We MOVED into CLAN TERRITORY (Duo ft. Wally1k PT.1) - Rust

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all right guys welcome to yet another Wally blueprint Duo I know these are flying out like crazy lately and that's because like I mentioned in my most recent video with him we bounced around a lot of servers in one collab I was able to get tons of content out of it so that's why you're not only getting this video but also a second part to this white I know you guys love the Wally collabs though so I'm sure that's nothing but good news this run right here was easily the best one we had out of all of our recent playthroughs so without further Ado let's get started ah welcome to rust today we're playing duo with Wally 1K I've played with Wally pretty recently but it only became second Channel content and we're not gonna give up and leave it at that so easily as always I'm excited for today but I am especially excited for today because I just upgraded my PC and I did a test yesterday but as you can see I have 238 frames in Rust right now there's so much going on that I'm looking forward to so let's get right into this we're gonna do the old hidden node hit barrels go to Outpost make crossbow nail gun that's the old Strat dude okay okay there's enough I mean I have scrap I guess I can buy metal frags oh I can come for heal it's actually really nice and then I make nail gun to make crossbow not to just one nail gun ammo I have an M2 oh what what I'm just kidding okay Jesus Christ uh I was not even like I was not even surprised I'll be honest foreign [Music] I shot this guy who just compound bowed and he got drilled by Outpost I was about to go loot him but I'm not going where he is because I just shot as well this guy's loaded holy he's loaded oh dude he came back is he over here yeah are you on a horse too bro I got you your own horse and everything man and I found one on the way this is a dual Saddle Horse oh this naked is just on my horse let's go let's go I really want to avoid what happened last time where we built right next to a group and they could just see us from their [ __ ] roof yeah I'm good on that too did you want to build in this rock dude come over here this is actually like cool come and look at this like I just built like a TC into this like this corner here and then we like expand out yo yeah can you give me some Stone so I can upgrade this Foundation I've seen 150. there's a bag foreign hunt I mean like what I just deep out in there it's like pretty much everything I have to my name too many just pull over us wait what the [ __ ] they're fighting one died one died I'm going for it bro yeah yeah go go oh he looks Prim [ __ ] Christ nowhere maybe he has a gun though he's got everything but the gun on him I got his kit though no dude he was custom he's one HP over here I don't know why he was here what kind of like ammo did that guy have that killed that got killed out of the mini five five and he had blue card and everything okay you're gonna laugh but I put a [ __ ] I put a small box down in front of our double door with the [ __ ] in it there's no way that lasts I'm gonna look at this R yeah I have no idea where this guy's SAR is oh actually there's like 3K Stone in the PC okay I forgot I put that extra in there got electric furnace as well oh sweet wait I see a naked like you know that that base would build up in ladders and [ __ ] I see you naked with I think a pipe like trying to climb into a doorway he just like keeps crouching up and down on it thinking that he can squeeze in coming with you oh yeah he's in there somewhere it's like a bunch of [ __ ] if we can get TC or is there outers do you know he's got a pipe careful he's down here for sure I could push him with a nail gun you want going after me yeah I'm for sure dead probably [Music] dog we gotta go there's no PC I'll get up here oh my God loaded no way are you kidding me who the [ __ ] did you see there's enough scuba kits in here to [ __ ] glasses a whole wipe we need to get the [ __ ] out how did this kid throw on me dude what start build the base a little bit I know I know I know dude that's a huge come up what the [ __ ] that's massive it's not even like a monthly server we're two days into wipe actually huge oh faulty there's SARS on me do you hear that over by like Arctic I think they're clearing scientists no no like on me close at this uh awesome one guy okay dude you should come over here oh there's a kill the custom on the roof of this [ __ ] on the side okay coming he's still on roof custom he's probably doing a big recycle run hit him you killed him yeah huge okay be careful uh more coming from train tracks okay okay or am I being naked running at you I don't even [ __ ] know now who's going where the star was he's at the Rock Street 140. yeah okay custom uh didn't have a whole lot but he did have 300 uh cloth in the recycler try and farm that can I get some of those meds around no more stone in there perfect oil rig finally respawned you want to try and get red yeah we could go do that over there right now let me give me a sec is the loot good do we need a Depot or can we just go straight to rig um you could just go straight it's not that great just components talk to him rig already man I stopped we didn't know about that yet we're heading to rig already it's right in front of us I don't know which base they're coming out of yeah what I love naked yeah we need a Depot I looted up what I could dad I looted what I could but we gotta go there's more there's Stone heading uphill super alone nice nice nice I killed the BB kid let's just leave dude I'm so loaded oh uh twice just keep going straight we gotta get to our base we are so loaded there's another one up the hill keep going keep going keep going keep coming keep coming dude he's got such an angle on me and I got no more moves oh just get in okay be quiet be quiet I gotta know it's us there's no way they don't know I mean they do you have any uh do you have any pistol bullets for me left we should go over there are we are we gonna go for that first before rig we could we could rap like go like 10 and wrap up the hill on them okay roof door open you want to get some ladders yep gonna go out right now the two get two I see where they died okay kill both the nakeds going back to the bodies [ __ ] we need two ladders up here man this could be big dude dude dude they kill each other they traded they're all all the buys are dead there uh I hit him so many times pretty closed all of their doors are like wait this is a solo dude I can see all the way into his face this guy up here is a solo I'm gonna go for these bodies because they keep the Arctic running away was a one hit so he got up and looted and ran I killed him so we don't need to worry about like a giant Clan living above us it's just a solo I don't know I guess they just left this one body ASR I can't even see that person you're shooting coming dad is there another four he might be like one HP I have a bag right here okay all I have is a [ __ ] custom it's going for my body twice keep shooting them oh he's looting dude it's like a shower head I'm trying oh he turned around and killed me he's on he's going for the road again I think dude this thing sucks from a distance he's gonna have a custom that was fun to watch this is so dumb I'm just watching the bullets go everywhere but him okay we need to get to rig fast because if it's anything like it was just now like there's just gonna be people all over the place on it I'm three so if this kid hits the meanest killing he hit the meanest going no no oh my God he head shot me never stand over here just because it's pretty cool damn that was big profit there's an airdrop being called on Rick Depot cards do we still go for it hell yeah we go for it okay I might take custom then to Grub foreign we gotta do this man come up dog he's holding doubled one wait I double one too okay there's two dead the wolf headdress no no it was a it was a hassie okay at least two dead yep holy [ __ ] this kid's loaded on me okay you got this has he body he's juice C4 C4 yep 100 H2 I'm dude 270 scrap I got cards by the way okay nice it's got five holy [ __ ] let's go Wally do we install wipe them bro it's instantly doubled them both [Applause] I don't even see a boat yeah this is weird oh [ __ ] me wow double supply drop plowsers are you kidding me uh we should call these here no I mean like space wise no oh yeah good [ __ ] bro that's a huge counter that is actually massive it really is dude let's go baby let's go that's hype I'm gonna expand while it's night I'm gonna go farm a little bit uh with Jackie I mean I don't know if we need to bro did you see how much we got off of like those guys all right this base is like really strong let's try our next play dude we got guns we got the rig we just need to research explosive just for boots right as I suicided bro no way I'm hearing this I'm dead there's two of them [ __ ] get him twice Pulsar they're on our roof yeah I I of course like just respawns to [ __ ] get my health back dude wait like all of our doors are open Bruh Bruh I'm not even trolling bruh you got shot he's dead he's dead [ __ ] I can't get up I can't [ __ ] get up are you there [Music] I closed our top door we need we need hard ladders man on the side of our mounds and this is horrific oh dude he was full deep yeah I know you left all of them open to rush out yeah well I didn't know the top top was open his name's Ten Hot Cheetos um was he farming nodes yeah he just started though and that's how we just completely changed our entire face yup you think anyone's done it let me check out cams actually let's scientists no no no uh it's mini copter uh they cleared and the bottom scientists are all still there he's got AK metal up on top okay so I'm not gonna bring cars I'm leaving the small box I think we go Minnie's leaving you see that maybe it's a different mini and they were trying to counter yeah I don't know Ray's still there that's what I mean tell me when we should stop you're the expert on this [ __ ] now they know oh yeah bro brick brick ladder I mean I don't hear anything for it I'm here at beeping yeah I think that they just left one item in it like a bunch of freaks six mins no way wait wait wait wait wait wait they have no idea Wally this could be huge you could a little bit of that yeah I'm not gonna full loot it lmg that's pretty much it are these kids gonna come back or no I don't know I think the mini guys may have saw us and they were just like nah it's not worth the risk they're camping it oh [ __ ] there's a crate at Water yo Wally are you there there's a crate at Water I was going here because I heard shots didn't even realize that there's a [ __ ] crate here there's Tommy here right now shooting hey Tommy no that's them telling me I haven't shot yet I'm getting on the roof of roller another one full dead [Music] this guy's [ __ ] up here all right so Tommy Tommy's uh Northwest no I killed someone inside me it's the first Tommy Tommy's like 3 30. build the guy inside is he on the road or not no he was he's like in that circle thing let's kill them kill them you can go loot all right carry me man just [ __ ] carry me no problem dude by the way Chris open okay let's see AK lmg not bad just calmed run where there's stuff inside loaded is a grenade though that's huge wait he's to the left oh my God I'm almost dead [Music] oh [ __ ] LR shooting from zipline just killed someone on ground I don't know where you are exactly I'm at supermarket him twice I was gonna say come on you brick here's someone else here it's not you and I think oh there's you Arctic I can't even see him this guy's face mask and [ __ ] and two I got a hollow where's he like actually they live in that base right there that's their base the big one Northwest bro let me see you being like quick Depot it's over at that compound I think he just killed yeah yeah [Music] I saw him he's behind the compound now I'm swinging right I'm gonna make it hard he's dead they're in here though I think they were getting boar Camp by like MP hey looting holy [ __ ] yeah I'm looting there's someone here though [Music] dude the Green Dot thing's so [ __ ] really I got an extra AK he has wind turbine You Gotta Stay Alive you gotta stay alive I'm running I'm running I'm loaded we gotta go okay I've got two extra AKs both of extended mags want to go good kids toss these [ __ ] air traps on our base I want to toss them on the top of the mountain that's what I want to do oh I meant to bring ladders in case the kid would kill you cargo ship inbound where dude we're going we're actually going we're going we're taking AKs we're full sending this [ __ ] get in this John let's go [Music] have time oh my God Elite crate has AK in it bro okay and it also had a metal chest plate I just heard what's it called going off Sans so I think it's a mini coming mini mini you're right wait what just happened to it did you hear that it's on oh it landed did it actually land I didn't even yeah [ __ ] he's going below at the front one dad okay he was green like shirt I killed that kid okay another one I see him ten nice let's go what did that guy have that guy looks full kid yeah sorry as well so the Minions on the front too we got a mini huge let's go dude that's so many dude you ah you gotta come loot there's an extra eighty one five five three stacks of five five on me and there's another 12 meds in this kid's body or whatever yeah I'm coming down and then get back up top bro if we're gonna counter like that this should be fun dude why so many meds I'm I'm like set a small boat coming in North behind us shore side they're cruising right behind us they got [ __ ] riot gear like Riot helmet and uh jacket they're pulling up I'm watching back ladder I can see them if they pop up turn around bro they're gonna climb up right now twice on him he's under other guy didn't get on yet can you not see him oh because of the little thing other guy's on too [ __ ] okay one's dead it's all dead [Music] free loot baby is a little bit stressful because I couldn't actually see them but you're coming down to three bro oh yo I got some meds you can use if you uh no I got that dude we already have full [ __ ] invents include a single crate yet had a star out of the elite okay I heard a cradle knock yeah I'm at it I mean AK laser metal face mask not bad not bad kill at this one at all yeah what is it um Ila just got components from it but a large furnace AK heavy plate helmet which could be nice another AK that's huge we don't need the explosive ammo we have chainsaw already they actually have a good amount of gears and bass we like 10 plus nice so I mean I have 10 on me it's actually like a nice landing like it was so subtle that I didn't even know that they were they landed the Bears got us covered oh yeah not [ __ ] bad man not bad at all bro let's go all right we just need a heavy plate jacket and we have a full set dude honestly this Mini's huge like let's hit up Outpost and let's uh let's let's buy like gloves and stuff you can recycle already grabbing all the comps I'm gonna buy another Refinery too yes probably fly there it'll take 60 seconds 60 seconds okay out of that because I just shot you're not near any safe Zone doesn't matter it still applies dude why does everyone always jump out and lose Health like super high up don't forget Refinery and all our furnace finish recycling yeah I just bought the garage door in the refinery and I'm gonna buy some gloves and stuff all right coming you mean Mia like the Southwest gate see it's going for the [ __ ] play of a Lifetime on you right now like our back door no I think I'm probably gonna come through again nope there is there's an Arctic Suit oh my God you're that is such a good call holy [ __ ] oh my God that is a god tier call it's the solo prick we need to raid this guy man genuinely like we need to raid him don't Depot it dude he's gone no he's not falling back thank you twice [Music] where is he he's up top somewhere [ __ ] Smith it's got to be him I've seen that name before yeah and the [ __ ] flame arrows dude this kid was [ __ ] full Inferno this is a freak I'm gonna go crazy with garage doors real quick I didn't grab the [ __ ] oh we gotta do you know how to fly can you do that like can you can you or should I do it should I go back and grab it in the Drone real quick oh you need to because you're the one who's uh I bought it and then recycled correct oh no oh dude we got [ __ ] [Music] three I should have brought the soul for we gotta make this stupid flight again wait is the one selling garage doors the one with the with the minis on it like maybe we can just go up to their shop and buy it real quick foreign that's crazy oh [ __ ] there's someone on a supermarket yeah he's got a launcher is he dead yeah uh 600 scrap nice damn he's juice how mad he think he is he's got beamed out of the sky [ __ ] furious oh my God I'd be so mad dude what the hell okay so you forgetting that garage door was actually a blessing yeah it was okay now this is making me want to start gunning for Rockets but I kind of recycled like all of our pipes thinking that we weren't doing that wait really why'd you recycle everything bro but dude it's so easy to get that like it it's so easy our road bro I got like 300 plus crab plus pipes whatever we're gonna do raids anyway all raid for hit pipes I got like four more things to research I'm doing garage door embrasure glass window AK flashlight ladder and explosive ammo all set for you did we sell these [ __ ] supplies yeah let's call him on the top of the hill right after I put these Doors Down I'm throwing this Valley yeah exactly I got the hill already right next to you [Music] can you see the V5 basement oh [ __ ] it's like it's a trap these kids [Music] okay doubled him oh jump double dude I hit him twice he's dead as [ __ ] then oh my God watch I don't know if that's a trap I don't know the Trap is I don't think so I think it's just like a go weird base I don't know they're baiting the inside earlier so hey man holy [ __ ] that kid got doubled at over a jump yeah that's crazy that foreign but we should go check out that raid after we get these drops dog [ __ ] M39 some grenades grenades can be useful Loki on this yeah yeah true keep the ladders on you too I only have one um let's go deeper would have been more worth to just go to the raid uh that's gonna take 40 hours to get to our base now though I'm just gonna go Depot in the uh in the drop why'd you close that door behind us a brick bracket scared I learned my lesson from earlier I see the bass they're rating I know what base they're rating it was one of the [ __ ] the sheet metal cores with like the stone foundations I was telling you about like one of those okay like it like wasn't finished yet do they have a raid base right here what is this one on me one's on the space the shipment on okay I'm done I just feel like AK versus LR and HMG playing far back is kind of Death Wish it's true like I want to get close up we win that for sure but like there's a there's a Hazmat straight ahead I think he's getting bolted at hit him so many times right here close the other one's pushing me from the high walls too if I'm at the highway oh my God I'm a headshot they don't know I'm in the bushes bro so one's pushing your rock can you shoot them when you can one walled on me I'm doubled should I hit one oh my god dude I got flanked hard left I'd do another one there's three more I think we can win this what did they do to this thing man it's not even in there right wait someone's turning on a flashlight in here a laser there's a person with a laser in the core 100 coming in with you sounds like you have uh hide boots on are you uh uh report we have uh extra loot in here maybe we give you some please come back one's coming back from the raid base yeah you said nothing uh maybe we just despawn the rest pushing oh my God a lot two or three ready I'm dead hello I'm dead below one of these people are one of these people up they're two down there um we're gonna they're gonna jump up on you kill that one two more pushing here they're grenading real now three on ground no way no I'm dead dude there's so many two three four five didn't you kill two there's six of them [Applause] we like low on metal frags do you have a bunch on you had none on me actually I was gonna go farming actually [ __ ] farming we need to rate a base we're gonna read base with what I got on me that one on the hill with like what you thought was a trap face I think that would be worth online too hopefully these guys are online make it a little bit more interesting uh if I said hold up silly the inside blowing I can watch top wait I can see into the core hi we're getting hi nope we don't have to move our peers we don't have look it's that 9 HP I'm out of explosive I needed I should have used the C4 there you can cover bro their bags are gone I think it does like one damage seven right now yeah yeah that did a lot actually that did like five health [Applause] broken you got TC we have instant shots or anything oh there's a Molotov oh yeah they're juicing oh my God they're juicing okay okay excuse me you think you're still getting from the top I know I know I can steal uh like two rows of stone some charcoal and [ __ ] or is that are your C4 uh yeah I just put it in there oh these are actually juicing bro we're role players we have nothing multiple AKs outside oh my God they're wearing white and like purple it might be the [ __ ] Clint I don't think so but it might be them dude can you make bags for us in here yeah is there like a [ __ ] hoodie anywhere M2 yeah it's them it's them is there one like in the airlock do you know there is I'm picking Tommy that's actually really good for us let's go you want to fight this right now yes take our hole did you take our homes they ran like up the hill I don't think L9 roof camper was them because there's L9 roof camper down the hill being a weirdo [Music] here same SAR guy I killed earlier I think it's clear you got here yeah I see the front door we got like the gunpowder yeah all the cops gun powder it's LR towards our base [Music] I'm getting suppressed I'm getting suppressed I'm okay I don't have anything so don't worry about it okay I made it in I made sure yep two on me at our base two of them [ __ ] one Dad okay M2 is dead Play Time play time I killed them too or just they're more than one I killed both okay see an Arctic coming back dude his his he didn't realize but his [ __ ] face mask was broken should I come back and uh or in help you loot or should I stop this has he from coming to kill us I got it all right now they know where we live [ __ ] I don't think they saw me come out still two over here oh this feels good this is definitely done it's BVD Clan yeah that's the guy I've been killing BBD Ninja I got your exact AK back falling back are you here no yeah like I don't know if they would think this is us like there's no way they don't can I fought him at this rock before he even saw me okay finally got interest like to jump out and like say like what's up to dude this mini I feel like we gotta like get rid of it or some [ __ ] like where have you been dropping Luke uh like anywhere like in like the [ __ ] like the electric furnace [ __ ] like throwing it see what happens to this group when they actually fight Us in like an area that we know it's not like super flat trash area oh yeah they just lose people playing big groups for two reasons either they're playing a server that like you need a big group for another one or they're trash like these guys I'm just gonna come out with the charcoal and the Russell that was another one who has these dead on here I'm coming I gotta pull him he looks as I can cover you at least the full ends just [ __ ] finish uncooked sulfur I was again [ __ ] it why not yeah this is the number guy counter Raiders or the counter raid really yeah it's 100 the people at the counter raid like they weren't the counter Raiders they were the ones raiding penny I never died of DVD it was a kid named like something than R you see top right like all the guns we got from those [ __ ] um if you're if you come out to help transfer can you bring like 2K Stone like 1K metal and like 20 h2m so we can upkeep the space over here I think it's a good like flank wait rocket raid going on right now big one double launcher is that great I don't no you know what I bet they're hitting large furnace space right now oh my god dude we gotta go I can hear like the hiss of the launcher now yeah it's it's it's it's the [ __ ] furnace base one billion percent they don't have a raid base bro they're just like [ __ ] full [ __ ] in it sounds [ __ ] hot it's online too Tommy's fighting double launcher man literal they have camper they have camper [ __ ] I'll kill all of them dude they got someone up in the [ __ ] raid base right now like in the base in the shooting core one of the Raiders oh in the actual base being raided yeah it's sort of an easy to push if there wasn't someone in the roof like that fighting they're fighting just plays TC [ __ ] I gotta do something I gotta do [ __ ] [ __ ] okay some large furnace one yeah yeah they're still on they're holding it and they're being weird too these guys are not bad these guys are not bad here we press the breach it's on a short the side facing where they where they first rated yeah I know I know they're in there right now like trying to secure and I don't think it's their camper one hit three times down down I just saw him go down nice on roof he's not full dead [ __ ] yeah there's two on roof two on roof roof one was close left I don't know if he's still there I pushed in okay I'm pushing up staying down no I was reloaded what the [ __ ] I would have killed him they patch no no they're up till they're up top you're good HP I dropped though I'm okay you can resume possibly I'm getting looted oh man that was a throw there's a guy who looted my body he's he ran all the way killed one bad bro so we we might have not actually got our revenge I think like we got the exact AK back though maybe this is just a different team rating it might be dead I could chuck him up on top when you get up the ladder because if we can get to the top roof like that we win this yeah I know I know I'm dead no way he flicked on you like that man no I got stuck on the ladder I couldn't actually peek him I got stuck and with that counter raid comes the end of this video but certainly not our story in the second part of this duo with Wally we'd be fighting again with Alucard and bvd's team our Feud was nowhere close to over just yet they may have the numbers but as you'll soon see we evened the playing field as a Duo I hope you guys enjoyed the video I'll see you in the next one peace out foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blooprint's Bunker
Views: 556,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blooprint, blooprint highlights, blooprints bunker, bloos bunker, rust pvp, blooprint rust, rust, rust highlights, blooprint twitch, blooprint twitch highlights, twitch highlights, rust gameplay 2023, rust 2023, rust duo, blooprint wally, blooprint wally1k, blooprint duo, rust duo part one, rust part one, part 1, blooprint wally part 1, rust oil rig, rust snowball, rust duo vs clan, rust cargo ship, rust raid, rust online raid
Id: -cfIBaDb4Uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 15sec (3015 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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