We Finally Know Monkey D Dragon's Entire Past & Devil Fruit: The Complete Story (ONE PIECE)

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Monkey D Dragon who not only put fear into the hearts of the government but also literally controls the tide of the world which is God fruit of the mythical deity amaru why Ain no way boy with the revelation of the goddesses mythical demon god fruit the idea of legendary deities and their oppositions being Zone fruits is solidified if soku's Buddha fruit wasn't enough then this sure is but to understand what dragon's abilities are and how he even obtained them we have to start at the very beginning going back 55 years from the current Story dragon was born in the Goa Kingdom of the East blue to his father Monkey D GARP and an unknown woman now there are many speculations stating this woman was a Celestial Dragon or at least related to them this notion is driven from dragon Dragon embodying the name and also being a bane to the existence along with his story having some relations to the mythical deity whyou this is further reinforced as it is highly indicated that the Goa kingdom is actually where one of the 20 Allied Nations originated from much like Dr Rosa and arabasta which mind you is very similar to Goa as respectively pointed out by Sabo and Luffy along with the commonalities between the kingdoms the biggest clue was of course the fact that St jmac a Celestial Dragon went out of his way to pay tribute to visit this very Island so a young GARP falling in love with a Celestial Dragon or even Jal Max relative is plausible regardless what we do know is that Dragon grew up without his father as GARP at the age of 22 had joined the Marines a year before his own son's birth being brought up in Goa Dragon had The Misfortune to witness the atrocities of the royalties and the upper echelons towards the Bottom Feeders he had hoped that one day things would change however as he points out later it hadn't now from here to dragon as a revolutionist we have yet to fully uncover his past but oh wait wait what what [Music] Oda two hours later oh oh are you saying that you want me to share dragon's past with the p te Community okay throughout dragon's upbringing GARP would venture back home once in a while to to visit his family and implant the idea in becoming a Marine much like he does later on with Ace and Luffy however unlike them Dragon followed gob's toage and at the age of 17 joined the Navy this was during gob's prime years of 39 where he gained great status and had already marked his biggest challenge in rocks dbec where a year later the world would flip on its head for Monkey D Dragon at the age of 18 Dragon had positioned himself under his father's ship advancing towards God Valley to stop the Mayhem and destruction declared by zek's 20 billion Berry crew here GP would fight a threat like no other but he wouldn't do this alone he had the help of his friend Roger however his son's presence wasn't a joke either we have to remember Dragon's Age is not too different to what we see of Kobe and Luffy in the current ERA his arrival to God Valley introduced him to many notorious characters from rocks Whitebeard big mom kaido Shiki Roger Ry so on and so forth but moving past who Dragon fought in God Valley we come to what dragon learned because this knowledge would change his goals and motivations in life forever said the scene boys as stormy waves engulf the West Blue Marines finally land on the island of God Valley where just a day earlier had hosted the once in freear tournament a culling by the celestial dragons to hunt the citizens of a non-government Affiliated Island to determine the strongest amongst the participants witnessing this event made Dragon see everything wrong with the world he firsthand saw the darkness and the thin facade of Free Will whilst being oppressed by the celestial dragons even at the highest order the same Prejudice and classism is present which he witnessed as a child in the Goa Kingdom like what crime did this nation have apart from having the name God Valley which narcissistically was taken as an insult and challenged by the celestial dragons at that moment Dragon understood that himself and the people of the world are nothing but insects to those who ruled them from annihilating an entire Island's population for sport to enslaving countless Innocents to kill at their pleasure the epitome of the government's corruption was on full display to him with the celestials culling game however with the prizes being six of the rarest and strongest devil fruits on the sea ze's crew attacked this island declaring war on the celestial dragons rocks was there to pillage and get rid of these heinous criminals who make others suffer whilst the code of the Marines that dragon war saw rocks as the criminal in his heart the real villains stood right behind him though he was a pirate rocks was just getting rid of dirt from the world like we all know zek's crew joined up together for a similar goal of overthrowing the government for example whitebeard's Island was constantly attacked by Pirates as they couldn't afford to pay the Heavenly tribute and hence got zero protection from the government or in kaido's case being sold to the government for his strength and race as a child the Marines whilst boasting about Justice and peace throughout the world were neglecting these islands because they were poor so rocks claiming to Usher a new era of peace to the world without discrimination must have been tantalizing to Dragon however this tall dream of zebec had an issue he wanted to be the king of this new world but rocks as a pirate wasn't an ideal candidate to realize this dream as if evident by one of the islands he did rule in fulled where the stronger Pirates oppressed the weaker ones and was lawless with no protection for the helpless however not only did dragon get his ideologies questioned at God valy but he also met the core members of the Revolutionary Army here in Kuma ivankov and jinny the story behind these founding members tells us a lot not only of dragon but the revolutionaries as a whole where dragon is Ed these former slaves from the clutches of the celestials at God Valley showcasing the humanity he feels for them unlike other Marines who only follow orders and turn a blind eye to these horrible actions Dragon was different he doesn't believe that these so-called gods are above everyone else nothing gives anyone the right to oppress others like this that is the core belief Dragon holds however with dragon helping these slaves he gained a greater perspective on how how the world Works especially from Kuma who told him about the legend of naika who will bring the dawn to the world this resonated with dragon who comes from dawn Island and left following his father's footstep with the purpose to liberate his people and change everything in the midst of chaos we see six devil fruit boxes laid out as prizes for the winners of the Celestial tournament since this contest was between the celestials the only meaningful thing they could win would have been an overpowered dull fruit as being celestials they have almost all of their needs met this theme was later adopted by DOL Flamingo who kept this tournament practiced alive inra Rosa offering an extremely rare devil fruit himself being you know the miror Min or no me but in God Valley amongst these prizes held the fruits that later bore the blue dragon in the yuk kaido along with many other overpowered broken fruits such as Co rumors poor poor fruit which he quickly ate in order to escape God Valley with jinny and evanov but Dragon found himself upon a mythical Zen as well instead of a beast it was a deity this fruit gravitated towards as though it was meant for him like other zones it has a will of its own and found the perfect user in Monkey D Dragon this God fruit was inspired by South American deities with amaru being its primary model in the Inca mythology amaru is a huge dragon serpent deity that dwells underground at the bottom of lakes and can be seen emerging from the Gateway of the Sun at tianu Bolivia this relays back to Dragon and how he too is the guardian for the gateway to the sun in Luffy along with himself emerging from dawn Island now amaru is also related to the underground the Earth and earthquakes according to the myths the amarus have protective or destructive Behavior similar to how dragon is seen as a destructive force who lays hidden underground against the world government whilst being the protective Force for those who are oppressed like just look at how the revolutionaries infiltrated marija they came from underground amaru also symbolizes storm hail wisdom followed by a rainbow this perfectly contrast dragon's power to control the weather but amazingly amaru is primarily associated with the economy of water that irrigates the agricultural lands symbolizing its Vitality that allows the existence of the imada people this again runs back to Dragon who is trying to give life to the normal people with his Revolution and every time he enters a place rain or storm will follow Dragon represents the rain pouring down on the people as they are the plants and Luffy is the son who will complete this cycle of giving them life some other related deities that link back to Dragon are also yappa and wira who respectively represents lightning and wind but since Oda is known to amalgamate different cultures laws and Concepts together the Hindu deity Vu comes to mind this is back top through the idea of Japan's 12 guardians of Direction which are based on Hindu deities named the Jun amongst these deities we see a familiar name futen the guardian of the Northwest who in Hinduism is the wind DEA vou so knowing that there is a crossover between these two mythologies is not surprising Oda was inspired by them especially with dragon getting his fruit in God Valley which is in the West Blue the same direction as Wu The D Wu also has the power to manipulate wind and storm which fits right in with everything we have seen seen about Dragon throughout his story and let's not forget that Luffy is also linked to the Hindu deity Hanuman Who funny enough is also the son of vou but coming back to the life of dragon the events of God Valley changed his perspective forever especially after his father was given the title of the hero the media and the government completely covered up the events of what actually happened and dragon firsthand seeing the morally gray personalities from from Roger Whitebeard to even from the celestial dragons made him question everything that nothing truly is Black or White so 5 years later when Dragon hits 23 years old he is still in the Marines but has decided that it's time to make a change this is when the future Admirals enaku and kizaru join the Navy we know these Admirals and dragon have a connection through the Chinese myth where three animals and a white dragon protects the sea the animals were the red dog akanu blue pheasant in Kuan and the yellow monkey in kizaru they served an evil King being imama and the world government and only the white dragon noticed the king's atrocities so the dragon left just like the myth the dragon in our case already has seeds of doubt in his heart after witnessing the events at God Valley and many other countless cruel acts committed in the name of Justice however unlike Dragon the other free Admirals had created their own sense of justice to play along out of the the main one who directly links to Dragon is of course ainu although they held similar positions in the Marines with even their age matching they both are walking different paths akanu gave up control of his will to the celestials and the government to achieve his absolute Justice whilst Dragon took full control of his Fate by starting his own opposing Force these two have been linked together since day one the question remains on whether Dragon will end up finding the he heat of a canu or will his storm cool it down 2 years later Dragon at the age of 25 would have been introduced to the Future Admiral Kuan though likely the two never had much interactions Kuan still had a deep admiration for his father in GARP and idolized him due to rejecting the post of Admiral time and time again however within the next 5 years Dragon would leave the Navy to form his Liberation cause next time you see him is at the age of 31 where he was at Roger's execution wearing a cloak hinting at the fact that the government was already after him so he had to stay hidden which is of course because Dragon had become the captain of the Freedom Fighters a small poor military organization leading him to eventually meet wager Punk Dragon instantly tried to RIS up the doctor but with his giant ass head and his knowledge that is 500 years into the future w Punk was smart enough to know that these broke ass mother can't help him make anything so he chose to decline the offer however that didn't mean they were on the opposing sides as 2 years later right after the Ohara incident when dragon is 33 years old he meets wiger Punk once again this meeting is on a fateful day a few months after the entirety of aara had been eradicated with the exception of some law books which were thrown into the lake and were being retrieved by Giants from albath which Dragon was okay with letting us know that he had some good relations with them but the reason Dragon came to Ohara was due to his acquaintance with Dr Clover and had come to witness the devastation and pay his respects to his friends hinting to us that Dragon at some level is familiar with the true history of the world and what the void Sentry was all about however up until this point although in command of a small military organization Dragon hated violence and had disdained for the law of the world where it was a crime to ask questions but the Alara incident had a profound impact on him it completely changed his views on what his freedom fighters needed to do in order to turn the world upside down so he claims to wo Punk that the only way he can win is by creating a full-on military force which can fight back so that another Ohara incident won't ever occur leading him to create a brand new Force called the Revolutionary Army alongside Kuma and ianov also after starting the Revolutionary Army Dragon got his Infamous face tattoo which he was already wearing as patches during the freedom fighting days but now this symbol of Revolution was etched onto his body signifying a change in attitude towards his goal this decision by Dragon to fight back also prompted GARP to be even more annoyed with his son where now he had taken kuon under his wing and frequently complained about his family to his student but GARP could do nothing to stop his son's ideas spreading throughout the world and capturing the hearts of many oppressed Islands one by one this eventually made Dragon the world's worst criminal as he was committing the greatest sin against the government by threatening the Chokehold of power and information they have on the world essentially Dragon was making people believe in his ideals other than the government's propaganda 3 years later at the age of 36 Dragon met a baddy who was so bad that he stopped everything he was doing and got her pregnant giving birth to Monkey D Luffy now this might seem like a very weird thing to do like right after losing his friends including Professor Clover should have made Dragon weary to settle down especially after declaring war against the world government from a simple rag tag militia he went full frott and formed the Revolutionary Army but Dragon still made time to go to the east blue and make a family um that doesn't make no sense mind you this was under the noses of even his closest friends vanov Kuma nobody knew about this in fact Luffy's mother Still Remains a mystery even till this day where there are many theories on who she is from the previous Empress of the Amazon Lily to crocodile to even now jinny however she's either dead or could not be part of Luffy's life due to some circumstance so as the Monkey D tradition Dragon went to get milk leaving his son alone in his father's care though unlike GARP dragon refrained from meeting him throughout his life 12 years later at the age of 48 Dragon returned back to his home of EAS blue right on time to witness the burning of great terminal which wasn't by luck as with a Celestial Dragon soon coming to Goa Kingdom Dragon knew that the Nobles and the aristocracy of the nations would pull something Despicable because that's how the kingdom is great terminal was a mountain of garbage that they had gathered but for the less fortunate it was the only place where they could find shelter and call it home the upper classes of the Goa Kingdom thought that burning the trash would be a good way to eliminate two birds with one stone they didn't want to tell those living in the great terminals to evacuate because they wanted to burn them like the rest of the trash that's why Dragon says that the Goa kingdom is like a miniature version of the world unwanted things are discarded it's exactly why the world government raises whatever is inconvenient for this system of power and oppression like the incident of Ohara when Dragon saw all of this go down he would also meet Sabo who was so angry at what the aristocracy of Goa Kingdom were doing that he felt ashamed of his own lineage but despite that there will still be children who are born in a bird cage like Sabo where they'll be molded into continuing the cycle of discrimination and Corruption this is highlighted with his adoptive brother steud the only difference between Sabo and the other Noble kids is that he was aware of his lack of freedom in this country he understood that as long as he lived as he was told to following a narcissistic ideology as a noble he would be suffocated and never really be free which is similar to how Dragon felt fighting for the celestials in the name of the Marines so dragon with the Wind of Change blew through the the flames and offered the people who had seen the world's true ugliness hope in the form of the Revolutionary Army Dragon would also save Sabo from certain death after being moved by the kid's words however due to sabo's injuries he would not remember anything except for the fact that he did not want to go back no matter what after adding subber to the ranks the Revolutionary docks at shimi Village to resupply turns out zor Sensei kosu was empathetic to the revolutionaries cause as he gave them food to return to baltigo in the grand line after five more years of preparation Dragon at 53 years old would finally make an appearance into the story walking through the streets of L toown he's accompanied by rain and storm as he p and approves of Luffy's decision to pursue his career as a pirate unlike GARP who had been very Hands-On with his grandchildren wanting to make them into Marines at any cause Dragon left Luffy to his own devices which is what he wants to do with every island in the world giving them the choice to choose their own Fate by being hands off with Luffy dragon ensured that his son didn't grow up in a bird cage being forced to live up to some kind of predetermined Duty something that Dragon felt like he was forced to go through however even though Dragon didn't enforce his ideas on his son this didn't stop him from aiding Luffy as if it weren't for Daddy Luffy's story would have ended right there on the execution platform at log town but Dragon said no and for the first time he showed us his true power with the sword millimeters away from Luffy's neck a giant bolt of lightning strikes Buggy's blade where the only one uninjured is Luffy because well he's made of rubber revealing to us that Dragon knows more about Luffy than he lets on his help doesn't stop there though as he guides his son to go west by following his wind which is the direction that is left unguarded by the Marines which causes smoker to question whether or not this is a coincidence because it's as though there is some kind of force trying to make sure that the pirate survives but smoker ain't having none of this so he vows to not let a single pirate leave the island and easily apprehends Luffy however his earlier hunch would be proven correct as the world's greatest criminal would appear before him with two words that made one of the most busted and upand cominging Marine freeze Dragon blows away a horde of soldiers with ease which his son gets swept up in as well granting him yet another opportunity to escape thanks to his father's ability to control the weather in fact my guy Dragon was so ahead of the game that he stopped the going marry from being burned by Buggy's crew with the ring bro smoker must have been so flabbergasted imagine no diffing some pirate in the East blue that we could see and boom the leader of the Revolutionary Army the Most Wanted Man on Earth the world's worst criminal appears just to help some random but we all know the truth none of the things that happened that day were a coincidence despite dragon not wanting to Spill the Beans to smoker and only saying that the world awaits their answer hinting that it is finally time for the revolutionaries to make a move whilst Dragon started moving his chess pieces Luffy for the first time in his life learned of his father's existence after his global scale move in the events of an's Lobby and the person to spilled the beans was none other than his grandfather GARP which was actually prompted by Dragon himself Dragon had finally contacted and talked with GARP telling him that he saw his son off in log toown as we learn in chapter 432 despite their vastly differing ideals dragon and his father GARP still seem to have a good relationship GARP believes in the gradual change in the system from within the Navy and the world government so that it can truly stand one day as a Force for good hence his involvement with the neom Marines and sword but Dragon having seen some of the most despicable acts known to mankind isn't able to believe in slow change and in the potential good that can come forth from that change War poverty starvation and slavery these are all things that the world government has a constant hand in across the globe the world cannot afford to wait for change to happen sadly it is something you have to fight with all of your might for this sheer desperation of wanting change is what led the war hating Dragon to transform his freedom fighters to a fullscale revolutionary Army which aims to take down the world government itself basically both GARP and dragon want the same result in the end but have different ways of achieving it GARP then reveals dragon's family name of Monkey D was purposefully censored by the government because they didn't want the world to know that the greatest criminal of their era has direct Blood Ties to the greatest hero of their era similar to how Roger had his name misspelled as gold Roger rather than gold D Roger this was an attempt from the world government to hide how the D's were bringing an era of change to the world and the location for this coming change was at the headquarters of the revolutionaries located in baltigo through the use of dragon's devil fruit baltigo had become the perfect hiding spot for his army given the Sandy nature of the island dragon is able to create a veil for it using his power to control the weather where the sand storms keep people away and also make it hard to identify anything even with scouting technology we then see a group of revolutionaries talk about their victory in the north blue and are celebrating before dragon sternly tells them not to saying that there is nothing to rejoice in war showcasing how Dragon after all these years has stayed to his core beliefs of being a hater of war and that the Revolutionary Army was not created lightly no matter if the battle fought Was Won or lost there are no winners in war and dragon knows that better than anyone this is where he first hears of the news that his son had done something incredible although Luffy had no idea he made his dad really proud by attacking any's Lobby and declaring war on the world government and now that they are both treading upon the same perilous path Dragon speaks out to the wind relaying his message as he tells Luffy to live as he wishes because in history it has taken people with luck fith and a strong will to make the masses question the world whilst Dragon had begun his ultimate plan to revolutionize the world the core members of his army had spread to complete different missions of their own one of whom was evanov captured and impel down but ready to escape at a moment's notice because ivanov's mission was clear wait for Dragon signal until then recruit as many soldiers as possible so he did exactly that within the harshest and most impenetrable prison in the one piece World Ivanov managed to form the okama Army this strategy of going to a prison to look for comrades was a genius on Dragon's part as it being the government's holding ground for outcasts and criminals of society the prisoners were already against the government so to recruit them to a cause that goes against the entity who took away their freedom was very simple also not to mention the Loyalty you get from giving these outcasts freedom and hope and when fate had played its hand ianov would meet dragon's son Monkey D Luffy after healing Luffy through the request of Bon clay Eva found out that Dragon was his father he then assumed that Ace was also dragon's son and came to the conclusion that the government did not know about their lineage so Eva went with Luffy to save Ace the main reason for this is of course the loyalty and admiration he feels towards Dragon so he had to help out his sons also Eva assumed that with his son captured and about to be executed in Ace Dragon would show up to the war as well so him hling Luffy is in a way aiding Dragon Eva also gives us another hint towards dragon's true Power by stating that his wrath would be boundless where Dragon could literally go toe-to-toe against the strongest of the government however despite the world changing event that was the war in Marine Ford Dragon had purposefully avoided his intervention even though several of his comrades were present the war between Whitebeard and the Marines was very beneficial to the revolutionaries where Marine Ford was completely destroyed with many of their Trump cards like the pacifistas being exposed to the world but during the War the government Finally Revealed that dragon's father was GARP and his son was Luffy this came as a shock to the entire revolutionary Army as not many of them knew of dragon's lineage but this information did boost the notoriety of the revolutionaries as their leader was directly linked to the hero of the Marines in GARP furthermore after the war iankov finally spoke to Dragon where he informed the leader about Luffy and how much he is like his father dragon has a lot of parallels to Luffy when it comes to this savior complex with Luffy he goes to an island befriend someone and if they are in trouble helps them out freeing the people in the process however Dragon Goes to Islands causing revolutions not as a consequence of trying to save someone but his whole objective is to liberate it even with Luffy saving the straw hats like giving Robin a reason to live is similar to what dragon has done with the Revolutionary members he gathers but at this point through Eva dragon and the revolutionaries learn of Kuma's fate losing his mind and body to become nothing more than a mere robot this was tragic news as he was also an OG of the crew like if van Cobb had known him since God Val they were slaves together and he's in this state but they couldn't do anything at that moment so the revolution tionary Army continue to go from Nation to Nation trying to liberate the oppressed kingdoms finally reaching tequila wolf this is when Dragon finds out that tequila wolf had a certain slave in their custody being Nik Robin the archaeologist of his son's crew and the one who had inherited the will of his good friend Dr Clover from Ohara so he seeks her out and spends two whole years with her during their time together Dragon must have learned everything about his son and especially the findings of the ponpes from Robin then 2 years later at the age of 55 dragon's 22-year plan with the revolutionaries finally starts to come to a climax where he sends Sabo koala and hack to dress Rosa so they can make a dent in Joker's underground trafficking ring and grab one of the strongest devil fruits in AC's meromi for Sabo from the Coliseum the defeat of doflamingo stopped a big portion of arms production in the black market but this also gave the Revolutionary Army a lead on where these weapons were manufactured but they weren't weren't the only ones finding out information on a hidden location as the Blackbeard Pirates found out baltigo and launched a surprise attack where shortly after it was destroyed by both the Marines and Cipher pool however the Revolutionary Army did not stutter as they managed to escape the destruction of baltigo and moved their base to ivanov's momoro Island this would be the new Gathering Place that would initiate the war on morija and the celestial dragons the first step of which being to cause uprisings in kingdoms of around the world where the royalties subjugated and wrongfully oppressed their Nation the prime example being L Lucia Kingdom where the four generals of the revolutionaries assisted the people against Pirates and afterwards Sabu karasu lindenburg and mlay infiltrated marijua to make a public statement of their power during the Ry where the government wouldn't be able to keep an infiltration quiet with all the island leaders being present but they were also there to save their friend Kuma who had become a slave during the Ry the Revolutionary Army gained major wi like they never imagined they would the right-hand man of dragon would be named The Flame Emperor after having the allegation of murdering king cobra placed on him even though sabba wasn't the one who killed Cobra to the abused citizens of the manys suffering Islands this was a Showcase of power where there was a force in the world fighting for them and they made the world government bleed for the first time in hundreds of years true Freedom away from the world government's rule seemed possible but that wasn't the only thing dragon gained from this raid on the revery they also achieved the original goal of their raid and that was the freeing and rescue of Tuma and finally they managed to cut the supply line to the celestial dragon's food The Raid was a massive success by every means but dragon is not happy because he knows the truth and to look further than just the surface which is what separates him from the other leaders Dragon knows that the king of alabasta was not just innocent in this conflict but rather someone who was a good man who truly cared for his people king cobra is the type of benevolent ruler that the world needs the Revolutionary Army wouldn't exist if the world leaders were more like him if Sabo truly did kill him no matter the reason then they'd be forsaking the very ideal that the Revolutionary Army started Dragon then tried to talk to Kuma about what he had seen in marijua to try and get to the bottom of this where he complies by referring to dragon as Master now with Kuma being a slave for the celestials for all this time wouldn't his Masters be them so why is he referring to dragon as one like what does he see dragon as having Celestial blood is that why like he calls him his master and is only willing to listen to his orders I think Oda might be cooking here but someone else who also got cooked are the people of Lucia Kingdom by emu firing his Uranus weapon which gave us all a heart attack when Oda made us and dragon believe that sabba was caught up in it too but we all know they got teleported to the Moon right guys but luckily the second in command of the revolutionaries was just fine and he returned with the truth at the Ry where Sabu witnessed the devil on the empty Throne of the world U and even saw the five Goro transform into their demon god Zone forms where he claimed this was a scene right out of hell but with sabo's Escape it means that the Revolutionary Army has the greatest card possible of their sleeps being the 800-year-old secret the government hid from the world the existence of a puppeteer in emu D Judas the Declaration of war against celestials along with their initial attack cutting off their food supply will mean the celestials will not sit still and send in the strongest force of them all that being the gods Knights which will be the matchup for the revolutionaries during the final war of One Piece dragon in hearing sabo's accounts on King Cobra's murder also learns that the immortal emu is from the nerona family this was revealed to us by none other than Ivanov who studied the celestial past in great detail likely during his time as a slave amongst them however out of nowhere in the midst of their conversation Kuma suddenly stands up starts running and teleports towards the red line as Kuma climbs up and reaches marija he is greeted by none other than Akainu who tries to smoke his ass but Kuma gets a chance to teleport away just in the nick of time however the real battle Akainu has to go through next will be none other than Monkey D Dragon but not before Dragon finally meets his son Monkey D Luffy as Kuma rushes towards his own daughter Bonnie in Egghead Island to save her from Goro Saturn dragon along with his army will make his move too here after years of communication with Shaka his involvement will come full circle along with completing the Thematic tie of family knots we will see in the final art but this will be met with the resistance of Aku who is the Bane to any Revolution or change being the fiery dog of the celestials so just like his son is fighting an OG Admiral in kizaru and his father GARP was fighting another one being kuzan Dragon will complete this Trifecta by going head-to-head against Aku it would be very poetic to see two youngsters who were in the Marines together take up different paths through the tragedies they went through in life even the jump start to Dragon starting the Revolutionary Army officially happened due to akainu's action of calling a buster call upon Ohara so with each generation of monkeyd family fighting an admiral dragons links to being a Celestial a former Marine and having the same age as a Kyu suggests their growth side by side leading to their inevitable battle dragon's mission in life will finalize once the government Popples and the celestial dragons are brought down to earth and pay reparation to the people they caused harm the government will go through a democratic change where kingdoms dragon and Luffy saved throughout the story will be representative of it all sword will become the Neo Marines and finally govern the world through equal justice with no nobility above nor oppression or racism subjugation would be that of the past only then the Dragon Story will come to a fall as the new dawn Rises but if you want your one piece knowledge to rise even higher then check out the video on screen right now because it's another banger
Channel: Anime Balls Deep
Views: 766,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One piece, Luffy, one piece manga, dragon devil fruit, vegapunk, dragon meets luffy, vegapunk one piece, what is dragon plan one piece, anime balls deep, anime, manga, one piece theory, dragon true power, one piece joyboy, Luffy joyboy, luffy gear 5, luffy meets his dad, who is luffy mother, dragon celestial, is luffy a celestial dragon, best one piece theory, best dragon theory one piece, what are monkey d dragon's powers, dragon vs akainu, how strong is monkey d dragon
Id: EU3i8UINwNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 12sec (2232 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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