We Finally Made It...

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okay I'm going to land at this place where do you want me to land uh land where you yeah I got some bad loot actually this isn't good oh I got some good loot you okay there nobody landed there yeah I'm okay I don't know how to get this chest like outside might be people on me to you I have a purple shotgun here for you if you want which one I have a yeah I'll take it I have actually you take it you take it it's a combat I have a gatekeeper I'll be okay okay droing a med kit if you want it you drop AIT or it's down there on the catwalk oh that's here come here oh I see it here uh there's another one there's heals over here actually not going to carry the kit there's people around here oh you're going that way careful there's people around here don't making noise mhm I'm not with you he coming to you you just kep driving good looks thankfully we chilling see if I can find more loot not finding very much loot yeah me NE all right here come here I think we should go in okay uh two people had fist I know that for sure that part's going to be a little bit rough yeah we're going to hit this oh those give you Nitro okay yeah I'm going to hit this be careful when we go in get in this car hop in oh get get shoot that car shoot that car in front oh sorry it always puts me in the back seat first all right you drove out that's good we're going bu ties a ram and we're going to heal they're up here they're up here okay you ready you're ready to shoot right up here goad oh he's literally like about to blow up like one HP that vehicle oh my gosh they're literally one okay shoot the you're going to shoot the guard okay oh there's guy behind guy behind us guy behind us oh my gosh what is he doing um what are they doing you're doing right you're doing what you're doing yeah right in front of us right in front of us yeah C them right through this door right through this door to my left yeah I can you shoot it I can't do anything I can't move I I'm stuck I I'm know I'm breaking it no no I know I'm just I don't know why I'm stuck there that's so stupid you going to go in and try to get us heals okay okay I think they're fighting the boss oh good shots good shots the guy on the ground you see the guy on the ground yeah oh right there yeah yeah yeah we going to go behind that pole you go how many people are I'm going down I'm going down okay yeah yeah on me on me I'm still up in the car I don't know what to do uh want me to come down yeah come down come down I kill him kill him kill him you're doing you're doing great you're doing great just do what you need to do trust yourself okay here you go trust yourself oh my gosh I I'm coming to you I'm coming to you bad okay I'm I switched you drive uh I don't know where I am right now okay there you're driving you're driving all right it's going to blow up no no I can I can get us out oh my God I'm going to get us heals yeah yeah oh dude we're going to have a grenade launcher oh we're going to be healed there we go okay blow up this blow up this guy quick blow him up blow him up everything you got everything you got the car we need The Medallion here yeah oh my gosh I got it I got it I got it we're moving you're doing great get out get out it's going to explode oh careful oh my gosh yeah I am I don't have any you're doing great you're doing great oh my gosh you're so good just keep running their car's not long for this world let me tell you okay I'm going to get this heal for you okay I'm going to come up okay I have a um mini I'm going to pop a mini okay I'm going to get the car I'm going to get the op car oh shoot some come down there guy there's a guy yeah I need your help no it's okay it's okay don't come all the way down you're okay I came all the way down already I'm coming to you I'm coming to you go back up go back up they stole the car are you kidding me no it's okay I have unlimited ammo and the bow so they're not long for this world when I find them okay let's cool it down for a second wait they're coming up they keep healing I I have fists you don't right no no I don't have fists okay come up here come up here okay so we kind of got scammed but yeah here here I'm looking I'll come back up just give me a second I'm coming back up okay I'll stay up here oh there's a guy up here guy up here look look look you see him shooting at me um he's he's right over here roof yeah I'm down in the middle I don't have F so it's really hard for me to follow people like you can right now if you eliminate him you get his fist he's coming right here I'm not out there like I'm not even close to you I'm going to try to way of oh my gosh what's happening are you okay cars like the cars are trying to get me and I don't really know what to do okay just stay out there you we're swapping places too much stay where you are yeah I I I this car keeps coming up to Ramy so he's he's on me just keep trying to run nice you're driving away try drive back yeah yeah there you go get all the heals and I'll kill him you stole that right you stole the heal no I didn't I'm sorry they got it okay that's not good okay you should be okay though I shot him off this is this is chaos I don't like this you don't like this or do you love it no I like it better when I have the like some Mobility or something or I'm not driving why are there three cars in here and I'm one person in the car so I can't shoot keep getting all the heals and stuff oh my god oh I blew them up I blew them up nice nice nice I'm stuck in here but this is ow absolute chaos right now SAR there's two people up here like living their life up where like where I'm at should I come up no no don't come up I'm going to try to assassinate them and then give them your fists I'm breaking down this side of the thing they're on I see one on this side are you good are they underneath me I'm chilling there's a guy underneath right here Frick I got the grenade launcher I didn't want it I had the Min before this guy's weak underneath me guy right here um sorry I'm I'm like I can't right now like I just I can't I can't get through are you good I am like okay yeah ohk you I got the machine gun again all right you're good you're good on me on me I don't even know where you are okay I'm coming to you are you on the other side this guy's one shot above me okay this is chaos oh my gosh there's a car on me oh my goodness I'm stuck I'm going to this is it for me no you're good you're good I'm watching no like actually just get out of the car I can punch you you're still in that car I don't know what to do oh my gosh oh they're right underneath me we can get together now got one got one okay we're playing two separate games right now yeah we are knocked one knocked one knocked one oh my gosh is that you this is me wa were you shooting at me no no no I was not me that wasn't me okay get guys loot if you want look okay I don't know what you're even talking about right now I'm be honest there loot over here okay I don't even know where you are I'm marking back where I am this is actually did you kind of have fun not being with me there for a little bit like I'm just trying to live there's still someone here I see their Footprints I see oh I fli my car I don't see where they're at though I'm so confused where they're at oh you're hitting me ow oh my gosh I'm going to rough go yeah there's somebody here but where I don't I I generally don't see him I don't know he's not there okay you want me to get in your car mhm wait I'm just going to explore a little more I think someone's here oh no we're we're going to be okay get the freaking my car this is actually the most fun ever holy smokes come here this thing I can I can drive okay okay all right there we go oh my God hop in we're back in it smok we're in it bro that was so unnecessarily stressful you shoot him I'm going to shoot the bone arrow my ti left me to fend for myself in a scary world you did great you actually did like incredibly well okay look at that guy okay the purple car is hit okay oh someone else is coming oh oh my I don't miss someone just shock wave off you see them right in front of you where they land they go in the storm no idea oh to your left to your left he's coming this guy just he used all his fist it's over for him oh my gosh oh I got out to for the assist G his fist do you need fist give me the fist get it fist fish fish fish fish fish give me the fist get him the fish start feasting start feasting give me the all get in oh my this has been a clutch arama I'm not t I'm not in the [Applause] car TD trying to Le me my name's TD don't wear it out okay there's a uh Mythic car nearby okay okay do you see this you shoot the cars on top yeah I'm going to try to get them with this crossbow oh TD this is a bad angle the cow cat is blocking and I can't shoot oh I knocked one oh my gosh TD horrible angle uh one went underground does he loot you want oh there's a purple huh I just exploded their cow catcher on the front of their truck careful there's a car coming behind us I'm actually doing oh careful behind us I might have to get us out in a second oh right behind us right behind us oh yeah that guy one shot that guy's one shot oh there's people down there in that car right there oh careful careful careful drive drive drive I'm going I'm going I got you oh my God we're in this we're one sh we're one sh we got to jump jump out jump out pist away pist away I'm doing damage to the Mythic get away if you can yeah another car coming there uh between us between us he's hopping in his car one shot one shot one shot dead de coming to you he might be able to get his loot I don't know what he has oh my gosh this is this this bow is insane swe this is our best like uh defense right in front of us he coming us I just hit that car so hard the other car the other car is more important I knocked one knocked one knocked one over there b him up look for the car look for this one I don't this yeah knocked them knock or knock the car knock the car he one shot dead this bow is insane Samra which what's the difference between that bow and I'm going to get his Loot and the other one you're using this is a boom bolt I mean it's just a this guy's one shot on the roof the stealthy spotter boom bolt should I take it you could yeah you just have to hit your shots with it here come over here this guy's one shot he's dead we got to move they're going to leave they they they can't handle us boomo boomo Bo it oh they you little rats you little rats did you see what they did what they do little rats oh I don't have many amm for the here I can drop you I can drop you all mine here mer to fist up if we we're in trouble mhm oh shoot might die try to stay on the top of the hill okay yeah yeah oh my gosh he flew into the storm behind you get ready they're going to come up they're going to come up yeah yeah yeah oh my gosh I hit him he flipped he flipped shoot it shoot it ooh shoot underneath their Carriage oh they panick they panicked and threw like eight yeah it's like five layers of I have Med kits but no Shields or look over here shoot this car this guy's one shot oh W careful the guy's pisting I'm dead I'm dead it's all you it's all you it's all you it's all you you can fight him you can oh no you can't you're weak yeah no oh they're getting griefed I'm okay I'm okay oh my gosh okay be careful don't have to come to me yet uh I'm going to come down should I go to the top of the hill and then come to you or how do I how I get this is like a really SCU like me you could just go for it if you if you come to me you over the mountain are they on the top there's a guy at the very top I mean I'm in a safe spot though like they won't be able to see me should I come from the side right side left side I I don't I can't see what you're seeing you have 30 seconds to come get me you have 15 seconds to come get me you can try or you can try to solo clutch just come nice oh my gosh there's zero shot there's zero shot Samra just clutches this oh my God I can drop you a med kit there's a guy here there guy here I just popped him let's freaking go okay there's another guy another guy with pistol careful careful he just flew away though okay grab me a med kit a yeah I have no heals but I don't I don't care we got to run we got around we're around here come come this way come this way come this way trust oh my gosh we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling oh my God you are so good oh behind you careful people are shooting he's on top of the hill he's on top of the hill yeah yeah oh my God oh my God that guy just jumped out of the car we're going have the boombo here in a second okay here come you are so clutch you're such an amazing human being okay get ready to look over here okay we're just going to play this like Rats on the side of the mountain I really wish I had more than 30 Health but I know go up go up go up I guess oh it's okay good are you good are you is everybody is anybody up there yep yep there is people up there y uh-huh okay uh oh darn I can't get you heals there's no heals here I'm just sitting in the car with the guy right now we're just chilling you're good you're how many how many seats how many seats can I get in yeah yeah you can get in there's two more I'm coming through big Bo get on in the car I'm in I'm in oh my gosh oh my careful we don't blow up I I cannot take uh any hits oh am I blowing us up here I don't know I think you might be when should we hop out we're chilling now bro what is your problem bro get in a tree get in the tree nice I have one HP one no why did that guy do that I don't know please leave me alone I'm using a med kit homie do not drive into the storm if you drive in the storm you have zero Bozo energy why you're so stupid like you clearly don't know how this works oh my God wait we're all dead why it's going to go up the mountain can't go up the mountain yeah but I can there's someone else up there oh my gosh okay don't like you relax make sure everything's Rel loaded I like I'm going to die here oh my gosh let's go oh we wi we were those no oh my God oh my my God we win those there's no way we won that game we win those that's insane no your clutch there was wild that's insane oh my gosh I thought we were 100% dead like 10 times oh my God I don't know how that I got I managed to revive you that was the one that you were an independent woman at the start too I know drive it around I if you didn't revive me we would have lost that was an insane CL yeah 100% we would have lost oh my God sh good comments on the car I don't know why they kept driving us out of storm like I don't know either wait until it's the last guy like what are you doing ho that was crazy that's an upload so many of these are uploads honestly your revive was nuts like everybody was shooting and driving around you you revive I double tap the guy who came to get his teammate
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 166,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w_LIuo5yWdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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