We met at a half-way house 17 years ago. Now he owns a restaurant that I was filming at. Must Watch!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: JL Jupiter
Views: 76,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sea bar williamstown, seafood, jl jupiter, half way house, seafood muffin, paella, seafood paella, banging shrimp, clams casinos, freaking clams, lobster fried rice, salmon nuggets, redemption story, succesful ex felons, success stories, prison, foodie, seafood cheesesteak, rose that grew from the concrete, second chance, game changer, positive influence, black owned restaurant, hair stylist, kalieb bey, camden nj, philly foodie, fried shrimp, sweet potato muffin, eat, food
Id: yOyWwJUiD8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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