We have THESE on our land TOO???

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] want to show you guys a tree that has just been baffling us we can't figure out what it is but it produces a dark almost black fruit that kind of looks like a cherry so if you'd get up close you can see the berries here they kind of look like cherries but the the leaves aren't right for the wild black cherry from Missouri and the fruits don't grow on along a long stem with berries all down it kind of cascading down in these berries grow on a cluster of about three and the leaves are much more round than a black cherry tree we don't know what these are at all inside of these is a little seed cut maybe a little pit but a little seed but when they're completely ripe like this they're almost black and they come off the stem really easily these are very ripe and they just fell right off the tree there they're soft and kind of squishy let's open one up they're really juicy and have this pit inside we don't know what these are but we want to know because if they're edible I'd like to make some jelly or some Jam if nothing else I could use to die look at very dark juice if you have any guesses as to what this tree is please let us know so we can do some research to see what kind of a tree this is [Music] [Music] everybody welcome back to the homestead well today we are heading out into the woods because we noticed that the black raspberries are starting to ripen on our property now it's just the beginning of berry season and just the beginning of when those black raspberries are starting to ripen so we know there aren't a ton of them but I sure would like one cup of them so I could make some muffins for the family right and then while we're back here there's a kind of a surprise that we want to show you guys something that we've never found before even here on our own property today was the first day we ever saw these right we came back early this morning and looked around a little bit and we were blown away to find these so we can't wait to show you what they are on our property back in the woods we have lots and lots of berries we have the black raspberries they're called black cap raspberries blackberries and dewberries that's all we knew that we had until this year but I wanted to show you just in this area the difference between a raspberry plant and a blackberry plant now we don't have a lot of raspberries coming on this year but we have tons and tons of blackberries which is fantastic because I love to collect them but right here in this area we have both raspberry and Blackberry and this is a raspberry cane it's actually a first year raspberry cane and you can see that the stem here is round okay there aren't ridges on it it's very smooth and when you rub on it there's a white coating that comes off and then you can see you know it's a true green underneath but what's that white coating on it makes it kind of look a little bluish now raspberries and blackberries have two years worth of branches or canes that they grow on the first-year canes don't grow berries it's the second year's canes that grow the berries in this area there's a lot of first-year res Kayne's but I'm not seeing any second-year raspberry canes at least none that have any fruit on them this here is a second-year raspberry cane obviously it has lots of fruit the color of the stems have gotten darker and kind of more woody but you can still tell that their raspberry because the stems are smooth that does have thorns but not as many thorns as a blackberry cane now in this same area and this happens all over the place on our property there are also black berry plants this here is a first-year blackberry cane and you can see the leaves leaf clusters they have 5 and the stems are there light have ridges so they actually have almost like different almost ropes kind of running down the stem you can see it's you know I would say bumpy but more it just has ridges like that and in general they also have more thorns so this is a first-year cane it won't have any flowers on it and well it won't produce any fruit along with the blackberries and the black raspberries we have do berries here on the homestead and there happens to be one just right here that the berry is just starting to ripen do berries grow closer to the ground and the plants themselves don't get very big at all and they produce these little berries that have bigger segments if you will then a black berry they're not very prolific we have just a few here and there they'll get almost black like a black berry if I were to eat this man this would be sour right now but that is a Dewberry behind me is a big patch of blackberries and raspberries that we've picked a lot from in the past it looks like they're just starting to ripen so I don't expect that we're going to get a real lot but we're definitely going to look through and pick out as many of the black raspberries as we can that are right it looks like this year there's a lot more black berries than black raspberries but we still want to get all that we can so we're gonna pick through and see what we can get [Music] well we didn't get too many out of that patch but we got a few it's off to a good start a big concern about foraging in the woods in the summer for us here in southwest Missouri and the Missouri Ozarks is just a huge number of ticks and chiggers and coming back into thick dense woods in the middle of the summer is just asking for trouble I tend to attract just all the ticks in the entire forest and Kevin gets all of the chiggers and it seems like this is the time of year where we just get hit really hard and Kevin gets really terrible chiggers and it's probably from foraging for these berries right it seems like every year during black berry season is when I get sugars really bad and actually just this past weekend at the farmers market somebody told us that black berry plants or the wild berry plants are one of the places that sugars like to hide the most so I definitely make sense in my experience we have tried a couple of products over the last few years to try to repel the ticks and the chiggers this year we've tried a couple others and today we're also trying something new for us right we've tried you know the organic natural type repellents and they seem to work pretty well when we're just in normal grassy situations or when we're you know sitting outside to have a meal that type of thing they'll keep mosquitoes away they might help a little bit with the ticks but none of them have seemed to work when we're back in these densely wooded areas we've had a few suggestions from viewers and also from my dad actually to use a product called permethrin or permethrin it's a product that you you spray on your clothes like a couple of outfits not while they're on you and the spray will repel and kill ticks chiggers and mosquitoes for up to six weeks or as long as six washes so Kevin acts we went ahead and sprayed one complete outfit of mine so what I'm wearing today and one outfit of his which is what he's wearing today and we're giving that a try right now typically we don't like to put chemicals on ourselves if we can avoid it but this is one of those situations where last year we had two neighbors end up with tick fever so we have to take it a little bit more serious now about getting these bugs on us so these outfits that we're wearing today we're setting aside exclusively for when we come back into the woods foraging we're not going to wear them when we're in the garden or just out doing other work so it'll be a limited exposure but if it can keep us from getting first of all if we can keep me from getting chiggers this year I think it's worth it and if it can keep those ticks off of us too you know hopefully make us not get sick from the ticks that would be great as well so if you want to learn more about that product we're going to put a link to that in our Amazon shop you can read up about it if you're interested so we're going to head down the trail to another patch of black raspberries that we know about and we're gonna see if they're starting to ripen [Music] all right so it's time to show you guys the newest discovery that we have on our property this morning we were out just checking on the blackberries and raspberries to see how they were doing we were kind of hiking through some of this rocky area and obviously I looked down and I saw these little berries that I've never really seen before I've seen the plants before saronite you know do a lot of hiking out here and we've noticed these plants growing before but they never had berries on them so I called Sara over because she's a lot smarter at this stuff than I am as far as knowing what things are and I said take a look at these purple berries and they looked like this and what these are are wild blueberries and once we started looking for them we're discovering them everywhere now a lot of them aren't ripe yet but there's quite a few that are ripe already I don't know if in the past we've just missed them but like we missed the time of year that they were ripe and my guess is that the deer will eat a lot of these before we'll ever get them but there are quite a few ripe right now that we're going to pick now they're probably about the quarter of the size of a blueberry that you would buy in the store but we've eaten a few of them already and oh my gosh the taste is amazing it's definitely a blueberry there's no doubt about it once you taste them they taste exactly like a good quality blueberry so while we're back here today we're going to pick as many of these as we can to put in with our black raspberries and then hopefully we'll have enough that Sara can make some kind of great dessert for us after dinner tonight but just on this plant that I'm sitting in front of right here I see probably 10 or 15 of them that are ripe enough to pick so and they're all over this wooded area now they stay real low to the ground but I think we'll get quite a few we're gonna mix them in with our black raspberries and see how many we can get [Music] well we didn't end up with a real lot of berries but we kind of expected that since they're just starting I think in another week it's going to be prime season for picking these black raspberries but I think for today anyway I have enough to make one batch of muffins just 12 muffins but it will be a good first taste of summer so we're gonna head back toward the house we actually want to show you guys an update on the sunflower experiment that we're doing I think you're gonna be surprised well we're back up by the house and I wanted to give you guys an update on how our sunflower experiment is going you can see that they're coming up pretty nicely now for those of you who have been following us for a while you've seen us start these from seed but for those of you who are brand new let me tell you what we're doing here we actually planted this entire front section of our yard which is about well this is six feet wide by about 300 feet we planted with black oil sunflower x' now the reason that we're doing this is that we're hoping to be able to harvest and get some of our own sunflower oil we try to buy as little as we can from the store and sunflower oil is one of those things that we tend to buy on a pretty regular basis now I have no idea how much sunflower oil this has the possibility of producing but if it even helps a little bit that would be great we do render the lard from the pigs that we raise as well and we use that but we really like sunflower oil because most of the liquid oils that you buy in the store are GMO products we're trying to stay away from GMOs as much as possible so if this can help in that process we sure would love it on each end of this big long strip of sunflowers for some reason the seeds didn't germinate very well so I actually receded with Kosmos a couple weekends ago we went to one of the Baker Creek heritage festivals the first Sunday of each month from March through October they have like a mini festival so we went the first Sunday in June and they had their auction we didn't know is their auction weekend we should have gone because we ended up by a lot of seeds and most of them most of them were flower seeds so I had a bunch of different types of Comet cosmos that we bought so I took kind of a little bit of each one mixed them all up and then I just scattered them on both ends I just threw them down on the ground maybe they'll germinate maybe they won't but if they do it'll be so pretty to have cosmos on each end of this long strip of sunflowers while the results are in about how the permethrin spray worked we spent probably five hours back in the woods today doing various things picking the berries cleaning some things up and just kind of checking things out and I'll tell you I'm quite happy with the way it worked yes I ended up having a few ticks and you ended up having absolutely no zero zero ticks so a huge improvement now Kevin had his socks sprayed and his shoes sprayed and I didn't have either of those so I think that that is the big difference I do too because typically the ticks will crawl up from the ground and they'll crawl up your pant leg so I think having my boots and my socks sprayed really made the difference so we'll make those changes for me going forward but I do think that it's it's doing a good job now we're back home I baked those muffins and they taste fantastic good the combination of the wild black raspberries and the wild blueberries man they were fantastic I've already had to he'll be gone by the end of the day yeah they are absolutely amazing so you guys thanks for spending the day with us today we sure do appreciate it we enjoy all of you coming to our homestead and spending some time with us if you know someone who would enjoy this don't forget to share it and until next time thank you so much for stopping by the homestead take care and God bless it's raining
Channel: Living Traditions Homestead
Views: 78,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homesteaders, homesteading, living traditions homestead, missouri, ozark's, self-sufficient, unjobbing, lifestyle vlogs, homesteaders on youtube, homesteaders life, homesteading family, wild black cap raspberry, wild raspberries, foraging, foraging berries, foraging rasperries, foraging wild raspberries, wild blackberries, wild blueberries, wild dewberries, growing black oil sunflowers
Id: 2Csu3-ged-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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