We made a HIT SONG in 1 HOUR

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in this video I attempted to write a song from scratch in about an hour with the goons we just did the whole thing in Discord and it's safe to say that it do go hard and yeah just enjoy the video let me know if you want more of this kind of stuff all right welcome to making a song in an hour approximately I'm with the usual crew soup McNasty and blur Oho try to put our little skid mark on this trend here we're going to puke we're going to puke on this dah yeah it can be as brain dead as like we could write about like frog pimps or it could be a masterpiece anywhere in between I want to do metal we're so let's do metal then everybody get your gent sticks out oh I see you just have a goira plugin yeah I've got some neural dspn stuff sir dspn I don't know what I just said where is this neural dspn neur Sports watching [ __ ] Football news metal this just in guitar clips of the week I guess I could start by laying down like a some drums yeah this will this very exp okay so so so you want so you want 128 you want you want something like this yeah I think that's going to sound perfect yeah let's let's listen to that back real quick okay all right guys I've got my first take let me know what you think firecracker sound like you put 68 bags of popcorn in the microwave at once oh you're getting punched by like Bruce Lee yeah we're not getting this done in an hour buddy it's kind of groovy I like that it's okay to start with do you want me to Loop this brainstorm over at the same time in the all right what do you guys think of this riff oh what what that whatever that [ __ ] plugin what the titty hell was thatu we just went to metral P what the [ __ ] was that you got to put that in video oh ham something like that yeah yeah the do so do you know what's going on with it dude uh it it is some kind of feedback loop it sounds like when your Windows PC crashes yeah like when you clicked on something [Music] and I would like that if I never heard that again that never happen why does has gone to the void dude I could I could literally use that a dubstep song that sounds [ __ ] literally that's what I mean like that [ __ ] crazy all right we'll keep that for later this is how all good all good producers make their music that's fine can we write a riff in one hour we try one riff in one hour I'm not I'm not going to have much [Music] [Laughter] [Music] word why is it recording the metronome why is it recording the metronome look at this do you see this how does that even happen we need to figure out like our uh our topic overall to me it sounds like Pirates I feel like we should go it kind of like a a I'm going to give you scurvy or something like that you know I'm down for pirat little scurvy metal all right like I'm going to plunder your booty I guess I'll try and uh lay down some B I'm going to record a scream for you for when the drums first kick in I think that'd be kind of cool hold on can you play it again well like when this hits just just like like you can do knock Loose as AR like yeah ar ar perfect AR we could all do a layer of arar all four of us yeah do the boys yeah everybody get everybody get an arar in all right I think we need another like type of rhythm guitar for the [Music] verse okay I need to make another [ __ ] te cuz I like to have it when I do vocals and I'm already out cuz we've been here for an hour okay it's already been an hour we have the verse done I'm going to make that for the other verse part cuz it's more like a like a shanty me boy this so much louder looking than than BLS ar ar yeah definitely turn that down just a [Music] little we could what we could do is since it's like that plays twice right yeah we could we could start one with like plunder like plunder struck literally plunder you have been removed from the song by the way wait I came up with a pirate riff oh let's hear [Music] it yeah like that oh I need to do my ARG ARG AR ARG ar ar oh yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] baby AR [Music] arm yeah BL lyrics [Music] dropped Rob whatever we play that's perfect you guys want to hear my verse idea yes yeah yeah oh you already did a full verse I am a Pirate I sell the seven seeds ship CV sturdy Glide in through the breeze yep I love it it's literally like so good I feel like we're making a slag jaw song now that's so [ __ ] perfect send me that now I think I was trying to think of a cannon bar what would be a good like Cannon bar my balls be big as cannons K you want to do balls see what you sound like in the whole thing I am a Pirate I sell the Seven Seas we ship shbi sturdy gliding through the [Music] breeze dude like blar makes it all like [ __ ] beat down pirate [ __ ] right there it's so good and it's perfect that like the rift gets a little harder after that hiding through [Music] theze oh yeah now this is good this coming together boys can you splice that or do you mean to re-record that one I'm afraid to turn on this metronome dude scared for you to turn that on I'm want to I'm going to start working on like chor stuff um you guys figure out your verse memes take off me leg and give you a peg me balls be big as cannons I don't even know if I can wait m going to make Freddy Mercury tiar I know D is about to [ __ ] make the chorus like a queen hit I'm down for that we got to do a pirate breakdown like 100% dirtiest pirate breakdown I I think I I got it I don't know if it'll be in time or not so it'll be like on whatever we play take off me like and give you a b me balls be big as canons me balls be big as cannons oh dude it's perfect it's like a musical almost like all right so me and soup got to we got to write one more bar then she's on my deck soaking wet [ __ ] we need more syllable I got you she's on my deck her [ __ ] smells like salmon something like that this is going on Spotify she's on me deck and soak and wet she kind smells like salmon something she kind of smells like salmon she kind of smells like salmon just a little bit though her clam smells like [Music] salmon that's it sounds good write that down write that down I literally did smells like hold on play the play the I got to hear it goes crazy I am a Pirate I sell the seven seeds we ship sh sturdy gliding through the [Music] breeze whatever we he got me like and give you a he BS me big as T she and her clam smells like goes so hard bro it's got no business going that hard this so good bro can we have a [ __ ] seagull noise when it says [ __ ] [ __ ] smells like salmon like birds all excited by the [ __ ] smell on it why is this such a [ __ ] Banger though cuz I think we're like autistic Sant with this kind of stuff no radio hits just just on the Spectrum beats all day on the Spectrum Beats song over no no it could just be that nothing play it could literally just be that and then just bam the chorus comes in it it needs like a big beautiful piano chorus with do vocals on like a [ __ ] ballad could just do like a a Dragon Force like sort of uh so more importantly than any of this music Talk are we filming a music video when we meet up or what 100% I feel like we were obligated to oh yeah yo ho yeah yo ho exactly yes exactly yeah that's perfect I feel like some some [ __ ] double Bas drums over that riff with you doing that would go really hard like you want to drop some uh some base over this too yeah oh I put the uh I put the new breakdown in there by the way oh I didn't know we had a breakdown yet yeah that goes hard MC nasty I like that I like that a lot how do you feel about this verse where can you see Improvement we hunt for gold stories are told die of scurvy before we get old sever The Head Take it to bed the pirates life is lonely goes hard gets dark out of nowhere yeah I don't know about the lonely part that just gets sad one vers is about the clam I'm smelling like salmon now I'm lonely I just trying sad I'm suicidal and lonely so dude the Baseline had no business being that beautiful oh I'm excited you like the little extra extra note thing a little extra spice sounds so good yeah why is this actually a banger dude the chorus is so good I'm going to do yo hoos yo it's going to sound so good yo y this is my work in progress type y y bro bro oh my God that's so sick and then I figured I could put like an ambient guitar that kind of or like a something in the background that kind of matches that Melody that I'm singing do you want me to add a so angelic business being that pretty god dude that second note goes crazy I love that chorus it's so [ __ ] funny compared to like everything else we have it's just this like CTI well written I feel like we don't really have to overthink these lyrics too hard and then I drank me rum sever the head and take it to bed and then I feel it would come there no like no about it feeling a heavily Cal feeling a heavily Cal oh my yeah everything else was like implied and then you're just like yeah I'm going to fill a [ __ ] head with [ __ ] yeah everything else is like clever pirate inuendos and just and just shoot a hot W into a dead head it's like we're revealing to the public that we all want to just [ __ ] fill ahead with God Reve our darkest fantasies in this song I have like movie score like Michael Bay like massive hits somewhere in one of these songs that I have a last and come in her ass look at the blood of my dick drums right after that kill a last comeing her [Music] ass that's better all right that'll be transition into verse two then we just need to write another scuffed ass uh verse I blun or bust on her booty okay you could say booby is word though like a [ __ ] 10-year-old booby on Google and type booby you could say boob I'm never mind I kind of like guys I guess I'm a little fruity yes dud can you do that right after I Bund bus on her booty please yeah guys that's so good this kids gay out of nowhere Well here here's what we have so far can't hear it can't hear anything can't hear it no one can hear it okay okay talking Grandpa right there Grand can't hear it he was listening and couldn't hear us say we can't hear it it's loud as hell for me grandpa's got his headphones on he like that's what we got so far after the verse do we could literally just like cut off all the aggressiveness and dude just literally comes in with like a piano intro and just has like this piany chorus it's like slow kind ofish I am a Pirate shut up [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] song ends there we could have done this in an hour if that's all we did the minor nine can wait okay Jeffy Too Many Music in You Windows finger aim just finger a minor and then the [ __ ] course trying to add some Ambiance I think this is probably enough like Ambience oh yeah yeah I like that could be like an ambient like intro meme that would go hard that would make into yeah then right into the [Music] guitar [Music] Banger alert well I need to do my chorus I never in my entire life thought I would make a pirate metal song with three dudes I met on the internet imagine telling that to your 15-year-old self this was actually on my bucket list there's another breakdown too and the yeah it like we can transition it to the other breakdown cuz it goes like half the speed [Music] oh yeah okay yeah we should use both of these oh man I don't like when he's laughing what do I have I don't know oh no it's getting laid SS on Gremlin mode all right tell me what y'all think I just I was kind of freestyling a little bit the last is BL I blood your bus on building never mind I try to like you to think I'm a little fruity your fantastic does that work send it yes send that over I am my pirat I'll make you off the plank we H for go are I'll give your AR a spank make the last f is blast I BL your bus on Bo never mind I kind of like you I think I'm a little fruity y hard hard oh my God it's so it's so cursed no it's perfect like the bar in my head was set so low for this when we started this today but like isn't it going to the uh to another chorus there like yeah that's that's what I'm working on now I'll just show you this uh this chorus meme real quick y y home y home really is a Grammy nominated song coming up I guess you can work on whatever you want to scream over the uh the breakdown [Music] and then I was going to redo basically something that's similar to that style there sounds good to me just need one line for this breakdown I just cannot think of one that rhymes with ground to the ground drown drown water clown oh drown watch them all drown that's four watch them all drown drown sink time I got the place the rice on Vanilla Ice [ __ ] so are we acknowledging that this is day two or no yeah this is day two probably this is probably like hour 6 at this point we're making a masterpiece it's all right all right blar has uh drop shipped me some vocals so I put it right at the the beginning of the regular [Applause] breakdown that's pretty good that's pretty solid Double Trouble Brown he when I [ __ ] myself twice yeah we needed we needed to yell something in here like shiver me timbers or something and then heavier part starts shiver Me ters Do we have that part of the song bounced out to where I can like bounce on dis dick boy bounce on his fat dick why don't you bounce on disc dick do you want okay wal I'll bounce on your dick w i i no longer like to be a part of song hour dude sound s like you need to calm down and bounce on this dick can we say that instead bounce that might actually be kind of cool for like an ambient thing in the background I that sounds good the game tell me what you think about this kind of sounds like I say say shiver me [Music] Tim shiver me Tim we can do that that's good so stupid we could end it as a group again like how kind of how we started are we like technically inventing pirate death core I don't think it's been done shiver Me tip shiver Me tip all right that's good that's good yeah I feel like the second half of the slow breakdown needs something going on could add an guitar I have like an [Music] idea [Music] that's where we at that's the ending of the song I feel like it it needs a what do it need some little piece of [ __ ] at the end like a fart sound effect or something we could just a jump scare for the listeners at the very end dude yes like a boat horn sound like 200 DB just like oh no dude SpongeBob's [ __ ] fog horn sound effect just just L as [ __ ] that would actually be so good just to [ __ ] with people have it like way louder than the rest of the song yeah oh yeah yeah like thank you for listening to the whole song [ __ ] you if we just let it play for like 60 seconds to boost the length of the song just all right so let this entire MP3 play out right like or you can do it three times or just do it for the whole duration think their phone is like ringing or something can you do like can you do like three but they get progressively louder yeah last one just like base boosted as hell I love that those didn't even exist in Pirate days I know yeah just thought a modern horn that's like a cruise ship that no that's what it represents bro the song represents ushering in a new era of ships new Pirates or just Carnival Cruises all right now what I'm going to do is blindly put effects on here before I hit play oh God do a little bit of Reverb screen for Distortion compressor on it and then just take this output game oh my God you guys ready bad scary god dude I've been eared like eight times just making this this song all right you don't know what that sounds like here we go I'm turning down my interface of hair you [ __ ] you [ __ ] I'm going pull it back so we have [Music] anticipation last moments with ears boys enjoy [Music] [Laughter] him that could actually get a lot louder it wasn't even that loud it was just [Music] busted yeah that's it that's it let it ring out and then the turn this delay like way up so it's [Music] like sounds horrible absolutely I agree I agree with that strongly I hope somebody listens to that in their car for the first time they blow their speakers out I hope somebody listens to it on their boat yeah they think another boat's about to crash into them they dive overboard getting closer I could base boost it do I do it what are you doing does this look dangerous I'm eqing it yeah do it throwing up the low end yeah I thought that needed more lowend like a lot more lowend okay good we're on the same page here for some reason it does like a major third like at the end of it I don't know where does that come from in the fog horn sound effect I don't understand I think the drop is kind of like in a decent spot now and we just need like sort of a lead up I'm going to throw down a guitar Soul real quick over this I guess but I'm going to go noodle for a [Music] sec try to write the guitar part like it's sort of like losing control at the end so it's like oh here comes the drop or whatever you [Music] holy [Music] [ __ ] if we can have the piano under that starting to hit more like chords that are like kind of losing control like okay well not that yeah dude that's real crazy like a bingo notification you just take a bite out of an [Music] orphan I got twice the rice I'm this was supposed to be song in one momento but here we are many momento later quite a few momento later I day number three obviously you would want to turn this down but sex with a hooker no shot go ahead [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah I had I cut the [ __ ] fog horn off at the end cuz every time I was tracking it was just IR me when I got done that's fine send that over man that sounds good why did Huggies just email me brain deal well they know you'd be wearing diapers you poopy man I sure hope they know I'd be [ __ ] dude I hope you get a brand deal with Huggies and they make you like try on an adult diaper read or some [ __ ] that would be such a good ad seconds I would do that throw that in and then I think this is a song I think it's a song I'm so excited to hear this dog [ __ ] in its entirety I'm trying to think of like words you guys said in it that that could be potentially a title a sec full pirate porn HD 4K SpongeBob SquarePants theme song poop deck pegging pegging on the poop deck I like pegging on the poop deck on the poop deck Yoho Peg the poop deck something like that I love my name attached to that that's so cursed I like the all capitals one it's a lot more aggressive yo the the YouTube bot is going to scan Peg the poop and immediately let's do a whole song uh reaction and then call this a call us a [Music] [Laughter] [Music] day Ark [Music] arm I am a Pirate I sell the seven seed we ship shibi sturdy gliding through the breeze s the same B and size stri or wrong whatever we play they off me like and give you a p BS me big as cannons she's on me Jack and soaking wet her clown smells like C yo home y y home y [Music] home I am my Pirates I'll make you walk the plank we are we gold Sor are gold I'll give your R A spank M the last find is glass I blood your bus on her buing never mind I kind of like you just think I'm a little [Music] fruity [Music] y your home your [Music] home [Music] you [Music] [Music] the of [Music] the just watch give me [Applause] [Music] dead God congratulations beautiful there is nothing else I would want to use our Collective musical talents for our finest work our finest work we made Progressive pirate death core metal pop core two cores we invented a genre here was we we have imprinted our ourselves into history the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame will have this playing 24/7 on Loop I I I expect to receive a uh a golden record for this uh the Grammys or whoever the hell gives those if I don't get a big [ __ ] like plaque yeah can I wait for somebody to be better than all of us at B oh 100% or do yeah like do their own rendition or cover of it yeah everybody cover this everybody who has a throat and fingers cover this song We'll react to your uh your covers live boys I appreciate your time I I wonder what the total time on this was probably like8 hours or something an hour and a half I think yeah we did this about 54 minutes 54 minutes yeah see stop the timer stop the timer stop the timer now barely made it 54 minutes and then you know after you do all the mastering we'll say we'll say 60 so when's the uh world tour right now I'll come pick you up I think we could prepare to sing this song in about 30 minutes I think it would be too hard I think I'm already ready I got like four parts like the video for more stuff like this [Music] oh
Channel: TheDooo
Views: 2,771,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheDooo, Doo, TheDooo guitar, omegle, cover, song in 1 hour, how to write music, how to make a song, challenge, writing a song, hit song, how to write a riff, how to, song in an hour, making a song in an hour, song, an hour, song writing, write a song, write a song in an hour, creating a song, song in 60 minutes, how to write a song, lyrics, sing, singing, writing lyrics, fast rap, 1 hour to make a song, 1 hour, funny, meme, compilation, viral, meme song, metal, spotify top 10
Id: 7VZr6hsws-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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