Massive Raised Garden UPDATE! - We made a HUGE mistake...

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we're starting to realize that we made a pretty big mistake with the pumpkins apparently they expand [Music] hello so today's video is going to be a little bit different you might remember earlier this year we built a massive raised vegetable garden for my wife cambrie and me of course and we learned a lot about what we should and shouldn't do and we filmed the whole thing let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it has now been six weeks since we planted the garden we're gonna do a short little update um as you can see there is a lot of things growing more than we anticipated and the pumpkins are insane but let's start at the other end and talk about what we have on the left we have your lettuce i don't know the variety but it's tasty in our salads we still have a lot to harvest then we have our cucumbers we're definitely gonna have to thin these suckers out because look how many we have zucchinis and squash this is a spaghetti squash we have at least three on this are four wow this plant's doing well then we've got our sugar snap peas this one we learned that if we water the leaves in the middle of the day they get like sunburned and so we've had to be really careful to just make sure the water goes down there or just water it really early in the morning so they don't get burned okay so we've got on the end there closest to zach are peppers those i think are bell peppers then we've got this row of artichokes and then this guy is a jalapeno so we have that one and then we have two little guys over here on the other side over here is our green beans that plant's doing well but they were attacked by birds earlier in the season so they're still a little small we got over here our onions we have two varieties i forget which ones but one variety here and one variety there and then i'm really excited about these carrots they don't look like much but i'm really excited to harvest them and give them to my horse she will love them wait a minute i thought we were gonna eat the carrots you don't eat carrots okay vegetables are the worst and then we've got our potato plants here that i feel like they've been the same size for like the last month they just grew super rapidly and then have been hanging out this size for about a month on to row number three four rows of our brussels sprouts never seen these guys grow but i think the brussels sprouts grow like near the bottom so we'll keep our eyes peeled on that not entirely sure these right here are giant sequoias that i got for six dollars a piece on amazon they don't they're not supposed to grow in utah but i don't know we'll see what happens they're doing all right and then we've got two different varieties of watermelon we've got like a smaller mini watermelon on this side and then a larger one that you just get from the store i think and then on the end we've got our baby forest of asparagus then we have our corn over there not doing as well as we'd hope but it is getting tall and then finally we have two varieties of pumpkins both of them are massive and we planted way too many so we're gonna keep watering keep feeding the chickens what'll be a slow time for us will pass really fast for you guys all right cambrie is this our first harvest yeah pretty much yeah our beans struggled they got a lot of sun we think next year we need to put them in partial shade um we still get a harvest some so that's kind of fun so are we just supposed to eat these just like normal gotta wash them it tastes like a vegetable not that bad tastes fresh but as you can see we are missing our barn now it is completely gone we are hopefully by the time we publish this video we will have a new building in place that actually has a spot for horses inside cambrie is going to be excited about that we also have one tiny jalapeno plant so i'm gonna go ahead and i'm not sure why that one's red so i'm gonna go ahead and pick these camber said since i ate a sweet pea now it's time to try jalapeno bite a jalapeno uh we were gonna save this for some pizza and we probably should wash them that's relatively safe these aren't that hot compared to like they taste like a regular pepper not so much a jalapeno yeah i would put these closer to a green pepper instead of a jalapeno strange all right show us your harvest it's enough for a little snack you're a little sunburned so it's been about three months since we planted this thing and we're starting to realize that we made a pretty big mistake with the pumpkins apparently they expand quite a bit and if you look back here they're even crawling up our fence through the trees into our neighbor's yard so i hope our neighbor doesn't mind getting a few pumpkins of his own this year now supposedly to get the most out of the pumpkins we're supposed to stop these little nubs from growing so that the plant isn't like dedicating its energy to them that way it can make these ones grow bigger like that guy back there now it doesn't have to focus on the little guy and the big guy gets bigger but once again we have no idea what we're doing this is our first time so uh hopefully we end up with some big pumpkins at the end of the year all right so we've been uh neglecting our garden a little bit but just because the access was hard to get to because we've been building this barn so anyway we're we gain access but we've got crazy amount of weeds here that i haven't been able to come and pick and then we've got our watermelons actually growing we've got one down in here it's looking good last time i saw it and it shriveled we still have watered it every day i just haven't been able to check on all of it that's a good size watermelon so yeah i put cambria in charge of uh designing the new barn bigger means better i think with the potatoes um the ground kind of settled a little bit and so you can see the potatoes poking out above the top of the dirt and so i really just need to add some more dirt on top of that to keep the potatoes buried all right this part of the garden is kind of embarrassing it is our lettuce we used it like to its potential it's only supposed to be good for like a month i think we would just come in and like grab a leaf off and then you know eat that put it in a hamburger or something like that but once they start looking like this they're bitter and gross they it's it's the end of their season so we really need to rip them all out and plant some more for fall harvest yeah she don't oh there's a spider zucchinis are here and i like it we make zucchini bread but we have this little guy here and then this guy back there is just right to pick so when you pick it you don't want to pull it straight out you just want to like rotate it so that the base breaks off nice are we going to turn this one into bread yeah i also like making the zucchini boats but this one will probably be bread perfect do you have enough zucchinis one interesting thing about this corn plant right here you can see that it's kind of like bent and growing out of shape it's because these pumpkins are growing through our corn now and the pumpkin plant literally grabbed the corn stock and bent it by the weight of the pumpkin plant and it's little viney things here grabbed it twice and now it's carrying it down but the corn plant is trying to compensate and then grow back upright again pretty interesting there's a battle in the garden all right it's time to harvest the corn cambrie how do we know when they're right do it again my finger was in the lens okay how do we know when it's time to harvest the corn okay what i read off of the internet it's gotta be true it's gotta be true is once the hair or whatever it is but whenever you see those like white things that yep that stuff when it comes out it means 21 days from then the corn should be ready so when it's brown it's a pretty good indication that it's ready so just open it up a little bit and then you use your fingernail to like try and pop one of the kernels and if like some of the liquid comes out then you know it's ready cool this actually looks really good check that out all right oh yeah squirted it out okay how many do we need i don't know eight all right the harvest is here and we will cook them i hope there's no bugs buy your handbag edit that out nope i want people knowing i'm a pansy that's beautiful look at that bug free i'm eating this one so on this week's episode of attack of the pumpkins we have some pretty big pumpkins in here i'll show you we have this guy right here as well as two more that are back there in this but what i want to show you is these pumpkins here have actually taken this middle pine tree and bent it over as well as this bay the planter box and this bay cambry can't really utilize the space anymore moral of the story is don't plant so many pumpkins we can see that the vines are actually growing up in between all of the corns and there's even a pumpkin growing in midair right there like i don't know seven feet off the ground and then there's another one growing right here in the air and they're in the air they're just using these uh corn stalks as kind of like their own little climbing fence and we have some going up and into the neighbor's yard but there are still quite a few big ones going on up in there they're also kind of overtaking our watermelons yeah barnes looking good what do you think cambrie i think we learned a lot this year so tonight we're having a little uh tin foil dinner thing and we thought it would be nice if we got some of our own onions and carrots so we're gonna dig these carrots up for the first time yeah i've been waiting because i want them to get really big before we picked any but i think we have some big ones here so there's this big one right here it's one of them that came over by our onions but you can kind of see the top of it that's pretty big for a carrot i'm excited yeah hello there nice weird growing patterns or something i don't know if a bug got it or something there weird i don't know if it's top or the bottom but it smells good it smells like a carrot right whoa nice perfect that's a great carrot yes nice that's a weird one right it's like spirals ready yep shake shake shake baby carrots oh there's some good sized ones in there yeah yeah all right so the potatoes are not from our garden but the the onions and the carrots are from our garden so it is now the middle of september and our garden has kind of run its course we have still zucchinis coming out cambrie how many zucchinis do you think we've gotten over the course of this uh garden experience at least 30 maybe 40. yeah we definitely have had more success with zucchinis than anything else uh but yeah our garden is mostly phasing out i mean we still have a bunch of carrots and onions we can pick we have a ton of pumpkins which you'll see more of in a minute but today we're picking the peppers because we're gonna have fajitas speaking of pumpkins this freaking pumpkin right here has gone all the way through the corn through the asparagus and is just making its way all the way to the end of the garden we are definitely gonna plant less pumpkins next year but it's been beneficial for our peppers because they were like bleaching out with the sun and since they've had this shade like this plant had four of them on and only one of them's bleached out brussels sprouts are still kind of just doing their own thing but i think we have one more jalapeno being attacked by this pumpkin see that grip right there that's vicious jalapeno this would be a good addition to the fajitas wow you want to take a bite okay so picking a watermelon is actually really hard to know if it's ripe or not so if you look on the underside supposedly it's supposed to be yellow but this one is still pretty white or pretty green actually and then also if we look right at the place where the watermelon joins with the stem there's like a little vine thingy as well as one leaf and both of those have to be dead supposedly i'm not an expert but this one is our closest where it's like still super wide on the bottom so we're gonna give it a shot and both the little vine thing is dead as well as the leaf is dead so we are going to just pop this off and give it a shot and if this one's good then uh we'll do the big one later but yeah it also sounds kind of hollow inside which we hope is also an indicator of ripeness can't believe this is the smallest sometimes the smallest is the best it's the size of my head oh still not okay if you avoid the seed it's all right it's actually not bad so the day has finally arrived this is our final update for the garden a lot has changed in the last year how many months have we been doing this cambry i think we started around mother's day and things look a lot different than they did back then what's been your favorite part wow there's been so many good parts but my favorite thing that grew would probably be the carrots i just love the carrots it's just a small portion but i'm really excited about that and my favorite thing to eat from our garden was the corn i thought that tasted amazing the corn was really good my favorite thing was definitely the pumpkins even though they kind of like took over the entire thing every single finger it's the first day of october and it's officially fall now so we're gonna harvest everything that's left and then we'll tell you what we're gonna do different next year this guy grew on the edge of the wooden frame so we're gonna cut through this and see what kind of design is on the underside kind of strange so this is uh the finger of our pumpkin patch and it has completely just taken over all of these pine trees like look at this tree right here that's crazy see if we can bring him back up next here we are definitely cutting back on the pumpkins sorry little buddy we will uh straighten this guy up later so we are about to explore into the neighbor's yard it looks like this is our garden cambry's back there the pumpkins have gone over the fence down into the neighbor's yard and they have a pumpkin it's all right all right all right so we're just gonna let the neighbors keep that pumpkin i'm not gonna go get it and we'll just keep the ones on this side of the fence these are the brussels sprouts which we are giving up on because there are no brussels in the sprouts i think the brussels sprouts are supposed to pop up in between these leaves but plants have had a long time and no brussels so we're ripping them out so if you remember we built these gardens out of redwood which means the redwood is supposed to last like 30 years before it you know rots away and everything looks like it's holding up pretty well nothing's like bowing out or out of position all the fingers are still intact we still need to put pavers down here at the bottom so cambrie can wheel around easier but yeah even along this back line everything looks pretty darn good we also got the new barn in position for cambridge horses when she brings those over yeah we've made some pretty big improvements this year plus my giant sequoia trees are at least double in size now for me i think my favorites the onions for some reason were strangely amazing and then also the corn i felt like were really cool not to mention not to mention the pumpkins i think we got about 30 of them pumpkins are freaking awesome they didn't grow as big as i wanted them to but i think they were just too crowded down there at the end of the finger just too many plants not enough space or nutrients to satisfy all of them and so when we thin them out next year we should have bigger pumpkins and it should be a little better this one's definitely the weirdest looking pumpkin of the bunch we're going to leave the zucchini plants because they are still producing it's rather amazing it really is pretty amazing that we can get all of this food and all of this greenery and all of this shrubbery from just tiny seeds and a lot of water and a lot of horse manure and good soil so cambria now that we've finished harvesting what are we going to do different for next year oh i've got a list of things but the first thing being that the pumpkins get their own row like i'm not sharing it with anything else just they have their own row and then the watermelon have their own row we planted so many pumpkins they just took over everything and so less pumpkin plants for sure less plank and plants more space for them and we can like delegate where they grow like we can make sure the vines only go off of the one side instead of this year we just let them go rogue yeah and then cambrie couldn't even get down two of the fingers because they're just full of vines and next year we're talking about maybe putting in like a little bit of a fence or like trellis or something for them to grow up a little bit more rather than sprawling out yeah and trying to keep them out of our neighbor's yard because we know they like climbing yeah yeah i think our peas like our sugar snap peas and our sweet peppers and our jalapenos i think we'll put near the shade a little bit more they just got too much sun yeah cucumbers were total flop they tasted terrible there were too many of them just terrible so i'm going to try a different variety and less plants next year and the lettuce as well we just like we're over grown with lettuce so i'm gonna narrow it down to one row of lettuce we just don't eat that much for the two of us yeah next year i'm gonna be way more aggressive with the bugs i'm going to put diatomaceous earth down because that supposedly keeps a lot of them away from your plants and then i'm also going to spray with neem oil because it's safe for bumble bees and i was really happy with how many bumble bees we got this year so i want to keep those guys safe by just spraying neem oil on the plants so overall i would say that this year's garden was a major success but with what we know now next year's garden will be even more successful as well as the major improvements we're going to make with the pavers as well as the watering system which i can't tell you about yet i'm going to save that for another video yeah if you guys have any suggestions as to what we should grow next year i'd love to hear it and if you have any gardening tips put them in the comments thanks a lot for watching we'll see you around
Channel: JerryRigEverything
Views: 1,144,113
Rating: 4.9454832 out of 5
Keywords: raised garden, how to build garden, how to plant garden, accessible garden, garden for wheelchair, raised flowerbed, flower garden, garden, redwood, planter box, diy planter, how to garden, wheelchair accessible garden
Id: etHEgZtjRWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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