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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell to turn on notifications and then we'll make oh my gosh that is just that is epically awesome yeah I'm very happy with this [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Kidd and welcome back to roblox today we have returned to build to survive simulator and build to survive monsters there's a lot of different versions of this game I don't know if this is actually one of the ones that we played I see that Dennis daily is gonna attack us and I know in the last one that we played a Dennis was there and and he did he did come after us the Dennis daily army came so maybe this is one of the ones that we've played before it's hard to tell to be honest because a lot of them are exactly the same but regardless I had an idea for something that we haven't done quite yet so I wanted to kind of bring this vision of mine to life now I'm not expecting it to be the greatest construction that the world has ever seen but I'm hoping to at least do something interesting here so what I was thinking is last time we did this we built a tree fort we basically built a tree that was our protective fort against the you know evil people like Dennis such a mean and evil looking person look at how evil he looks with that that evil smile and his evil necktie wearing cat a lot of evil going on here obviously I don't think Dennis Daley is evil in fact I think he's probably a very affable young man regardless we're gonna build ourselves a sandcastle and I think what's appropriate for a sandcastle is that it has a moat so I'm gonna try and create a moat now this blue block you can kind of see I kind of started the process here this blue block is supposed to represent water so we need a section well here's what here's what I'm thinking we'll do just the whole bottom layer of our entire building area as as quote-unquote water so let me just fill this all in with blue agua it's gonna take a while but I'll get there oh no pirates they can swim can't they can pirates swim I'm pretty sure that most pirates can swim unless they don't have lakes could you imagine a pirate trying to swim with just peg legs he would just his legs would just go straight up and he would just float upside down right cuz would floats and his legs would be made out of that's an image that's an interesting thought isn't it anyways probably what I should do first is build a wall these guys are gonna come after me and I'm pretty sure they can climb one block so if I only build this thing one block high I'm dead I'm gonna get taken down by a bunch of pirates great that's gonna be real fun I got 30 seconds to finish my wall here I don't think it's gonna happen but well you know what actually they're coming out of here so if I'm smart and and a lot of times I'm not but if I can play my cards right here I can just fill in this entire area just this front section and the Pirates will never know they'll never figure out that all they would have had to do is go around but they can't see it they don't know so we're just gonna do that we're gonna be real sneaky like there you go we should be protected against the Pirates for now as long as they don't notice that all they have to do is go around yes you don't scare me pirates oh and they do have one peg leg so if they started swimming they would probably just start swimming in circles which would be pretty funny to see just a bunch of pirates just swimming in circles okay obviously I have work to do so I'm gonna grab more water blocks here and then let's let's do it and what are these what are these cubes that are just falling from the sky hold up I got a hover pool I don't want a hover board no you can't you can't rein gifts from the sky and expect me to actually have to pay for them that's terrible the SpongeBob's are coming though we have 48 seconds before the evil sponge pop army arrives that's fine we should be fine oh there's the sponge pops I forgot what he looked like in roblox he looks really weird close bungee Bob um you could just go around but I'd prefer that you did it I actually I actually like that you're just just sticking your face right in the sand just there you go perfect strategy Sponge Bob very effective we're almost done we're getting there okay all the water is in place and just in time for the most evil of all monsters clearly dantdm the monster of youtube obviously once again I don't think dantdm is a monster in fact I think that he he's a very nice guy I've never met him in person but I imagine that he's just super nice guy but in this world he's a monster and we need to protect ourselves against him so that is exactly what I'm doing so right now I'm just building the sand around the outside but basically this is gonna function as the border of our space of our area and then we have to make like a moat right so we need a section of this whole space to be open basically with the water showing so now I need to take the sand blocks and fill these in completely but I only want to leave I think like two blocks around the outside so yeah that'll be our moat so basically this area around the outside will be our moat which will be awesome every sandcastle needs a moat by the way I survived the dantdm attack didn't even notice him didn't stand a chance against my epic sandcastle fort base okay it's done that's it that's the build thanks for watching guys no obviously I'm joking this is just the foundation but you can see so we got our little moat going around the edge and and then this is where we're gonna build the actual sandcastle I'm thinking though we need like a bridge right we need a bridge in front of our base going across the moat so I think what I'm gonna do here is just start building like the front of the castle I think this is gonna be the front right here so this is where the front door is gonna be I'm bringing it in one from the front of our foundation so basically the bridge will lead up to here we got to build the bridge out of something though I'll decide all that stuff later let's just focus on building the actual castle first let's put a door so we want to be three wide how wide is this whole thing it's one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 18 19 20 so here's our door I had to Center everything so we got that all good that's good to go I don't want that there I don't know why it got placed there but that's the way it's gonna be I have no idea what the design of this thing is gonna be I'm just gonna do the best that I can it's gonna kind of look like a castle I mean we got to make it castle II lookin otherwise it's just a sandbox no one wants just a box made of sand so we need to make the front entrance I think a little bit more elaborate than what it is right now we'll work on that we'll get to that right now I think I'm just kind of setting up the basic shape of the the sand castle in fact maybe what I should just do is just build the walls all the way around why don't we do that not so friendly neighborhood spider-man is on the way it's kind of a bummer he's gonna attack us like spider-man supposed to be a hero and he's coming to take down my awesome sand castle that's like not cool he's like a bully at the beach you know you spend all this time building your sandcastle and then some bully walks over and kicks it down spider-man is the bully that we all hate so much stinkin spider-man get away from my sandcastle let's see how spider-man handles the sandcastle look at him you know spider-man you like literally had the power to climb buildings oh you know what though because we used sand that's probably what's preventing him from scaling these very very small walls I mean they're only slightly taller than spider-man himself but as we all know spiders and sand do not mix is that true are there spiders that live in sand there's probably spiders that live in sand but spider-man is not one of them we're gonna roll with that I've survived the spider-man attack I'm very proud of myself what can I say but now I have more walls to build so the balls are nearly done and we're just gonna go three high for now we're definitely gonna go higher but for now we're just doing three okay that seems pretty good we'll probably end up doing four to be honest with you and maybe actually we'll make the front door even bigger and more you know exciting I guess yeah that's actually pretty cool I think that's a lot better so let's go with that and then I'll tell you what why don't we build a bridge here so this is where our bridge is gonna go what is the bridge gonna be made out of I assume it'll be made out of wood and I assume that this is wood is this wood it's more like mud is that really all I got what's this some kind of weird red material is like red wool I don't I don't want to make a bridge out of wet red wolf we´d whoa not what I want to do so let's not do that let's use this which I assume is gonna be wood and if it's not we're gonna use our imaginations and pretend that it is and it'll go to here so it'll stop right here brings you right to the door okay and then we need some kind of like signing for the door right hey builder man get out of here so like we can put like metal railing along the the edge of our of our little bridge here yeah I guess that works fact I can bring them up even higher do something like that it looks pretty elaborate doesn't it I think that's pretty castle II if you ask me in fact we could take it to the next level we could put like a roof on this bad boy you know what why don't we do that this is a next-level sandcastle that also has metal in it that's how awesome my sand castles are boom there you go how's that for an entrance to a castle that's pretty stinkin sweet we got that all set up you know what actually I'm gonna make this even more Castley I guess God do like the rampart thing oh no this is wool get out of here we want metal cuz we're cool like that boom boom boom boom castle screams Castle okay we've got the front entrance done now we need to work on the castle of the castle not just the front entrance so how are we gonna do that I don't know that's great question I think that we're gonna bring the whole thing up another level that's definitely step one there's no way any monsters are getting into my castle uh-uh he's impenetrable it is the ultimate sand castle monster protection fort really rolls off the tongue - okay okay this is all good I think we're gonna take it up another level so we gotta build stairs we need stairs that's will take us to the second floor and now we should probably just fill in this whole thing huh yeah let's just do that my vision is very slowly coming together we got something happen in here I just gotta fill in all this dead space so the first floor is done and looks pretty good I'm happy with the results here but we need to make this thing look more Castley so I'm thinking that we need like like some towers right they're not gonna be obnoxiously huge but we should have some like little rampart type towers right so let's do that let's build a couple of towers here make this theme more castle looking okay I think that's good enough and then what I'm gonna do is bring it out right you got bring it out a little bit so we'll just go around the edge like so and should I bring it out another like one more I don't know that might be too much oh man these pirates look at these guys fools you cannot enter my domain this is my fortress my castle my kingdom you do not stand a chance back off pirates let's build a wall around the edge of our rampart here and then we got do this little maneuver right here see that this is the ultimate castle move right there that seals the deal you're like what is that strange box that you are making of sand but as soon as you add one of these people are like that's a sand castle that right there you have built a sand castle sir that is correct this is a sand castle welcome to my sand castle it is very cool so let's do that again on the other side although I'm a little bit concerned about our staircase we'll just have to move the staircase rampart is definitely more important so our Tower is done now we just need to build the outside part and then we have two epic towers on our super sand castle sand castle I don't even know what that means but it's a super sand castle here comes spongebob what a fool doesn't stand a chance does he not know that my sand castle is the most epic of all sand castles he just doesn't get it he's gonna try but he will fail you will fail spongebob boom castle fied yeah that's a word right it is now look at this thing look how cool that looks oh my gosh I'm really happy with the way this is turned out we need some windows right yeah buen DOS there you go okay we probably need a window on the bottom floor as well pop a little window right there mmm that's looking mighty fine I'm liking this and you know I'm thinking what if we have like a little bridge between these two I mean they're not that high up so it might look kind of ridiculous actually now that I'm looking at it it's definitely gonna look ridiculous but you know what whatever let's just do it build ourselves a little bridge connecting the two ramparts there you go how's that look let's check it out I think that's pretty cool maybe I'll just fill this in that's that better I think that's better yeah I'm liking it I gotta say I'm really really liking it so now we got a little bit more work to do here's what I'm thinking now that we got these two towers in the front I'm thinking that we just build like one really big Tower behind them right that'll be so cool okay so I kind of need to plan this out though so we want it to be five wide it's gonna be one away from the edge so it'll be something like that and then we just bring this whole thing up oh my gosh this is gonna look so cool okay so I got work to do I got a build this thing up spongebob is trying to attack again it's it's almost sad to even watch honestly I mean poor guy he just wants to be a part of my sandcastle but he can't he can't be a part of my kingdom sorry spongebob you're not invited pal you have to stay outside I'm sorry it's nothing personal although it kind of is maybe I shouldn't have said that it's not personal it's entirely personal oh my gosh I just fell out of my own sandcastle this is not good guys I might die though no okay we're fine everything's fine it's never even scared and kicked out your own sand castle that could be embarrassing okay so obviously this tower needs to be much higher not I mean not like way way higher but I would say like three or four blocks higher than these two and then we'll kind of do the same thing that we did on those right well we'll go around the outside will kind of bring it out a bit and then go up and then put the little you know these like separators I don't even know what they're called I'm sure there's a very official term but what can I say I've never really built castles before I'm not exactly a castle builder okay I've fallen out of my my awesome tower I need to make a door or something there we go okay so now we need stairs inside of here so that we can get back up please okay thank you saved okay so we're already passing the height of our two first towers I think we want to go one more higher than where we're at now maybe I don't I don't know I got a look at it and then I'll decide we definitely want to go higher we got to go higher okay what do we think of that we need to go higher there's no way around it it must be taller I think this will be it though I think this will be the correct height that we want to go with yes maybe oh no let's go one more let's go one more and then we're gonna bring it out I promise I know I keep saying that but what can I say I'm I'm very fickle okay this is good now we bring it out should we bring it out too I think if we do that it's gonna be too far well we're taller than the other ramparts so we could bring it out two more yeah I think we should I think that'll look really cool actually or it won't you know there's always that option to it'll just look awful but I'm thinking it's gonna look pretty epic okay so that parts done now I need to bring up the wall so I just got to build a wall basically around the entire thing this is turning out pretty stinkin cool I'm pretty happy with the way this is turning out there are stormtroopers attacking us apparently they don't leave they forgot their laser guns though I feel like laser guns would be fairly effective against a castle made out of sand might turn it into glass I would actually be kind of Awesome I'm just saying they shouldn't have forgot their blasters not the smartest stormtroopers that's all I'm saying okay I think that's good and then we just need to build the little thing of my Barber's I don't know what these things are called but you know what I mean oh no we're off shoot see this side is odd but this side is even I should have thought about that hmm well it's gonna be a little off-center that's just something that we're gonna have to deal with it maybe maybe what I can do is build one okay wait so I want it to be like that and then ma'am we can build one in the center that is too wide we go like that there you go fixed that is the center right that is not the center well done me very nicely done that is the center and then you have a to space gap okay that that works that's fine and we got to do the same thing on the other side it's not perfect but it's fine there we go I am pretty happy with the way this turned out let's see what it looks like from the front and then we'll make oh my gosh that is just that is epically awesome yeah I'm very happy with this it's awesome this looks so good like way better than I was expecting it to turn out to be honest with you guys I guess we need like we need Windows right we need windows on the sides so let's uh let's put two there and two there we don't want this that should go away and then we'll put some windows along the side like here and then along the back it's not it's not letting me hello game please let me let me delete my walls you're not gonna let me delete my walls wow that's very rude can we try this again please yeah and then air and these are probably I'm just kind of guessing where to put them they're probably very off-center I'm just I'm just putting them down and I apparently I can't delete the ones that are in the back like what is up with that why well wait I could for a second there was a moment there but what is it's like this weird like angled situation where I I can't I don't know I guess I can try and do that but this is making the process of adding these windows even more complicated than it already was very confusing it's very very confusing can I can I put this block down please game thank you okay I fixed it get rid of this okay shall we put we should put glass in right yeah we need glass all right let's put glass in all the windows yeah I'd hate for my sandcastle to get dirty dirt and sand are totally different right dirt is dirty sand is is sandy I don't care if my sandcastle gets sandy but if it's dirty forget about it I'm out I'm moving okay okay we got glass all downstairs now we need to figure out how do we get to the second floor this is an interesting little conundrum because we have those towers so mm we need it to go here right this is the only open space yeah okay okay we can we can make this work how the stairs work I might have to punch out some more ceilings that's okay we can make this work we'll figure it out first I need to fill in this I gotta get this all filled in okay yeah and then and I'm this right here okay and then let's take out all this all this needs to go okay then we need some more sand where's my sand at or I guess I can I use these these are like kind of the same color as the stairs okay so we'll just we'll pretend that this is pearl we have pearl stairs that's swanky okay all right I'm diggin it let's get our stairs going here try to place these correctly come on work with me flip thank you nope go okay there yeah please I'm pressing X it's not flipping these stairs are very very finicky why why do you hate me stairs why why I thought we were friends wait that is not the way it's supposed to go dumb stairs okay maybe I can do it if I change up the angle here please please no no you don't understand it says X oh you know what that's cuz I have my controller plugged in it's actually our it's our to rotate the blocks it thinks that I'm using my controller so if I press X on my controller yeah it flips the blocks okay okay we figured it out we got it figured out everything is a-okay now let's finish the job here let's try to get these blocks done and then we can put in our stairs everybody will be happy stairs go there okay then stairs go there very nice and then stairs go here please thank you and they're excellent and then I need more sand we need sand sand go there okay and there we go now we have access to the second floor not too shabby we do need to finish this situation here so that we can get up to the top of our rampart there we go and now we can enjoy the beautiful view from the top of our awesome sand castle I'm pretty happy with the way that this thing turned out like this is way better than what I was expecting honestly from myself because a lot of times my buildings kind of are terrible actually we need some more windows in here right I went five up and then punched out two of them one two three four five and then shablam shablam there you go get some more windows should we put some windows in here too and now we don't need windows in the front but we should probably put windows in the back but the back is kind of hard to put windows in it's like weird it's super finicky I don't know why either way I am very very happy with the way that this turned out look at this Oh pirates no get away from me don't go I'm just I'm just admiring my building please stop stop I built that sandcastle can you please just leave me alone just admire my sandcastle for a second okay thank you well look at my awesome sand castle I'm very proud of myself turned out way better than I was expecting honestly I kind of hate the metal though I think the wood is okay in fact I kind of hate this too I shouldn't have done this get rid of this get this out of here we should do all of this in sand the wood is fine what is fine for a bridge but metal no we don't want no stinking metal in our awesome sand castle it's not it's not working it's not working with the whole theme all right I'm gonna do something like this make this appear a little bit more interesting maybe punch out that right there yes much better okay now we can like do they this right maybe we can kind of build ourselves kind of the same idea as what we had before but this time with sand because it's much better with Sam I think what I'm gonna do here it's kind of like arch it this way maybe come on there you go now we're talking and then bringing that to this point and then just fill all this in because we can just fill this in and then like do a little something like this okay okay there's something happening here I don't know if it's cool or not but it's something I would like to do the same thing on the other side this is what I'm trying to do I'm trying to accomplish this okay here do that come on come on I can't I can't reach it maybe if I if I go over here yeah like that okay yep we did it I did it yes yes yes I think yes and then actually if I do this will this look dumb or will it look cool here let's punch this out what yeah let's see there's noobs but forget the news I think that looks way better that's really cool okay I've done it my sandcastle is awesome it's awesome all right sorry I don't mean to brag about my own work but I'm very happy with the way that this all ended up I want to know what you guys think do you like my sandcastle was it good do you do you a proof of my sandcastle I think that is pretty stinking cool Anna's got a moat let's not forget that it has a moat very very nice feature but alligators in there if you want or sharks you know it depends on where you're building your sandcastle it's at the beach obviously you were gonna watch sharks maybe you're in kind of more of a estuary then throwing some crocodiles or alligators there you go problem solved you will not have to worry about home invaders that's for sure or builder men or dantdm and Dennis Daley those monsters but guys that is gonna do it for this episode of roblox I hope that you enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,969,183
Rating: 4.8041873 out of 5
Keywords: no swearing, roblox adventures, denis roblox, kindly keyin, roblox monsters, roblox survive, denis daily, kid games, roblox roleplay, roblox build to survive monsters, roblox build to survive, family friendly, no swears, play roblox, roblox tycoon, lets play, build to survive monsters in roblox, denis, roblox online game, roblox build, roblox video, no cursing, funny moments
Id: 3ELLyhSxYxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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