Moving Into a New House - The Big Reveal

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hey guys welcome back to counted all joy so this is a really exciting video I have for you guys for those of you who've been around for a while who maybe even came over from The Keeping It Dutch Channel you know we've been waiting for this day for the last couple of years so I hope you enjoyed the video and let's get right into it all right so moving day is always super exciting but you know that that comes with a lot of time and preparation and everything ahead of time so I'm going to show you some footage over the last couple of days when we did the big move for here's how this is looking the um Nest box on the outside I'll go around and give you a view on the inside got some nice steps so here's the inside that's pretty for big old [Music] you ah hey move this yeah all right I was sweeping up the leftover construction stuff in here it's not like I have to get the floor perfect because we're going to add bedding down anyway but there is the new um nest boxes for him got these two windows and then he's going to work on putting their little roasting bars or whatever you want to call it over just on this side yeah I'm going to do one big one here maybe a short one by these windows cuz long as we reach back and open them it'll be good yeah long they don't poop on the Windows I'll put that far enough put those vents up there to give some air flow maybe so this bar here is like the ones on the individual nest boxes so if you keep it up they can't get in but then when they lay in here their egg it's like at a slant and their eggs roll down or we can get them from the outside I'll show you the outside let's go look at it so this this particular Nest box is really cool so you can either put this on the inside and collect eggs and they'll roll out on the inside or the back so I chose the outside because I don't want have to go in there the r have to go in there so this is a predator locks for this Brandy oh okay it's pretty dang cool so they can't get into there at all so you can push in you can check the hands you see the front right there Tucker's behind me Tucker so you can check the hands or any eggs but then this the eggs will roll and come down through there and you just clect clean eggs yeah and you don't have to put any bedding down or anything so this is really really cool hey I'm looking forward to this did you sneeze truly hi Tucker you being a good boy these days truly scared us last night when we went to put the chickens up one of the um hen houses the door had closed with the wind and so we couldn't find her so I knew she must have been roosting somewhere or under some kind of cover we couldn't find her last night but guess who was on our front door or back doorstep this morning weren't you wanting something for breakfast she doesn't miss a meal I don't blame her cute little girl hi Tucker you didn't even check on your wife last night you left her out something could could have got her Tucker so here a minute just a regular regular screen I'm putting a mes wire over there so predators can't get in oh okay so if you leave it open at night yeah but we can still get here open cuz like in the summer they could have it open Lily Lily what do you think about the chicken C you like it yeah you like it that's looking good these windows wired in we be good so how many cuz like 10 can fit on one row probably yeah don't you think at least I lift it up I should I should hold if I put a little one right here I think it all fit turkey though huh I hope they won Ro try to roost over there I don't think they got enough room though they probably will probably try so what I'm going to do is tonight we'll just do this one and then we'll see where they're roosting at if there's someone on the ground I could build a little one over here Dallas and the turkeys will be on the ground I bet some will end up over there they might try see back oh yeah there might not fit okay we'll put them in tonight all right okay so last night we got home from the basketball games pretty late and we didn't have the bedding in there for the hinge yet so we're going to do that today and then this evening we're going to have the girls help us and once the chickens are all roosting we're going to get them all and put them in their new CP so hopefully that works for us tonight I'm going to go feed everybody for right now looks like Bobby has all his feathers back nice and pretty you looking pretty Bob you guys are looking pretty too hi Bobby so gunar has been refusing his kibble looks like so we're going to see if he'll eat this bread you ain't supposed to give dog bread or grapes this isn't grapes this this is bread oh okay he's just getting bored with this K I don't know because that's some good stuff I know it's expensive hey easy I was giving it to you okay so you're not you haven't lost your appetite he just wants something different Gunner gner I don't want this to be a bad idea are you out exploring today Gunner oh you're going to pee again he's been sniffing everything marking everything let all those coyotes know this is your territory hung Gunner what'd you find baby get this is a big old puppy right here well Brandy decided to let all the animals out today and uh now she got to chase Pearl back this way got the burn barrel going come right this way Brandy come this way good girl that's how it's done oh really you want you want to tell them what happened with Gunner no I don't yeah so we let Gunner out you want play so we let Gunner out to play and he went off into the darkness into the forest over there and I had to go rescue him he came right here and explosion in my face yes we're buil we're burning some papers and stuff in there and there was a pot bottle or something in there that boom and scared Brandy so that's what we're trying to get Gunner up that exploded while Brandy was holding right right there and then Pearl got out escaped S I thought I was dying but I saved the day I got him back in I got her back in man it is Muddy mess right here guys it's just got to dry out there ain't a whole lot we can do yeah here you go here's my knife Brandy you just want to do one first to see how much we get in there you want to I think it'll be at least three [Applause] youre in the sh there's more in there than you think oh yeah cut that side so tight do it oh my gosh I think two will do it maybe three at the M no that's not going to work okay I'll get it right I've seen a lot of people um will try putting sand in these things but I think for what we're doing this is just just good don't you we're going to try it there's a lot over on this side so I told you there one goes a long ways maybe only two what you think yeah there's a yeah there's a bunch over there you can under there see this little thing well I would just step in it yeah there you go step inside there we'll have to teach the girls their new job and I don't know how long we'll have to go in between cleaning we'll just have to wait and see or deep bed yeah I started a good compost and pile over there where just right over here but I can move it if I need to this is still pretty thick so just let's open another one and then did I not cut it good enough huh wrong well I was doing it I thought huh I thought I was doing it I was going to toss them in there who's mad oh they're wanting to get in their nest BLX they all want the same One MH that's what they usually do yeah this might be good it is cuz we can see how big put it around oh yeah they'll get here it's really thick it doesn't need to be deep I mean and so we shouldn't have to clean this up a ton cuz they're free-ranging most of the time just at night and they're pooping right there but they also um we're going to have to leave them in here for a little bit so they know it's their yeah home so that's when we're going have to clean it so on a scale of 1 to 10 where do you wrate this chicken house we haven't used it yet but on the look of it a 10 11 when it's painted 10 AR we going to paint it like the house it's whatever color you want should I get it over in this or is this fine I mean they will they'll like you said they'll spread all this out more anyways I'm going to put a feeder and stuff right here too so don't matter oh yeah I really think there's going to be some up there I don't think that's wide enough though I don't know they're not that big it's just their feathers oh yeah we were going to put their feet over here yeah I'm going to hang it I got stuff to hang it no like they're extra yeah you can I think they might jump up there and poop on it well probably I guess I can just sit outside good job Lona Our Little Hen over here that we had hatched out she is small and they kind of pick at her so I always try to give her some cuz see she gets in there and they all uhuh they all are mean to her so I try to give her some by herself sometimes she has to try to get a couple bites and then run off it's okay Lona there you quit good girl Lona why are they all bullies to you cuz you're little and sweet good girl Lona got some eggs waiting for us in here these two are having a standoff there's other nesting boxes you know and then this one's not very happy about it oh she's waiting in line ma'am Could you hurry it up she really needs that box Snow White here I'm going to get these eggs out maybe she'll give you a space my goodness I just put her in there so she'll know hey it's a perfectly good spot to lay ma'am go back in I'll leave you alone go back in there that spot's just as good as the other one go back in there okay Wai in line over for that one this one's perfectly fine okay now I hung this feeder in here can they all reach it hey you can go in the other Nest box look this Nest box is perfectly fine get in there that one's perfectly fine just your size there you go perfect I'm about to lock you in there get in there and lay bam okay that one is perfectly fine you're silly all right now we got a waterer in there this is the pre chicken look there's going to be poop on everything that's what they do sit on the feeders and poop poop on the waters but it's looking good he's going to fill up the feeder like you're saying once they hear that they might just come in here and check it out yeah they know it's in here though your little knock going to hold come on in Tucker I got their feed in some extra shavings back here for them you guys going to go check it out the Hammer's probably scaring you off isn't it ladies just enjoying and morning at the watering hole over there they it's so cute when they drink hope will mock how they do it it's funny so get a little drink lift my head up you girl are pretty getting a drink this morning huh it's not as windy today so these little Windows have screens that come on it but um he added this wire mesh stuff or whatever that it's for like Predator proofing cuz the other screen something could cloth through and get right through it so it's still would give us air flow but it doesn't protect them so you done with them yeah I got to put a few more Staples and we'll be done with these first chicken checking it out I'm trying not to move what I find little gold m in here no one else knows about this our secret little spot she probably saying don't tell anybody else all you can eat that wasn't very nice I think there's plenty for the two of you see like it ain't worth it I'm getting out of here well let me see I can lower that a little bit if I need to I think they're tall enough oh like I'm getting out you're a bully think you need that whole thing to yourself she's just making herself at home good girl like it's pretty nice in here she's got it all the way down to the wood got all the shavings out of the way there's not any bugs under there babe it's like what is this place I don't know who's going to be the first one to check out the nest box my little sweetie came in here to check it out hey truly how do you like it is it okay yeah try out your food try out your food and water you think you can get up on that bottom perch huh there your pretty girl there you go you can't just sit in here and eat all this by yourself that's not a good idea yeah she say hey this is pretty nice pretty little [Music] girl what you sneez in she says oh I can even reach up here and need the benefits of being the tall girl huh yeah you're so cute Julie I think this is just in time for our new Coupe or this is the perfect time I should say for our Coupe cuz we've got four eggs in this one six eggs in this one thank you ladies and four eggs in this one so the egg production has picked up a lot in the last couple of days and the new Coupe will keep all the eggs nice and clean with not having to add any of this straw or bedding okay he's installing the little Auto automatic chicken door I guess you said it yeah there's a it's at what time no um every morning when that hits the sun oh okay activates it so I'm going to probably not record till tonight when we put them in cuz it's getting super windy but I was going to show you the little chicken door there anything in there hope dangerous did that door close yep door closed by itself that did help push push that up that red bar push it up yep all the way perfect I get in there move this stuff I get in there H if you can set him up on the top top Roost here can you put the flashlight over here so I can see here up top can you reach up top yep perfect here we'll do this okay like get out gra let see light Hy here let's pass him no just just carry him hope let me see I one just baby let me see the light okay you're blinding me you're blinding me okay time this chicken pet my finger K I get to be the camera guy some needs to watch good job hat you make sure they all stay in there don't they're not getting out H's putting them up on there they'll be fine I did too and it's trying to jump here chick almost ped my ear what yeah here some of will watch I will I'll go over there and watch you guys counting them one chicken two chicken three chicken four calm down easy they're grumpy what happened they're grumpy like you are when you try to someone wakes you up what I wake myself up hey qu who's being grumpy this one's vious put him up high if you can jump see that one jump keep going guys we got like 20 more all they're healthy what's up ladies all the chicks want to hang out in here huh that's what Randy said all the chicks want to hang out oh they just jumped up there I chicken scre I got what you screaming this one's the baby chicken it her wings be careful go get try and come in here I got two that top yeah we need putp okay so let go out they're freaking out is there one freaking out well you guys are f gra that one I'll get her here one more look she jumped up there see yeah they jump 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven eight now we get one more there maybe two chickens naturally like to go higher that 10 up there yeah so we get four down here easily you could probably actually fit several more up there if they wanted to but we'll let them do that on their own [Music] stay calm stay calm yes hey you try to P me no bab L this chicken is very difficult it's running away you can go by L just try to jump up there someone just pooped so watch out where everywhere yeah that's what yeah you got to get J guys keep going I'm trying to make you're fine ry's trying to get out of getting chickens sh of them are just right you can go up here are your feet there be careful [Music] he is there tin on this one yet oh my gosh oh my gosh is no white she's so adorable I wonder how we named her cuz she's white mom get her please help help help Mom grab her I will I think this is 26 one the one talk up there is this a head or a a big how many is this count one two three four five six seven oh my go they went up higher like Dad said can you count them yeah I'm here guys they trying trying to get on the top yeah they like the high the one oh you caught it no she scratched me don't you dare we're trying to count them and one fed us hand yeah you the chicken sorry oh my gosh who's going to get Big Mama I'll get big mama so there's we already had 26 27 with the rooster there's 28 or 26 Haven tried to get the duck or turkey yet I think that's 28 look at big [Music] mama you hear hold on let me get it my chair so she's warm watching the door cuz some of them are trying to jump down ad hurry let's go 31 32 H take that one did you guys think you were going to do this tonight oh so tiny e Wings wet it's just poopy okay I'll put her in there what if she H you too yeah you're getting two for sheer your bottom you're going to get two Hayden no I'm not taking to you'll be fine I'm going to carry Big Mama you can't I'm not getting do not get that roosters oh don't let them come out oh here come out oh she's creepy come out head with her she's not going to get you she's not going to get you her Wing is like just get her sis I'll get her here going to get Randy here give me oh Randy you can give me another one this one's are babies kind of hurry head here we're down to Randy I want to see Randy big mom was trying to get out oh my gosh that's a long night look long hie how many do we have left big mom has like seven chickens in one huh okay get the chickens babe big M's sced no big mama truly Big Mama the other day when my dad made breakfast burritos I was holding it walking outside and truly and big mom came inside was trying to eat the burritos we lovingly call truly big mama she a Big M I have poop on my hand just go real quick baby block the door hey block the door Mom Mom you be care just just get him real quick just get him if he's there he has Spurs know they're tiny I say that as I'm telling you to get him but they're tiny he doesn't have SPS yeah get him he literally has no Spurs well Hayden's not catching him okay okay do it she weighs as much as you but she won't do anything if you push her back there just pick her up that hurts her back pick her up pick her up just lead her in there sorry you just step on oh Hy's got Tucker Howley has Tucker here get get big mama get big mama so dad's scared of Tucker I ain't scared of Tucker look at Hadley oh my I ain't scared of nothing oh okay I only fear God Brandy not no turkey is Hope getting big oh go help her guys that's the duck look at it look at him all right H go help your sisters or I know Hadley's the rang hope andley are the good chicken catchers it's okay Tu let me see your phone I'll record you guys now I'll let you get big mama grab it hey Hayden just get the ones right now we'll we'll find her find who The One highly hopes or Hayden's chasing around so they keep trying to get as high as they possibly can I think I counted 12 up there Hadley she's weighs as much as you had what are you can you help Hadley is she good job hlee hie ain't scared okay you guys got like three left good job P up Hadley I'm ready to see if uh Tucker jumps up there and knocks them all off what now big boy [Music] H so we have plenty of nesting bars right now even though they all try to get to the highest point they're gonna they're gonna have plenty they're starting to jump down cuz cuz she's eating so now they're all starting to jump down oh Dallas we have to figure something out with Dallas Dallas likes water look at him where'd Dallas go he disappeared or she disappeared now they're all starting to jump down once one of them does so I'll turn this light off in a second once the lights off then they won't can't see each other last one good job she fogging you yeah good job come on Hope or come on had had I thought you were like picking up poop or something why would I pick up poop I don't know are they clean we probably need to give them to the dogs okay everybody's out of there everyone needing a midnight snack are yall going to get along a corner up there but so we've got two roosters a duck two turkeys and about 40 hens right two turkeys two roosters duck 40 something hens okay have a good night everyone get along good job girls please like And subscribe bye
Channel: Count It All Joy
Views: 42,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Zal0Y2_sQIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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