We got Pecans and Some Garden Peas!

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hey y'all it's tammy and chris with collard valley cooks and we're out on the back porch today hopefully nothing crazy is gonna start i wouldn't doubt it if it did you know somebody on a motorcycle or something to keep y'all from being able to hear us but we're on the back porch you can hear the birds uh our baby hawks you can hear them they're not babies anymore they're about that tall and uh we thought we'd come to you live out here on the porch i don't know what kind of reception you're getting but chris is about to check it out and see and until uh then we just thought we would come on and say hey hope y'all were having a good memorial day weekend um i'm waiting on him because if we got some kind of bad connection i'd like to know before i talk too much um let's see if we're coming in clear how's it look mr nichols it looks good all right we visited you're going to have to pause that honey bun just pause it all the way you can just yeah there you go um we went a few days ago and i got a shopper in the mail and there was a man that had pecans for sale these are from 2020 but he vacuum packed him and put them in the freezer and y'all they are so fresh and delicious and he gets them from his yard and he i asked him could i give him a shout out he said no because he's about out of pecans from last year but he thinks he thinks he's going to have a lot of pecans coming in for the new year so hopefully maybe some of y'all could get some pecans from him i got eight pounds there we go yes but i cook a lot for the show and i'm taking daddy a couple of pounds of them when we go up for father's day we will be going up for father's day uh to our hometown to collard valley hopefully i'll get to cook from there and um i'm gonna take some pecans with me it'll be about the time our garden's coming in pretty good uh so i don't know what we'll do unless we have the kids come over and pick it yeah i didn't think about that yeah i got me a nice new canner to can for the tomatoes but look y'all we already getting peas a bunch of that's just today these are the these are the peas that we got um it's so funny because we had we had planted some peas last year and they didn't do anything and we had one of the plants um come up and i'm gonna show you what they look like they look like butter peas but i'm gonna tell you what these they're not butter peas because if they're snow peas oh no they're not snow peas honey snow peas are flat and green real flat yeah you know these are um they'll tell us they look like butter peas y'all but they get a little brown um ring around the top when they've been out a few days and so i don't i don't really know what they are to tell you the truth this is how the pod looks we don't remember what we planted and i've never had them before um i've got some in there in the refrigerator chris you could show them that they can tell what they look like once they are out of the pod for a few days but anyway i'm gonna sit here and show some of these and we thought we would um answer some questions tonight if y'all want to do a question thing what else what are we going to do is that all you're going to do answer questions show them our pecans yeah i'm excited can i throw my can i throw my bean things right out in the yard can i i would no why because i don't want to go out there and pick all these nuts well you have to pick them up why can't the lawnmower just run over okay let's so you can't i don't know i mean yeah you can who ever done that besides me nobody in our yard when i was growing up the cows came in the yard they did for real we didn't have nothing our cows we would open the gate and the cat and we would open the gate to the fence for the cows and then we would close the gate to the driveway and the cows would come in and they cut our grass because they ate it and that's how we cut grass when i was coming up i ain't kidding y'all i really ain't kidding we cut grass these are them had a lawnmower we didn't these are purple hole peas yeah purple hole oh they asking what kind of or uh some people call them cowpeas really i didn't never heard that yeah who calls them cow peas y'all tell me where you live that's what it says on the package but now look a lot of people have purple hole all over the world don't they i don't think they call them purple whole peas i think they call them cow peas somebody that don't live here tell me what you call these peas do you call them purple hole they're asking if they're crowders and they're not no they're not crowder peas crowder pigs are good we need we need to plant some crowder peas in the fall for us yeah we can um you know somebody makes fun of me because the way i do my peas you can you can take your thumb thank god purple hole pink eyed purple hole yeah pink i've heard them called pink eyed peas well you know there are pink eye peas but i don't think these are pink eyes these are purple hole pink eyes well southern illinois guys are actually pink on the eye southern illinois says they call them cow peas cow peas in southern illinois look i'll show them to you up close this is a purple whole piece it is purple it is a purple hole okay here it is once it turns good and purple and here's how they look they're purple they're not pink and i know when i went to the um now we always had these growing up we call them purple hole but now when we came down here i'd never heard of it all we ever had was purple whole and crowder and butter beans and for the most part and and when i was uh black eyed peas yeah we had black eyed peas but when i went to the uh garden place here or you call it chris where you go get your your fresh produce produce stand here they had pink eye peas yeah they were different they look different y'all than these yeah they did and they also had black eyed peas pink eye peas they were different peas y'all for real a couple of people were saying that these right here these i had one of these that came up i'm gonna go get them out of the refrigerator so they can see it one that came up and they're saying that you eat the whole thing like a green bean no way that's what a couple people said we don't know what it is and i don't remember what i planted i could have swore i just planted some uh some uh uh snow peas or something i just i it was the only peas they had left like it tractor supply or something like it was when all the all the all the seeds and stuff were gone those are the same things yes i think i bought these at the store and they were dried oh and i told chris to go out there and plant them to see if we could grow some that's true yeah and they come they're dried look at them y'all is that the same thing yes honey it is that's how they look what kind of pea is this and you can buy them dried in this look crap that's purple that's pink eyes oh it ain't pink honey it's brown well i don't think pink eyes are really pink no yes they are snap pea somebody said it's a snap t sugar snap that sounds possible look that's how they look do y'all know what that is i found them in the store dried and then we planted them a couple of the dried beans so they got a brown they didn't come up except the one that just came up yeah we had one plant the blue and that's how they look on the top yeah i don't know why we're spending all this time trying to figure out we ain't got one plant i know what they are oh well i'm playing all them we'll have a bunch of anyway but one plant has given us a good mini little piece i'll just shield my purple hole i know what they are here's a very good question all right a real good question chris what is your fishing channel that's a good question lord have you heard i love you hey hey i told you that something i wanted to see his grill he said tell him to look at my channel i need more viewers yeah that's what he said my my channel is nichols retirement empire if you want to watch me fish because that's what most of it is and i do some garden updates and stuff but not a whole lot nickels retirement empire once every two or three weeks i'll walk around and show you the guard and we're getting a lot of stuff out of it now for the well we're all excited because it was so bad last year like we always said if you think of like what charlie brown's christmas tree looked like yeah that's what our garden looked like it's pitiful and so i you know did all this stuff to it and so we're just so happy to be getting anything from it we feel like we're on a farm because we're getting like we have a little garden but we are getting squash the okra is blooming uh we're getting the purple whole peas we got a couple of heirloom tomatoes today what are they called uh cherokee purple purple we got a couple of those today we're having a problem with worms trying to get it getting in our tomatoes so if we get a tomato that don't have a worm hole in it we are praising the lord yeah we're just happy to get anything aroma tomatoes are doing good the worms don't mess with those romaine tomatoes but they're messing with the cherokee product roma tomatoes skins thicker and they don't mess with them i really do i think that heirloom tomato skins are thinner we're not no garden expert either are we chris nope meowtail i mean we had gardens growing up but our parents did it and our grandparents did it and me and chris has lived in the subdivision since we got married 21 years ago and we had a small garden in paulden county but we just plant the basics okra squash tomatoes stuff that we know what it is we're trying to stick with stuff we can identify yeah y'all got a question i'm trying to look i can't see the questions on facebook somebody just said they made my orange cake and i changed the recipe and she said it didn't turn out so i gotta go in there and mix it up and see if it's not working or not because i did change it on the fly because i wanted to i changed it because i wanted it to be like the cake that's in my skillet cake is so soft and delicious and uh she said that it's stuck in her pans so i've got to go in there chris has got to go get me some orange juice concentrate tomorrow and let me make one and see what happens again it's what happens when you got a cooking show when you but the first one wanted to sink sink in the middle it was good though y'all it tasted so good this facebook thing yeah i cannot see their questions i can't get it to scroll down well honey bunny i can see him playing his day right there oh okay i had to wade the car on your plants for worms and bugs i'm sure she made sevens does yeah i'm not putting sevens on there right before i eat it uh i'll the banana nut muffins were delish them things are the bomb i'm talking about the ones that are the brown sugar ones um we have screens on our tomatoes y'all she says the birds will get our tomatoes yeah we got screens on them yeah i've got nets nets over the tomatoes what am i doing with the ends of them they're asking she's throwing them in the yard and then if you get it started good and string it a little bit i like to just push my peas out hold this for a second not sure what i do chris is trying to get a drink of coffee getting coffee lord i gotta show you what so what i do is i grab the end i pull it to just kind of string it a little bit to start the to start it to open and then i like to pop by now everybody makes fun of me because i just like to push the pee out of the see i can't even do it i have to be over something or it pops see how it just comes out but i don't like to take my thumb and run down the inside of the peapod i just don't i never did like that when i was little mama did it but it makes your your thumb all nasty and and it makes it all rough and my fingers are already rough enough and i don't have a ton of piece you know i don't have a field of piece so you can just take it go down it like that open it up now it's all open see and then you can just run your thumb down the p-pod like that maybe i'll start doing it that way but if i do my my thumb's gonna get all dirty hello from taylorsville georgia i love taylorsville it's a pretty place it is beautiful don't worry about that oh do you get rid of somebody already oh chris will get rid of them if they're bad chris i bought those swimming noodles and put poles around them put white vinegar on the something oh she's all about it keep stuff out of the garden whoa get all kind of what will you plant in your garden what do you plant in your garden all right we've had a couple of questions one of the questions was why don't you start a cooking channel that i saw and i'm i'm seeing a lot of there's two things we're looking at here it's not just youtube so we have some reason i started a cooking channel we're gonna do it quick okay um i was sitting in the living room i was a cancer survivor i was pretty depressed i was on my recliner and i was sitting on the recliner almost every day and i've always been a busybody i guess y'all couldn't believe that and so my kids didn't want to cook nothing wasn't interested in anything i'd done in the kitchen i've always been a really good cook because people told me i was like my mama and i thought you know what if this cancer comes back my kids ain't gonna know how to cook nothing and they don't they didn't grow up around grandparents or anything like that to teach them and i knew unless chris just married some wonderful cook if something happened to him and my kids wouldn't know how to cook so that's exactly why i started my cooking show because i thought you know what all my kids do is watch youtube i mean that's really all they did is what youtube not facebook but youtube so i thought if i would get up and start putting some recipes on a video then one day when they're interested they'll watch them well i started doing it and people loved it and now our kids don't watch youtube anymore yeah but you know what i thought we were because they reap the benefits of it you know it's putting them through college and paying for them to have an apartment uh instead of having to live with mama and daddy while they're in college which is really nice nice for us and them to tell you the truth how was your hot dog yesterday i loved my hot dog yesterday did you like yours it was the best hot dog i've ever made that's what he said yesterday i'm not kidding it was very good he said don't you think this is the best awesome most awesome hot dog you've ever had he made the kids repeat it they said no they they repeated it for you they did so we had a couple of people one person made the gooey i don't remember who it was the gooey butter cake today that's a good choice yes was that a strawberry pie made here recently uh what is our favorite vegetable oh that's a i don't have a favorite i don't have a favorite dessert i don't have a favorite meal i don't have a favorite vegetable i don't have a favorite ice cream i like it all and that is the odd honest honest to god's truth i don't have a favorite i'm sorry but i can't tell you a favorite because because i like them all i can tell you what i don't like because there ain't many that i don't like yeah my favorite's okay is it fried okay yeah huh what about that i can't pick a favorite because i like them to go together fried squash i like fried okra my favorite vegetable plate how's that fried okra creamed corn sliced tomatoes that's pretty good cornbread pretty good and really that's all i gotta have is those three i don't have to have anything to go with it that's my favorite in the summer yep what else uh what's your favorite color page ask orange hey do you know my favorite color a mosquitoes bad in our area yes of course holy smokes we're right next to you we're right next to the marsh there's one flying right next to you right there see him we got one of those i got him can't citronella thing burning right here and there's a mosquito right in front of him and he's saying they ain't bad well they hadn't bit me yet he asked me to walk to the garden with him today well ago i said i guess because i knew i'd get bit and the minute i got over there and got over on this side next to the tomatoes i got bit on the back of my leg they don't bite him as much as they bite me because he's mean and i'm sweet i don't know about that do you make chow chow no but granny did every year tons of it and i've never been a chow chow liker or eater matter of fact chris said let's make chow chow to go on our hot dogs and i said no you wouldn't do it i didn't want to do it i can make chow chow if y'all make me this summer i have got the prettiest candor you have ever seen i had a viewer send me a large amount sum of money on an amazon card so i splurged and i bought the kenner of my dreams do y'all want to see it i can walk in there and get it show it to you it is nice yeah i want to see it pretty fancy canter i would have never bought it had he not sent me that money uh somebody and they're asking how you're going to cook we've had several people ask how you gonna cook those peas these peas oh i always just put them in some i like beef bouillon i don't cook with a lot of animal fat i like to put a little beef boiling in them and a little bit of oil and most of the time i use olive oil and that's all i do and it's delicious that's all i need a little salt and pepper a little bouillon a little olive oil that's the way i like to cook my peas all my beans i like beef broth and purple whole pintos red beans kidney beans i like uh chicken broth and navy beans large lima beans and my favorite dried bean is the large llamas they're my favorite let me go get my canner and show you how pretty it is okay thanks to bob we love you bob thank you bob thank you paul all right let's see we have some good questions there guys it really is hard to keep up with these questions somebody ask us when tammy gets out here i'll ask her somebody yeah look at that wow i cannot wait to use it this summer for our tomatoes i am super excited i got this i'll show you what i got with his money oh knock myself out it's heavy all right i got these they're just little balls things that you put on your hands to tighten the lid yeah um a scooper duper i already had the things you pick up the cans and stuff with and that's really about all i got but i bought me a bunch of ball jars quartz and pints this is a this is most of these are sold out but i didn't get a really really big one because me and chris aren't farmers you know and i said i ain't gonna be candid that many quarts at a time or pints so this is the size that i got um and right now they're still in stock but i don't know for how long they will be because you know how everything is right now yep somebody asked how has collard valley cooks change your life that's a big question well i spent a lot of time working on it um i have a lot of friends um we were able to purchase this home down here in saint mary's we were going to live in our mobile home while our kids went through college so they wouldn't have a lot of loans and we really were going to sell we had a we had a house in paulden county and we had a mobile home pensacola that we bought for like was it about thirty thousand or twenty something twenty something thousand or thirty thousand and we had it paid off so what we were gonna do is live in that mobile home sell our home to put our kids to college and because of colored valley cooks that way we could save we were able to sell both of those properties and move to saint mary's near where our kids were going to school and buy this house and we didn't spend a lot of money this house was we got a steal of a deal we only paid 175 thousand dollars to live to buy this house and so that's how it changed our lives yeah full-time it is a full-time yeah it's what you know we spend majority of our day do instead of having a job we do this and we're able to um pay my sister her way of living um because she helps us with books cook books and facebook and all that stuff so that's a blessing for her so um it's been a huge blessing and we have lots of friends i tell chris all the time we need to start going to see and all these people that live all over the united states and across the world get on an airplane and go see our viewers so that we can see some places here's a question what advice do you we get this question a lot a lot of people send her messages and stuff and ask what if i want to start a youtube channel or i want to start a facebook channel yeah and he has a very simple answer you know without getting into all the stuff because everybody you know doesn't want to know about that but just give them your simple answer okay a lot of people call and they want me to guide them can i say nobody guided me and it's not i'm not trying to be ugly either you got it or you don't i'm serious either people are going to enjoy watching you or they're not so i would personally say make about you got to have at least 50 videos before you even they say 100 before you even tell people to watch your channel um so you need to get to work get to work start making videos and start making videos and don't expect to make up red peony for the first year if you're lucky maybe two years if you're mediocre lucky uh that may not ever make a cent right the first one the only money we made in the beginning was our cookbooks because and it was a lot of work y'all it really was and um but uh but i mean there's a lot to it but all you got to do is get up and start videoing when i started videoing i seriously the day i was sitting on that recliner i was telling you about and i'm not exaggerating i got up that day and made a video and said have you seen my video and i um velcroed well there's a well there's a way my mama always said to my daddy and i velcroed my phone to the uh hood of the stove and i started velcroing my phone in different places so you don't have to have a bunch of stuff to do it you just got to have the willpower and the hard work start making videos it is work and you're going to spend if you're going to edit and i've edited mine to start with you're going to spend at least an hour making your video and at least in the beginning four hours editing one video just because you got to learn the software and learn what to do it is a lot of work to start with but if you've got it in you and you want to do it then do it don't let anybody tell you you can't do it because if i had listened to my kids i wouldn't have done it um but it's a heck of a lot more work than people think somebody else along with that while we were answering that negative if you had anything negative happen because of the channel or like is there any bad no no nothing to amount to nothing nothing that we can't just ignore yeah nothing that we can't delete or right we just ignore stuff yeah and i ain't gonna lie when you first start it's hard to get um it's hard to look at some of the comments and root the rudeness of people yeah so if you're thin-skinned yeah it's not the place for emotional problems already don't start a channel but like uh because i'm i'm pretty i'm a taipei personality and i'm pretty confident i'm just that kind of person if i weren't because there were times i would cry and as tough as i am uh so if you are sweet and you get your feelings hurt really easy you're not gonna it is not a smart night don't get in it it's people are mean we had a uh we had a my my friend that fishes with me all the time like he'll watch the videos he's on my videos all the time when we fish and the other day he goes hey i noticed on on our last uh video there was a thought there was a thumbs down and i was like paul i get thumbs up it's actually good to get to get uh any kind of whether it's negative or positive yeah because youtube and facebook sees that you're getting a lot of interaction and then they promote you uh so the people that are being mean really are helping you out in all realities alone in the last 28 days we've had over a million views on youtube if more of those people would hit the like button or hit a share button it makes a big difference makes a huge difference in our channel and there's so many that never subscribe and they never hit the like button the same thing goes for facebook and so if if our views viewers would just be nice enough to hit the like button it would be wonderful for us it would make a big difference but we're happy with y'all regardless but i'm just saying we usually don't like sometimes we'll ask people to do that but we usually don't because yeah i try not to beat you in the head either working or it's not but uh anyway we don't want to we always we do get a lot of questions about that and when people see if you see people doing that on anybody's channel not just our channel because there's other people on here that have channels that are watching us right now uh if you if you watch other people's channels or you watch our channel and you see somebody being ugly don't say anything to them don't respond to them because that's what they want they want interactions he's on here he's so full too i just love you we watch her i love you so full tea you're a beautiful soul she's got a great channel yes uh but there are and she'll tell you the same thing those people they just want the back and forth that's what they want they want the attention you know and that's just what they do they like to go on you know and it's the same on facebook youtube whatever all social media has those people on it and they have a right to be there just like you do and we have a right to delete them and block them and we do the main thing is that you don't interact yeah don't and don't even take up for us like you think you need to take up first you don't worry about it don't worry about it ignore them it makes them better than anything you know you know the lord says kill people with kindness you know the other day somebody had said something so ugly to me and it was in a personal message to me and i came back and i was just so sweet and told her thank you and and then she came back with something really nice and so you know sometimes you just have to kill them uh sometimes you can kill them with kindness but then most of them you don't even want full with trust me yeah they're not you're not going to change their mind you're not going to make them go oh okay i'll be nice to you well you said she loves our channel i love yours too baby you are beautiful matter of fact my brother i'm going to tell you this so full you my brother my older brother um he is something else and when i first started my channel he said i've been watching this woman and i tell you she can cook and i said well who is it and he said soulful tea and i said well i know who that is and he goes really are you watching her too i said i sure am and so my brother watched you before i did but anyway we have a couple of people we watch and it's fun we don't watch a whole lot because you could end up spending all your time you know i mean it's yeah we're already having to do what we're doing we do watch i will probably watch more youtube well i do more more youtube than i do television because you get to hardly ever watch tv we watch some series every once while we watch hell's kitchen and we watch uh top chef yeah we watch a couple and then i watch fish and stuff he watches fishing and ball games and i sit around and look at my channel comments and now that i have my bible study every day i don't know if y'all know it or not but i do a bible study every day except sunday and i just love my bible study and it's a different group of people we all pray for each other we're all very close y'all when i first started doing bible study and i'm not kidding i would i would get off of a a cooking video where i'd had thousands looking at me i log on to do bible study and i'm not kidding i might have five and so um it takes a lot of um strength and faith to continue uh when you're in ministry because it's not easy um and people aren't as interested of course but now um every board and we have about around 100 live off of both channels and we and then we usually have about fifteen hundred views that's a real southern woman that's certainly a real southern woman and it's mostly just bible study but we um we do bible study every day it's fun if y'all wanna take a look and i don't have no set time on nothing and mine i just mine's fishing and mine's just whatever yeah having a good time me having a good time which is exciting to me they love my hair down yo i straightened my hair today because we met a viewer at uh st mary's seafood and she's been watching our channel forever it's so nice she was pretty and red-headed and curly hair and um we had a good time we had a good lunch and so i told her i said i know i don't look normal because i straightened my hair today uh but i wanted to fix up for her all right here's your question uh what inspired okay how did you come up with the cbc logo okay and does it represent anything special okay my kids y'all tell me what you think because my kids tell me that my logo is cheesy and they don't like it but you know they're 20. um i know but they want to design me another logo and i like my logo my logo i i got my logo from um i i paid i can't remember if it was printful or something to do like i went on there to pick a logo like it has to be copyrighted yes it had yeah and it was copyright so i saw this one it was a little different and i've changed i've changed him up some people think it's a older woman some people think it's a kid some people think it's different things but regardless i think it's a little boy eating a cookie i mean that's what i think it looks like because it's cooking like mama did so to me it was like hand in your grip uh oh i bet she just got bit by a snake let me go see if there's a snake chris i want to make sure there's if there's a snake i want to see what kind it is now something got her my dog was just behind the um shed and she started squealing did y'all hear her squeal and i think she probably got snake bite you see anything i'm not scared of snakes he is [Music] do you see a snake snakes don't bother me unless they're poisonous and then i'm scared of them but oh chris has got a wire around the bottom of the fence and he thinks she got her foot hung in it i'm gonna go now that he's back can i go look just to make sure because women y'all know how she's fine she's not leaping okay yeah but they can get bit by snake and not swell up to the next day there's not a snake back there all right he says there's not a snake i guess she's all right the other day when he was cutting the grass it was a big rat snake and then um i'm surprised that a snake would be out here because we have hawks that live in the tree right here like 15 foot from us and that's they eat snakes more than they eat anything else y'all i'm sorry but i um um a lot of people don't like them but look yo i grew up on a farm nothing bothers me really yeah she's fine he's okay she went around back there again my my happy happy come here let mama look at you come here she's barking at the neighbor's dog we had that our other dog our little white dog we had to put her up he would have been barking the whole time now you got to come over here all right right yes somebody said snakes are a good thing yes they can't they are and these hawks are too the hawks every time here's a dog on horse flight on that yellow flies look yeah there's blood uh the uh well i'ma look at your feet the hawks since we've got them back here in the backyard when they hatched their babies out every time tammy would come outside they would chase her around and swoop down well one of them would the male he would swoop down at her and and you know squawk at her and everything uh and then i'd go out there and they wouldn't pay me any attention but i guess because i'm out there all the time they didn't like my red hair i guess they were jealous they hated me the male especially oh my lord i've got a good video of him swooping at me y'all i need to show it to y'all he swoops and i don't even flinch and i got another one she's got that on video um and she hasn't put it on the thing i don't have it needs to make another bird got the babies on the video i can make a great bird video now the little one is up there flapping his wings he's about ready to fly they're not little anymore it's amazing to me how much birds take care of each other how much the mom and dad take turns you know my my parents would always use the term watching you like a hulk let me say after having hogs in our backyard i know exactly what that means now because they watch these babies you just would not believe it somebody asked this is a good question somebody says that they watch us on like on tv on the tv like you know you can have youtube and facebook on your television where you can watch because that's what i do when i watch my youtube channels i watch them on the tv uh and they don't have a way to click like and stuff like that but it's okay that's okay if you're watching it on tv you know yes that's funny i need to go get a fly flap it's okay some things hurt them yellow flies look it's so nice living down here and these oaks are beautiful and i love to lay in the hammock this is i'm telling you this backyard is like heaven to me and i can lay down in that hammock and look up in the trees and watch the storks we have storks here y'all wood storks they're beautiful and all different kinds of birds down here at the because we're right on the marsh we're not our house ain't we couldn't afford that but pretty close but we're close to them everything's close down here it is so pretty down here it is it is like a dream come true i don't regret moving down here at all we love it we love it down here what brand tea do you use tently tea those tiny little tea leaves intactly tea what nothing just shaking my head he doesn't like for me to sing my kids don't either y'all i used to have a pretty voice or not a beautiful voice but a pretty voice and um when i went through cancer because i had 12 lymph nodes that were positive some of them were in my neck and all under my arm so when they radiated me they radiated my neck all across my chest and under my arm and it changed my voice completely and i'm real raspy and that's why i sound raspy a lot of people come on and that is me some people will talk about my voice and how they can't handle it and some people will say that i play the cancer card which is horrible and so there's some people out there that are awfully mean yes and uh but y'all my voice is like it is because of my therapy that i went through and do you know that after i went through therapy chris and the kids won't let me sing anything they're so mean to me they won't let me sing nothing they tell me to shut up well well you do i don't think i've ever said shut up well you don't say shut up thank you he don't say shut up but he's but they turn up the radio and the tv yeah chris has never been made he's never mean to me are you chris nope i surely never told you but you should go ahead just get those tiny little tea leaves intact lately you haven't has anybody heard that besides me it's not her sex i make ups it's not her singing voice it's this she doesn't know the words to any song i don't any song she could mess up happy birthday words she oh no happy birthday it's unbelievable and and she'll get like one or two words right and then about the third word she starts messing up so that's it's not her voice it's the thing that the famous song stepped on the pop top ain't that what it says uh yeah she thought it was stepped on a pop-tart stepped on a pop-tart but that's any song i was reading it i mean i was singing it and then they started make fun of me and and i do that all the time but i sing all the time i would sing in that goofier on camera if it weren't for my kids and my husband they think i'm a nut oh lord i would okay this person says they heard of the tea song oh lord have you ever made a mayonnaise cake yes i have because i was out of oil the reason people made mayonnaise cakes is because they were out of oil and mayonnaise is mostly oil it's not and i know y'all like them matter of fact i was gonna make one for y'all out of hellman's mayonnaise bought the hellman's mayonnaise it's still in my pantry um and i won't ever eat the helmet's mayonnaise because i don't like it but it was a hellman's mayonnaise uh cake recipe we never made it and i never made it but i need to make it because that mayonnaise is still in there if y'all want me to make one i will a lot of stuff and we were talking about this the other day a lot of stuff that people made years and years ago they made it because that's what they had right like you know if you had a garden back 70 years ago you know or whatever and you had 150 tomatoes at one time you made all kinds of stuff out of tomatoes that today we would never make out of tomatoes and you look at these old recipe books and you think some of them are from the depression yeah some of it you look at you're thinking my lord why in the world would you make tomato soup yeah we kind of overthinks things sometime about why they made stuff they made it because that's what they had to eat and that's her favorite i know honey a lot of people like it yeah but everybody's funny about their mayonnaise and i'm a blue girl that's one thing we figured out since we started the cooking channel is mayonnaise people have all kind of for some reason they're real opinionated about mayonnaise they really are but it is a big deal if you make slaw with somebody else's type of mayonnaise it don't even taste like slaw and i learned pretty quick and i'm sure sophie did too that not to say your way's the only way i don't hey somebody's heard the t song yep yep i'm sure it's not the only t song neither you know used to we had tv and we remember the commercials the songs from the commercials i do chris knows this is how good chris's memory is i'm not kidding when we go to church i've never seen anything like it in my life not even choir directors when we go to church and they ask us to sing chris never opens a uh hymnal and they can sing all three and four verses and he knows the words to them to all of them i've never in my life seen anything like it not all of them almost every single one of them a lot of them yeah i know all the words and it's just like are you kidding me because i don't even remember the verse all the verses even if i sung them my whole life in church he's just he's got a photographic memory i don't i can just remember song words i can't remember a lot of stuff but i don't remember i don't know why that is we're showing our age with tetley t you know what i love tetley t it's my favorite and you can't even hardly find it anymore everybody buys lu lu louisiana louisiana i if you bring it to a boil it's bitter but tetley's not teddy's good tea and do y'all know it's a georgia tea you drink the tea you like we're not gonna tell you hey look if you can get a hold of some tetling you never tried it you should but you do you drink what you want we like swaggerty sausage too but you ain't what you it's good you know what i don't like um i like the sausage from waffle house i do it is good it is good and swaggerty sausage is a lot like it ain't it it sure is delish luzy that's it who's the end i'm trying to see if i've missed any questions all right what else i want to know question tom if you got a question lay it on us even if you've asked it before repeat it maybe i'll get you this time i'm waiting i'm waiting do y'all like chris in the kitchen with me yes or no some people do some people don't that's one of those things that's why we don't do it the same way every time yeah we change it up yeah sometimes we'll have me in there and sometimes i'll talk and sometimes i'll video and don't talk and then sometimes she videos yourself we try to change it because everybody don't like it i'm never goofy i'm usually by myself she has more fun by herself yeah i do but i do love my man i love him very much y'all he's the best husband in the world nobody could ever replace my chris we're throwing the she's throwing these well you want to know that why why you keep throwing that stuff out into y'all i'm throwing them in the yard because they're holes why not and if a pee grows then more power to it i'll pick it it won't there won't be a pee growing in my yard i'm probably grass about every three to four days it's not gonna grow in my yard they're not going to hurt nothing here's a good question if my dogs can pee and poop in the yard i can throw a pee pot in the yard that's true right uh can chris cook a complete meal yes he can absolutely he can y'all when i had cancer chris took care of me i cook a lot of stuff just like she can because i've watched her do it long enough i know exactly how to do it yeah we've been married long enough he can make good banana pudding good fried chicken uh just about anything chris can make it and he makes it but he's gotten lazy in his older age just like me he don't cook as much as he used to he likes to go out to eat don't you baby i like to cook to be honest i like to cook but a lot of times if i want to cook tammy don't want me to cook because she can't stand the idea of the kitchen getting messed up even though i'm going to clean it up it's just she just cleaned up the other night when you cook you just don't want it we didn't clean it up the other night we had the girls here you sure yeah i wanted them to clean it up but anyway uh what would you do if you didn't have if there was no more youtube you cut you got this um if we uh had no more youtube well i get a pension uh i'm because i'm retired from teaching in georgia so i draw a check attention check for that and then we could probably all the kids would be working i can guarantee yeah they'd have to work uh and we could get by it wouldn't be oh yeah we have a simple home yeah we don't have a big thing we live in less than it's only about 1500 square feet um so we don't have we don't live extravagantly we don't owe a lot of money um so we could easily do this we're very frugal we can be very frugal can't we baby i can't and plus we're happy i mean there's nothing really that we want i mean there's really not i don't desire to have uh i don't desire to live in a huge house or i just i'm very happy i want to do fishing rod you want a new fishing rod you just got one didn't you oh i got plenty of fishing rods i just thought i'd say that does your family not like uh some of the dishes you make my immediate family like the girls the kids are picky but now me and chris if we don't like something we don't put in the cookbook normally like the cookbook has gotten recipes that i've made and we had to like it for it to be in there i didn't just grab stuff and put the cookbook but now the kids are picky about stuff me and chris are not i'm telling you we're just not i'm sure they'll get then they've gotten better as they've gotten older you know how it is you get older you start eating more stuff you know i'm done i'm done look how pretty so they uh that's enough for me to eat yeah and we generally every once while we have made some stuff that we didn't like oh yes and we didn't do that i don't show y'all the video if it's bad yeah i don't even make a video out i mean i just don't do it like one time if we're live we're making something we know that's right it's gonna be good it's already made because there was a few times we did some lives with some stuff that we hadn't tried before and we learned pretty quick you don't need to that vinegar that vinegar pie thing that was in the iron skillet i thought it was good he didn't like i like it i personally didn't like german potato salad but i put it in there so many of y'all like it and i actually had some of y'all that made it for this weekend and said that one person said that they made it and their son won't even eat potato salad and he took extra home of it but they said that mine wasn't as strong and it's not i reduced the vinegar in it as a lot of german potato salads where do you get your shirts get all my shirts where the big women can shop i go to kato what well you said it i go to kato kato's the number one for plus sizes and cute clothes then after that i go to belt but i always get them if they're marked down and then i also like to go to um believe it or not old navy has a double extra large in some of them if it's styled right i can wear but they don't go up in higher sizes than that so kato is the number one they have cutest clothes this one came from kato and actually these earrings were my mamas they're hand-me-downs hand-me-downs now some of y'all are asking some gotcha questions what's that i gotcha question is no matter what you say you're in trouble it's wrong okay tell me what it is here it is because i don't care this is like the mayonnaise thing okay do you eat sugar or salt in your grits of course i have them both i have salt sugar and pepper in my grits and you know we had a couple over it was a viewer and they said i want you to go ahead and put sugar in the grits because i was making breakfast for lunch because we've never had it and so the guy tastes it and he goes this is good a lot more sweet you know like a lot different than that i'm like no i don't put a lot of sugar in it just to touch and he just loved it he actually went out he went back in there and got more grits they did yeah that's true yeah but that's just one of those things we've had people tell us if you put sugar in your grits or if you put sugar and we've ate it every kind of way yeah we eat grits with cheese wheat grits with you know wheat grits all kind of different ways and we'll have people say you're not southern or if you don't i'm like i don't know what to tell you man i mean if you're raised here i don't know mama did it then you do it you know what i mean it's funny one person said she had a fake they've said she's got a fake accent it's fake it's fake and i'm like okay she faked her accent in like 500 i'm like y'all need to go to polk county and go to walmart let's listen everybody in there talks like her and what everybody has to say over the intercom then you'll know that's where i'm from if you're ever going through there just stop and go in the walmart and it won't take you but about five minutes when you start hearing people talk you're gonna know that's where timmy's from it's so much so unique and so distinct that when i was in college i was in class asking questions being inquisitive and this man was out in the hallway i went to an engineering school there was a lot of men he was out in the hallway when i come out of the room he goes hey i said what he goes are you from polk county because this was in marietta near atlanta and i said yes well i knew you were because i know so and so so and so and she's from polk county and you talk just like her and i'm like yes that's how we talk in polk county but you know what i've heard people kind of talk like us oh yeah there's other places where people you know but it is it is funny when we went to los angeles that time and me and her brother were you know we went to uh uh out there it's one of those big tourist things and there's a big pier that goes out in the ocean and i can't i can't think of the name of it but me and her brother were just walking around talking people would like to stop and turn around you know like what the world who are these boonies they would just look at us like they had never heard anything like that in their life but let's see what other kind of questions do we have do we cook our fish inside or outside of the house inside we cook everything inside well unless we're grilled unless we're grilling and we're probably going to make we got to make a video with the new grill that i'm going to we're going to show you all the new grill well i i kind of wanted to do some funnel cakes on the new grill just because it would be fun and you all would see the grill and i could eat a funnel cake and so we may do that tomorrow maybe if it's not 95 degrees i will do anything because if it's 95 degrees and i have to get over the top of the grill i'll be sweating tammy's not a outsider i am not an outside girl i'm a country girl and i might can pick up a snake and not bother me but i guarantee you one thing i'm not sleeping in a tent period what here's a good question what is your favorite dinner recipe like if you had your favorite dinner i guess that's hard well what about the whole thing what would you mine would be fried chicken i'm just going to tell you chris chris would eat fried chicken every day of his life um fried chicken okra pinto beans fried i just go off right fried potatoes turn it loose everything i can't pick a favorite y'all that's my problem i just like so much how could you pick a favorite in the summer i really like biscuits and gravy and sliced cantaloupe i like the vegetable plate um i love my chicken pot pie it's amazing and it's super easy it is good it is really good and um chicken and dumplings are really good but i mean i've made them so much for the kids that i just you know don't enjoy them as much as i used to my mama used to make something called benefil chicken it's never done that well on the show but y'all it is so good and you serve it over biscuits you open the biscuits up and you pour it over the top of them and and really there's not a whole lot better than benefit chicken either it's kind of like an open face pot pie in a way ain't it yes it's good it's really good i love roast beef i love pork i love just look at me i like it all i mean i couldn't pick i could never pick yeah i'm not going to turn anything down i could never pick the only thing i won't eat is liver for the most part and i'm not going to fool with an eggplant a lot of y'all ask me i don't care how popular something gets and i'm the same way with cauliflower i don't care how popular it gets and y'all can mush it up and make act like you're eating cream potatoes if you want to but you ain't eating cream potatoes and i ain't making no cauliflower and i ain't making no eggplant so there you go there's a few things sorry folks hey yeah we've met we've intended to do well we just need to do liver we need to do chicken livers but we don't like them so we're not we've thought about it plenty of times i mean cauliflower is okay but they play it up i mean it's really not all bad yeah if you have to do that much work yeah it's like poke salad yeah it's a lot of work you know pogba can make you sick you don't make it right they know how to cook it kill you so yeah everybody's like will you do poke salad we're like no no i ain't gonna go pick no pork salad we got tons of pork salad where i'm from i'm from polk county we got all the polk salad you can think of yeah all you got to do is search colored valley cooks colored valley cooks goes to collard valley or whatever you can see us picking blackberries you see pulp salad everywhere if you uh if you a lot of people are asking about specific recipes yes and stuff if you want to know anything that we cook you can search it like you can go on google and you want to see if we've made you know fried chicken you just put in cbc fried chicken that's probably six fried chicken videos and it will pull them all up for you you just search it but you gotta go to google don't go to yahoo or google microsoft you know all that stuff because youtube and google work together work together so if you go to you goal you go hey that's a new thing you call if you gotta get if you could google um it will pull it up just like that yeah so many people send us questions when you send me the recipe for and i'm like i have to go in type in color valley cooks type in what it is bring it up copy it paste it when you could do the same thing you know yeah so if you got any kind of questions about stuff like that google it and you'll find it you shouldn't have any problem finding it quicker to do it that way than it is for me to look it up in my cookbook and try to copy paste it for you it's quicker to find it on google so that's actually how we find stuff for y'all as well and facebook's the same way you can you can search on facebook for a recipe uh but we have everything on on youtube for sure so there's some things that might be on facebook that aren't on youtube but anyway do we have a good sauce for barbecue ribs absolutely we do and we also have a wonderful rib rub search it we have a wonderful fried chicken spice blend it is the bomb um and i know it's got a little cayenne in it but don't get scared about it it's not hot it it's so good um here's a good question what is your most popular recipes the most popular one is uh number one on youtube on youtube is fried salmon patties um number two we've got two and a half meals it's lemon icebox pie and i put raw eggs in mine and it's good and they used to do it all the time people get one people ate it that way for years and it's just the yellows but oh my gosh it's good and they're not going to kill you you don't have to but but that's number two and then uh what's number three i'm here to see well if you go on our website if you if you click videos it it shows you the top videos but those are number that's number one and two by far yeah there's another one that has a million yeah hand rolled biscuits you know like mama made my mother hadn't rolled her biscuits every day when i was growing up my granny cut hers out but my mama hand rolled them so um hand rolled biscuits was one of the very first things i put on youtube i was wearing my moomoo when i did it um back then my hair was short and curly and it was fun it was fun i'll tell you what they are real quick um if you just give me a second we got any more questions while we're looking i know earthquake cake is way up there um but if you want to know what i think our top recipes are because they're granny green beans this is the big one and people make fun of us and make fun of the recipe and they have no idea because they haven't tried it and people that try it cannot believe how good they are and it's super simple and it's really good it's worth the effort in giving it a try but you got to you got to do it like we say do it you can't just cook them you got to do the full technique of it or they're not going to turn out right but it's still easy um granny green beans is one of the top recipes the strawberry cake in my opinion is you can't beat it um the lemon cream pie you can't beat it you can't beat our strawberry cream cheese pie you can't beat our peanut butter pie our peanut butter bars our fried chicken and i mean the list goes on and on i know can't be beat no i'm i'm just saying that's not what i'm saying i'm just saying if you want some really good recipes it's lemon our top ones are lemon eye spots cut up pie earthquake cake grainy green beans salisbury steak mama's meatloaf caramelizing for cake and homemade um fresh coconut cake strawberry cake chicken and dumplings all right and then if i click the lives the top ones are strong no this is you can't go by that because it's the last one oh let me click this why is it not working oh salmon patties is highest of all and then the rolled old-fashioned roll biscuit slot mama's millionaire pie yeah country five steak and gravy southern fried cabbage um with sausage uh onion rings those onion rings are really good okay y'all know what a whole cake is if you don't watch the video i love hoe cake and a lot of people call it skillet bread and some people cook it on the stove top but it's better in the oven and it's faster it's so good you flip it over like cornbread and it's crunchy on the bottom it's delicious and then of course cut off creamed corn and a country christmas breakfast and believe it or not a fried bologna sandwich crazy huh right up there on a sandwich somebody i know when i first did that people were like why do you want to do a video of a sandwich i'm like there's some people that's never had fried bologna there's some people that's never made a sandwich right and they'll watch youtube to see how to make a sandwich sure they will know y'all y'all think people just automatically know stuff do you know that my daughter knew a guy that thought i'm serious that in order to wash his clothes because he was a teenager he would have to fill up like barrels of water and put the water in the washing machine i'm not kidding and he was a brainiac you didn't know smart very intelligent man a boy book smart but no common sense right so just because you think somebody knows how to do something don't mean they know how to do it youtube is about the best thing on the face of the planet to figure out how to do this we've learned all kinds of stuff on youtube but i will i guess we should end it and i'll say this the thing that um valley cooks has changed my life the most for is that um we do have a lot more friends but i will say that the main reason i started the show was so that if i didn't survive my cancer and it came back my kids would know how to cook and so the number one thing that i've gotten out of my show is you would not believe how many letters and notes that i get from girls and even men who've lost their wife to cancer i've had men that lose their wife to cancer i've had girls that's mamas died at a very young age i've had all kinds of people send me messages and tell me that because of the style of my show i'm actually teaching them how to cook because it's not just a you know look cute cooking show it's how to cook you know and so uh a lot of my lives are more like really being in the kitchen with your mama or your grandmother and uh so that's the biggest thrill i get out of it is just knowing that somebody's out there cooking something that tastes so good i mean really it's it's just wonderful yeah and our daughters now have our cookbooks yeah and our cooking they are for their friends and like we thought oh they're never good but now they cook the stuff that's in our cookbooks yeah at their apartments and stuff so we've been doing this for four years it's working and when we started doing it they were um in high school and now they're in college and they are using our cookbooks and they are learning mama's recipes and they do think their mama's a good cook because she is because my mama was yeah her mommy you know so her mama was really good yes she was my mama could cook so anyway that's how it has i hope y'all enjoyed our our um talk tonight and uh i'll be making something with pecans i found a recipe for pecan chewy bars don't that sound good um and so now that i have all these wonderful pecans from last year from a neighbor he just lives right down the road um i'm gonna be making some really good pecan recipes and y'all have no idea you buy now they're years old and when you taste them they taste oily these taste still tastes great they're so good i love them like that i could eat the whole and my daddy said you better bring me some i said i'm going to so we will be going to collard valley we will be going home for um father's day and so it will be nice and maybe i'll go out in the valley and and make a video for you guys if i if i have the energy so thanks for watching collard valley cooks where we cook like mama did it was good to see you soulful tea and all of you my wonderful wonderful sweet viewers i love you all and i'm excited to be able to um come to you live out here on the back porch i hope y'all enjoyed it we'll do it again if you did and uh we will try to get out here tomorrow and make some funnel cakes on this new grill and that way y'all will see it okay i love you and i gotta cook my piece
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 47,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: collard valley cooks, cvc, mama, cooking with brenda gantt, brenda gantt cooking videos, brenda gantt biscuits, paula deen, soul food, chicken and dumplings, pork chops, good food, how to cook, best dinner recipes, how long to cook, best winter desserts, family dinner ideas, best way to cook, dinner recipes, chicken, poultry, do it yourself, food recipes, food network recipes, summer recipes, tomato gravy, tomato gravy with hamburger steak, shelling peas, purple hull
Id: AUK_mFyvWgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 9sec (4449 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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