The *BEST* Loadout in Season 3

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okay I'm going to Grim gate it used to be my favorite location on the map last season this season I haven't even dropped there once all right the south of the map this whole red sand area is way too much fun so I'm going to land here I'm going see what's up going see what's changed let's see if my homie cus is still here it's a shame they took out this top chest I feel like it had a lot of uh sentimental value to a lot of people oh I do see cus over there feel like that chest had a lot of sentimental value and they just took it out got this guy down oh my gosh what's up bro at least the green goo is still here I'm take the green goo break these oh it's only four barrels now they like removed one going up I don't know what they were doing they're like bumping heads they're like bumping their heads together I don't know what's going on there there's no the god chest which kind of sucks take that banana Socrates whatever your name is I can never pronounce it I did pretty good there off the bat I'm alive so that's huge I'm going to say Grim gate definitely not what it used to be but I want to see what's up with cus so we're going to head over there going up where you going bro ain't going anywhere grab that shotgun now what the heck this guy made a platform here oh oh singing okay I'm going to start a ban with you I'm on my guitar too and you're on your guitar too I'm going to shoot you once in the head and then upper cut you and now you're back to Lobby oh yes you are you're back to the lobby oh yes you are oh yes you are cber how you doing I I don't have to challenge you anymore oh I still have to challenge him challenge him for his shotgun what weaklings call upon the hounds of Hades okay what happened the gods Zeus fell down haaha gods have gone to find new domains but Mata left me here to prepare for her arrival what her arrival she will arrive on the Sweet Summer Wind do not talk to the queen do not bother the queen she's taking a little vacation needs her rest duel I will beat you if you desire you are little nothing a tasty morsel it will keep me busy I am so bored bork bork well okay fight me for your shotgun oh my gosh he still does the same thing he has way less HP though this is good he doesn't move I'm going to do my move trust figh we're fighting can't beat me I made out of pure metal oh oh I just got cerberus's gatekeeper shotgun the Mythic look at that yep okay that is pretty sweet I'm glad that they kept it in the game this is one of the strongest this is probably the strongest shotgun besides the gold um gatekeeper with the drum egg on it that's what I will say besides that it is the strongest shotgun in the game and honestly if I were making an ideal load out I would include this oh my gosh that was Flex pop nuca Cola is he stuck oh my gosh he's stuck bro holy smokes how am I alive that was actually wild luckily I didn't eat this one drink this down that's actually going to heal all my HP oh most my HP and then a lot of my shield you're big chilling there we go oh gosh bro really wait what I don't even know where I'm at how did that guy hit me so hard yeah I need to get out of grim gate shees anybody else I'm trying to leave you guys are just distracting me oh I have an idea idea successful yeah I'm moving here I just punched through a tree that's cool yeah this guy is just bolting in his car oh wait is he I honestly can't catch up I have an idea I actually still might not be able to get catch up oh come on you couldn't have taken a right on that road one down two stuns to speak okay the Bunker's opening I got to take this car equip it and go fight this guy oh bro I just did that oh man man that just happened going in here get some better weapons come on okay really not any better weapons bro [Applause] help me heal [Music] myself oh my gosh I did it holy smokes Coming For You battering [Music] ram the problem with the scvs is you got to if you're solo you got to keep switching between all oh my gosh smushed them absolutely smushed them ye [Music] baby going in wait I'm out of fuel oh crap all right wait I thought this was the oh that wasn't a Mythic vehicle oh I was thinking it was now no no come on get back here [Music] bro how did I just aim that to land in that all right didn't y'all learn anything don't do that give me all that give me all three medallions give me this AR I honestly have like the perfect load out now I think this is the perfect Loadout I'm literally rocking the perfect load out right now One V one this is my perfect inventory all the medallions all the medallions all these mythics wait there's actually one thing to make it more perfect where's the fist where's the Mythic fist okay if I had the Mythic fist this would be perfect I mean all this plus the car in Mythic fist I dropped them I did drop them oh my gosh how did I do that okay now this is the perfect load out what I got here the uh machinist Mythic combat AR and then you have the Mythic gatekeeper shotgun ring Masters boom bolt Megalodon's Nitro fist flowerry Fizz that's my preferred heal because you get Mobility with it and then I have all three Medallion which means I'm going to have infinite ammo Nitro and I'll automatically heal I've got a crown as well and I've got the legendary lock jaw vehicle which is just incredible it heals itself over time has a turret which does a ton of damage and if you actually switch the uh passenger seat she if you actually switch the passenger seat and shoot you shoot you shoot at a just insane rate of [Music] fire hello Bob [Applause] that's insane that's insane oh my gosh and that is how I've gotten 10 Crown Victory Royals in a day super red versus blue remember guys if you want some great XP this season what do you do TI the left the plate search and type in Super S R for super red versus blue we're putting in all the new items in the game right now as we speak so make sure you go check this out super red versus blue you already know it is favorite like it love it that's what I'm saying baby
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 423,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oKDdt10QBBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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