We Explored the MEKONG RIVER Delta - VIETNAM (Tour from Saigon - Ho Chi Minh) #mekongdelta #vietnam

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today we are going on a tour of the Mekong River delta in Vietnam so excited for today we've got lots of things planned we're going cycling we're gonna go on a boat and also do some rowing down some of the small canals and try out some local food so let's get going we have arrived at the Mekong River delta which is about two hours from Saigon and for our first stop we're gonna go on a bike ride through different Villages and coconut plantations so let's go grab our helmets and our bikes and let's get started [Music] we've just stopped here to have a look at how they build the local Huts in the area so they use the palm fronds they're dried and they actually make roofs out of them so yeah pretty interesting to see how the locals live in this area [Music] we're just running through a little village at the moment in amongst all the coconut palms quite a cute little village some kids running around on the streets a few more restaurants and shops yeah I love your bike ride [Music] we're here at this Temple which is a Vietnamese traditional Temple after the religion cow Dai which was created in 1926 so we are going to go check out inside there's a symbol that is worshiped by this religion which is the left eye and that signifies that God in the sky knows all and sees all that you do so that is kind of what is worshiped in this religion [Music] we're just walking through this cute little market selling all sorts of fruit vegetables Meats whatever you need in your kitchen it's a bit narrow to drive your bike through but yeah very nice and very local provincial market so pretty cool experience I'm trying some longan whoa It's usually very sweet very fresh there are two kinds one is so pink another one is so white the Apple inside a star apple and it has literally brought me back to my childhood it tastes a lot like a custard apple that is something that we do get in Australia it has a sweet flavor but it has like a custard texture you know dragon fruit dragon fruit [Music] really beautiful really fresh we're going to be going well to the toilet tonight we are awesome dragon fruit so much fruit oh my God so the Ben tray area is actually known for its coconut palm plantations as well as all of its exotic fruits look at that just having a rambutan right now it's a bit Tangier it's not sweet as the London and tastes good though so the question is does size matter you want a taste all right I'll have one more okay I think that could be the best banana that I've ever had tiny potato tiny bit tasty yeah smells so good definitely smells like Asia I love lemongrass it's a cute Poppy so I'm not sure if it's a pet or part of the market [Music] mangoes always show me what do you think Ella all right they're good the fruit is So Fresh So Delicious basically straight off the tree and into our mouths yummy yummy yummy tasting a lot of fruit at the local market we are on our bikes again heading out of the little village at the moment pasta a lot of banana plants and coconut trees yeah some cute little houses as well with front Gardens it's a pretty narrow little path we own at the moment but still motorbikes and cars going past here oh my God that pig is huge that was my Peak I'll name it Mr bacon it's so nice to see how the locals live and just see local Vietnamese life it's just very peaceful so nice through all the coconut Groves very relaxing it is very relaxing here and in between all the coconut trees you see little canals and there's a few little houses in between it's pretty nice just cruising along here we just got invited into this family here along the road they have a small farm where they grow pomelos and coconuts we're on our way to do some pomelo harvesting at the moment chain foot down so we can cut guys okay this is what the pomelo looks like on the inside really fresh a little bit Tangy but yeah really nice [Laughter] okay hmm so good okay delicious so we're just struggling to drink out of the fresh coconut and then our God after we were struggling with it decides to bring out a straw so yeah much easier to drink the coconut with the straw yes you just wanted to see how we were going without a straw Berry it's really nice driving along here it looks so cool with all the coconut palms along the sides of the road it looks like someone has been harvesting the Coconuts along the road here you can see them lying along the edges of the road certainly get a very country-sized feeling driving along here they decided to kind of live life on the edge um playing it safe consider we're standing under I don't know how many coconuts I'm keeping my bike helmet on I would say there's probably about a 100 or so coconuts right above us and they do say that more people die of getting hit by a coconut than they do oh gosh oh I was gonna say oh Pop a snake butt I was gonna say sharks no no no anyway one of those it's dangerous that's what we're trying yeah that's the point [Music] so it's made from coconut milk rice flour sesame seeds and sugar yummy if you're having a bad day you just need to like hang out with this guy make your day amazing he's just in the best spirits in the best mood so enthusiastic it's great [Music] laughs kind of keeping up the spirit good mood that's for sure [Music] hello [Music] hey [Music] we have just been served a massive face to have got crispy pork of some sort here vegetables we have fried fish some type of cabbage and carrots soup shredded chicken beans some type of chili sauce and also rice it looks absolutely delicious so can't wait to get into it yes try [Music] thank you so much thank you so much it's been an excellent tour okay see you bye-bye thank you so much oh God just said that we're going on a horse car I'm not sure what a horse car is is it like a carriage and a horse uh is it a car shaped like a horse so it's certainly a horse I wasn't actually sure if it was going to be a horse very excited to ride on this me [Music] I didn't expect that so that's a bit different getting down to the Mekong River of our boat tour this way here [Music] before getting on our boat we stopped in at a coconut candy factory it was really interesting to see how they make it starting from the fresh coconut [Music] and then we have a coconut shell [Music] you can see the meat inside is the wine [Music] that's still hot but as the consistency of a really soft caramel over the coconut flavor we have just arrived at the mighty Mekong River and we're just about to take a boat ride this should be fun just to have a little bit of a look at River life [Music] foreign and at this point the pecan Rivers actually sprayed into nine different tributaries and even so they won't be a cruising on at the moment is probably about a kilometer wide so pretty massive river system very impressive [Music] thank you we've just arrived to a small island here in the middle of the Mekong Delta I can hear some folk music playing at the moment looks like they're serving fresh fruit so I'm gonna try some Jackfruit for the first time the first bite I was like no let's eat it it was like yes and more like it is so what's the verdict [Music] I think it's a nerve in laredy to durian um yeah no I don't like it that's better [Music] Jackfruit is the most random fruit ever it looks too big to be growing on trees look at it absolutely massive we don't want that falling on your head and it's spiky too and we have dragon fruit which is another random fruit why is the fruit growing on a cactus it's not normal it's not normal I guess it is and another weird fruit slush vegetable I don't even know what it is that we just came across is hanging on a vine it does not look like it should be hanging on a vine because it's oh it's really spiky but it gets really heavy too almost looks like a Vineyard if you know what that is drop it down in the comments below so we are going to take a row boat now so that we can go down some of the smaller canals of the Mekong River pretty excited it looks really nice so yeah really interested to do this so we're currently going on a ride in one of the rowing boats here in one of the small canals these canals are crisscrossing one of the islands that's in the middle of the Mekong River it's a really cool way to get around the island and ultimately Scenic with all the water coconut palms on the sides foreign it's really busy there's lots and lots of different row boats going each way but it's really cool in here [Music] we had such an amazing time here in the Mekong River delta today and we definitely recommend doing this tour from Saigon if you enjoyed this video please like And subscribe okay that's it for this one we'll see you next time on living the dough live yeah I am yes
Channel: Living the Jo Life
Views: 74,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vietnam, Saigon, Mekong, Mekong River, Mekong River Delta, coconut plantations, bike tour, local market, exotic fruit, local Vietnamese food, boat tour, canoe, family holiday, travel vlog
Id: 369AWFyl2R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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