We Lost Our Superhero!

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before we get into the video folks wanted to spend a few minutes talking about what everybody's wondering about y all saw the title and thumbnail of the video and yes Batman passed away cuz I know most of you are wondering what exactly happened because you know how did he die what was the cause you saw in the video that Matt did even the short that you did that he apparently was looked better but in reality folks he was not it's been over a week now I mean since he started all that I I can't tell you exactly you know Batman was not digesting food in addition to other issues he had I noticed he had a hard time breathing I tried to get him to drink I tried to get him to eat on his own he would not we took him the first time we took him back they did another little procedure and said okay uh Tak him home and you know giving this medicine so I brought him home but for a day or so he did not eat he would not drink at all nothing and I just did not think he was going to going to make it through the night he did we got into the afternoon so he wasn't eating or drinking called the vet and they said well make sure you know just get try to get that medicine down the best you can and I tried didn't really work and folks honest to goodness you know shortly after the vet call and so forth he passed Batman taught me everything I didn't know about goats from beginning to end you know they were so lovable he was like a big old puppy dog these other two goats followed him around and he was just he was just he was a epitome of a goat he ate everything he tried everything yeah if there was a way to get out you know they said oh goats will try to get out he tried to get out lower the fence let the other two out he did it all you all saw that on video he did everything what went wrong we don't know but he was a very much loved goat and I have no regrets on H having goats whatsoever before we got to this video going I wanted to address that so that y'all would know up front obviously Batman not here so uh we had an outdoor dog biscuit dad lets animals live their lives he doesn't force them to make or live a certain way I mean it's been that's been forever since I can remember appreciate that well after biscuit passed away I told Mom I said I don't ever want another animal how'd that go I said I never and that's that the IR ironic part you got more now than ever I never wanted another animal and we got Libby and now here we are and yeah it just it I'll be honest with you folks it tears my heart out this was very very difficult but you guys can rest assured just like I do that Grandpa and Grandma and will try and do everything they can for any animal it doesn't matter whether it's a chicken goat dog they all get the same love and that's appreciate that man yeah you bet and that's something that's very true too and I you know we're I'm not a veterinarian and we rely on the information and and you know we we we took what they told us and ran with it and did the best we could and and I tried so anyway we're going to you know we take care of the take care of the ones we've got now hang around you know we wanted yall to know enjoy the video love you guys what's up hey guys afternoon Grandpa do Farms Matt Grandpa Do's Farms who are you that's Adler do Farms say Adler um a Matt Grandpa and Grandma there it is Grandma's over there saying hi to the hi to the doggies yeah right we're going to go feed animals today you want to help us hey it's and it's a yeah you going to help us yeah why would I help you okay why wouldn't you I don't know why you would what that's a silly question come on there's chickens there's food why would you let's do it and we got a little long sleeve action but it's it turned out today about 70 some degrees it's not too bad you want sleeveless yeah why not you know well carrying him around you'll get your get your sweat on all right we going to go check everybody out let's go feed chickens first come on let's go come along everybody thei for the Wormy Burmy dance but this is my gun finger grandma is here but not here yeah hey can I tell them it's your birthday today no yeah it's Grandma's birthday I'll edit it no no no no we going to S Grandma happy birthday happy birthday birthday to Grand there it is happy birthday to you all right happy birthday to my love Grandma a so sweet there you go best present ever good job bu we're going to go you know what that is that's spinach that's spinach we're going to give the chickens a treat we got some tomatoes and zucchini for the chick pigs today they're going to eat all the wood off of there and they'll be come stick and they die who what eat all you know this the same stuff papey eats yeah Popeye eats that he this makes him nice and strong he's a little young for Popeye you don't know Popeye we got to fix that first the Wormy dance yep hang on a minute all these feathers and all those feathers dude you're right on you know what somebody's molting and I know who it is it's uh that's Maryanne it's Ginger her counterpart she's losing feathers like uhoh yeah let's check under this board if there's any you want to check under the board what hey Will if we do that you better tell Uncle Matt to turn his head cuz he he he can't watch y do you have any tissues so I can cry yeah so you want to lift the board let's do it gota wait for the chicken to not be on it right on let's lift the board you ready pound fist we got pound fist pound fish okay pound fish to the chicken close enough all right here we go you ready wa let's stand over here I don't know why I'm standing here hang on a minute good luck okay there might literally be a m on the watch watch everybody ready I haven't lifted this in 3 weeks folks so I don't know what's under there well I wouldn't have your hand all right wonderful news to MEC Matt is tickled it in I am I really was worried about what was going to come running out of that hole and okay I'm going to I tell you what I'm to do I'm going to leave this board up I think for the winter I'm not going to have the board in here I'll I'll you take it out and we'll just let them do their thing then there's going to be a mice under there someday well no Grandpa's going to take the board Well what we'll do is we'll just take the Temptation away for mice to stay in here that'd be the smarter thing to do I do think there's probably mice in there they've carved this out not but I'm going to change it up a little bit hey let's get uh wormies and then we'll do the Wormy dance you want to there it is let's do it here you ready we got to do the Wormy dance first you going to help me let's do the Wormy dance you ready going to take it off for well just take it off but don't give them any yet cuz they if they give them the worms that they won't they won't dance with us we want them to dance with us you ready a one a two a one don't want to that's pretty Good's got to guard some basketball man stop it all right all right very good good job all right now we can do wormies yeah you want to give him some wormies buddy mhm okay here's what we do I want do two full two full handful now now watch out you got to throw them around okay on the lid Works he let's spread those around a little bit you know give them a chance to eat them let's throw got you know you literally just dump those worms what I got on top of there off there well I had to feed them to the chickens they eat them off the ground yeah they leat them off the ground huh they're not like us they don't eat off plates they yeah they don't need plates what's a plate yeah what's a plate there it is okay that's good that was good good job can we throw some back in the back here of course we got those uh back row bap just Birds here Birds hang on hang on a minute let's do something over here let Grandpa throw some in there buddy there it is Mega rain good job watch out Shar that that chicken's name is Shar oh we only got two eggs are you kidding me man they have just shut down step it up chck I do know I know wow we guys Step It Up Girls Girls Girls all right let's get out here so they can have them look at them all gathering around I know they got two eggs we both do two eggs together you do one actually I do the green both you both okay so where you going to throw yours got to throw it hard there you go oh very good Uncle Matt I'm going over here throw yours in the back you have to go get some more won't you oh I knew that would that had well you know go go help him out show him how to throw an a Adler there we go all right show him how to throw it watch out chickens Uncle Matt's weak whoa hey I I uh okay oh my goodness are we're oh I just stepped on there we go hey everybody stop for a second I got it I got I see an egg whoa Matt Uncle Matt yeah hey Matt right there is an egg go get it right there on the other side see it yeah they laid one back there two huh there's two there's two get uhoh are they laying eggs back there is that where it's happening is that or that's where the snake gives up on them well get down there pick it look out yeah right pick them up well okay bring the other one out here okay bring one of them out here and throw it out here where the where Adler's at see where Adler's at you want to throw it throw it down buddy throw it down if you want right there throw it down real hard uhoh it broke good job break yep we got to clean out their water bowls dude girls I have a suggestion if you want more eggs better get busy then you better lay more eggs that's pretty simple yeah come you want to give the chicken some spinach come here you want to give him some spinach let's throw the rest of it right here buddy you want to throw him some want throw him some spinach throw it on the ground there we go you can eat a little bit make you stronger there you go eat some and then instantly Flex here let's sprinkle it around shall We There we go it okay buddy here take it you're the man do it uhoh that's all right pick way do it that a boy there you go that's kind of cool good job that was the best spinach spreading I've ever seen spinach spreader spinach spreader your official title very good okay you ready to you got spin out here come on GS Birds GDs come on GDs come on GDs come on you dumb Goods there you go call them call them out call well you know what happened honey Grandpa threw some back there and they're eating it they're all EA out there that'll be their treat we'll go give the uh let's go see the doggies let's go see the doggies and and the piggies and we got treats for them too pigs lost some weight you know the pigs did lose weight boy they needed to didn't they okay back up dogs back up I'm going to let you in look there he pet her oh ain't that sweet there you go pet him through the fence there we go good boy oh look at that oh that's good dog that is super sweet right there no no no can't do that hey you got time for a quick story what's up you know how friendly our puppies are oh yeah with us right yeah the neighbor came down the other day walks up to the fence yeah the dogs lost it they were barking at him good job dogs yeah I mean you guys just chill with us H so that I I didn't you know I I got him calmed down but I for me that was kind of encouraging because no strangers will oh yeah if you don't know if they don't know you you're going to get barked glad they know me you're going to get barked at so I'm glad that they act like this towards Adler and towards you and everybody okay Grandma gave them a little bit of food they haven't had any since this morning so it's been about six seven hours so all right guys let's uh make our way up here to the other end right on my back piggy back ride to the piggies piggy back ride to the piggies go it's windy to Piggies these are windy today it's a pretty day we'll get out let's get outside of the fence here and you can put him down matt yeah okay there yeah o it's windy very windy how about that wow look at the piggies hi Piggies they look all good hi Piggies they look so good we got some treats for you yeah they're literally toting W they're fat well they're they're bullfrogs now pigs eat hedge apples no oh don't throw it over the fence no they don't well they fall over there they don't eat them they don't they look look at all of them yeah they don't touch them if they don't want to eat it they won't you know what I mean none of the these animals are eating hedge apples no worries no big deal this is where grandpa has to do pig poker to avoid getting run over by a pig it's actually funnier when Uncle Matt does it yeah cuz there's greater risk oh my goodness that just fall off the tree they did yes sir that could hit him yeah I know that could have easily are there do you see any more son no but that landed right by us the yikes I've I've had it happen a few times hit your head well they fall but if it hit my head I didn't know it wouldn't have matter have to get you a Hedge Apple helmet don't anybody say anything I know hit me in the head wouldn't have matter don't say it don't say it all right all right okay okay no more Skittles for a year well I did give him he had two cook two chocolate chip oh it's Grandpa's fault listen what was it a huge spider okay we'll pretend it didn't happen thanks yeah got you you didn't even give me time to freak out you're so good no I didn't even want to tell you about it you're so good I didn't want to I didn't SP I didn't want y'all to see hear a scream like oh no not you're F thanks dude oh you're funny nope all good let's uh all right you ready pray for me oh you going in I'm doing it you're the man just remember me okay hold me while I'm in there remember me when I'm gone I got you buddy I got you let me get you we're we're probably not going to go in though okay can we just watch look look come at watch Pig po you want to go in yeah I want to go in with you you want to pet him come here uh you just want to go in yeah there we go we can go in watch out we can go in it's all good once they're eating they're good Olivia's spinning around they're good pet one of them good Piggies when they're eating dude they're not going to touch you oh look I oh we're moving around I leave you honey you're well they they it's okay they find it yeah you're oh hang on so weird yep pigs are weird touch her look oh ain't that sweet that's Bella w that's Miss B get this straw woohoo that was uh not in a great place you want pet Olivia want to walk over there come here come here come here come here Olivia you're the one that tried to eat my foot no no no no no here we go come here liby yeah we can pet liby oh ain't that sweet mhm that's sweet she's a good girl uhoh we're moving around again yeah they'll switch it's okay they switch watch we call that musical bowls musical bowls music stops makes no sense but about hi B honey pet let me pet what was that about come here Bubba come here honey pet Lola hi Lola hi Honey hi sugar well only she didn't have all that stuff on her all that stuff that's straw honey she sleeps in the straw and gets it on her she's okay she's a good girl she's sweetheart all right are we good you pet the piggies good job good job yeah I just I like to pet like this little pigs little little pigs mhm these aren't too big they're little pigs they're even little than they were Yep they're little than they were hop down for a second now what we'll do I have laying down the wall here let's do this let's give them their oh you Piggies are weird they got Tomatoes big Tomatoes they haven't had anything else beside their they haven't had anything besides their uh grass stuff I'm definitely going to feed them the Tomato you want to feed them that tomato M all right just throw it here's what we'll do yeah I'll outside I'll I'll have to put it in the bowl it's okay they'll find it but I think what we're going to do Bubba but honey we're going to put it in the bowl okay here girls you want tomato we just throw the Tomato here Lola oh there fighting over it there we go we go right there stay over here buddy that was well uh Bella takes hers and goes away she will not stay and eat hers with everybody else she's a a snob when it comes to that kind of stuff there listen get get get up close oh they want yeah get up real close you can hear them smacking her lips just get right on her there you go num nom oh yeah here we go oh yeah see did you get two honey here you get two here we go there you go get it you got another one get it honey honey stay stay on this side that's why he's just pting all right there you go girls have a good day all right now we can take care of the goats and dogs okay come here here we go come here come on here we go is just so cute I know he's just so cute I want to try not to kick her try not to kick her cuz your feet are right by her head there a good girl Riley oh that's good girl this is getting difficult honey don't kicka me take that for a second all righty all righty boy I know he's a good girl okay you don't like to be touched while you're my bad I know better pet just don't like to be touched while he's good girl it's a good boy oh you're so pretty it's okay that a boy oh wait that's a good boy are you rer Riley oh there so sweet oh you're Riley She's a doggy pdub a pretty doggy aren't you Riley aren't you so pretty yeah she is pretty pdub pdub they you're bad as a pigs right I know there's a good girl there's good boy and good boy rev good girl Riley they are both yep good doggies too such good doggies you're encouraging me to work out more young man oh yeah W that was Farmers carry and a half see that for a second now you're going to oh my goodness the just love the puppies they are some they are lovers I tell you what yes they are when they need to be they big boy yep big boys Grandma you all right WIP his kiss off oh you wiped Grandma's you wiped Grandma's kiss off now you know what happened when you do that she just gives you more so you must want more kisses re what you gives you more you know what are you doing you Sil dog that's what Grand off more kisses and more hugs yep you're silly ow I'm going to get you even more so sweet I got you Bud's eating her dinner mhm I'm having to hold half him up he does that just to pet him look at this I know it there you go buddy I tell you what man he's like are they eight months honey eight and a half eight and half months he's got to be he's 100 110 20 yeah he's look at that oh that's awesome look at that oh here you go buddy I got you he is literally laying on my knee while he soaks up attention what I like about it now is how calm he is now that even Adler's down here right and so the more more says hey dude rev he's a good boy oh my goodness he's a good boy he smart Sissy's eating folks here over there she's eating you know who you are and are not supposed to be protecting good job buddy he's a good boy yeah you're holding him up I'm going to have to move here in a minute yeah he's like no no you don't have to move you can just be my bed you are something else dude your sister's getting away with eating all your food look at that isn't that pitiful say grandpa is that your house when you get in trouble grandpa is that your house when you get in [Laughter] trouble that's my house when I get in trouble mhm let's put it that way that's where I go that's where I go when I get in trouble there Cey hi oh that's pretty sweet hi Riley are we good yeah our channel name is Maggie the burrito all right guys this is Matt with Maggie burrito this is Grandpa Maggie burrito and Grandma Maggie burrito we're out Adler burrito Maggie burrito Adler Maggie burrito Adler Maggie burrito name okay there we go big hug Shunk them at big hug we'll either see you on the porch or uh by the fire I think we'll be by the porch we'll see all right trying to squeeze in as many rocking talks as we can on the porch I just got a heavy jacket on I wimped out you know I could probably get by with less but I couldn't couldn't take it so no you couldn't I know I know at least there's no Breeze out here so true well that was a pretty fun video to make you know with Adler out there and and you're you know we didn't put a on him I didn't need one I know that boy can holler out so you know hope you all enjoyed that we had a lot of fun we are two very thankful parents this morning and if you watch Chad's video from Saturday you know why if you haven't watched it go back and watch it but you know Chad and Ray case the kids were in the cabin and caught on fire I'm not sure what time it was in no more than 2:30 3:00 and you all know the story if you've watched Chad's video we're not going to go into all that but you know anytime you get a phone call after hours and he called me at 4:00 a.m. in the morning and it's one of your kids in a split second so many things run through your mind and none of them are good so our boys know that the first thing they need to say if everything's okay is that everybody's okay everybody's fine that's what Chad said he everybody's fine then after that nothing else matters and that's that's how that went so we're so thankful to God that they got out of there yep and they're good so thank you Lord and you know you had mentioned though that yes you know Batman died and it's a very sad time for us but you look at put everything in perspective you know the kids and I I think about all uh creatures farm and rescue with Brier sometimes your troubles you look around you and we've got a lot of Dos family members out there who are a lot worse off than the things that we've had in our lives I think about Brier and I think about how people have touched their lives with prayer but look at what she has done for all of us and and how their lives have touched so many people we just really do appreciate you all and how you have responded for Brier and how you have prayed and how you have followed and I hope to goodness that you have gone over to their Channel and listen for updates because I left you high and dry somewhere along there I hope you've kept up with Lori because she has done a fabulous job but we just want to thank you all for your support for your love for for Brier for their family uh for our family um we just thank you guys as as always we just it's like Ralph said we're we're not surprised because we know how you all are but we just want to make sure that we thank you every time that we're on here we want to give you guys thanks for your support yeah folks listen as as we we got a lot of catching up to do so if is it okay that we do a question and answer for Monday night last time we did one was a year ago in July it's been about year and a half we have a lot we were in Florida we got a lot of new folks so we're GNA we're going to have a major cop out here and do a question and answer but actually they're pretty fun they're a lot of fun so you're going to put it on the Community page we yeah we'll put on the Community page announ they respond there I don't know well just in a com you know comments like you know we can go to the contains questions part of it you know the reason we're going to do that and what we'll do is we'll take all of them that are alike you know we'll try to that we can answer more questions that way than say doing a live so if they leave a comment though to this video oh on this video I got you on this video they leave a comment hey I've got a question for you on I can do a little like a post just hey we're going to have a Q&A we want to cover B understand that's all that matters I understand I know I don't understand but if I understand understand okay yeah we understand then okay we'll explain it to you later okay that works does that work all right well I hope this video is not too long I think it's like an hour and 17 minutes but you know uh if you don't watch anything watch Adler and US feeding the animals and then watch The Rock and talk and uh that should about cover it and post your questions post your questions Q&A coming up for Monday's video Santa's going to be here from the elf remember that 10 10: a.m. Santa's going to be here elf it's movie Elf God bless you we love you dearly all right look forward to hanging out and answering some questions until next time till next time is that your CU to shut me up normally I get to say that grandma wants me out of here bye guys [Music] byebye [Music]
Channel: Grandpa Doss Farms
Views: 40,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grandpa adler farms, grandpa adler farms youtube, adler farm, farm life, farm 1.0, farm life vlog, small farm, farm vlog, ozark mountains, adler farms missouri, adler farm youtube, small farm tour, ayam cemani, livestock guardian dog, tarter usa, small hobby farm tour, hoss tools, adler farms Misouri, adler farms on youtube, ozark mountains animals, farm life for kids, adler family farm, adler farms location, farm animals, kune kune, kune kune pigs, chicken coop, goats
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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