh I thought it was like a chest or something okay so we're going to keep going this way I I guess let's see that looks interesting okay into the Shroud but we can easily come back out okay oh can't can we get through there well let's have a look nope [Music] is that a well no I don't want to go across there maybe I have to though I want to go here but ooh this looks like it's just going to go deeper ah you [ __ ] I'm always in the wrong stupid bar give me a heart attack every time I want to hit and then he's trying to eat he's like what are you eating for you want to throw vomit at him is that what you want to do okay so let's see how close are we that that could look like something we could do but I'm not sure I'm not sure chest chest chest G stupid item nobody wants okay let's see can we go up here and maybe get a bit of a more High Ground on this okay let's see is there any way up from here o doesn't look like it okay we got out of the Shroud here for a second okay nice okay you little bastard okay these guys are level 15 now which is okay oh you little [ __ ] there we go oh there's one of those humal lumpas again what is this I can't believe they actually have Dynamic projectiles yeah so they actually shoot and midair they just redirect to wherever you are that's like so silly okay so let's see there's a well let's pick up some water and is there a way up oh there's a big cave what was that resin yeah it looks like there is a way out over there what is this mint mushroom meat oh oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa [Applause] h oh these guys are the yeah they have these things yeah yeah yeah okay no it's dead okay good so that is the big brother that gives us oh what is an ammonia GL I thought they were yeah that's what I thought that okay they give us the Shroud sucks so we have the wow that's the Shroud version of those green suck things that is pretty awesome okay some animal going like all happy goary um what the hell what is all this weird [ __ ] here in this area can't get out of here oh can we can we that would be amazing that looks like a really bad cave yeah I don't like it I don't like it it's like I'm a mushroom come get it bro yeah exactly okay okay can we that's all in the Shroud is it holy crap come on there has to be yes there is a way out okay we're refreshing we're refreshing and over here look at that that is amazing we found the way through nice now of course right here now we're going to have to build a fast travel point that is sweet okay okay that is awesome that is literally where we're going to have to go next and do our next adventure um that means though we should be yeah let's remove this one to be honest um because we can get there from the tower that's literally no problem um even though here is a very good mining location what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to mark this here so I'm going to remove this okay and we're just going to wait 30 seconds for this to be gone and then we're going to mark on the map um we can probably do that right now is it no yeah we do that in a second L wait for it to be gone yeah oh we still have to do hollow halls but I'm having too much fun with is this in the moment okay so now here is a very good mining location for a lot of things um set Waypoint no why do we not have a mining icon that is it's so annoying well I guess we're going to use flags for mining yeah and then we can always zoom zoom over here okay very nice let's go home we should have enough now to make a [Music] pickaxe let's put everything away first bo bo boom yeah we have some new resources now that's going to be okay let's put them in here I guess these an am whatever they're [Music] called no not this one the one with the arrow G the one with the arrow there okay and then we have the potions and Scrolls okay good oh yeah that goes up on the top the top where did the hazelnuts go go do they do I put them in here yeah oh look at that very very tedious and time consuming let's put them here there we go so how many do we actually have I mean if I go here I know I can probably plant uh this one directly no I can't okay we have to figure out um how many we can actually do in this Square exactly and then I'm going to craft as many as that and that will be a pure flux field then so let's go and craft the nope have here pickaxe yes good nice strike while the Iron's hot so one thing we have to check now is with the other pickaxe I only every five or seven hits between five and seven hits I kept getting one copper orb so hopefully with this axe it will be a hell of a lot better so just let me go here and test that theory and let's see how much better that pickaxes don't hit the tree don't hit the tree wow fell on our face okay here we go let's see one two one two three 4 One 2 3 4 1 2 one 2 three one three four so maximum four that is really good that is a huge Improvement and we need 20 for 10 so we should always go out and get at least 40 I guess so with one full oh yeah with one full stamina we got um that so that's good and then we just do a stamina potion and we should be fine and the this whole cave here is full of um copper ores so don't have to worry about [Music] anything very good look at that we only have the inner circle now only 27 we had 18 was the first one why didn't we end up at over 30 that's that's [Music] terrible like three rounds of our stamina should have given us us um should be giv us the 40 We need oh we got a stone okay that was a bit of a waste there we go we got the 40 good that's all we need then yeah higher durability is big help yeah there is actually some points but I needed the strength first so I can save some points up and go into masonry and then Miner so we get extra resources these two are very very important and then of course having more durability like you said is uh a bonus so this is six points and this is two so we need eight points which is basically either four levels or a couple of Elixir Wells and um a level up so but yeah we're getting close to some more new Elixir Wells as well Wells as well we have one here and I'm pretty sure there's going to be a few more over here um and that will give us some more experience points and we're going to get a lot of experience here because this is 15 we are level 16 right now so um level 15 mobs will give us a lot of experience still and um we should be leveling up uh hopefully quite quickly so let's queue up here the um no that's wrong yeah oh the charcoal uh there we go here's the charcoal excellent yeah we have plenty of charcoal here excellent so I think now we are in a position where we have to get I can Farm copper or off camera that's fine and then and what we're going to do is with the other copper ore we're going to start making the adventure set and that requires one two three four five 7 eight eight copper do we have eight copper we have only three so eight copper and that will give us a full set of Adventure Gear I'm not sure if it's better than what I'm wearing but I'm going to craft It Anyway fully and we need linen which was which machine this one here how much did we make 30 um we should have enough flux for yeah there you go look at that 50 yeah absolutely awesome and it's pretty fast so like you said oh actually we probably want um only that and use some of that to craft more flux oh oh we actually had some here okay that's that's pretty cool um so we had some left actually okay there we go okay um what I need to know now is um one two three four one two three okay three let's oh I have no water do I no I still have water left so in this case let's um take a few out and queue up one more there we go and we put the other one here so we at least have a back up there we go excellent and that means I can now hopefully figure out exactly how many we can plant and I can make that whole field just flax Farm now and that's it and the linen goes into the crafted box here we go there nice all right we can start making some gear so let's see which one we're going to do first um also Shields yes what is my current Shield 11 block 43 power I have 10 block and 35 power that's awesome so I found this which means the The Shield we can craft in the end is not that important but our worst piece of armor is we have a chest that's level 13 level 13 trousers trousers and helmet are the ones we have to replace first trousers let's see can we do trousers so in the tank set the trousers give us 45 Health in the adventure set the trousers give us also 45 health so they're pretty much identical to two of them so we're going to do this one and then we can make the helmet as well the helmet between the two is Parry power yeah crit chance excellent there we go strike while the Iron's hot the existing one is 11% crit chance this is 13 so it's little bit of an upgrade should be red Robocop and the trousers ah come on why does it look so so feeble it's like the same physical resistance and magical resistance as the tank armor and it looks like we're wearing a tissue around our hip but okay whatever um I found this helmet actually the Archer helmet looks pretty nice as well looks like something wants to eat your face what do you want I can do it yes the advanced glider we can do this now that is actually corre correct oh I completely forgot about that yes look we can craft the advanced glider nice oh sexy time that is so amazing and then what we're going to do is we're going to do and get that as well and then nice I love it oh that is so sweet so does that get us now around a lot faster um are the question mark Roots I actually don't know yeah it would the game would be a lot more fun if you would have server settings where you could adjust for single player and say okay I want double the drop rates of everything um you know I know for some it would be too much uh items we would have way too many but at least I wouldn't have to pick them up anymore but for the mining and all that it would be great to have double mining yield or even five times mining y because if you're just here to want to have some fun but then you could probably get through the game too quickly I don't know you know it's what it is what it is so I think it is perfectly balanced right now and you potentially could cause a lot of issues by just increasing yields and all that I don't know so you think the question marks are Roots this one I don't know what it is because it's really hard to get to this one you have to kind of go around here and it's under the Bridge kind of nestled in so it's really hard to get to this one um there's no route here so I'm not sure what this is so usually the question marks are like towns or you know they places like towns um oh and we have Daran and its building block so we could go there anyway let's see what the new cider is like how much faster we get to play places so let's say we want to go over here we would have to find a way to go up there which means we theoretically want oh look at that look at that we might actually make this so much faster holy crap that is amazing wow that is so amazing that is so fast okay this is actually this is where it is look at that nice oh whoa chest awesome this is an awesome meat farm that is amazing and we have a chest here so oh look at that nice we got some new building blocks that is so cool and we got some stuff growing here very nice A little bit of free stuff yeah yeah and we get some honey there's actually loads okay this area is very good for farming some of these items that we don't actually get a lot off like honey wax there's another one here meat a crap yeah at least you're dead that was a harvest Harvest oh look and they have oh they have hazelnut here as well this is an amazing place that is crazy and more here ah come on you can do it so loads of Honey loads of um resources these building blocks we could Farm until we have like a couple of thousands of them because I'm sure the chest responds the same materials that is pretty cool what else is here anything oh water sweet we have water here as well this is like a One-Stop shop oh yeah I actually haven't looked what a his oh it's three strength can we oh yeah we can eat them instead of stamina I guess but yeah it depends well I suppose we can make stamina potions then and that way we have um like stamina strength and health that that's the key ingredients we need for our build anyway this is a really awesome place I'm loving it what's happening over there oh we have another dumbass h [Applause] yeah look at that juicy poison we make poison arrows from that and then we see how these um how the soldiers like the PO the poison arrows and we have a mine here nearby as well loads of oh my God look at that loads of copper loads of clay so this here this spot Village and this area perfect just Glide across into the village loads of resources we can be farming here for days that is sweet excellent all right I'm actually going to leave this here now and um we're going to be probably back tonight with um probably some Norman Sky until I find another game that I want to kind of start looking at um it probably will be no man's kind and shrouded um I'm not too keen on Dragon Dogma 2 to continue it it is it isn't it is not as good as Dragon Dogma one it to me I I just don't feel the same urge to play it as Dragon Dogma one um it's the combat system is amazing but I think there's a lot of until they have all the performance issues fixed it it's really bothering me with with the constant drops and um you know like some some of the um features in it are very console and I find them very hard to deal with the way you have to do certain things like you can't like the whole twostep three-step system to do something sometimes because it's made for console is is really frustrating so um but yeah we'll see maybe we continue with it I don't know I have to be getting myself into the mood for it so we're going to leave this one here though and um thank you so much for watching we might actually do a hollow hul run next uh stream on that lier Frontier I'm going to have a look at yeah actually uh lier Frontier I'm going to write it down I think I did look at it but and there's a few games actually I saw um game Edge playing as well that looked quite interesting and uh I think cage was playing it as well there's one or two games which I have my eye on which I don't think are out yet they the guys just got early copies I think so um we're going to do that but um otherwise um if you could leave a like on the way out that would be great and I see you guys later then and until then have a good day have a good Sunday enjoy yourselves and stay safe [Music] bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Games4Kickz
Views: 914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, game, survival, fantasy, action, adventure, sci-fi, open world, sanbox, story rich, voxel based, 7 days to die, ark, conan, review, commentary, guide, let’s play, lets play, games4kickz, enshrouded games4kickz, keen games, kickz, hollow halls
Id: FrR-rQfp7do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 57sec (10437 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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