Stationeers - Brutal Vulcan Start, EP1

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welcome to the start of our brutal Vulcan scenario using stationer difficulty oh this should be brutal and just to make it more fun the goal is to always maintain 100% Health that means it must always maintain hydration eating and only opening up the suit helmet in a breathable atmosphere just to add a little more challenge to the scenario all right so capsule landed you need to jump out of that capsule really quick you get this is our one container of items now we have these little packages get rid of some of the stuff we don't need for now or maybe ever I don't use that solar you think that would be handy but it only works during the day and during the day I am hiding and so uh doesn't seem that useful now I only have about 7 minutes or so until um the next day cycle this we're wrapping up the previous day cycle now so we have a little bit of sunlight and then it'll get dark and then in about seven or minutes or so it'll war will arrive again and we need to be hidden for that so we're building a very minimum base and as we don't start with any doors we actually I'll use a frame to uh seal off the base when it uh hits morning so effectively the plan is we build out this structure we'll get the uh Ark furnace the solar panel um autol all set up and we'll just have enough time to print pipes it's all we're going to print is pipes and we'll use those pipes for um creating a vacuum in the uh in this area here and then we use another set of pipes for storing our waste gas and another set of pipes for uh storing our uh breathable O2 it's interesting that we provided a tracking solar system unfortunately uh you would think you could go outside and uh just tilt it around a little bit during the day cycle but uh at least playing stationer difficulty I just can't spend any time out during the day especially initially when I'm trying to get everything built up so for this first cycle I need put my arc furnace there I'll put the autoa there trying to minimize cabling forgot where it went I think it goes there [Music] there maybe I got it wrong all right and and from previous Vulcan s our our suit um storage is little less than before so we got to be of course we don't have many items now okay I just open the power packet and I'm going to open up sort of the construction packet just dump everything out here as you notice you don't start with any plastic um or glass sheets fortunately they provide just enough plastic and glass so you can build or at least enough uh to build a uh a plastic enough to build a printer and two sheets of PL two Peach of glass to make the uh solar unit on top and this is um I'm trying to go as fast as I can so I make these little micro mistakes because I'm kind of rushing as quickly as again as I can here now something like I can do once I seal the base up I don't have a lot of stuff so it doesn't really all right so we need to go and find initially some iron all we need is iron because we need to make pipes the only only thing we have time for is pipes before daylight hits so just iron here and grab this we don't need too much probably getting a little foring iron um smelts pretty quickly all right and let's get this going here we don't have a lot of time of course I need to get the uh battery in here yeah power management is a u problem too you only have the one solar unit no turbines so I'm Scavenging I'll be Scavenging batteries from every tool we have here and very important to keep that tablet with you cuz it has a battery installed now to make the um pipe bender you will need some silicon to make some glass sheets cuz you don't have that nice group of 50 so I'm grabbing some uh having a hard time finding copper so after I make the pipes so basically this cycle will make pipes nothing more than pipes next cycle then I need to make a uh get a uh pipe bender built that takes a while actually because of the uh limited time time I can spend outside so this this episode gets up to um um like halfway through day four almost to day five basically late day four and I I guess I uh end this at the uh when night arrives on day four so basically the just as the night occurs I'll open the door up and I'll end it right there and then we'll start the next episode see how far I go all right so I tried this scenario without evacuating this room and that just just doesn't work I just have to create a vacuum so that's the manator you have to create a vacuum at least the way I play it I have to create a vacuum now these pipes don't hold as much so I just throw a bunch in there and and we'll need this O2 tank course the plus side of playing brutal you don't have a lot of stuff to muck with so uh all right so we throw this back here for now pipe pipe pipe we need pipes so we got enough pipes outside so over printing let's just do something useful here and we just need pipes we can't close up until we have pipes now fortunately now even it gets a little we don't want to get too warm it gets a little warm we since we can hide inside and create a vacuum that's not too big of an issue just trying to finish up trying to figure out how many pipes do I need I have enough pipes or it's going to be enough it's starting to get warm outside so so now we're going to drop a frame [Music] here oh another wayas you want to create a vacuum that when you weld you'll actually increase the temperature of this room which makes things a little worse and one of my goals is to not waste any waste tank gas cuz I'm going to need all the O2 I can get so with this technique I'm able to save all the waste gas all right we're going to create a vacuum now once we hit a night cycle we can just reverse that vent and just dump it all back out again all right so I got a little 2 by two and we have a vacuum my got uh during this uh now we basically hide during the day cycle now I have my um suit light on that's a mistake so I do make some mistakes in this run uh I don't think those mistakes are um will end the scenario for me I think I uh I think I waste a little too much power but it doesn't uh kill me so okay top off for O2 now I turn my light off all right now there's an interesting trick here with the light off you can see a little bit now the question is when can I go out well effectively when this room turns dark then you can go out so you don't need to really time it or just wait till this room turns dark and you go outside and since I can see what my light on then uh going out as bad now I'm going to manage all my batteries try to charge everything up now the panel is pointing straight up and based on previous experiments if it's face straight up it will maximize the total amount of power but you got to be quick to uh switch those batteries around so you never um waste power now in this scenario giving the fun of keeping those batteries charged it's uh not really a problem now I tried this so the thinking here is I'm not sure if I like this technique or not I think it's probably fine for the first um day cycle that so I figure well I have vents so I can vent any gas out so that's not a problem and during the Peak day I was hoping to have too much power so at least I can smelt a little bit while sitting here specifically so I need the uh specifically I can do the gold in here because I'll just run a vacuum and uh I don't to worry about you know any burn issues I don't need much gold to get going so instead of you know wasting part of the night cycle which is real critical I can use some of the U daytime to do some smelting in here and so once we hit sort of the peak afternoon we got plenty of power to run everything in theory I think I got so many batteries that just I don't get to the point where ever I have all batteries fully charged so especially with this thing running but it does help because that way when I get ready to uh start printing off the uh pipe bender I have none of the items ready and I need do some glass I already have the uh silicon all right so we're just vent this gas out just to keep it uh Happy in here so I think this this works fine for the first um said first cycle I don't do it anymore after this mostly because I throw a lot of pipes in here and by the time I get all organized it's really not that important cuz I and I also have another problem I have I start getting serious power problems so I actually spend the whole day cycle just trying to charge everything up and uh so it's U not something I carry forward but I think for I think if I did this you know on a second run I would do the same technique for the first cycle through I do make some battery mistakes or power mistakes so it makes it makes it a little more fun around day three or so and switching batteries around just kind of watching it so I'm going like well I can figure out when Peak day is by you know how fast the batteries are charging and then I'm thinking well you know I'm not really charging I'll a blue one there not really charging as fast as I could because I'm running the arc furnace but I need the arc furnace because I gotta make stuff I can reach that switch turn that off yeah this is definitely different than playing the standard Vulcan scenario where they give you a whole bunch of stuff now yeah nothing has any batteries anymore so I got to play the battery game all right so we're going to take this out and we're going to put it outside next next night cycle and it doesn't come back in make sure we got a nice vacuum in here probably overrunning that vent a little bit too I just always paranoid about getting all the crap out of the room fortunately I have enough cable to do all this stuff so so right now I think the vent is still running and uh so that's bad I'm just trying to think what I want to do here yeah I don't have doors yet I try to make doors on the first night you know the first cycle for the first day hits and I couldn't couldn't get do it fast enough so we're just going to throw the pipes just whatever we have we throw them there I fig that's Clos or even pretty even all right we should turn that off that we ran that too long okay we got a charge battery there let's swap these batteries out go on swap the battery out trying to think what I should do here all I should be doing is paying attention to my batteries okay good finally should have done that earlier two batteries charge okay so I was wasting power come on I have other batteries I can put in there all right so what I'm doing here is I'm dumping out the uh my waste tank and then I'm just suck it into that pipe now I do a voice over so I can criticize myself when I uh look at what I've been doing here all right so we just look around make sure we got a vacuum vacuum make sure we turn the right button every once while I flip the flip the other direction button instead and all right so now we pull this off and we're going to stick it back here now we're going to throw a frame here now when we throw a frame in here we're going to have to weld it and we have to weld it will generate bad gas and so we had vent that out and it's you know so that's why I had to put the vent back on there so now we're going to pick and reg it we're going to vent that out okay so now the bad G bad welding gas is out of this room and I always do the overkill on the yeah okay so so the first minor mistake is I should have got that large battery in there immediately and you know we want to get that charged up and then swap the little batteries after that that way I wouldn't waste any power which is uh quite important all right now this is where I'm going to store my O2 so now with this setup I can put O2 in the room I should top my tank off first before I do that a t critical so now I can go in here and we'll add some O2 room that's another useful reason having that frame in there that reduces the amount of o2 because you only need enough O2 for just this one little frame area okay turn that off we can do the standard uh unlock open helmet and no errors no warnings no errors everything is hunky dory yeah my big fear is running out of water around week I guess week three week three I count out how much water I have I have enough for how long do I have you go through I think 1.5x in stationary difficulty so it also means I can't get through the um night cycle or the day cycle and wait till night to drink I have to do it now or run out out of hydration and start taking on damage so now I don't want this O2 getting hot so I'm going to pull this pipe off now all those pipes are stuck between two frames and I'm going to stick this pipe now I don't want to use this pipe because I need that pipe in the future so I'm going to stick it up here so I have it and I don't accidentally use it for something or misplace it or whatever all right so we're in a good situation now we uh we fed and hydrated and dumped our waste tank and reloaded our uh O2 tank we have batteries uh I think they're probably not charging no they're not charging this point since uh the sun has G gone too far so we technically I'm just thinking should I open that or maybe I should wait I didn't actually figure out the night thing and it all turns dark until like day three or something like that and I noticed that so I'm like I figure well when it stops charging give it like four minutes so that's why I did it for this time so I just kind of watched the batteries charge when they stopped charging and figured well let's do four more minutes and that'd be good so I'm kind of like looking at the clock to see how far I've gone actually going to leave the large battery there um with a small battery if I start a print job no I'll swap it back later but uh I start print jobs with small batteries I tend to drain them and then the print terminates on the end which is not good all right so let's go look in here uh until yeah so I say I figure out the trick later on about wait until it hits dark but this is not so bad and of course playing the battery game find a battery and and the batteries there's no reason to have batteries in the charger now because uh the one solar panel is not very useful at night okay let's get our uh furnace back in place I said it's a really small base here because time is important probably don't have any batteries in there see if it works cool all right so here I am mining useful things some iron and some copper I think I kind of zip back and forth um so I'll do a little Mining and I'll get a smelting I go off and do a little more Mining and uh etc etc so assuming I uh make it further along once I start doing um larger um mining runs then I'll go ahead and uh speed those up but yeah I'm having um this is not a good map you know want I you know I've gotten Vulcan Maps where you know there's ore like everywhere right next to base and it's really easy to find and I'm kind of uh not doing so well on this map now typically the map where the hills that that typically are really good oh another big problem I have which I'm kind of not paying attention to is that with stationary difficulty your jetpack is at 5X consumption and that it's another wall I'm going to have to deal with so I'll probably do something simple like just take a uh active in and just Ram atmosphere into it and call it good be real careful I don't blow up the tank so it's something and is take you know it's not it's not hard it's a very simple thing to do but it takes a little time to do it okay so I need some copper and now I'm going to go switch out the battery because I don't want this ending I and let's get this turn get that going all right turn that off just trying to right now the priority is we need the pipe bender badly and with that we can make um some passive Vents and uh what else I make can make passive Vents and something else and after that I make U oh I make um I don't make any canisters actually I don't think because I don't need them yeah I don't bother with canister swwa at this point because um you know I'm only out at night and and I'm already clean out the canister before I go out so that's less of an issue yeah said this is not the problem is I get further out and I don't have any way of tracking I think I'm trying to I'm not being I got used to that uh Beacon provided with the uh the new scenario updates not paying as much attention to uh where I'm going out as I should be out of practice okay so I mean there's not a ton we can do here I need expand the base out a little bit so I have room to put the printer so I'll put the uh pipe B on this side yeah cables become a problem at this point so I got to print up some more cables try to figure out where that cable goes I go let's go here just go there uh screw it let's just wait till I place it and I don't connect it to the end there because I don't want to interrupt the print so we'll just put some cables there just to get a couple in there while we're waiting for the print to happen so I bring in the arc furnace thinking I'm going to smell but I actually don't so let's go ahead I guess got a little time so let's do a little mining here I'm not sure why I get I'm losing frames in recording I got a pretty beefy machine and I'm not sure why I'm losing frames during recording now I'm recording at 60 frames per second but every once in a while I get a free even without recording I noticed that uh I've gotten stutters in stationers lately and typically I don't have any problems so running like a 4070 and you know decent CPU 32 max memory ssds all the good stuff so and before I didn't have any problems like couple weeks ago so I'm not sure when it happened was the last update or the update before that one there regress something all right so now we got our pipe vender yay okay oh yeah we're going to need two sheets of plastic that's one reason why I got that silicon early cuz I know we needing that yeah let's just throw the ark welder over there that's not arc welder though whatever gas welder going to play find the I'm used to the arc welder so I don't recognize the symbol the icon like freaking out here too in further all right so now that's that's all I can do it's getting a little toasty out there I wouldn't have time to print anything anyway so okay yeah I'm making little mistakes here and there but let said kind of little bit stressful trying to get everything going here all right so all right so here's a mistake I'm making my my stupid suit light is on and that's a mistake so my suit light should be off right now because I can see just fine without it and also I have the uh I'm pretty sure I turned the printer off so I mean it's not the worst thing in the world to have my suit battery on but suit light on but it's a little more pull and right now I can't really afford it y now I finally figured it out too many things going on all right so let's top off our O2 so kind of Trapped in here we're in the Trap so I can just kind of muck around really can't build all I can really do is go back and do the same old thing of U let's open this back up and we're getting um frame gas so every time I pull that frame off I do get a little bit of gas now I get it if you put the frame into a spot that has atmosphere but that was a vacuum when I installed the frame so obviously they don't track the uh current atmosphere they just take the uh atmosphere world you're and dumping in or something like that but I've done it before where you got no gas sometimes I get gas sometimes I don't get gas so I'm not sure power low what's the rules on that or maybe different updates change things around a little bit or how the base is set up or something like that okay so I'm Scavenging for all my batteries so the first thing we're going to do is we'll just drop this here and we'll dump our waste tank so this is going to be the day cycle guess and we'll top off O2 which that's not going to last forever dumper waste tank I I pushed it a few times I mean it's probably not it's not worth the effort yet those a few extra probably one more mole all right take that off and we're going to place this actually we don't want to place it there we want to put it back on the wall I'll figure that out in a minute and put it move it yep it goes up here and the reason goes back here want to we weld that uh the sheets back on we got to remove the gas before we can put the Clean Air in here and I don't know what I'm doing okay so now let's get the bad gas out of here oh on that um last um cycle I was outside I didn't reverse vent this doesn't explode on me so I guess we're good that's some point I'll remember that doing that um so at this point I still haven't figured out the trick yet I you know of waiting till it his dark so I'm like kind of watching it trying to figure out how long I have based on you know how fast it's charging type thing so uh all right so what we're going to do here we reverse this now we pull that nice O2 out and it's only 16 so we did not gain any heat or maybe one Celsius do the all eat drink I forgot to grab more um water and food we'll do that next time but it's enough to get me going here if you play on normal then this is last a bit longer then we suck all the O2 back into the pipe pull this off put it here now we're going to pull that pipe off again and put it back on the ceiling so we uh don't lose it it and hope we don't do the wrong piece and wipe out the whole thing all right so we got charging everything's charging no Blues no blue batteries so we're all right so that is it getting dark I know so avoid you watching me watch the battery I'm going to speed the next SE section up by about 3x actually I decided to do 4X all right so this is 4X and all I'm going to do here is stare at the batteries move batteries around if I happen to get something charged and then just wait cuz once the sun is no longer above me then it's just staring at batteries hoping they charge somehow when the Sun is setting I topped off my O2 tank because I was bored boy this is Bing at Forex so it's a long I just swap out battery so so I'm definitely midday so I'm charging that's good so I just kind of look around play play the battery game all right so the so next priority I get out there and finish the construction of the pipe vender so that allow me to make U my passive vents oh and then so I make passive vents I'll make two doors and uh once I have the the door set up I don't have to keep putting that frame on and off that makes things a little easier before I put the passive vent on I will vent out the gas out of that pipe and so I can uh shorten it a bit and then Mount the vent so that starts making things a little easier now so now I can just zip in here and then um after that I need to get a electronic printer so I can start building more power increase CU power is is really the big issue right now so go ahead and uh build a turbine all right notice how dark it is wait for that turn your light on or not and I'm looking around make sure everything is um yeah my flashlight works so everything's happy nothing's bad nothing left on open this up and it's 130 yeah so that makes it pretty easy figureing out when to uh leave the base since we're going to put door on here we can just cut this off if I have battery for there yeah you see that jump that jump that was just that wasn't a cut or anything I was just recording just jumped I never had that problem before so where my machine's going bad could be a Windows update you never know I'm not running anything else well I'm editing it from mirror so I'm running from Mirror all right we have a pip Bender let's just get all the junk out of here turn that off I got to be a little more paranoid about my power management here uh all important passive events yeah there's that technique where you overfill the oh that's what I was going to make I make some utility tanks I knew I was going to build something so I build uh four utility tanks so I can make two um of the double tanks and I use that for storing the inside storing the O2 and the uh waste tank cuz just putting in those pipes is not going to last very long all right you so I reversed it so I dumped all the excess gas in it so then I can cut it back safely yeah so I'm Weare of the technique where you um fill a tank overfill the pipes and then take all the pipes off but the last one then it blows up and you use that as sort of a passive vent um it takes time to do that you know every you only have like 7 Minutes of nighttime or 6 minutes of night time so it's just one thing to um I tend to need to do it so if I don't need to do it it saves a little time all right so I grab some food and water so I don't run out I got these we can do that muck around later once we enclosed am rush rush rush rush rush and I on rush rush rush I can't aim anymore turn it off power my suit power I don't never actually at least so far run out of suit power so all right now we have to make two doors where we need one door yeah I think we need no we need two doors keep going then that's why once I have that I didn't I once I have this two doors I don't need to put the frame on the outside or the frame on the inside anymore so that's a little less work to do and that's our priority and then since we got that done turn that off toss that in oh just get that push that in a little bit make some room I don't put in the back because I'm afraid something weird might happen with the frame in there so I just figure I'd do the one once I pull that frame off then I'll put a door on there all right old manual hatch that'll make that process a bit easier and because I'm no longer have to weld that frame inside all right so trying to think of something useful to do if I can get what I'm hoping to do I get that electronic printer going before day hits and you see the starting to get a little lighter so we're getting close Horizon and once again I just can't yeah just or oh there's some CER now if I have a battery for my yeah so definitely power management is uh critical what all this all the Advan swords are here that's not find nickel won't be a problem that's for sure okay starting to get a little warm out here oh there's a little more still haven't built any walls yet all right so let's take that drop it in there now let PR now make another mistake I leave the ark well Arc furnace on darn it too late now so as normal create a vacuum in here try to organize my junk here we can throw that Empty Bottle there for now and uh and now I'm getting a little B finally starting to get a little better at my battery management except I left the arc furnace on no well plus it's printing which doesn't help the situation either trying to decide what I should uh focus on first so we kind of like guys deal with the waste tank or the uh the uh hydration issue now nothing worse than getting getting going and all a sudden you have to have a hydration warning take my time here to be careful toss that in the corner more food now there's actually some more water and food in the Lander so this is not the only water I have that water is going to go real fast now something interesting you start with um um potatoes I think three potato seeds and but you have no Trader gear which is kind of funny cuz I always thought the more advanced um um Planet shouldn't give you all the trading equipment so it's kind of uh happened so really there if you just want to eat potatoes there's no reason to actually trade so I need potatoes for food and during O2 so and then I need to make some water so now we're going to make this a little better now we'll just to stick now these are frames so we're stick these in make sure they're not in those Corners those Corners will will leak um they actually put it in the corner by mistake don't tell me I do oh God I'm going to put in the corner don't do that I'll have to fix that in the next episode so what I'm doing is I'm connecting it to and then I'll pull the pipes off from the back back in so all the gas kind of moves being careful okay and then I'm going to put this one here and that's bad I'm not sure that corner possible that doesn't I can put a uh uh the atmosphere display our our card in in my tracker and look at it and it'll tell me if I'm leaking I think what I'll do is on next episode I'll make two insulated gas pipes so I have the silicon and just stick them right there in that corner there just to make sure I don't leak anything it shouldn't be much of a leak but uh all right so now I can wire that up and then I can put the uh move the active vent around I got to make some active more active vents so at this point what I need is I basically have a way to deal with eating and drinking at least for my supplies I have just stick this up there for now just get it out of the way and um so I have like have place to put my uh put I should get also PR some pipe meters so I can stick them on there and make sure I don't blow anything up so okay so I need two pipe meters need two insulated pipes for the corners but the uh the big issue right now is power right now I got this dealt with so once I get done building the electronic printer I will build a turbine and I just in time get that one turbine installed yeah I notice I'm looking at that stupid Arc furnace being turned [Music] on power critical and once I add that one turbine that helps a bit cuz now I get power you know throughout the day a little bit and then that gives me enough power to build a more but I need to expand the power I just I can't play these power games funny so I'll probably build two or three more turb bines and uh throw them up there and then you know maybe a power low a simple um and then we just kind of put the two active vents the one active vent between the two spots we're in cables between them and getting real close running out cable here and we'll just steal that little piece there perfect now we can close a little door here and make a little less work to uh empty out our tank cuz at some point we'll put a uh holder for it we'll just drop switch them back and forth but uh we we it's off them nice stuff like that all right so I I don't really don't like switching active vents like this but uh don't have much of a choice I'll just toss this in here to keep it out of the way a t critical yep had my uh light on too that was a big mistake there so I'm draining my U batteries with the light on keep forget and turn it off okay so now we're going to play the uh St at the batteries waiting game I'm going to speed this section up probably to 5x this should be little less painful still takes about a minute to get through this segment so we going to watch our batteries charge I poke out the window every so often to just take a look even though I know when it will get dark when it gets dark inside we know we're done mostly from boredom yeah there's not much to do right now just sitting here getting close I maybe I should have done uh 10x and it's dark all right finally just kind of looking around make sure I don't f up and of course I left that arc welder on turn this off and we have electronic printer and nowhere to put it power low and we're going to need a little bit of cable since we're all out up the iron enough cables yet nope I need four cuz I'm going to try it anyway and it tells me I need four you know I'm running off a small battery right now in my suit I do have that extra full battery in my backpack I'm getting a little better at turning things off now power critical okay what I really need is more power and I need more iron for that so let's just uh just need one more more just double checking I decided to turn that off I didn't want to uh probably have enough power I didn't want to drain the main battery I'm trying to print this off I don't know why I I grabb the tracker that's just from habit there's no Beacon set up copper just not nearby oh this is where I get lost to I fortunately find my way back I saw a little little bitty light um from something one of the printers or whatever looking for a battery to yeah I if we get a little further out then obviously it's not a problem there's a whole bunch of copper up here and I'm going oh crap so I'm looking looking I see a little there right that little light a little light I was hoping to see the outline of the uh right there that little go go back go back we not oh there's light I think that it yeah there's a light right there what is that that's a that's like the on switch for the uh printer yeah I wasn't uh didn't have situation awareness there I should have tracked which direction I was going so I can just reverse and come back luckily I uh saw the power l power low yeah I'm kind of uh Rusty on these really difficult ones I kept simplifying it making it easier and [Music] easier no more room for uh effing up now and I just have enough cable to wire this gu up yeah s there like a million things to do so I need I can deal with um need more power I need a furnace I need air conditioning I need to enlarge the base so I can start growing stuff and move the printers inside and but right now it's all about power power power power so we're just going to focus on that until I get the power situation where I don't worry so much about it [Music] figure and of course it's uh morning now oh remember to turn my light off that's good all right yeah so that's that's number one rule turn your light off if it's too dark to be inside go outside pretty simple Vulcan rules all right so what's going to happen next is we're going to stare at batteries for a while and then I'm going to uh hydrate I'm going to um eat some food Fon and fill my O2 tank up and dump my waste tank and when it hits the uh when it hits when it hits night for the next beginning of the next day or the next night cycle to do useful things I will end the episode at that point the rest of the video I'm going to kick up to 10x if you want to watch through it oh yeah this is at 10x now we're we're moving now so we're just going to the basic stuff I don't um there's no boo boos or I don't oh another thing I do here is I take my suit off in my O2 room so I can get rid of the hygiene morning so that's another useful thing um to do I also think I should probably kep my suit off more often um to save on you know my main O2 and waist tank but uh and we're definitely still charging and I got a blue battery hopefully I will two blue batteries yeah that uh additional power supply is definitely paying off already all right we got about half a minute left so we're going to end this episode so far so good a a few mistakes but nothing um too bad yet we'll see how I'll do on the next episode until then see you
Channel: Venusian Gamer
Views: 7,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Wj5eB9fwzN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 38sec (3698 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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