We didn't expect to do this in Japan!

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so you guys can see what we're talking about but we had to get it just to find out what it is I think it's an ice cream because it looks like a ice cream yeah and it comes in like this little [Laughter] it's a big chocolate tube oh my God I really want that and it's in one of my favorite games yes it's the whole game Angel is pretty good at this game sometimes I think I think that's oh my gosh that's close I think that's it are you sure I'm pretty sure that's it [Applause] here he goes again I don't want you boys I can't believe I was wrong and my eyes deceived me because I really thought oh we went too far to the front of the Ring we probably went a little further back I would have had that this is gonna be Angel's last play will we walk away with the chocolate pillow I hope so it looks pretty good I'm not gonna call it though you should have called it is it a microbead one no it has like um stuff in it like stuffing oh okay oh my gosh but it's the same material as like a micro bead one right yeah it says cool cool oh no guys we didn't make it in time they're taking it apart original diver right now yeah oh we've got that started video hey guys we are in odaiba we didn't make it like I was trying to say in time to see the ferris wheel Ferris wheel although we didn't come here for the fair School honestly we came here to go to yeah we came here to go over that way and in some shopping buildings over there you gotta go to the decks mall I believe there's um Pallet Town is that one of them as well I don't know I don't know there's Smalls back there but when we first came to the very first um time in 2017 there was a really great arcade over there called Leisure land oh my gosh that place was awesome oh yeah it was it's been gone since like our first trip the second trip we came back it was actually gone but the ferris wheel was still working but now it's not we're either taking it apart every time I see this building right here I'm just like how does this all work like there's just so much going on they have this like ball inside like it's like one of those uh puzzles like how do you get the ball out they just have like little walkways between the buildings and I guess these are elevator shafts it just looks so strange every time we see like statues like this Crystal always has to get beside one to either get a photo or get part of the video I'm sure she's gonna want a photo here in a second but this is uh Doraemon I don't know much about them except the name of it because everyone's always telling us that's Jordan you're saying it wrong or I'm probably still saying it wrong look at this there's actually a Doraemon store here I made sure to say it different this time so I'm covering all the pronunciations of it here's a different one this one's all fancy and everything has a bell right there right did you say door mine okay hey say it that way too eventually we're gonna say it right oh they actually have like a little section here it looks like it's games like that looks like a carnival game of some kind there's a crystal right there this is some kind of carnival game oh claw machine that's what she's running to what do they have over here Chris oh here's what you can get storybook it's doing something over there oh those are different like pens that you can collect I think all do Raymond fans would like this right here there's so many different ones like each one of these is a different gotcha for what's another way say it uh door a man oh no there's not man I think it's Doraemon but anyway yeah like I was saying people would like this if they're a fan we need to find something like this but for like gudetama Crystal would be in heaven I don't know what's going on here but we found the poop store literally poop toilet paper toilet paper poop is this got just poop yes they are look it's poop gotchas wait this one has a tail uh if your poop has a tail guys please go to see a doctor now so the other day at the Tokyo Sky Tree we went to Hello Kitty Japan Crystal I actually did a video there I don't know she's put it up at this point Crystal nope don't point at the butt oh what are you doing but this one is huge this store is so big compared to that one Crystal I know is in heaven right now I'm gonna go in there too because it's so empty right now it's like so weird to see it without anybody inside I don't see any gudetama over here though Crystal's favorite is uh gudetama and Pom-Pom uh oh she's getting stuff I see her putting her hands on things well I should have known it was a gudetama every time would you like a little egg and a side of octopus because there you go gudetama so we've never been to Japan this time of year where they're celebrating look Halloween so we've never known how they celebrate Halloween but they actually do have quite a bit of stuff in the stores all machines we've noticed a few of them have been turning into like Halloween themed hey Chris what about this is it a mystery oh it's a mystery food okay it's not the actual character no I was hoping it was like a Halloween mystery food oh never mind ignore me Chris Crystal has found her favorite section I feel like we're doing a video for your channel Chris this is the sale Section you know this stuff might be on sale because it's old here but guess what it's brand new to us what what's it for okay yeah like I said Crystal's in heaven in here Crystal has found something that she wants and it's on the sales section yeah so it was like an exclusive for odaiba and we are here in sushi gudetama yeah you have to get that well Crystal's over there looking at the cute stuff check this out it's no it's still cute stuff but look it's a Gundam Hello Kitty collaboration that looks pretty cool I don't really care so much about either one of them but that looks really Fierce and then over here more Gundam Hello Kitties look at that one like what the heck even look like a Hello Kitty that oh oh did you find stuff over there oh I'm looking at the cool stuff over here the cool Hello Kitty I just realized after looking at this Hello Kitty a little closer that it's actually a Gundam Hello Kitty guys until Angel told me yeah Crystal was in there doing her video stuff and I was like wait there's something funny about this Hello Kitty it actually has like seams that it's putting it together and then up here there's another Hello Kitty in it because this opens up and like Hello Kitty gets inside no he's like controlling the robot yeah so if you guys don't know there's a Gundam like a life-size Gundam outside of diver City Mall in the past yeah we've shown like multiple times so we're not going to show it in this Vlog but this is really neat I don't know what this is but it's some kind of like immersive experience like maybe yeah like a VR right but look it's got actually called a hexa ride up there not sure if it's for like an anime or something but it looks pretty elaborate I kind of want to try it well we are one floor too high guys because look at what's on there that's a Coco it says it's called gasha Coco I think so oh we've actually seen a few places that are like this that are full of gotcha poems guys we haven't shown any in a vlog yet because it's always like when I'm really tired or a couple days we haven't been vlogging I think today though we'll show these down here what floor is that we're on the fifth or the fourth I think we're on five right now so remember we have to go down to four guys check out this place how would you pronounce that typhoon tifonium okay I was gonna say typhonium but maybe you're right I have no idea but looking at this it looks really dark and eerie and it's a VR Place guys but do you see the experience right here here it is the it Carnival so look at that baby so it does say it's 25 minutes long it's like 3 400 Yen but it has it down here in English I don't know if the experience will be done in English as well because I think it's up to one to four people right I think that's what that's saying right there so if we can do this in English I think we might do this Chris because I'm actually a little scared because if we're gonna immersed oh you guys yeah that's pretty scary if you look through this wall this is a window okay someone I was making sure it looks like so immersive in there oh wait there's people in there that's kind of scared me a little bit it like it reminds you like an escape game whoa guys this looks so cool it's like a light okay not life size they can take that back it's a miniature version Oh My Gosh Look at look at Georgie down there don't float Georgie don't float Georgie so total if from the floor down here to like the top of here is probably about five foot so that right there is probably three foot tall oh my gosh guys we are about to do this Angel's paying for it right now and we're about to do it I'm so excited and a little bit scared guys because you know I'm a scaredy cat and it's an immersive experience oh my gosh wish me luck it's so Eerie oh my gosh like look at that mask what the heck I don't know why I'm getting myself into hey one two three four eye teddy bear I am officially creeped out I I think I'm I need to back out do they offer refunds so we're in the waiting area now guys I did not expect to do this why have we got ourselves into Chris where do we go here like is this like an escape room tour do you put us on a VR it's supposed to be a VR headset but they said what the heck we're doing they said we can record and everything and I can hear other people like screaming and they said there's no language so because I asked if they had it in English they said there's no language required it's kind of scary it's really immersive is that gonna be us those aren't children Chris I don't think so our face might be on their next guys so the story says you're going to experience a prequel to it chapter two after hearing about the cases where children are missing one after another a child of your friend has disappeared as well oh my gosh it says it is said that the child was last seen near the carnival venue Carnival I love carnivals it probably was one of us that came to the town the other day maybe he was involved in some kind of incident on a night when it began to rain you and your friends went to the carnival venue to search for that missing show little did you know at that time it has come again so on the rules it actually says follow the red balloon for the story to progress so Crystal you I know Crystal's gonna scream I wish we had like a third person here I was just recording our reactions because I know without a doubt Crystal do not run okay just don't run oh my God the experience it was pretty cool it was pretty cool let me just try to explain it we kind of were at a carnival and we're like at the beginning it's kind of just an intro you're just following a balloon into like just an open Carnival area yes a run down that balloon right there you're just following around a balloon oh I didn't look like this open carnival games not games but rides all around you yeah and then Pennywise walks across and you scream and we have headphones on so it sounds like he's giggling in your ears yeah it's not like Crystal was echoing in my ears yeah because at one point we went into a cave and I could I can hear myself I've avoided a Decay thing though we had to get on it like a little I went to the not scary one and guess what popped out at me what is it a huge big bear stuffed animal okay that's not happening and it had bloody teeth see I were on the scared they're very scary yeah Angel went to the other one and on that side it was like these these people that are on fire like burnt like their skin was like the crust yes I saw because once at one point we came together again and I saw that thing yeah I'm fairly confident that one of those was on my thing and they touched me so somebody touched me it wasn't me another 100 on that I just felt like someone touched me but I think you were really scared no I wasn't scared I'm super physically touching me well look at this we don't actually have to go down to that fourth floor they have so many up here too Dave yeah let's see can we find a Pennywise one again how cool would that be right after the experience find a Pennywise one I'm not going to show all these I don't think oh look at that one that one's cool the porta potty that's like it's really interesting to see that but I I would assume there's got to be a Pennywise one up here somewhere so I just did some quick math and I believe there's over 120 different gotcha Paul machines up here alone how many do they have down there in that other little shop but this is really not uncommon to find like big like settings of this where there's gotcha pulling up there gotcha pulling up there gotcha Pawn at least so far we've noticed like they're just everywhere I do feel like they're more common compared to our last trips and we're here in Japan like they're just in more places or maybe we weren't going the right places last time um because they're like in more places where's the Pennywise come on Pennywise I know you want to come out and play oh look at this one guys it's a Kirby one but I think what makes this one special is it's Kirby 30th Anniversary we've actually seen these in the claw machines in the arcades okay the one that's holding these two characters okay come on I mean we gotta take whatever it gives us but come on give us a good one which one is it hey it's this one I can see it I can see the little guy in there what in the world I finally called one right there it is guys oh yeah hey hey that's literally gonna be us right now holding in so we made it to round one look at that guys that is like a never-ending row of claw machines I don't even know how many claw machines they have at this round one but it has to be in the hundreds there are so many claw machines here and gym pushers oh yes oh wow guys I know for sure we're gonna do a video of this on the main Channel because crystal says it's 100 yen for three plays either they're giving these away because they've had them for a very long time or it's impossible to win which one is it I don't know oh that wasn't a great crab though so it looks like it's a penguin and oh it's just all penguin characters I think they probably haven't had them for a while so they have three buttons back oh gosh we have a closed one too oh okay that one's not so great I guess what do you think about one of these like larger ones or you want to go for that one because it's closer okay that's probably a good decision actually this is one of those like top down view claw machines oh so you can only go left to right once oh I didn't realize so yeah it's three points you can go back and then right I thought you could do it as many times as you wanted oh okay but yeah we were definitely gonna play this on the main Channel I know what else is going in that video Chris please oh they have a Bulbasaur right here on the edge Chris is going to try to win it this one isn't like multiple plays per a hundred Yen though so hopefully she can get this Bulbasaur usually you want to poke these and kind of wiggle it and stuff you can definitely get that I think crystal is set I'm trying to win these she's going again guys all right oh get underneath it I don't know are you gonna slide down it oh that was really cool Charmander that's awesome I better get both of them this time I hope you guys like extra plush time wins content on this channel because you are getting it yes please yes she got that Bulbasaur oh my gosh that thing is so bedazzling I'm gonna try to get that Charmander yeah actually the charmanders if I can get that you'd be at the same time that'd be awesome yes oh yes I'm gonna get three here all right I think this is good I think someone get more oh look at the charm man I might as well try for this one right Chris yeah oh come on I'm moving it oh you got this angel I hope so good oh no this wasn't a tough Garfield crystal says oh it's gonna take her is one plane she's gonna win this I hope that's accurate because I just met so many places oh please one bite Chris yes crystal is a beast bam let's get all these in here let's see that one over there look at that guys this is just so crazy guys like claw machines claw machines claw machines claw machine claw machines gym Pusher gym Pusher Jim Pusher imagine push it Jim push it Jim push your gym Pusher it's so amazing and this is just the main aisle here there are like three rows of claw machine on the other side of that another like two on the other side of that there are so many claw machines in this round one [Music] are pretty good because I want to drop it over here right yeah and you have to hope that it goes into the hole right here the 30 seconds left okay here we go ready yes [Music] [Music] here we go give me that ball no oh all right he's got the ball come on it's so hard to attack oh there we go ready get ready that was a little too early um [Music] we'll take it all right here we go let's go Charlie or late uh I don't know too early I'm going a little too early perfectly in that hole oh we've got one he's got the seats oh my God it was just about to win I think so we were in the arcade for a few hours and now my feet are hurting so I found a little spot to sit down and it's right in front of the gotcha store angels in there looking around hopefully he comes back with good news that maybe he found a Pennywise or something super cool Crystal has decided that she's gonna get a Goku Goku natural smoothie it cannot be bad when it has the name Goku repeated twice it's got to be nice Crystal's enjoying her Goku Goku drink she seems to really like it like she keeps making these faces although maybe those faces are because it's disgusting I don't know so it's good all right it's very natural so there's absolutely no sugar added in it oh that sounds terrible I know you wouldn't like it it's gonna have all the sugars money so we are on the move trying to go to the next arcade we are headed to Aqua City we were in that round one so long it's dark outside guys what the heck is going on Joy police is right over there we will probably not make it to the decks mall today okay that's kind of weird but like I was saying we're not gonna make it into a deck small today because it's already getting late so we're gonna head to Aqua City check out that arcade and maybe look around inside that mall a little bit you know I feel like we showed these last time we were here in Japan it's like a whole shop like to underwear primarily underwear actually it actually is all underwear oh there's socks over there here oh okay there's socks right here but anyway Chris was like you should get the um Slowpoke one you know which one I need Chris I need a Pinocchio one yeah where's Pinocchio Pinocchio come on out oh look at this it's a Sanrio vending machine you can get a keychain or a little purse is there anything else it's a mess anything else actually oops press back yeah is this just a bowl oh I think it's just like a placeholder yeah it's just a placeholder because they don't have other things in here but yeah you can get a keychain you can get a purse you can get some stickers I think it is what's this I don't know oh it's the 45th anniversary when was the 45th anniversary so it started over here at 45 I don't want to do math right now but that must have been like soon because well that's what it showed over there all right we've made it to our next arcade destination Tokyo Leisure land as usual they have a whole line here of different gotcha poems oh my gosh this is so many and for the most part they're always about the same only occasionally do we come across something new here I'm not seeing anything that we have not seen before how about you where's which one the food oh it's just like oh it's like a popsicle it's like all desserts yeah okay yeah we haven't seen that one and I'm sure we'll come across more what is it [Music] it's the rare pink salt okay I feel like we have to get one of these now so Crystal's hoping to get this little grind right here because it has a rare pink salt on it this is pepper right yeah but we don't want one of these standard ones no any one of these clear ones please so this one's 300 Yen oh you didn't twist hard enough no you'll hear there it is come on be a clear one it's this normal song it's the normal like clear saw heck yeah so there it is and we just noticed it does something cool do it that is cool speaking of Pinocchio we just found up here in this arcade [Music] I pressed the drop button there goes and double tap oh I don't think double tap works it didn't I don't think so oh what oh no what a day it was a day of arcades yeah that's all we did today I know what we are expecting to look around there's some uh exploring of the malls yeah but that didn't happen no although we did do the Pennywise thing oh my gosh I did not expect we decided to do that yeah so that was an experience yeah it was really fun we didn't find that Pennywise gotcha I know you were not inside of that uh little store right going in there without Chris yeah but oh my gosh we had a lot of fun today it was fun we're definitely gonna have to come back to this area see that guys but we hope you guys enjoyed this video okay yeah I just don't want to drop the stuff all right we will see you guys another day with us here in Japan where we will probably be playing in the arcades again I'm sure I already showed them in this video see you guys next time well there's been a change of plans guys we see some bull but we get some Bobo all right we're just headed back to the hotel and we're like what's that a Boba place that we haven't tried yet yes please all right so it's not that bad it's pretty good I mean we only paid nine bucks for both of them so that's pretty awesome yeah but next time we have to ask for extra ice because there's like no ice in this thing wait notice here Japan if you'd leave for drinks with ice it's not very cool like it's like two ice cubes at least in our experience so far this is a burnt brown sugar with milk it's pretty good but here is where we really are gonna end the Vlog guys because we're gonna go back to playing in the arcades thanks for watching everyone bye
Channel: Angel & Cris
Views: 30,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time vlogs, plush time wins vlogs, plush time, vlogs, japan, tokyo, odaiba
Id: mNZ9Df95nqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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