We got a FREE Abandoned Yacht!

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this can't be it this isn't a boat this is a freaking yacht hey guys welcome back to rebuild rescue we're gonna go check out a free abandoned boat all right guys so this morning i'm drinking my cup of coffee flipping through facebook marketplace and i see an ad for a free boat so i like free stuff i think we all like free stuff so i call the guy up and i'm like hey you know i see you have this free boat you know tell me the story and he's like you know it's been sitting here for 15 years and the guy has a boat yard it's been sitting here for 15 years and i'm tired of looking at it it's been abandoned the first person here gets it so i'm kind of looking at the pitcher and i was like i'm like man it looks like a pretty big boat so we're rushing over to my shop i'm gonna grab my diesel truck we're gonna go check out a free abandoned boat you guys get to come along with and see i mean i don't i don't i don't know what kind of condition is i mean this thing might be a complete rack holes in the hall i don't know look like a cool pitcher looks like a fun adventure so we're gonna go check it out so someone's just gonna give you a free boat yeah as long as we can get there quick enough because i guess there's a couple other people interested in it it's like it's like 6 a.m right now so we're like we're like rushing down i i gotta get it it's a big boat so i'm i have a diesel truck i usually pull stuff with so you know we gotta go get that but dude you gotta check this thing out man dude this thing is sick yeah it is it looks pretty big yeah dude that thing is crazy yeah how big how big does it say it's gonna be i think it says 33 feet but i mean it it looks bigger so for real do we have something to put it on what do you mean like a trailer oh shoot um wow yeah well um all right so it looks like we're gonna go grab my truck gonna have to find a trailer we'll find a trailer so i wonder how big of a trailer it's gonna take all right so we're gonna go get my truck we're gonna find a trailer and then we're gonna go check out this boat and we're gonna hopefully we bring it home hopefully it's not complete junk all right so i got over to the shop i'm gonna grab my 6'4 power stroke f250 cause that boat looks really big it should pull it just fine these crutches slow me down so much let's get this thing fired up and gotta go find a trailer yet i put a couple phone calls in to some trailer places in hopes to find a trailer today because we gotta hurry up and get down there and of course the battery's dead it's been a while since i drove this get a jumper pack and get this thing started [Applause] struggle is real been a while since i used this truck so it doesn't surprise me the battery's dead all right looks like the battery is very dead let's run we're going to run back over the shop we're going to get two jumper packs to get this thing started all right so we ran back to the shop we grabbed jumper pack number two um i don't know why this thing is dead but i think two jumper packs ought to get it i want to get it started maybe it could be all that corrosion on the battery terminals all right so let's get this thing started up so we can go find a trailer and get on our way oh whoa hey ah man that didn't sound good at all can can you can you go over and fire that up quick but be be ready to shut it off real quick too oh yeah shut it off shut it off well it looks like we're not going to be using the 6-4 power stroke today because it sounds like um the rods knocking or something yeah this thing's like hasn't missed a beat and uh has always ran great so so i don't i don't know what's wrong with it yeah maybe you guys maybe you guys know something about these six fours i mean i haven't i haven't uh worked on any of these i worked on seven threes but no six fours but that definitely sounds like a rod knock yeah we'll probably i think we'll probably just take the escalade you think you'll belto a boat oh yeah yeah i i think i don't show it i mean the suspension's a little light but but uh that thing's like 650 horsepower holy cow yeah supercharged and and everything so hopefully we don't kill the escalade as well because it's the only thing i have to tow with other than this at some point we're gonna have to we'll have to dig into this and and see what's wrong with it and get it fixed looks like our rebuild rescues are gonna be some of the stuff that i already have at this point awesome well let's let's get all this stuff unhooked um we gotta hurry up we're already running really far behind we still gotta find a trailer i do have a line on two of them there's some phone calls i made so so let's get this stuff on don't get to shut up let's go find a trailer [Music] slowly slowly a little bit more right there [Music] so after three different stops and talking to probably 20 different people we get a trailer not only did we get a trailer we got a huge trailer hopefully i mean i don't know if you can have a boat trailer that's too big i don't know if that's a thing but i definitely didn't want one that's too little so we got a tri-axle trailer and it's got brakes on like every single axle and it's aluminum i mean it's and and you'd have to be here to really see it it's huge it's massive it's it's it's got to be i don't know like 25 feet long yeah so i i think we could haul like we could haul a freaking cabin cruiser on this thing so we're gonna be good to go let's get back in the truck we gotta hurry up cause we gotta get down there so let's go all right guys so before we get on the road with the trailer to go check out this boat i want to take a minute and talk about today's video sponsor today's video sponsor is honey it's this awesome tool up top of your browser and it's completely free and it saves you money if you guys have caught any of my videos i'm all about saving money i mean free airplane free boat free car i love free so i got that little button on top of my browser all of the shopping i do it's like saves me so much time so what it does is all those little promo codes that you can get to get discounts on any item pretty much anywhere in the internet it finds it for you like you don't have to do anything it finds it for you i mean it's so awesome so whether i'm buying auto parts airplane parts boat parts house parts anything clothing you know it's it's automatic so you search what you want it's going to give you the promo code and you get the discount so you're going to save a ton of time you're going to save a ton of money so guys you guys got to get honey and make sure you click the link below and get honey you know support the sponsors that support us here because a portion of every dollar that comes in from our sponsors goes right to rebuild rescue charities we're so excited for that we're so excited to get back check out honey thank you guys so much now let's get in the road because i want to check out this boat so we got the trailer hooked up we're on our way in the old escalade to pick up this boat um it looks like we got like a three hour drive so yeah totally excited to check this boat out i'm hoping that i just didn't buy a trailer for a boat that i don't want but but we'll see so maybe if you know hey if if it's you know complete junk um you know we don't want it i guess at that point we're gonna have to find another boat because i have a trailer now so awesome [Music] we're about halfway down to where the boat is but i wanted to take a little minute yeah a little minute i want to take a little minute just a little minute i wanted to take a minute and talk about our plans here at rebuild rescue i know you guys have heard me talk about community you've heard me talk about giving and that's what the channel's about it's what i'm about it's what the channel's about it's what all the team members are about you know here at rebuild rescue so we we did apply for a non-profit organization the name of the organization is rebuild rescue charities every single project that we do well most every single project we do probably 90 of the projects that we do once those projects are finished we're going to sell those projects we're going to likely auction them on some live platform any of the money from those earnings from those projects are going to be donated to rebuild rescue charities the 401 airplane is going to be donated to rebuild rescue charities it's going to be part of the charity our goal is to have a few airplanes that rebuild rescue charities has or has use of and can fly missions all over the world you know originally it was it was fly missions like locally or in or you know right in the country but we want to fly missions all over the world we want to invite you guys to come along other pilots to fly missions all over the world we also want to donate money to different charity organizations right through rrc so so my goal is to complete as many projects as possible get those projects auctioned off whatever profits we have we're going to be donating 100 of the profits we're also going to be donating a portion of every sponsor that we have so every one of the commercials that we have there's gonna be a portion of whatever we get from those put into rebuild rescue charities and we're gonna donate the money i have this crazy idea of one day being able to see that we were able to give a million dollars away that is like a huge goal and i really really think we can do it but i can't do it myself it's it's got to be all of us you guys got to be in you guys got to be part of it and i i know we can do it this project you know this this boat like i have this dream we're going to redo this boat i want to cruise it down the intercoastal waterways to the bahamas i know it's crazy but stick with me here and then that's the goal once we do that i'm going to auction it off highest bidder wins it whatever we make from it gets donated the jeep project we're gonna auction it off once we finish it up it gets donated the dump truck project we have some things to do to that yet the international dump truck if you haven't seen these videos you know go to the channel and check them out we're going to finish it up we're going to auction them off whatever they sell for they're going to sell for we're going to donate the money i'm really really just humbled to have the ability to do that the ability to do all these things and the reason we can do it is because of you because of community because of the rebuild rescue crew that you guys are a part of that you guys made and i really appreciate it let's get back to the drive here i should probably watch what i'm doing we're going to see that boat in about an hour and i i can't wait to see it hopefully we just don't end up with a trailer [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] not sure where it's parked oh my gosh i think this is it but it's it's it's huge this can't be it there's no way that's the boat uh this isn't a boat this is a freaking yacht i don't even know if i don't even know if it'll fit on that trailer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i mean look look at the exhaust on this thing like i've i've really big hands and it's like a it's like a five inch a five inch exhaust coming out the side yeah i'm completely blown away so when it said boat i figured boat not not boat yacht boat so this is literally it's literally a yacht this is a yacht so we get a free free abandoned yacht it's a free minion like it doesn't even have regular out drives on this has like the direct drives underneath the back of the boat like i've never had a boat with direct drives under the boat like what does that do i have no idea maybe you guys know maybe you guys have had a boat like this like what's the difference you know except for you can dive off the back of the boat and not land on anything which is probably probably a good thing i'm trying to figure out how i'm gonna get in the back of the boat it looks pretty dirty and it looks really stained up but i don't know i have a feeling this thing will clean up like really really good but look at the difference here i mean i think it'll take a couple days to clean it up last time i cleaned a boat up that was this dirty it came out looking really really good so i'm like i'm super excited right now to get this thing back to the shop get it in the shop and and you know start cleaning up because this thing's going to look really good other than some dirt i mean the the bottom paint doesn't even look that bad i mean i it could use replace but it's not bad at all i got to see the inside of this let's go back here let's see i'm going to go the other way because it's a little easier for me to get there but i want to see with that like this thing's so huge you have to be able to like stand up inside of it this is going to clean right up it's going to look really good so i'm not sure in my current condition how i'm going to get up here dude can you can you go see if you can find me a ladder yeah hold on this thing's so awesome so it does have some things growing out of it here and there you know you can tell you can tell it's been here for i think they told me it's been here 15 years so it's been here at least 15 years um this whole interior is you know is going to have to be pulled out and everything recovered it's going to need a ton of cleaning a ton of buffing like days worth but usually this gel coat this gel coating usually clean up really good and if not we can always paint it i don't even know what i mean it's got a sink what else is what else is on a yacht and i don't even know what's supposed to be on a yacht i've never been on a yacht all right so that's uh looks like a lot of nothing in there it looks like just some storage here thinking the engine has to be down in here ah oh sweet well looks like this thing has two 7.4 liter fuel-injected 454 big blocks i doubt it's very good on fuel but i'll bet you it gets up and goes pretty good although this thing's huge it looks like somebody was working on that engine at one time so my thoughts is it probably has some engine issues you know being that it has the i guess it's the v drive i don't even know what it what kind of drive this is called it does have more like a car transmission that hooks to the drive underneath of it i think they're supposed to be fairly bulletproof as well i'll be real interested to get down in here try to get this thing started up it even has a built-in generator for offshore power so if you're out in the ocean somewhere and you don't feel like coming in you need some juice you just turn on the generator so like i'm really wondering if it you know if all this stuff works or not because you can you can obviously tell it's been sitting for a long time and some of the stuff's been taken apart on a boat one of the problems that you have is it's obviously always around moisture so you end up having some corrosion problems you end up having um you know the rubber the rubber goes bad and hoses go bad and bearings go bad well pretty much everything goes bad in boats the only higher maintenance thing that you can have other than a boat would probably be an airplane yeah an airplane's probably a little higher maintenance than a boat and we have both and we have a big boat and we have a big airplane so we have uh we're gonna have a lot of work to do but i'm super excited to get down in there now obviously today i'm not going to get down in there because i don't think i would be able to get back out again but as soon as this knee is better we're definitely going to be hopping in there and trying to fire these things up because i want to see if they run or not normally these boats have a ton of storage and a lot of times like a lot of times i bought boats i have i've probably bought i don't know four or five boats in the last maybe like six boats in the last five years every time i get a boat i get a ton of boating supplies and ropes i have so many so many boxes of like life jackets and ropes and just all kinds of stuff so this and this is no different i mean i don't know how good that stuff is because it's been sitting for so long but i promise you as we go through all the containers and compartments there's we're going to find all kinds of stuff yeah literally literally it is yacht so it has a yacht certificate i'm not really sure what that means i think it means like you can put as many people in here as you want and there's no limit on the amount because it's big enough that if you fill this whole thing up with people it would still float but yeah it's it's got it's got gps i wonder if this actually it could even have like gps navigation where you set your gps and you go and it'll literally steer the boat through different channels and and stuff like that so you don't hit anything yeah this this thing is sick this thing is so cool so this has on the edge of this seat there is some things growing out of it i'm sure there's some storage under here and i'm sure there's going to be more ropes and more life jackets but we'll wait to get that up until we're actually until we get it back to the shop we're actually cleaning it out and everything what i really want to see is what's down here what's it look like what do you guys think it looks like so before i open this door post a comment down below what are we going to find down here because it's been sitting for like 15 years up here it's totally disgusting there's there's mold there's trees growing out of cracks so yeah let's check us out i mean this is like a little house down here [Music] what do you get when you have a yacht well you get a a full kitchen you get a microwave you get a pretty big frigerator for a boat pretty much a queen-size bed up front in the back there's a whole sleeping area down underneath with a separate table and i'm sure it folds out into more sleeping room i'm sure this here folds into sleeping room there is a ton of mold in here if you can see it's all over here it does smell really really strong of mold but the carpet's not bad the vinyl on the ceiling is not bad i think with a really really good scrubbing you know we could we could get all this mold off of here and i think we could get it smelling a lot better man this thing is this thing is so awesome it looks like a lot of this stuff is going to have to be replaced as far as like the upholstery and and maybe the carpet the i mean the carpet could clean out if we steam it and stuff you know but i'm not sure about getting the smell out like some of the mold here too is like it's like into the wood of this table um not sure again if if i'd want to be eating off of this even after like cleaning it up but maybe maybe refinishing it one of the things that i always hated about being out in the water was if i didn't have a place to to use the bathroom that was comfortable and i have a feeling that this actually does have a pretty big bathroom and a lot of these bathrooms will have a shower head the shower is literally part of where the toilet is so there's a drain in the in the in the floor and you pull the faucet out of the sink and that's how you get a shower but it's really cool that it has it like so you could you could live on this you know well it is a yacht so i guess if you can't live in a yacht you have a problem so yeah you can definitely live in a yacht maybe i want to say you have a problem because it's a little negative but if you can't stay in the yacht and be comfortable just saying so the other thing is like really cool about a yacht this has an hvac system that either runs off a shore power or runs off the generator so you could be you could be out in the bay a little bit tired you know hop up in the bed turn the ac on all of a sudden you know you're you're chilling out literally in air conditioning or hey maybe it's towards fall you're out in the bay you're fishing you're a little cold turn the heat on come down here make something to eat maybe fillet your fish up like this thing's sick i'm still trying to figure out like what all could be wrong with it but um i'm not seeing a ton of stuff it just looks like work it looks like a little bit of work i mean i'm sure the engines and stuff i mean i'm sure one or both the engines are shot one or both of the transmissions are shot i'm sure the the drives may need some bearings or some service work but i i mean i i think we can save this i think we can save this i think we can cruise this thing down the bahamas i've always wanted to do that what do you guys think like what do you think is going to be wrong with this it obviously has been sitting for a long time so it's going to have a lot of problems you know what should we look at you know what should we expect i mean some of you guys probably had a yacht or a larger boat like this before and had problems so so when we grabbed when we grabbed the trailer today it's a tri-axle trailer it's like really big i don't know what the weight rating is i just figured it was going to be too big for this boat in the pictures it didn't look as big as it is so i'm not sure if we bought a big enough trailer all right so the good news is the trailer's gonna work the bad news is that would definitely kill the escalade not to mention the state police probably wouldn't be too happy that i'm pulling a boat that is way too heavy for the escalade and has a wider beam than the width of the road so that boat's literally wider than the road so we're gonna have to call somebody and have an oversized load truck take this back to the shop and then we're going to figure out how to get it in another shop but we'll figure that out later thank you guys for coming along thank you guys for checking out the free abandon yacht with me um it's gonna be a project we're gonna do in the future we're obviously not gonna do it right away but i wanted you guys to see it i wanted to see it make sure you subscribe like the videos you guys know what to do thank you guys again for everything thank you for being part of the rebuild rescue crew thank you for watching take care
Channel: Rebuild Rescue
Views: 1,830,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rebuild, Repair, Build, Vehicle, fix, mechanic, truck, renovation, Auction, copart, nomad, travel, outdoors, we got a free abandoned yacht, yacht, free, abandoned, boat, marina, shipyard, ship yard, cabin cruiser boats, living on a boat, free yacht, rebuild rescue, boat rebuild, yacht rebuild, yacht tour, free boat, facebook marketplace, cruisers yacht
Id: vyPE-N59ae8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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