Our Home Is Gone...

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[Music] still no puppies nope no pups what's up buddy gabella we can get you a new one of those that was fast morning everybody Chad dos Farms Ray my prettiest bestest friend we're not going to hide it and bounce around and jump all over the place and all that we will show you the animals yes it's much choir without Bruce here um Thursday night right or Friday morning 3:00 a.m. Friday morning about 3:00 Friday morning uh I saw a light around my the bottom of our bedroom door and I just thought that case was awake and like um case just ordered door Dash I thought that case was awake because he fell asleep at like 7:00 Thursday night wasn't sick he just come home from school and tired and went to sleep and I thought he'd woken up to like take a shower or something yes it was 3:00 but try waking up at 3:00 a.m. and wondering what's going on and I just I was just awoke to the dogs were kind of anxious I could hear him scratching and something just didn't feel right and I saw a light underneath the door and I thought case was just using his phone flashlight to find the bathroom and just had the inkling to get up and I walked outside the into the great room area and the bathroom door was shut I was like oh G is in the bathroom but then it kind of hit me all in one instance that the light was orange um still processing guys but uh I opened the bathroom door and there was flame at the floor but there was nothing on I say nothing on fire there wasn't like a trash can with fire in it or a piece of clothing with fire in it it was just like you know I don't know how to describe it coming out of the floor and since talking to adjusters and friends and we've had Luke uh my cousin out here buttoning up Shay's Shay's it's Ray and Shay forgive me Shay is L my cousin's name is Shay she married Luke who is technically my cousin-in-law so I just refer to him as cousin for you guys but Ray and Shay okay Shay's not an ex-girlfriend it's my cousin St Alabama don't make it weird he's been out here butting up Ray's Sheed that's where it came from I was going to say Ray and Sheed and I got Shay Shay's fault well as you know he was supposed to come yesterday morning to install our Mini splits Friday morning so that we could eliminate our space eaters and at 7:30 in the morning I got to call him and tell him we still needed him but for different reasons so where the fire was is adjacent to case's room and so I immediately knew that he had to get up and get out and my first inkling was to grab a garden hose I I was really uh resenting myself for not putting like a shower wand in our bathtub and not just like cranking the water on and soaking it down and being done but through talking to construction guys like Luke and and adjuster we had come out or is coming out um they think based on what I saw that the fire was probably like in the wall so there was way more fire than I knew of because that little fire in about 10 seconds was much bigger and uh I'm very we're all okay everybody made it out all the animals are safe but it was uh it was really hot in case's room quickly I turned around and came out of the bathroom Ry wasn't she was awake she's on her phone and I don't mean to speak for her I'm just trying to get through this but I smelled smoke and I jumped out of bed but I did turn but I did turn and get queso first you did when when I jumped out of bed I came out of the bedroom and the first thing I saw was the bathroom all was up in flames and Chad was coming out of it saying we got to go so case walked out behind me we grabbed things we could and uh we only had Adler as you know we co-parent and Carter was were very grateful for at his dad's because I'm hoping at Adler's age it's something he can know happened in his life but he doesn't remember we got him out quickly and he didn't see much he didn't case of course is old enough to deal with it like adults um we are talking to people and you know he's got people he can talk to and the school was also very supportive for all three boys when case came out of his room Cabella was right behind him and we got Sadi and Goose out and Cabella actually had fire on her back she clearly unfaced though because that is actually a mattress we hadn't told you guys about but a company sent us that mattress and it was actually in the Loft and we that's cas's mattress so the mattress from The Loft is gone gone I think okay just kidding that's case's mattress they couldn't get the fire in his room to stop so they just brought the mattress outside that happens a lot there they were were throwing stuff out the windows that was on fire to keep it from spreading in the structure if you will it did take them about 30 minutes to get here but where we live that's pretty typical um it's all volunteer there's no fire station so they get phone calls from Dispatch they go to the fire station they get the water trucks and then they come out but they were here they were great but Cabella actually had some Embers on her back that's how out of control it got that quick by the time we got everyone out of the house and tried to run back in to grab something the whole thing was just filled with smoke and we couldn't get anything we did have um and I don't know what's going to happen in this video I can't demonetize it but we don't need Super chats we have insurance so just watch the video like you normally would we're okay so what we're asking is that we'd actually don't want you to send us money because we're okay and I wish I would have said that sooner in the video but I'll I'll probably put it in the chat already so you guys already know but our insurance company's been so great they put us they gave us two hotel rooms here in town we're like 10 minutes from the farm case is living his best life case is living his best life cuz we're in town and we can order door Dash but they put some money in our bank account within about 12 hours um for emergencies and we went and got pretty much brand new everything because as you're about to see everything is gone we had a policy that covered just so you guys know that was a dog neither that was not Ray or I we uh going to use my shirt it's new don't use your shirt we um got out in our PJs literally and um you know we uh gosh it was quick uh Ray's ring was what was my one one was my one dumb move and I'm sorry I'm sorry Mom and Dad I you know it was in the bathroom where the fire was and that's the only that's the first thing Chad asked me was where my wedding ring was and I told him in the bathroom but I said do not go back in there everybody was already out or you were at least by the door we were right here yeah and I said do not go back in there and of course he did and he didn't know where it was so I just I followed him in and it was really hot and really close but I opened the the drawer real quick and I grabbed it out of there cuz I'm the one who knew where it was um and then we ran we came out the handle was toasty as well we got everybody outside put case and Adler in our trucks and uh pulled them away from the house where we live we keep our keys in our vehicles um unless it's cold because you can't remote start with your keys in your vehicle but it wasn't really cold that I mean I say it wasn't cold it wasn't going to be like 20° the next morning like it was was it warmed up and our keys were actually 70° the next week yeah a couple of days prior to that we were bringing our keys inside so very thankful that our both of our car keys were in our vehicles I'm just a warning I've never showed anything on this channel that kids can't watch but it's uh our boys probably won't be watching this video so certainly not the young ones we've reached a point where structurally it's not actually safe I would say Beyond today right now as well as if you guys have never been through a fire and what a blessing to not go through that um when the fire department gets done there's four five 6 inches of water in your house and it just pours out the walls and you know um structurally from the outside this thing I don't want to say it doesn't look bad CU all the windows are pretty much gone or broke and and the roof is there's a giant hole in the roof there's a lot of ceiling joist missing so we probably won't go too far to the South side but guys we were really really this was close and uh it's really tough for me as a I'm not a confrontational man I'm a very protective man you can't fight fire her everyone's alive and safe including every farm animal we didn't lose we didn't lose anything that money can't replace this was close this is really fast it uh because of how fast it spread those folks I told you I've been talking to the fire was likely inside a wall in the bathroom don't like the dogs in I'm going to open hang there a May so you guys actually haven't seen this in a very very long time but this was our fully functioning kitchen we had a refrigerator it's still there make you a smoking deal on it too soon anyway our lovely little kitchenette right here yeah this is actually our room and uh you can see it's more or less been heavily sunburned the didn't make it here it just scorched everything melted it melted it scorched um this is where it gets a little bit worse a lot worse we had a couple recliners that were real nice this was our washer room we had barn doors planned to go across there that's our water heater all this was professionally done um but as you can see I don't know I may not there's supposed to be one two three I think we're missing every joist in case's room actually um this was our lovely bathroom with a brand new vanity and the fire was over there um those clothes were not in the floor they were actually in a tote um Adler can't even wear that stuff that was a tote of Adler and Carter's as you well here you go see that pair of shorts yeah the tote fell through and it just got caught on those but uh all this was done all of it was professionally done this was all professionally done that was our shower it's all new I mean that stuff the stamp on the back of that shower the production date was March of 23 but this is case's room um this is where it was the hottest the quickest that is his mattress yeah but basically everything started falling in on him so we think the fire was like in this wall this was all finished he actually never lived in the RV with us his room was the finished first like everything was done basically um that's his uh school bag he's got his own little pistol in there we got to try and get that safe open it like melted but that pistol means a lot to him so we'll get that open um I tell you one of the tough things is uh cases at an age where he has a job it's YouTube and uh you know when you're 14 15 years old and your parents tell you that it's time to get a job job and you embrace it and you post videos for your job and you make your own money and then your uncle Uncle Matt helped case build a PC and he'd only had it about a month and uh yeah his PC is obviously gone but we're insured to where the boys and all of us will be my dad refers to it after being an insurance set back to zero we w be without things that we had going into this we will get everything paid for reimbursed anything we buy they want receipts they had us in a hotel within 12 hours a very nice clean hotel with free breakfast and free Wi-Fi and that is case's uh computer desk and um I tell you what he's most sad about that TV means nothing to him he knows we can get another one that computer means something to him because he worked very hard for that and paid for it with his own money it was about $1,000 but that's what he wanted it was his money he earned it he has a couple of uh things he buys like snacks and stuff that he pays for out of his own money because they're I don't want to say they're in excess but I'm trying to teach him to budget so stay with me here probably even get a nicer computer than he had I don't know Uncle Matt built that and if you don't know Uncle Matt doesn't build crap computers what bothers case the most is and it is ruined structurally but this table is a heavy duty folding table that my mom gifted case as a computer desk and it was from like the 80s and it said our country touch on it which was my mom and my grandpa and Grandma's craft store and I believe it had Grandpa Grandma's riding on the back of it with a date we're being careful and we're not going to stay in here we're going to get out because after today this moisture is going to start it's supposed to be warmer today it's supposed to be like 70° and this moisture is going to start turning stuff into very very dangerous mold we're well aware but keep in mind too this was not an old home everything in here was new so we're not like worried about insulation and all that being just yeah stay with me here there it is there you go we will probably uh yeah I thought there was a date but there's not what case that's that's our boy that's what bothered him the most was that table um well first off I want to say thank you to uh our neighbor Shanda um she's been here a very long time in this area about 20 years and 20 30 years actually she's always lived here but she's been living over there for a very long time and she knew all the firefighters by name when they got here and she made us feel good about what was going on and then took us into her home at 3:30 4:00 in the morning and just sat on the couch with us and talked with us and has followed up and sent well wishes and I could call her right now and go take a shower at her house actually I wouldn't she'd actually get mad that I called and ask cuz she gave us her she gave us her keys and code and all that um so Shand I can't thank you enough for uh you know as a dad not having somewhere to take your family for a minute and we could have driven to Mom and Dad's I get it but think about the neighbor a a fellow Christian just hey come on over case uh case was right here and it got sideways really really quickly man it's actually case's comforter from when he was a baby I didn't know that was in here so case was right here and uh he had drawers under his bed and this is why it burned so long he had drawers under his bed with clothes in but not that's not why it burned I don't mean to say that but this is where he slept he had clothes in his drawers he had storage under his bed like he'd grabb a pair of sweats or a hoodie out of there but what got me about case was my mom came and got case in ader yesterday and got him away from the situation and case has more of a story I'm sure he'll share on his Channel about how his day was afterwards but uh he told my mom that he was frustrated with himself because he woke up and actually didn't take a shower and he normally does if he falls asleep early and he told my mom he wishes he'd woken up cuz he could have stopped all this and like thrown a towel on it my mom said well honey I don't know that a towel would have and he so he said well Grandma I would have wet it down it sounds like something I'd say I'd have peed on it you know love you young man so here is uh the outside and I'm not I'm not tall enough I might get the Drone out so as you know we just put this picketing up picketing this skirting and uh Luke my cousin came out yesterday and he unhooked from the 200 amp service in there took all the wires out that were salvageable dug it up trenched it by hand all by hand and uh send brand new cond over here and ran us 100 amp service yes that lid's off he's on his way right now he's got to fix the ground not not the ground the ground right there the grounding rod but he did all this by hand yesterday he and uh two of his guys he got rehea beautiful lovely she's so excited about this an outdoor outlet and we're going to build her a deck out here and uh yeah yeah he and his guys got Ray check this out one two three four five six I know there's another one seven 8 N I think there's 10 outlets and again don't worry about this okay he's coming out to do this but yeah he also hooked up Ray with a mini split which is super cool that's from Pioneer and here's what's tough our friends at Pioneer don't know yet about any of this you guys were finding out the same time they are and I sincerely apologize we just I know you'll understand but stay with me inside that livestock trailer uh is a pallet with three other Mini Splits on it from Pioneer they sponsored us with those those were supposed to go in yesterday morning Friday November 3rd those were supposed to go in this cabin at 8:00 in the morning and I had to call Luke when he was on his way here at 7:15 and tell him what happened and I know his family and I know there's some good people out there that would have done the same thing but Luke and his guys showed up and just said what do you need tell us he brought his whole trailer he brought everything he could I mean imagine just thinking you're going to hook up a couple Mini Splits luk could probably do it with like a utility knife the if he had all the Parts he probably would only need like a utility knife and a screwdriver to do four Mini Splits literally I mean I know you got to charge them I know I'm talking about like just the tools but when he heard what happened he showed up with a full trailer a full kit and took rayed Sheed which only had one Outlet two outlets excuse me it was on two Breakers and he took that she shed and got it buttoned up insulated a little bit better he wanted to do more but he wanted to he'll do more he'll do anything we ask I kid you not I can't think this kid enough I say kid he's a grown man he's married he's got kids just appreciate you buddy cuz as you know s's about to have babies puppies and uh we needed a place to put STI with an air conditioner and he hooked it up he's got all in one day ran I mean coming from the pole to there he sent he went to lock supply with me and got everything we needed that's that's not normal most guys would have said well man just let me know when you need me you know they they would have taken it as a slap in the face like well I thought I was going to do some Mini Splits and not him they were here all day and so far at this point all it cost me was a couple bags of burgers from brumms Ray had to when we came out of the house Ray had to walk away for a minute this tough man we don't know what uh God has pled we don't we don't know we're still processing it's literally been a little over 24 hours when you guys see this this happened Friday morning at 3:00 a.m. so whether you see this on YouTube or Facebook we're not that far from it we're very very blessed guys and we're very fortunate and we'll be just fine if you know us personally and this is how you're finding out about this video please don't take that as a why didn't they tell me we just had a lot on our plate God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers we literally just had a conversation the other day um about me starting to edit my videos and you know doing everything that I've been doing and Chad stressed to me that the devil will come after you and you start seeking God's will and his purpose so I reminded him that night of the fire we just talked about this so when you're seeking God's Will and living in his will and talking to him constantly in wearing bracelets that tell everybody your faith I'm talking about real evil this isn't anything that we can't get through and we didn't lose anything that wasn't material that is true so we're very fortunate case didn't fit underneath that blanket anyway not anymore you know you can't replace sentimental valued stuff but 14t ceiling in there and there was going to be a 13t 11in tree in there for Christmas but it's probably a fire hazard never mind but Luke is actually here so we're going to go talk to him and Ray and I'll check him with you guys later or you're going to see your mama so do you want to say bye to him or I'll um talk a little about little bit about this on my channel but not very much cuz you're going to see it here um I'm going to go visit my mom and film with her and get out a more of a light-hearted video for you right after this one tonight so stay tuned are you saying mine's heavy-hearted yeah it is a little bit it's odd when grown men cry as hard as I do no that's I'm going to film with Luke a little bit and I'll make sure you guys see the animals even if we fly the Drone around so thankfully when I fly my drone it's in my truck so that's where it was um um like it's I launch it from my truck bed cover so I can still get you guys some cool footage but you know we're all right we're more than all right so we'll talk to you guys here in a little bit love you babyk you oh Noggin this made everything better did it make it all better yeah that's my little baby cousin yeah and how you say her name kley kentley beautiful it's kentley you at your little baby feet her bow is so cute so we're teething we can see Mom Shay you ready to be famous so this is Luke's wife hi sh this is this is actually this is also my little baby cousin yeah she a little taller now but a baby cousin so we made Luke go work while we held out with while we hung out with baby Luke on camera here in a minute but you know yesterday he was coming out here to do one thing and I called him at 7:15 and completely changed his day and not a lot of I know we're family and we're Canen and he'll see me at Christmas but not a lot of contractors would have just come out with a full rig and done whatever we needed so I think that I think the Mini Splits he was going to install he could probably do with like a screwdriver and a pair of wire Snips but then I had him run a whole new 100 amp service dig a trench conduit and completely wire electricity throw 10 outlets in a shed and hook up a mini split so and he bought lunch or maybe you bought lunch went through a lot yesterday so they were here all day and worked so hard the cabin caught fire while he was here again yeah he went up he had a fire extinguisher oner yesterday there was 20 mph winds and by the time Luke got here the fire had picked up on the roof again so he got a ladder and took care of it for us but yeah he hit the Loft with the fire extinguisher you know you're teething my hand is very wet oh yeah so but this is kentley beautiful she's brand new out of the box yeah four months four months four months man goodness she's named after dirs Bentley nice put K in front of Bentley so I like it that's cool I love it goodness I miss this she smells so good I want this as an air freshener in my truck if I just like if I just like pour a bottle of Johnson and Johnson on the floor of the truck you think that do it sheay here babysitted case yeah when he was three and four man man man man so all my family it doesn't just go to mom and dad like all of our family we see each other we always know where we're at there's group messages even if we haven't seen each other between Christmases or something we always know where we're at and it's so this is family so I actually called her Shay a few minutes ago thank you I was trying to say she shed Luke and Ray Ray's she shed he said Shay's shed and he's like's my cousin not Anri an exgirlfriend I just called my wife so yeah get that clear that was awesome yeah all right you want to see something cool woo [Music] little the little donkey is my favorite what's up buddy it's all right it's okay [Applause] bunny Franklin ni the man the myth of Legend yeah buddy Mr Luke gunlock so what are you doing right there uh so I'm going just wrap in the line set until we get the line set cover to help project the uh insulation from the UV and things to break down gotcha plus it looks a lot better to than just lines hanging out change the size of the line set so that way everything's nice and neat up against the wall and then we tie in from the drain and we go to a bigger size to help the drain on that so it doesn't get clogged as easy M get everything wrapped up yeah so he raised the size of our drain cuz we have kind of a fall and then he got us up so the condensation doesn't sit underneath the unit which this is made for Mini Splits and a lot of people Mount them on the side but I've read that that can cause vibration issues especially if you don't do it right like you'll hear kind of a hum you can hear it inside the house a little bit just need to get that up off the ground is so that way whenever the unit goes through the defrost mode and it's real cold outside it can build up with ice and you can actually Crack part of the coil so you got to elevate that up to make sure that the condensation has a place to go and that's no that's no buo but we're very very pleased man very appreciative I actually have to call Pioneer and tell them that the cabin's gone so Pioneers sent us these out of the goodness of their hearts and we sincerely appreciate it but I've got three extras but as you guys know I've got a brother and sister-in-law that need one so if you guys blow this video up I'm pretty sure we can get Pioneer to send kin Shannon one of these min splits cuz companies respectfully they don't you know you can't just partner with everybody okay especially as many channels as my family has I'm even getting lukar one yeah buddy so as many channels as we have Pioneer can't just send them to everybody right I bet you one of those extras we can bug Luke if Pioneer's cool with it to throw one in Shannon she shed here in the next couple weeks these are awesome systems too I really like this style uh the front the inside is really nice clean has the display right on the door I mean Super nice systems fit together really nice you don't have to really fight a whole lot um one thing I did like with the Pioneer is the wire that they sent you it it's numbered so it's super easy for us to just come in hook everything up um and get them up and running I've had another one that was much noisier and I know it's not 120° and this isn't cranking full pop but it's still on and you guys can hear us so and this is really about as loud as it gets too I mean this Sy we did we cranked it up yesterday we want to see what everything would do and uh just for the whenever we test test everything out and they are they're so quiet I mean it's it's a great technology and the way that they work one of the guys reached out uh one of y'all reached out to him yeah so all the all the people that took time to to text me did you text everyone back I text everybody back all the messages Facebook now somebody's going to say they didn't get a text but I I tried to go through all of them there was I lost count after 300 um so from Australia all over the place um so if you took the time to do it I felt like I should you know take the time to respond um yeah so there's he's trying to build a couple cabins down around the lake so hopefully we get to help out with that but one of the reasons why we do this and instead of the other ones that are just kind of the DIY ones what we do is we vacuum the system out to get all the moisture all the air that can't go through the system so we pulled this down to 150 microns and we held for 30 minutes then once it held then we went ahead and dumped the charge on so we you've got to have everything to be able to do that um um and then you also have to have a license to be able to handle the refrigerant because of the EPA regulations so that's why we do it this way we also when we pressurize the system with nitrogen helps dry it out there's a lot of things that we do just to ensure that everything works the way it's supposed to instead of just a quick connect doing uh if they see this video and they mention dos Farms oh yeah so everybody that's in this area if you want the Doss Farm discount normally our service checks are $85 we're going to do it for $69 so we'll come out we go through the whole system clean the coils check the pressures check the micr on the capacitors check the amp draw on the blowers check it on the compressor go through everything on the system and ensure that everything is ready to go for winter so that way you don't have to worry about anything y if you really want to help me out and you're in our area this is also a help for you call him up get him out your house let him look your thing over and your hbac system over and and you get a discount Cooling and remodeling is that what you prefer yeah yeah we we mostly what we do with the heating air and then we also the people want somebody that can handle more things than just one and so because of being in the construction industry for so long cuz it's family deep this didn't just you didn't just wake up and you were like yeah I was going on service calls with my dad whenever I was KN hyra grass Y and uh so it it's just it's what it's what I know it's what I do uh even the last name in your neck of the woods Kyle was telling me people assume that you've done something in construction where you're at and your family and oh yeah all that they rais cattle too there's there's some Angus in the family yep so so you're calling a guy I'm putting my stamp on it you know how that is okay what's up slam what's up you all right yeah so I figured I'd come down to case's room should I pan around to your room and show them it's a little messy wait oh man we need to get you a hat I know right you m I don't know about that so we lost all has flat bills he won't wear my he won't wear my trucker hats you got a nice view of a good old Miama here I do I have a pretty good view you do you have your own room yeah it's awesome rough life so actually this is a this is about half the size of the cabin mhm all to yourself yep it is amazing sleep as long as I want it's awesome yeah we'll see until Monday morning yeah he was like do I to go to school he like yeah why why wouldn't you cuz I don't have a hat oh cuz you don't have a hat yeah sorry about that so obviously he missed school or Friday but yeah we back to normal Monday as I was editing this I want to say another thanks to everybody that has reached out and as well as Ben our neighbor um Ben actually my one of my things that went through my head once we were out of the house and could grasp the situation was the front gate was open because the fire department had to come in and of course they have five six trucks they have two water trucks I think and then four or five others drove their trucks to the site to help to our house and I was really anxious and nervous because I was like if the animals see that that gate is open I know it's night and they're sleeping but they might bolt but Ben actually showed up checked on us he saw us outside so he knew we were okay we were just watching the fire department work parked by the front gate M and made sure nobody nobody could get out so kept all the animals in and that was a huge relief to pull up there when we were leaving and see him just goodness he had to be there for an hour and a half like 3:00 in the morning to 4:30 in the morning just making sure Tipsy didn't go for a stroll that's who I would expect to go for a stroll yeah if anyone did oh yeah but so huge thanks to Ben if you see this um in the meantime time and I mean that buddy call me anytime please um in the meantime I'm making this video from earlier because it's now been three or 4 hours uh I want to share that Luke did create a YouTube channel and I'm going to link it down below he's also got a Facebook and I want to stress I'm probably going to go to a site like a job site with Luke and show you guys what he can do and I'll put it on the Chad does stuff Channel I want to stress you know a sincere thank you to Luke and uh you know and it was just to everybody um Everybody stepped up and I just it's just awesome the community and family around us so sincerely appreciate it but how are you dealing that's what that's what they're going to want to know how am I doing mhm I mean I have a how big how big do you think this room is it's 400 square F feet easy I have a 400 square foot room with like a five star shower um any anything and everything door Dash wise I could want I'm I'm literally chilling is doing pretty I think it could get much better than this so here can you show them the view or that tell uh probably better not do that your girlfriends will find you tomorrow Uncle Kyle and Uncle Matt and a Shannon are coming down and you can film and they'll be here and sweet you can maybe tell your subscribers how you're doing and stuff like that so yeah sound good all right this is the most boring background ever is that at least like a the ethernet is that an Ethernet Jack at least I don't know if it's that old for a landline but oh surely not but one thing is we did get case an Xbox today so oh yeah he can breathe again yeah so anyway we're probably going to go get something to eat upload this video share it with y'all there's going to be so much information thrown at you guys these next few weeks I can't even I don't even know where to start but this was one wild last 36 hours to say the least what a Thursday Thursday Friday morning to have it on a Thursday too it's such like a weird day like I know it's like any day it's Friday morning just to clarify it's 3:00 it was like Friday morning but like Thursday night to you for me it was weird because I fell asleep at Thursday day at like 700 p.m. and woke up and that so that was weird by the way I you know Grandma told me that you wish you'd have woken up CU you could have probably put the fire out but I probably don't be like don't be like me just come get me like I did you I know what I probably could have realistically I know love you man love you too man everybody's okay we're going to sign off here and get some grub y all got fresh undies on that's pretty important I mean I I actually don't yet I bought everybody else's stuff first I'm wearing the same pair of jeans it's Thursday we can tell yeah case won't let me sit on his bed no I had to sit in the business office chair in the corner he gets in my truck and he goes W yeah he I got Dr and I said yeah the smell is definitely still here and he said don't say that so he doesn't even want to think about it so anyway all right well with that said just stay tuned but y'all be good don't work too hard don't make it weird God bless Deuces Deuces been a while since I you should come on the channel man stay frosty stay frosted [Music] w
Channel: Doss Farms
Views: 367,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adler farms, adler farms youtube, adler farm, adler farms oklahoma, adler farms wife, adler farm youtube, grandpa adler farms, adler family farm, adler farms merch, adler farms merchandise, adler farms family, grandpa adler farms youtube, adler farms brother, chad and rae adler farms, case does stuff, longhorn cattle, texas longhorns, k&s get out, raessunnydays, doss farms, doss farm, chad doss, doss family farm, doss family farms, grandpa doss farms, matt doss way
Id: dKadbLuVgG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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