We got the Kick-Proof TV from China!

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I'm pretty sure we all saw that viral clip out of China where the guys like kicking this TV and it doesn't break and if you guys are anything like me you probably googled it and tried to find out some more information like what is this TV who makes it and is the thing actually kick proof and there's no information out there fortunately we have dug into the root of this and this I am assured by the friend of the guy who runs the warehouse that ships our lct store.com merchandise that this is in fact the kick proof TV unfortunately all the packaging is in Chinese I don't know what this brand is I don't know who this guy is and I don't see any indication on either side of this packaging that this thing is in fact kick resistant let alone kick proof but I'm gonna kick it anyway not yet later after this message from our sponsor FreshBooks accounting software is custom built for small business owners like you to help you stay more organized and productive try their 30 day free trial at FreshBooks com forward slash tech tips we're gonna have that links below [Music] Andy I don't think I stand a chance here without my trusty Chinese translator so can you come in help me up please Wow thank you all for that let's start with this do you know this brand I know this friend but I almost forgot this friend exists okay so it's like Curtis oh yeah like they make portable CD Walkmans or whatever yeah LED I got that is they basically screen TV basically this part says our brand the total value of our brand is like 7.5 billion Chinese man who puts that on their box who cares so it must be 55 inch 4k this is a fairly budget TV I think it's priced at about $400 for the 55 inch look at this you can immediately tell that there is a layer in front of the actual display panel behind it honestly that kind of seems like cheating we made a kick proof TV by putting the TV behind a gigantic thick layer of glass well I don't know that it's glass it's quite Ripley so it could be some kind of a plastic or a composite standard base amount only two HDMI inputs which composite component weight 2 composites no component this antenna VGA in that's curious and it's apparently a smart TV it does have an rj45 judge isn't China 120 volt nope 144 220 even though it uses the same prongs yeah same problem but 6 amp 250 volt let me call Brian the electrician you've reached the voice mailbox of Linus Sebastian please leave a message at now I'm just I'm just with you hey Brian oh my god he hung up wait new idea maybe we don't need Brian we'll take it over to the workshop the outlet for the mill wouldn't work but it turns out that the four prong outlet for the lathe I actually have this old adapter that I bought for the server room that I had never ended up using we've got whether there is a zero physical button on the back aha Hey oh my god it has an ad the first thing when you turn it on that's hilarious that's terrible I can tell you right now that this panel is not fast you can actually see the ghosting the trails behind these things as it's just moving across the screen even those so slowly and you know what the craziest part is is we weren't even connected to the internet yet that Buick ad is in the TV like it's all it's pre-loaded wow it's super slow what are this what is this is this an ad that's why they need the kick proof TV so what are we looking at here we've got some Chinese dramas we've got some super slow response on this thing this is like super crazy reflective but so that's the thing is one of the things that Apple did so well on their mobile devices over the last 10 years is reducing the air gap between the front glass and the actual panel because that air gap is where you get a lot of the distortion and that's where you get a lot of the reflection okay so I got to pay for that can i play a preview the black levels on this are terrible and you said this was a VA panel right Samsung panel parently I guess a big part of the problem though is just that we have ambient light and we've got this horrible reflections look at this I got English subtitles and everything other than the reflection issues I would say the viewing angles meet expectations you're losing a lot of color saturation but I think that is to do with the reflectiveness so what I'm looking for is if we minimize the reflections does the color quality change oh it does yeah because what you'll notice is that you actually get a ghost of the image that is refracting off the front glass yeah yeah it's hard to say if the problem is the panel or the glass but if I had to guess based on that this is a seong VA panel I would say it just has to do with this gigantic air gap and how much it distorts the light that's coming out of the panel itself so is that it it's time we were being a little facetious before we can't imagine some scenarios where having a more robust TV might be important test number one gaming in VR and you forgot to put on your wrist strap Andy let's simulate the VR experience can you put my hood over my eyes please ah Ltd still calm thanks for that I'm playing my beat saver I'm slicing on guys knee slash and he's whacking is it broken mmm break you guys making those noises okay don't worry this controller is already a dead one this time I'm going for like a big sideways slash Bri no like the ho TV was late where'd I hit it oddly this part not even a scratch nothing scenario number two something a little more intentional close your eyes and imagine this you're on blood goats capture-the-flag you got one more cap and this 10 year old freaking into the microphone no scopes you from across the frickin map oh there's plastic residue from the controller that I'm wiping off the TV you see that the residue so that's not part of the TV I go like that it's gone of course you didn't pay good money to see us throw controllers at the TV you want to see us kick it so we're gonna start with a simple test that's very close to what they do in the viral video which honestly speaking was pretty weak sauce I'm gonna take my shoe off but they basically went like this okay meets expectations I mean I'm hitting it reasonably hard I think we've got the same TV now let's kick it up a notch I get it no doesn't need to be cool okay I'm Dennis Dennis Black Veil Taekwondo this time you've got some friends over there playing charades and they've had a little bit too much - the clue is Power Rangers Jackie ten glasses nerd did he break it oh my god can you see it ready yep nothing what no way David Taekwondo black belt 12 years of soccer single one-year ballet new scenario you invite over a friend to check out this sweet new TiVo you know video that you've been following along - and your friends a little enthusiastic oh wait wait James a little bit of jiu-jitsu a little bit of kickboxing mostly just happen to be on set new scenario you got someone over and you decide to just kind of roughhouse and wrestle the living room so this is this one's really fun you just put your feet together like this and the idea is that the right foot must stay planted you can only make contact with just your right hand so it's like kind of yeah okay I didn't know you're gonna go right then but it's good so that was the difference between that one is it wasn't quite as sharp a point of contact but that was my full bodyweight ha NIC big sports fan come on [Applause] there's some residue again this is for you hit yeah I mean that's where he hit it let's see there's it wipe off it's gone so the image quality ain't great the viewing angles kind of suck but is it as advertised yeah for better for worse whatever your reason for needing a kick proof TV is this thing is kick proof AF unreal I cannot believe that this thing actually held up that was with shoes I mean okay Sam's but the bottom of them are shoe like the HD 6xx headphones which were a collaboration between mass drop now drop calm and Sennheiser have sold over 90,000 units they're an all-time bestseller on drop calm and no wonder the HD 600 switch they are based on are my daily drivers at home still because they're comfortable they're rugged they've sound great with a nice balanced mid-range natural sounding bass and I mean what else do you need they've got a 1/8 inch plug for everyday use they come with a quarter inch adapter for professional use and they include a two-year warranty from Sennheiser click the link below and get yours today at drop com new users on the website can get $25 off these headphones oh this is incredible I want to check out the screen protector next can we get that yeah let's get that guys make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss that we got a follow up here boys and girls this screen is very fragile please handles care [Music]
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 4,745,070
Rating: 4.9429951 out of 5
Keywords: tv, protect, protective, cover, plastic, glass, kick, funny, smash, punch, proof, strong, rugged, china, chinese, break, tough, smart, 4k, viral, amoi
Id: 4eSADWuZskk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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