Aftermath of a Bear Attack on our Hives [Will the bees survive?]

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the home bees are stuck in the Box so you know what's happened has already happened you see where he wallers around down here in the grass now I would say good morning on any other typical morning and it really is it's a beautiful morning this morning um July the 20th 19th June June like the 24th June the 24th I've messed that up completely I got other things on my mind so Korean comes up to work out this morning comes back to the house immediately and gets me and says hey the lid and the blocks off the a nail Hive and it's turned crooked well when you're in Arkansas and you're a rule there's a good possibility you immediately first thing goes your mind is bare we came up we looked at the nail it's not off the stand but it is crooked and the lid and the propolis mat and block is off I turned and look down the hill bear has Center punched a deep high body a mid and two honey supers and Drug it off behind the stand and as you can tell by the sound and the enthusiasm of other bees those honey supers being robbed out um from past experience you don't just run down there and start to try to help them and put all this back together you get suited out full Regal your glove smoker long pants whatever makes you be proof they may or may not be mad and it's going to be the robbers they're not going to bother you but the home bees will be upset um let's walk down here and Survey the situation with hunting honey in there with the bees or Robin so we pushed it over backwards that high that still full medium of Honey date box one shallow above the excluder but the bees are steadily robbing it out [Music] about all we can do is get the bees in the air and start putting this back together all that real loud roar at the combination of the robbers the home bees are stuck in the Box so you know what's happened has already happened you see where he wallers around down here in the grass there's nothing to do at this point but put it together help you clean solid hope the robin starts so we'll get it set up we'll enter introduce them I'll smoke everybody they'll be I don't you know you can't separate the you can't separate the robbers from the home bees at this point all you can do is put this back together and hope for the best and then try to prevent Mr bear from coming back [Music] [Music] you need me to hold them foreign no need to uh no need to try to look at what's down in the buck that top box is broken there this was sheared off when it hit the ground that'll have to be addressed with some tape till we replace that box [Music] a little bit foreign as you can tell they haven't started driving this super y'all aren't really upset about this one I am where are you foreign excluder down like I'm in hopes that that Queen stayed down there you better pull your jacket man in the back pull your jacket down over your waistband over your waistband in the back thank you back broke out three for two another thing you know bears it's called beekeepers some serious serious drink along the way as you can tell the bear doesn't really give a rip about the honey he had the honey boxes separated and he ate one frame and that's when the bear when the bees got the better of him and he probably ate it covered with these but he's after The Brood dipped in honey what dipped in Honey [Music] Honey covered bees like you know chocolate covered ants chocolate covered almonds yeah there's like The Rascals what they are okay well it looks like we gonna Salvage one one soup for a honey it looks like this is going to end up being left for the bees to clean up at this point and there ain't no point putting that back on them I don't so all those that where you can see the foundation and the looks like it's all messed up that had comb on it it's all had honey and like all that all of that all of that had and that was from bear well this would be coming out and mashed that's what he had gotten started eating and I imagine the bees got so thick on him he couldn't finish this now is bringing this straight up Robin see The Frayed edge of the sail yeah that's the other bees coming and helping their self they've already cleaned that one out so what we do is we don't worry about that because it's the proverbial spelled milk let's see this cap honey um it was laying compressed and they can't get and they couldn't get it but they're coming in under it yep so what was a hive with two full supers is no more here's your here's your bear bear damage you can see the the tooth or the cloth where he bit into that and broke it full frames of honey I'd say that was Mr bear teeth marks so you already drug them through the foundation or maybe like this widen it up to his mouth all right look we're satisfied the pets we're going to give this back let me kind of get around here and get the lid back on these bees see that chewed up mm-hmm see that Bottom bar look at that honey that was about yeah two and a half gallons of Honey there that's a nice frame there's more honey left in them than I would have anticipated this must have happened early super early right before daylight see where they're uncapping but since that bears had his paws all in it these from every Hive curled through it we're not going to try to set it back on the ones that got attacked because that's this is mostly robbers laughs foreign not the bear look at the honey all right I'm gonna take this up and wash that honey out of that lid that's just going to be a constant draw do you have another one you just switch it out yeah I could do that too and I'll cross stack this super on that one good idea there as usual thinking there all right I'm gonna get an entrance reducer go back shut the entrance down on that hive pick up that mess of broken heart and uh go to there now move to there now so that's what we're doing on this fine Sunday morning thanks for watching and then there's the the nail towards the nail these just working in a going there I get it they didn't suffer the the hit they didn't hit the ground and rather than me have to test the theory that the latches would or would not have held I'm glad looks like he slobbered a little down the back here look at that hmm right here still got bubbles in it see them yeah I guess he was by this point a mouthful of things tired hot and thought out track one more time this so this is what he left I'd say come up here right the block off the lid come off he got the matter right there is his claw marks right there across the tops of the frames that's one one right and that took the mat off it doesn't appear that he tried to lift anything out for a claw hung and I guess they loaded him up and he quit them or it got light enough or it got light enough that my fear Fair dog who to prevent all of this you know pistol was was purchased after a bear attack after a bear attack about four years ago because he was going to be a bear dog he was going to prevent this from happening so pistol thanks thanks a lot buddy stay on the porch it doesn't he displeases me when he doesn't do his job I'm sure he was too tired to get up to come out and address the bear or maybe he thought the bear would come to the house and he was protecting us in his mind that's probably the justification anyway bears in Arkansas they cause a great deal of grief to The Beekeeper calls you not only the grief the expense you know I've got two supers run the frame run I lost two and a half gallons of honey I don't know if I could get this baby lined up without messing around dropping yeah I hear y'all getting some help we'll get that back I'll get this handle you got that yeah oh there's a sting to the kneecap so not quite they are just super over it yet are you oh question is can they stain through blue jeans absolutely especially when they're wet when they're wet and stuck to you you better believe it where's my smoker y'all been through enough y'all need to uh go on about your business y'all didn't get near here as bad as you comrades and arms down there look at them singing this is banging the wrist now Young get on with your business quit stinging me mad when I hit that sale okay if I got any I'm gonna get when I sit down whoa whoa you're going too close to the front you're barely on how about now that's about how to just sit I think okay [Music] not like that bear slobber that's that's nice that's nice yes this is where he knocked the little cinder block the mold when he shoved the cinder block oh I hope y'all gave him two black eyes and scrolling time sinus infection and you won't be able to eat for a week maybe he'll be as miserable in this heat as I'm having to be out here fixing what he's done and then wondering when he's coming back okay so much for beautiful bee footage we'll call this bear footage unpleasant bear footage today um these aren't happy I'm not happy I'm sweated down it's hot it's June uh July strike was the last we've had it happen in September it's these little boars that mamas told them to get going so they got to start working on their next little bunch of Hive Raiders um anyway this is the way it is this is how it happened it's hot and I'm ready to shower I appreciate y'all appreciate y'all taking the time to to watch this keep an eye on those Bears thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Central Beekeepers Supply
Views: 18,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bear attack on hives, bear attack, beehives, will the bees survive, attack on our hives, beekeeper supply, central beekeepers supply, russellville arkansas, aftermath of bear attack, how to keep bees, beekeeper supply store
Id: lTOOE6xgBzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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