We Made A FULL GAME In Just 3 DAYS!

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Been posting some of my tutorial videos on Löve & Lua here. This is the first video which isn't strictly a tutorial, so I am very interested in hearing what you think of it! :)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/WMG_Jeeper 📅︎︎ May 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

I just did your platformer tutorials over the weekend. Very informative. Loved that you used STI and the Love2D physics engine.

I'd love to see some tutorials on the shader effects used in this game, or even how you went about creating the cut-scenes/dialogs.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RobotTimeTraveller 📅︎︎ May 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

wow that looks really good, its crazy you made it in love

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/applebeesTacos 📅︎︎ May 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
I took part in Ludum Dare 48 together with a  team of 7 very talented people. This was my 18th   time participating in the game jam Ludum  Dare, which is a game making competition.   The game you make needs to be created in  under 72 hours and follow a specific theme;   this time around that was, “deeper and  deeper”. Early in the first morning,   I got this concept image from our artist,  Belle. The idea was to make an arcade shooter,   where you play as a demon sent to hell, but  not just any hell, 80s themed disco hell!   As you wreak havoc, you get sent deeper and deeper  into hell and face off against more and more   enemies. Once everyone else is dead, the mullet  rocking Devil decides to deal with you himself.  But the game didn’t make itself. I started  out with creating the Player character,   making it possible to move him around  and added some basic boundaries.   Then I experimented with different sizes for the  room; we wanted something which was bigger than   the window-size, yet not so big that travelling  from one side to another would take too long.  Once we had a size which was  suitable I moved onto the weapon.   Since this is a shooter it’s important that the  weapons feel satisfying to use. Gun variety for   the player was another priority. To save time and  avoid having to animate each gun, we decided to   animate the player character separate from the  weapons, and handle gun movement with code. I   spent a couple of hours just tweaking the look  and feel of the gun, one example is that I tied   it to a sine wave to make it bob up and down. Now, what is a gun without the ability to shoot?   Yeah that seems balanced… I then spent some  time making sure that the bullets spawned   at the correct place before moving on to the  most important aspect of the game. The player   character has a cigarette, it absolutely needed  a particle effect! Yeah that seems balanced! Next I started to work on shadows. In order to  be able to see them I flipped the background   color to white, so now I can’t see anything... I also added a small kickback to the weapon when   you shoot, to make it more juicy. We wanted  the game to be fast and action packed, so it   was clear that we needed some kind of mobility  and settled on a dodge-roll. This would not only   allow you to reposition yourself quickly, but  also makes you invulnerable for a brief moment.  Now that the controls felt good it was time  to add the first enemy. I equipped it with   two guns and made sure that it kept aiming at the  player. It was around this time that I started to   lose consciousness after programming for over  15 hours and decided that it was time to sleep. I made the enemy able to shoot and  take damage. To further juice up the   shooting I added some empty shells  which pop out to accompany shots. Next we added my favorite  enemy, flying mullet man! Look at his glorious mullet!  And then some other enemies... We wanted a system where the player is only  able to use a weapon for a limited time   to encourage the player to experience all of the  guns. It’s important in a game jam that you do not   make content which a player does not get to see.  We had this problem in a previous Ludum Dare game,   “The Drown”; where players were encouraged by the  system to upgrade a single weapon and miss the   rest. To avoid this issue, we made each weapon  have a limited amount of bullets. To make it   feel better when you run out of bullets I came up  with the idea of having the player toss his weapon   when it runs out of ammo. This weapon would then  serve as a kind of grenade, exploding on impact.   I accidentally created something that looks like  DNA and while that’s cool, it needed to be removed   ASAP, or else I would just sit and watch the  fancy patterns all day. After sorting that out   it was time to make enemies drop their weapon  on death, which the player can pick up and use. Now that we had the system for the weapons, it  was time to create some more of them. I spent a   fair amount of time tweaking the different guns,  trying to make them feel interesting and different   from each other. All of a sudden, the entire day  had passed and it was time for me to go and die. What i'm dead huh? Well not even death can  hold me back it's time to code some code! It was now the third and final day. We needed  to get the core gameplay loop up and running as   early as possible so we could playtest as early as  possible. I started working on the level system,   which triggered the level swap after the player  killed a certain amount of enemies. To drive   home the point of having the player fall “deeper  and deeper”, as was the theme of this game jam,   I created a black hole which appears below  the player, making him literally fall deeper. With the levels in place and working, it was  time to add in the assets. This was a huge   morale boost since the game finally started  to feel more like a game than a tech demo.   We also added a CRT-effect which  curved the screen slightly,   along with scanlines and a bit of visual  noise to give the game that 80s feel and   look that we were going for. To increase the  disco levels we also made the floors blink. You can also see some of the WIP cutscenes that  Eric, our other programmer, was working on. The   idea was to add a couple of characters, the  devil and his advocate, who would discuss what   to do with you after each level. The purpose of  this was to give the player a small break and   add some more comedy to the game. Since shooting  demons is the core gameplay loop, it needed to   feel really satisfying. To further increase  the overall juice I set all of the player’s   bullets to cycle through colors in the air, and  added a particle effect explosion upon impact,   which was set to the current color of  the bullet. Finally I made the enemies   splash into small pieces when they died,  accompanied by a bloody particle effect. Time was starting to run out, and while Eric  started adding all of the great sound effects,   voice lines and music that our team had created,  I concentrated on the final boss and his throne.   This, along with the intro sequence and ending,   is something which I do not wish to spoil  so if you think that this looks interesting   there is a link down below where you  can download and give the game a go. I had a blast working on this and while  there are things that did not make it in   due to the time constraints, I am  super happy with how it turned out.   Huge shoutout to the amazing people on the team: Belle who made more assets than  should be humanly possible.  Eric who programmed so many  cool things, like the menus,   intro sequence and the ending, just to name a few. Ben who wrote the scripts for the voice actors  and voiced the Advocate, and who happens to be   the editor for all of the videos on this channel. Daniel who made all of the funky music which   pumped up the disco of the game  to dangerously funky levels.  Ian who joined us for the first time  and delivered fantastic sound effects.  Zach who perfectly voiced  the radical 80s disco-devil  and last but not least Franki who did such  a great job at voicing the player character. If you have the chance to participate in  a game jam, I would highly recommend it;   it’s one of the best ways to improve  and you always learn something new.   I plan on making a video which covers  some of the tips and tricks which I   have picked up throughout my years of  participating in different game jams.   Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss that,  or any of the other content which is on the way.
Channel: DevJeeper
Views: 1,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, coding, lua, love2d, game development, Game dev, dev log, ludum dare, ludum dare 48, 72 hours, game in 3 days
Id: u0vS-DJBBpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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