Baldur - A Deconstruction of Villainy

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God of War 4's story is All About family about parents and their children about how children are shaped by their parents and this seemingly impossible task that parents face in trying to raise children to be better than themselves this is the task that Kratos faces in raising his son atreus to raise his son to be better than the monster he used to be and it's also a story about Love A Parent's Love in the two-sided nature of that love A Parent's Love Can Be uplifting enriching transformative a childhood with a lot of love should be a happy childhood but parental love can also be stifling it can be overprotective and overbearing A Parent's Love is often tied up in feelings of fear for their child's life anxiety for their future this fear can lead a parent to push too hard to control too much in the center of all the game's themes of parents and children and love and fear is balder balder is first and foremost a fantastic villain balder is a wrecking ball he crashes into Kratos in atreya's life out of nowhere shatters their sense of normalcy their sense of safety it's balder who actually launches them on their Adventure lafay's dying wishes for Kratos and atreus to scatter her ashes on the highest peak in the Realms but Kratos refuses to start on that Journey he feels that both he and atreus are not ready but when Baldur invades their home Kratos has no choice but to leave so in some ways Baldur is responsible for everything that happens in this game Baldur's voice actor Jeremy Davies puts on a huge performance in this game by comparison I think Kratos atreus and freya's voice actors all have much subtler performances Baldur's is super broad he's fun to watch and listen to every time he's innocent scene he totally takes over that scene he comes off as emotionally unstable even slightly insane every time he shows up something breaks usually a lot of things he is angry he is violent he is powerful he is dangerous even after all the dozens of gods in mythological monsters Kratos has slaughtered over the course of his long god-killing career the developers still managed to make balder feel really dangerous at the start of the game balder seems Invincible because that's exactly what he is thanks to the effects of a magical spell or curse balder is unkillable but with all that said what makes balder a truly great villain and one of my personal favorite villains in any story ever is how well he fits into the story's themes the way his story enhances complicates and deepens the game's themes of parents children love and hate because Baldur is also a son he is the son of Freya and Odin and while we don't get much information about his relationship with his father we do know that his life was totally shaped by his relationship with his mother Freya loved her son deeply loved him more than anything but this boundless parental love instead of raising balder up raising him into a good man instead It ultimately destroyed his life turned him bitter resentful and hateful Freya received a prophecy that someday balder would die a needless death she could not accept this she loved her son too much to let him die to let him go she loved him too much to let him live his own life to face death on his own terms so in an act of desperation an act that was fueled by both love and selfishness love for her son but a selfish need to not allow herself to be hurt by his death she cast a spell on balder this spell made him Invincible he could never be hurt again he would never die this should have been awesome awesome never having to worry about getting hurt or dying is pretty sweet but the spell had other effects too the spell stripped him of nearly all his senses he could not taste could not smell could not feel sure he can't feel pain but he can also never feel pleasure for the rest of his life which will be forever since he can't die he will never feel anything ever again could you imagine how empty life would be without ever being able to taste food never able to feel warmth or softness no physical pleasure whatsoever but that's really not the worst of it it would be one thing if balder chose this for himself if he decided on his own to sacrifice physical pleasure in exchange for physical invulnerability but he didn't get the chance to make that choice Freya decided it for him she cast the spell without even asking him what he wanted her true mistake wasn't casting the spell it was that she did it with out his consent that's how we know it was a selfish decision that she did it for herself and not for him if she was doing it for him she would have asked him what he wanted but she didn't care what he wanted she only cared about what she wanted which was to not lose her son and as Noble a motivation as that might be it doesn't make what she did right ironically she lost her son anyway in her attempt to save his life she ended up ruining his life in her attempt to keep him by her side forever instead she ended up pushing him away forever over the decades balder's bitterness and resentment curdled into a dark hatred and he became determined to murder his own mother in Revenge for what she had done to him but let's get back to Kratos Kratos is terrified of raising his son the wrong way he is intimately familiar with the ways that godhood and the incredible power that comes with it can spoil people the way it can turn them selfish indifferent even merciless towards those less powerful than themselves the Gods in this series tend to commit terrible and evil crimes Kratos himself is a god with a history of rage and violence he himself has been selfish indifferent and merciless he is killed not just evil Gods but Innocents too he has been a monster he doesn't want that for his son he wants his son to live a better life than he did so Kratos father was Zeus and Zeus was a really bad guy he was manipulative murderous uncaring possessed by the evils of Pandora's Box it really shouldn't be that hard for Kratos to be a better father to atreus than Zeus was to him all he really has to do is be present for his son's upbringing and then to not literally murder his own son and just like that Kratos is a better father than Zeus ever was but in Baldur's story we see another possible failure of Parenthood with balder in Frey here we see that it's possible to love too much for that love to be selfish and freya's brand of overbearing parental love can be just as disastrous as Zeus's callous indifference in this way balder represents a potential future for atreus if Kratos fails as a parent and all of the hundreds of ways it's possible to fail as a parent this is what atreus could become bitter angry resentful violent Gods wield too much power to make mistakes in their upbringing when a God is raised wrong it has consequences for the whole world the stakes here are really high and it even almost happens in the game as soon as atreus discovers that he is a God that he is powerful he begins to lose his compassion he starts to treat everyone around him worse he outright murders Modi in this moment we're seen in atreus who turns out a lot like balder but not only is balder a potential future for atreus he is also a kind of foil to Kratos himself back in God of War 3. Kratos was a character who had been manipulated and betrayed by his father and the other Greek gods he was filled with bitterness and anger and rage he was consumed by hatred he became obsessed with Revenge his only purpose in life was the death of his father Zeus and anyone else who got in his way and doesn't that sound a lot like balder in God of War 4 balder also feels like he has been manipulated and betrayed by a parent balder is also filled with bitterness and anger and rage he has also sworn that he will kill that parent in a lot of ways these are kind of the same character the difference in the present is that Kratos is older that Kratos has had time to find other things to live for besides Revenge has found people he cares about has come to regret the man he once was so balder is a foil to both a Trey and Kratos at the end of the game when Kratos and atreus face off against Boulder in the final battle atreus is facing off against his worst possible future while Kratos is simultaneously facing off against the darkest parts of his past and so when they defeat balder together and it's really important that they do it together they're also thematically defeating these worst versions of themselves they are both thematically overcoming their worst selves from here I want to watch each of balder's scenes in the game because they are all phenomenally well written acted and animated these cut scenes are a master class in cinematic video game storytelling and we can see how the developers and writers are building balder's character in scene so let's start by watching Baldur's explosive introduction at this point in the game Kratos has refused the call refused to embark on the hero's journey he doesn't feel that either he or atreus are ready for the journey he has chosen to stay where he feels safe and then here comes balder to force him to make a different choice I thought you'd be bigger which is definitely the one A Long Way from Home aren't you what do you want oh you already know the answer to that whatever it is you seek I do not have it you should move on and here I thought you're kind you're supposed to be so enlightened and so much better than us and yet you hide out here in the woods like a coward you do not want this fight [Music] I'm pretty sure I do leave my home you are going to have to kill me for that to happen hmm I warned you finally you would not listen ing might [Music] how incredibly disappointing come on then the first time I ever played this game balder totally kicked my butt in this fight the game up to this point had been pretty easy just a tutorial really and then all of a sudden you're thrust into this boss fight against some crazy guy who just does not care how many times he gets punched in the face I only ended up winning by the skin of my teeth there's this awesome moment during the battle where Kratos is throwing balder in mid-swing you get this close-up on Baldur and he is actually laughing because he cares so little about the beating he's taken it's a fantastic boss battle and I think this was the moment that I fell in love with this game but let's rewind back to the start of the scene what does Baldur want here Odin has sent him to track down La Faye kratos's wife The Last Giant in midgard to complete this Mission all balder has to do is say I'm looking for a Lafayette and then Kratos could say she's dead there's her body see you later then they both could have moved on with their separate lives if all balder wanted was to do Odin's bidding then that's all he really needed to say but balder doesn't really care about that that's just an excuse for him he very intentionally starts a fight not to complete Odin's Mission not to prove anything but for another and much more selfish reason at the end of the fight balder says I'd hoped that you of everyone I faced would finally make me feel something but you can't that's balder's true motivation at the start of the scene he wants to finally feel something for all of his talk of if he'd only told me what I wanted to know this wouldn't have happened it's not true this confrontation was always going to end in a fight because that's what balder really wanted balder knows who Kratos is he knows Kratos reputation Kratos has slaughtered like an entire Pantheon of gods if anyone in the world has the power to actually make balder feel pain it would be Kratos or perhaps it's even darker than that as we'll see later Boulder doesn't just want to feel pain he wants to die he wants someone to kill him he is deeply unhappy he is sick of living this life and Kratos is a god killer Kratos is the god killer no one in the world has killed more Gods than Kratos I think balder actually wanted to die in this scene I think what he really wanted was for Kratos to kill him here I always thought that moment when balder is lying on the ground muttering to himself no no no no no no no no no was really weird like what is he saying no to know what but if he actually wanted Kratos to kill him then that explains his strange reaction as soon as he gets punched he realizes that Kratos does not have the power to kill him doesn't even have the power to make him feel any pain this is a huge disappointment that's why he makes the turn to actually trying to get the information Odin was looking for whereas before all he wanted was a fight but let's rewind again back to that very first shot we see of balder I absolutely love this character's visual design visually he is immediately interesting firstly because he's shirtless in the freezing Scandinavian winter but also because his body is covered in these absolutely gorgeous tattoos and runes what I find interesting about these tattoos is that they don't really have any visual flow or aesthetic there's no larger interconnected design to them instead they're kind of scattered all over his body almost randomly they are visually cluttered and chaotic almost on top of each other and of course this parallels the chaotic scattered messy nature of his character bowler is chaos and you can see that reflected in his visual design the very first moment you see him fans have translated some of the runes on his tattoos apparently the red ones on his back say cursed the ones on his arms say never forgive the circular one on his chest supposedly says something to the effect of I confide The Light Within Myself that I might feel something and the runes on his neck say I Mark the sunset of the Gods which are all thematically appropriate he is also really skinny even kind of lanky and scrawny he doesn't look as strong as he actually is he's not nearly as muscular or big as nearly any other God we see in this series partly this just reflects that he probably doesn't eat very much since food is not a pleasure to him but I also think the developers wanted balder to appear unhealthy there's also those huge dark circles under his eyes and his skin is nearly as pale as Kratos is these also contribute to his unhealthy appearance which matches the deep emotional sickness within his character his first lines I thought you'd be bigger you're definitely the one I thought your kind was supposed to be so enlightened are all meant to show that balder knows exactly who Kratos is and exactly where he came from even though both the audience and Kratos himself have no clue who balder is yet this informational imbalance makes him seem all the more intimidating I think it's also really important that it's balder who throws the first punch here balder is intentionally vague about what he's looking for like how the heck would krato know what he's looking for he wants to start a fight next let's watch the moment when Baldur reveals his inability to feel that old body will give out but before I end this I want you to know one thing I can't feel any of this oh I just completely adore the voice actors delivery of that line the way he says I can't feel anything there's a hysteria in that line listen to the way his voice goes up in Pitch the way his voice sort of wavers it's almost as if he's about to either burst out laughing or burst into a terrible screeching scream he sounds completely insane in this moment and I think there really is an insanity lurking within balder's mind this character is mentally and emotionally unwell his sickness is hatred he is so angry and has been angry for so long that it has made him both physically and mentally ill this battle ends with Kratos actually snapping balder's neck Boulder may be invulnerable but apparently his neck can be broken and that will incapacitate him for at least a little while Baldur's next appearance is at the top of the mountain where we see him interrogating the mirror and leading magni and Modi in the search for Kratos it's actually the only time in the entire Series where we see balder interact with any other Acer he's not very impressed with them and calls them both idiots he clearly doesn't care about them much either since he never comments on their deaths later we're gonna skip right past this and over to his next appearance which occurs a couple hours later and also takes place at the summit of the mountain beautiful isn't it well I remember once father look out yeah really let him go take me upstairs all this time I thought I needed you just turns out the boys the brains no you broke the gate that was the only way to your nine stupid son of a [ __ ] get out of here boy yes by all means Junior run away let Daddy do all the heavy lifting for you let's go let's go calm down boy you're not ready for this I mean and here I thought my family was [ __ ] up ah your father is right you are far from ready now would you be so kind is to hold this for me thank you earlier I described balder as a wrecking ball someone who charges in out of nowhere and just immediately wrecks everything and you can definitely see that aspect of his character in this scene something else on display here that we haven't seen much of before is balder's sense of humor it is a dark and mean-spirited sense of humor but a lot of what he says here is genuinely pretty funny like when he says the boy is the brains or when he just sits back and lets Kratos and atreus fight amongst themselves or that delightful little twirling wave he does when he says thank you this is the only scene in the game when balder actually seems to be kind of enjoying himself the only scene where he expresses any emotion other than anger I think what we're seeing here is probably balder's normal self this is how he behaves when he's in control when things are going his way this is probably how he interacts with his family at home in Asgard his dialogue here reminds me a lot of heimdall's dialogue in Ragnarok they both have this insulting mocking sarcastic biting sense of humor however whereas Heimdall is more of a preening narcissist bully I think Boulder is a much darker character there's so much more anger within him Baldur feels more dangerous to me like he might descend into a violent rage at any moment Heimdall had a lot more control over himself and his emotions I really wish we had an opportunity to see balder interacting with the rest of his family I'd be most curious to see how he interacts with Odin and Thor in particular do you think balder would behave as submissively towards Odin as Heimdall does do you think there exists any brotherly affection at all between balder and Thor it's too bad we'll never know anyway Baldur flies away on an armored dragon and then Kratos leaps onto the back of that dragon as the battle begins balder has already lost all of that humor and silliness he was showing 4. in a rage he yells don't you know when to give up and later he cries out why won't you die he sounds really frustrated when he says those lines as soon as Baldur isn't in total control of the situation anymore his humorous and sarcastic facade vanishes and he is overwhelmed by his anger again I think he's the kind of character who isn't used to losing isn't used to not getting his way Boulder has probably never lost a fight before never had this much trouble completing a mission and it infuriates him next Kratos slices open the dragon's wings and then the dragon crashes into tears Temple and Baldur attempts to open a portal to Asgard to summon help in his fight against Kratos there's a very small moment during this next confrontation that I want to watch so that you can hear the way balder's voice actor delivers this specific line oh now I'll kill him you know I will do listen to the way he says let go of it now or I will kill him you know I will doesn't he sound so freaking menacing here he sounds terrifying something that I haven't really discussed much in this analysis so far is that balder really is a genuinely evil character we've talked a lot about how he got screwed over by his mother and how crappy his life has been because of his loss of physical Sensations but balder is a bad guy and his past does not justify that I don't doubt for a second that Boulder really would have murdered atreus here if he could Boulder is willing to murder children to get his way he is a terrible person and a dangerous person there's this line in their very first encounter when Baldur says I'm not my brother and he's referring to Thor he's claiming that he's not as bad or destructive a person as Thor is but I think balder is actually a much more dangerous character than Thor as terrible as Thor's sins are the God of Thunder doesn't strike me as a child murderer after this Kratos atreus and balder all get trapped in helheim part of the torturous magic of helheim is that your worst memories get replayed for you over and over again on an endless loop so atreus sees himself murder Modi Kratos sees Zeus and Baldur sees his mother and this is one of the most interesting scenes in the game because not only do we get to see balder confront his mother over what she did to him but we also get to see a younger balder a far less angry and emotionally sick balder and we even get to compare the two versions of him side by side so here it is foreign [Music] feasting drinking women it's all gone again death has no power over you now you would rather die again yes take it away I can't please please take it away it doesn't work like that trust me in time yeah I won't crap ruined my life we can figure this out I promise trust me [Music] do it come on [Music] thank you ciao again never mind what you did to me what you did to me hahaha the most fascinating part of this scene to me is seeing the differences in Behavior between balder now and his past self both emotionally and physically let's start with his physical Behavior we can see that his past self despite being very upset very emotional is physically pretty calm up until he grabs his mother's throat which obviously isn't very chill at all but before that moment he's not bouncing around he's not Shadow Boxing he's not flying all over the place physically in his mannerisms in his animations he's not behaving like the erratic balder we know now look at his present self look at the way he is bouncing around the way he Paces constantly like he can't stop moving look how much frantic energy there is in his present self animations this is where we learned that balder didn't used to be this way wasn't always so frantic and emotional and wild back then he didn't just have control over his emotions but he had control over his body too this change is representative of an emotional sickness that has gotten much worse over time the other big difference we see is how much angrier balder is in the present back then balder was really upset he was desperate he begged his mother to take the spell back and in the grip of these intense emotions he grabs his mother by her neck but he doesn't kill her he relents he doesn't really want to hurt her his anger his hatred his obsession with Revenge had not consumed him yet in the present baller is desperate to kill his mother instead of begging for her to take the spell away he begs his past self to murder her he even starts screaming and wildly punching her Apparition and the scene ends with baller collapsing to the ground and weeping he is so pitiful here so pathetic Boulder is a broken man he is sick and has been sick for a very long time one unmark of really good writing is if the writers can manage to get you to feel sorry for the villains especially for a villain as dark and violent as balder and the writers totally nail it in the scene I felt so bad for him here and what feels worst of all is that I don't think there's any hope for his character he is so angry and so emotionally sick what can be done for him how could he ever heal from this the only thing I can think of is that he would need to do what Kratos did at the end of God of War 3 which is to just disappear vanish Over the Horizon try to build a new life somewhere very far away from his family and his sins next was fast forward to when balder and Freya finally meet in the flesh for the first time in a hundred years good [Music] I had a feeling hurting the big snake would bring the two of you out in the open do you have any idea any idea at all what you have cost me my boy [Music] mother I'm here don't run away oh I'm not going anywhere I know that you're still angry I know that how you feel hasn't changed but I want you how I feel how I feel [Music] I've spent the last 100 years dreaming of this moment I rehearsed everything I ever wanted to say to you every word to make you understand exactly what you stole from me I realize I don't need you to understand anything I don't need you at all back off Kratos this has nothing to do vengeance you will find no peace I know you I'll deal with you later family first this again what exactly is balder referring to when he says do you have any idea what you have cost me my first thought was that he was just referring to losing his Dragon but on second thought I don't think so I doubt his dragon mount was really all that important to him and I suspect he could get a new one if he really wanted to instead I think he's referring to his experience in helheim when he saw that Vision in Hell hype of himself confronting his mother that must have torn open a very old wound for him it reminded him how humiliated he felt back then how desperate how his mother had not only betrayed him but then told him that eventually he would thank her for doing it which is an infuriating thing to hear it reminded him how much he hated his mother how broken he was inside still in this line I think he's referring to the emotional toll of traversing helheim which he blames on Kratos this is probably probably the worst possible time for Freya to attempt at reconciliation Boulder has been having a terrible day in helheim he was just reminded how much he hated her how much he wanted her dead and why I do wonder if under different circumstances he might have been more open to speaking to her but right now he is far too angry to even give her a chance I also think balder is actually pretty sympathetic in this scene Freya really isn't nailing this apology if she'd said to him what she said to Kratos earlier that she recognized that her spell was a selfish choice that she knew she had hurt him that it was her fault that she wanted to make it up to him somehow he might have been more receptive instead she stumbles into saying the absolute worst possible thing and I do think balder's anger here is Justified she stole a lifetime of feeling from him for her own selfish reasons and still hasn't apologized for it thinks she can just randomly Waltz back into his life and expect him to be okay with that part of what makes Boulder such a well-written villain is how sympathetic he is he has been wrong he does deserve some kind of justice but at the same time he is so Twisted inside so angry so violent some of that maybe a lot of it is his own fault we cannot control what is done to us however right or however wrong but we do have some control over how we respond to those things we have control over how we treat others Baldur is a character who treats everyone around him terribly horribly he is an awful person and balder is a character who is given chances to be better in this final sequence he is given opportunities over and over again to make a better choice like right here when Kratos is being so genuine with him empathizing with him telling him I've walked this path before I Know How It Ends I know that it sucks don't do this and each time Boulder chooses to keep being the same angry person he's been for the last century next let's Jump Ahead to when balder is freed from his magical curse this won't be pretty I won't let you hurt him no boy fine stop no the dress bleeding breathe boy breathe my blood what is that I can feel this ah [Music] everything is vulnerable now you will not do this in this moment Baldur finally gets everything he wanted he has his senses back he can feel everything again he can feel pleasure he has his life back he can go out and live his life again he can go do everything he ever wanted to do but watch his face in this scene watch how the expression on his face changes look how it goes from a sort of Wonder and then right back into that angry expression he's been wearing for the whole game even now at what should be his happiest moment when he has a chance to let it all go and move on and be happy instead it is swallowed Up In This Bitter anger balder is a character who is weighed down by his anger he cannot get out from underneath of it even at what should be his happiest moment the rest of this fight is totally awesome both from the sense of spectacle and scale the mechanics but also from a character perspective this battle is the first time balder has felt anything in a century and he loves it he is Overjoyed there's this weird mix of Fury and Elation in all of his lines he's totally pissed off at Kratos but at the same time he loves the feeling of battle he loves the pain the ice the burning he is ecstatic the character is experiencing a really unusual mix of intense emotions during this battle and the voice actor is doing an awesome job of conveying each of them to the audience I really can't say enough about what a fantastic job Jeremy Davies does in this game finally let's watch Boulder's death scene to see how this villain meets his end laughs oh come on do a stop please he's being father not a threat you will not come for us again you will not touch her I don't need your protection [Music] shots [Music] help yourself can you mother no matter what what I do or say you won't it won't stop interfering in my life I was just trying to protect you I I've made mistakes I know but you're free now you have what you want try to find forgiveness we can build something new [Music] you know we can because I will never forgive you still need to pay for the lifetime that you stole from me I have paid I have paid [Music] but it's that alone will make you a whole [Music] we've seen me dead will make things right [Music] I didn't know [Music] what no father [Music] I love you [Music] why why do you even care begins here must be better than this [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Applause] nothing no no no no no no my boy my dear sweet boy here with Kratos strangling him Baldur doesn't struggle he doesn't fight back he just submits he even tells Kratos to do it to kill him I think balder has wanted to die this entire game he is unhappy he is a miserable character he doesn't like being filled with anger and hate but he also doesn't see any way out except through death he feels hopeless even now when he finally has what he's always wanted he would still welcome death as powerful as he is balder is also a pitiful character and then Freya without meaning to only makes it worse the break in Freya in balder's relationship came when she refused to allow him to face death on his own terms when she heard the prophecy of his death instead of allowing him the freedom of dealing with that on his own she took that freedom away from him she decided for him that he wouldn't die and that's what she does here too she does the exact same thing again balder is ready to die he has accepted his death of course we the audience understand why she does this he is her son she loves him she cannot watch him die but from balder's perspective his mother will not stop controlling his fate he wants to die and she just won't let him that's why he's so Furious here after that once again balder is given a clear explicit choice this will turn out to be his last chance to make a different Choice his last chance to walk a different path though he doesn't know it yet all he has to do is walk away which ironically is exactly what he says to Kratos but the truth is neither of them can walk away because of his anger balder cannot let his mother live and because of his compassion Kratos cannot let balder kill her when Baldur says no when he refuses to make a different Choice that's what SEALs his face that's why he has to die this final scene very closely mirrors Odin's death in Ragnarok Odin is given the exact same Choice do something different make a different Choice walk any other path help us spare you help us let you live both Odin and balder share the same fatal flaw that inability to change both God of War 4 and Ragnarok are stories about characters changing trying to be better making better choices it's exactly because he learns to make better choices that Kratos is able to survive Ragnarok in spite of his prophesied death and it's exactly because of their inability to make better choices that both Boulder and Odin are ultimately destroyed Baldur is easily my favorite villain in the God of War series Because by the end of the game he is so sympathetic and so human but also so hopeless at the and I don't want Kratos to have to kill this guy but I also don't see any other choice he was given so many chances so many opportunities but he willingly and purposely refuses each of them he can blame his mother for making him this way for ruining his life but the truth is that he chose to be this person to be who he is he chose anger he chose hate he chose revenge in the end he ruined his own life he cared more about getting revenge than getting his life back he didn't get to choose whether to be cursed by his mother's spell but he did get to choose how he lived his life afterwards and he lived it violently corrosively destroying everything around him and in the end he destroyed himself too of all of Odin's tragic Sons I think balder is the most pitiable Thor ultimately did try to be a better man Heimdall never cared enough to even realize he had a choice but balder saw the choice on understood it and still chose self-destruction he made that choice like five times in a row he's all the more sympathetic because we can see so much of Kratos in him if Kratos who killed so many Innocents in his own Past who was so lost to his own anger could eventually learn to be better when given the chance then surely so could bald her but balder is incapable of making that choice and so he ultimately has to be put down like a rabid dog for the safety of everyone around him [Music] foreign
Channel: FatBrett
Views: 678,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God of War, Baldur, Story, Explained, Lore, Character, Analysis
Id: s9vSCABh1K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 14sec (2954 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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