100 Yr Old - Chocolate Pie Recipe - Old Fashioned Baking Doesn't Have to be Hard

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[Music] hey y'all it's chris and tammy with collard valley cooks and today we're feeding the printer and i knew one of the best things i could ever make him is my granny's chocolate pie now this is that probably well over a hundred year old recipe because somebody taught her how to do it and she passed away when she was in her 90s and this is the kind that she made on the stovetop you remember the kind so you're going to want to watch this one and get my tip on how to make it the easiest way and make it delicious all right we're going to make this in the microwave mama and granny always made it on the stove top but it works beautifully in the microwave in a batter bowl we're going to start with cornstarch sugar and cocoa so i'm going to measure like they did and you're going to use cornstarch 3 tablespoons two three that's a lot of corn starch all so that's how they measured back in the day though and then two heaping tablespoons of cocoa one two and then you're going to use a cup of sugar and you're going to whisk it together really good now if you want a light milk chocolate pie of course you use a little less cocoa but if you really want it to taste like granny's you'll use a tablespoon just like i did and not a level tablespoon okay now what we're going to do is we're going to be using some evaporated milk water eggs and we're going to whisk those together in this mix and make a pudding out of it so now we're going to separate our eggs today we're feeding the preacher so i'm adding an extra egg so that i can make a five egg meringue to go on the top now you don't have to do that of course you can get by if you're not going to make a meringue at all you can get by with three eggs and just put them in their hole and if you're going to make a meringue at least use four egg whites okay but i'm going to be using five egg whites today so you're going to separate your whites from your yellows and if you want to be safe you can always use your hand and that way you don't have to worry about the shell cutting the yellow it's the easiest way to do it we're also going to remove these white so that our pudding it doesn't make a lumpy pudding it's not absolutely required of course but mama always did it so i'm going to do it since i'm having a preacher over so i'm going to take this out of there and i usually just use a fork it's not always the easiest thing because they're slippery and those are small enough it don't matter don't whisk up in there fine now on these we're just going to get the largest ones off all right now we're going to add one cup of evaporated milk it is not condensed sweetened milk it's just evaporated milk so you're going to put in a cup of that and a cup of water now if you want it to taste like my granny's pie you'll use the evaporated milk because it does have a certain flavor just how good you know how good it is and uh homemade ice cream and stuff like that so if you if you don't have evaporated milk you can also use regular milk and just use two cups of milk but we're going to use one cup evaporated in one cup of water and i added just a little bit to grow on because i've got extra eggs in there today which means it will make a nice thick pudding so you're going to whisk this milk in there and you're going to add some the yellows from the eggs now um you're going to put in vanilla but you put vanilla and a little bit of butter in after it comes out of the microwave and after it cooks now this is the same recipe that you can use in a double boiler or in a non-stick saucepan on top of the stove but i promise if you make this in the microwave it will be fast creamy perfect no scorching no burning you'll be in love now mama did use a microwave she's the one that taught me this trick she was a caterer y'all it's wonderful just give it a try and you'll never go back especially on these hot summer days all right three minutes the first one then you're gonna take it out and you're gonna whisk it really good and you're gonna cook it until it's nice and thick so remember everybody's microwave is a little bit different wattage so you need to cook your pudding until it's nice and thick because it's not going to thicken in the refrigerator a lot of people make the mistake and think it's going to be like instant pudding and they're going to put it in the refrigerator and get it out and they're going to be able to slice into it and they put it in there too runny and you can't do that when you're making homemade pudding so you'll see the consistency of it when i pour it into the shell you're going to pre-bake a pie crust and prick it with a fork at 375 until it's nice and golden brown about 12 minutes but like i said golden brown all right and you're going to take it out and that's where we're going to put our pudding and meringue so it's nice for it to be good and hot for when the meringue and the pudding goes on top of it so make sure that after you take that crust out you mark your oven temperature down to 350 degrees because this pie is going to bake the meringue at 350 degrees for 20 minutes let's go ahead and get our meringue started because it takes it about three minutes to mix up and uh we want to be able to put it on the pie as soon as we take our pudding out for the first three minute cook and put it back in there we're gonna start mixing up our meringue so we need to be ready all right you're going to start with your egg whites you want to use a whisk attachment it's best to use a sand mixer if you have one because it takes some time to beat up egg whites and you're going to add your sugar to your egg whites once they start getting a little frothy okay so you're gonna add the sugar gradually once it starts getting frothy i'm telling you that now because once this mixer turns on i won't be talking now this is after the first three minutes it's mainly just getting nice and hot you can see it's smoking a little it hasn't started to thicken yet and that's good because you want to get your whisk down on the bottom of your batter bowl and do a really good job making sure all that cornstarch is mixed in there perfectly you don't want lumpy pudding okay and that's the whole purpose of taking it out after three minutes we're gonna put it back in there for three minutes and while that's cooking we're gonna start our meringue so we're gonna go ahead and turn it on high ah [Applause] now they're frothy and i'm gonna add my cream of tartar and i was just looking at my recipe and um i don't really tell you how much cream of tartar so um i usually use about a quarter teaspoon to a half teaspoon today i'm using a half and since i did uh use five egg whites and as soon as i start mixing this up we'll start adding our sugar all right it's really important not to over beat your egg whites okay so you want them to have a stiff peak and they're ready they're ready so be real careful and don't over beat them they're just perfect and you really i should have tested them a little sooner but i was over here wiping off the counter but it's ready all right really it takes it right about the same amount of time as it does your pudding it's a pretty good rule of thumb now you're going to see how thick the pudding is you see how nice and thick that is so you need to really do a good job whisking it so that it doesn't look lumpy or anything but see how beautiful that looks and now we're going to add a little bit of vanilla to it i'm using watkins vanilla just like my granny did and my mama and then you're gonna put in a little bit of butter now we like to put in at least a couple of tablespoons let's see what i say on here a quarter stick which is a couple of tablespoons all right so about a quarter stick of butter and now it's going to make it shiny and pretty your pudding is kind of dull looking until you add that butter in there and then it gets nice and shiny we were just talking to a couple of viewers uh me and chris the other day and they one of them said her favorite thing one of her favorite things that her brother makes her out of my cookbook is this chocolate pudding and she just likes to eat it and of course you can make it just for pudding for chocolate delight or a dessert just a pudding cup now let's get this pie together while it's still nice and hot the warmer your meringue is the better off you are the warmer your pie and your feeling because it's going to cook the eggs and the egg whites many think that their meringue is weeping because of the sugar it's not the sugar it's the eggs when egg whites do not cook they're liquid and your egg whites have to cook or they turn back to liquid now you can add corn starch to your meringue but i didn't today because cornstarch does tend to make it look a little slightly dull and i want mine to be pretty and shiny so the warmer everything is the more it's going to cook those egg whites see how pretty that is just like granny's now at this point if you don't like my rain you can top it after it cools with cool whip or whipping cream but you've got to cool it all the way in the refrigerator first if you're going to do that so we're going to get this in the oven with this gorgeous meringue and whenever you use meringue in a pie it's really best if you do let it come to room temperature it's really best for your meringue on your pie your pie and your meringue once you get it out of the oven to let it cool down at room temperature before you just slide it in the refrigerator hot okay so you want to make sure you get a good seal around the edge first so we're just going to rotate it and make sure we do that first so it really needs to seal with the edge of the crust and not have a hole yeah go back and double check and you can see some little holes in there and make sure you cover them all in good just take your little spatula and get in those little cracks and really check go all the way around your pine really check and see if you got all of them full okay and now we're going to just make it pretty all right and i'm going to i don't like for it to be too high on the top not like a mound and then i'm just going to make it pretty with my this little spatula right here it's what i like to swirl it with and you can tell the higher the meringue the more you need to make sure and let it cook good in that oven okay do not take it out too early because you want the egg whites to cook nobody wants to eat raw egg whites yes i see these baking shows all the time where they go in and they torch their meringue and that's all they do to it and then they serve it so you're really eating the raw egg whites and i prefer to bake it in the oven okay and it's best if you do we're going to slide this in the oven and bake it at 350 for at least 20 to 25 minutes and it needs to be 350 so that it makes it pretty and golden you don't want it too brown [Music] god i had time to take a shower and dry my hair that's pretty quick can't it but since i had some pretty little tips on top of my pie i did turn the tent down to 325 so it would be just gorgeous and that's how you want it you want to see little areas of white and gold because it's just super pretty now i want to brag a little bit on what i got it sitting on and the reason i love this baker's uh cookie cooling rack or whatever you want to call it is it's got legs and it has handles y'all this has been the best cooling rack i have ever owned and i'm not just blowing smoke up your butt you know what i mean it's just really nice so if you don't have one or you need a new one please go through our website and click on amazon must haves and you will find this cooling rack it may be under bakeware as well but it is just such a blessing to have because you can pick it up and move stuff around really easy and i just wanted to show you all that we're going to let this cool down to about room temperature and we will be having it for dinner tonight all right we're slicing a piece of this pie now this is at room temperature it has not been refrigerated at all so i'm going to show you how it looks at room temperature and our meringue has wheat just a little bit but not bad and your meringue always wants to fall a little bit once it cools down so keep that in mind as well you can see it set up really pretty and it's standing up nice and there it is and look how pretty it looks in the pipeline looks good now that is a pretty piece of pie and you can tell it's set up perfect doesn't even have to be in the refrigerator matter of fact granny would put hers in the refrigerator after everybody had peace all right so we're gonna give this a try this is the best one i have made in a long time and i really think it's because i used a plano tablespoon out of the drawer it's more like my grannies than any i have made in quite a while so y'all use a big old tablespoon it's some yummy stuff so easy to make it's like a slice of heaven going down memory lane nothing was better than going to grannies and her having a chocolate pie on the table waiting on ness you just can't get anything any better than that y'all we thank you for watching collard valley cooks where we cook like granny b did bye y'all love ya [Music] you
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 202,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chocolate Pie Recipe, collard valley cooks, chocolate cream pie, chocolate pie, best chocolate pie recipe ever, how to make chocolate pie, chocolate pie recipe, choclate pie recipe, chocolate pie recipe using cocoa, chocolate pie recipe easy, collard valley cooks chocolate pie, chocolate meringue pie, collard valley cooks recipes, homemade chocolate pie, how to make a chocolate pie, old fashioned chocolate pie, chocolate pudding pie, chocolate cream recipe, easy chocolate pie
Id: fpx68nwfTpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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