I edited the files again and this happened... | Doki Doki Yandere Club!?

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what's up guys Pete you mind here today we are back with a yet another Doki Doki mod we took a little break from these you know but this one guess what guess what this one's called Doki Doki yonder e-club so I don't even I don't even want to say it because you know I had to do it you know I had to do it now in what way is this going to be a yond every club I don't know alright the obvious answer would be either Uryu or Monica but I have a feeling it's not gonna be like that at all anyway a link to the crater down below you guys want to download it for yourself feel free to do so let's get it going I think this was also pretty short as well so it's not gonna be like you know crazy series or anything but we're still waiting for the other ones to be updated alright I get I get so many comments asking me to do more of the other ones what nany what's going on what happened why are these why are things different now what did you do who did what hey I can't I cannot see hey and like not think of it connect it's impossible hey I seen an annoying girl running towards me from a distance waving her arms in the air like she's totally oblivious to any attention she might draw to herself that's my sigh or II was already gonna be hunter II imagine alright we know we're all childhood friends and stuff like that we used to walk to school together on days like this but starting around high school she would oversleep more and more frequently and I would get tired of waiting up but if she's going to chase after me like this I almost feel better off running away we just start running however I just saw an idol in front of the crosswalk and let's I already catch up to me yeah I overslept again but I caught you this time maybe only because I decided to stop and wait for you oh crap did I name myself that pretend it said scrub pine you say that like you were thinking about ignoring me that's me I did't change that it doesn't let me change it alright anyway we cross the street together and make our way to school as we draw near the streets become increasingly speckled with other students making their daily commute by the way huh have you decided on the club to join yet a club I told you already I'm not interested in joining any clubs I mean how many times you're asked to go through this for them to understand that I haven't been looking either oh that's not true you told me you were gonna join a club this year did I I'm sure it's possible that I did in one of our many conversations where I just we go along with whatever she's going on about how many times can we go through the doki-doki and still be surprised at what what she's alright this is all the same stuff and we don't want to see the same stuff we want to see the new stuff so let's see how things are gonna be a little bit different I believe the beginning was slightly different but not enough to be like hey this is amazing I swear Sai already if you don't turn yarn guarantee in five seconds I'm shutting you off alright I'm deleting all the girls I'm deleting everything on my computer no extreme there huh alright so so far everything's kind of the same exact way we're just going through the first day and I don't know what else happens gotta wait for the yarn everyone is the yonder is going to come out wait are we walking with Monica do that before Monica you need to quit the literature Club wait what she's telling us okay that's different quit the literature Club right after a high end she and the other girls have been so inviting what gives yeah they were all excited for me it's dangerous for you to be here something something is wrong Monica what do you mean I'd understand Monica I don't think you will understand but something virus has infected this game this game looks ma smooth what are the smooth what does that mean where things are going to start happening and you need to be safe and stay away from the club I don't know what Monica is talking about it virus a game is she okay we're pretty close to the nurse's office if you think you need to go there you feel it alright just be careful and don't come to the club tomorrow it's for your own safety Monica sided walked past in the direction we came from what the heck this game took a turn everything was exactly the same up until like after the first meeting was over even if I don't understand Monica's words did did give me kills I'm actually a little shaken although if anything I think I want to go to the literature Club even more now maybe she used reverse psychology on me yeah stay away regardless I hurry he's waiting at the front of the school I better go meet up with her I found that you're really fun what did I just say I found say you're impatiently waiting for me outside the school with that the two of us depart the club to make our way home the whole way my mind wanders about well Monica are you okay oh yeah I just zoned out for a bit but that's supposed to be my job at least I had sigh you already lift my spirits still though I'm interested to know what's gonna happen at the club tomorrow same here okay hi again you should have run away all nice Monica Monica turned and left the other side of the room well I back to the literature Club apparently dis dis me what I was the last to come in so everyone else is already hanging out thanks for keeping your promise what I think is gonna happen today all right so everyone's happy that we're joining can I um have you wait what she said have you it was like really fast but she saying have you what well I'm sorry I misspoke um I'm sad about oh you're he's just kind of here sometimes which I was thinking you should focus on on me you should focus more on me than her actually I think you should spend more time with me we both like manga and this is the literature Club after all and remember Monica's literature so I already announced you seem to be staring each other down and you're restarting and all of us from the corner of the room she's like hi once again Monica I see I see she's looking out the window but I'm sure she can hear a conversation looks like it's up to me to Romania to remedy the situation hey I'll spend some time with everyone remember we did this already we spent time with all the girls Jerry's head pro tip as she heard that neither site you were in or not so you seem to truly be happy with me or with a compromise but this is the best I could do from across the room Monica stared at me shift her head disapprovingly just like I told you okay fine I get to go first no way I want to spend time with him first and we're back with skirt square one Monica finally decides to block towards this I can only hope she's gonna try to help me hey guys how about we give our new club member a better space this is his first meeting after all it was actually impressive just how quickly Monica changed her expression and tone guide is everyone thirsty everyone's thirsty for the scrub pie or the book now we're just trying to still pull it away from me oh god I mean why is the music doing this he was my friend first and I was so he's mine if I may all you need to calm down all these curves are intimidating you just come with me Monica gets closer and what's worse today I know should have come here you know I've been starting to think she was right I should've just heated her advice from yesterday Monica you were awfully close to him right now look at her face I think you're jealous that he never wanted to spend time with you don't put into this Monica I don't care from the president Monica gives me a glass to say get out of here and even if I was mr. interpreting what she was trying to say I think I'd better leave the girls were distracted yelling at Monica so I quietly left the room in mouths the words thank you to Monica on my way out just my school rules I ran down the hallways fast as I could hold this picture sprinting so fast so scared always worrying that if I look back and see one of the girls following me god it's getting creepy you know at first we liked the fact that the girls were here but now we're terrified all of a sudden the games gotten crazy you know what first I was really happy that there were so many cute attractive girls but now I'm scared for my life so we just ditch school in which were house Monica was clearly right about what she had said before I shouldn't have gone to the club but why is this all happening I've known Syed for years and she's never acted like that Maria not seem to be behaving strangely as well in the midst of my thoughts my doorbell rang oh god they're here I'm not expecting anybody which means it can only be one thing one of the girls are right here thinking it over sigh Aryan the only is the only one that knows where I live so it must be her I go downstairs but I'm still not sure if I should open the door or not I don't think I'm comfortable being alone with Sai already after today I know you're there she's on naki hey I know you're there open the door please oh god what do I do please I've decided the door the doors staying closed locked in sealed at least that's what I thought until the door started to open I knew where you keep your key under the doormat in retrospect might have that might not have been the best place to hide it I try to act natural I already takes a couple of steps to the house Oh Alice are you ready what is it that brings you here at this time of I don't think I did a very good job I just really wanted to see you I felt really bad after we scared you away from the club earlier oh don't worry about that I just wasn't feeling very well but you seemed fine this morning yeah well I must have caught the flu I must have got the flu I think a cough yeah see I'm sick I'm dying but I don't think she buys it are you lying to me I'll be really upset if you're lying to me I don't like the sound of that the tone of her voice throws me off - of course not it's just a little cold that's all sigh - Rick continues to look at me with doubt well let me nurse you back to health in what'd she say we gotta go back to history ah dang it I didn't get to see it - skips it no let me help you I insist what the hook it arrived that's the face I've never seen her make before diary please leave I have to go to pen but you're sick you need someone at your side someone like me I'll live by your side but forever words weren't working she's far too insisted I didn't want to do this but I felt like I had no other choice I quickly pushed I already back out the door and closed it instantly she dropped the key as she fell back so it was on my side of the door thank God I locked it quickly picked up the spare key I found it somewhere else sigh sorry sigh already I just really don't want to pass my cold on to you I don't really care about getting sick I just can you sneeze to my face please I just want to be near you I didn't say another word I just walked back upstairs and pray that she or nor anyone else would try to get into my house again that's a little weird isn't it now let me explain I don't want to be here but I need to learn about what's going on and the only person I know that who knows about it is Monika so my plan is to enter the club room quickly convince Monika to go somewhere else with me and have her inform me of what the heck's going on I took a couple of deep breaths counted down to three and open the classroom door Oh God and Monica's not even epic here that's just great I was waiting for you they switch places don't worry about last night I figured you it's impossible to stay mad at your after all I skip classes at the club early just make sure you didn't get here before me I would just be never sick and I can with you they keep fighting and pushing each other to get closer to me I backed away but they're adamant I need to tell you that I love you I always having ever going to be with you no don't spend any of your precious time with that [ __ ] okay shorty cheat on me and only me your body is so nice so Tony well-built and your skin is marvelous I'd love to just open you up and crawl around in it let me the dogs continue to mindlessly shouts at the point my back is against the door and I had walked through moments before this isn't just like what happened yesterday this is worse than yesterday far worse wait a minute everyone Thal quieted down where's Monica they remain quiet Oh God you think they did something to her I don't know their eyes kind of tell me otherwise you really can serve for someone like her she could never love you as much as I do I began to fear the worst what happened to Monica these three they wouldn't have they're obviously crazy but there's no way suddenly the door was being leaned to open causing me to stumble backwards into the hallway I'm here for you but now let's get out of here Monica cross my wrist and runs down the hall pulling me with her we need to hide this is definitely a lot different from other mods Monica is actually a good the good person here and everyone else is against us what the heck for a girl Monica can run really fast she's athletic what can you say Monica I found a classroom on a different floor and so they wouldn't find us here we both worked up a sweat running here but I have plenty of energy left - pretty sure adrenaline Monica please tell me what's going on she was panting but she looks up keep your voice down I don't want them to hear you there like Raptors what's wrong with them it's hard to explain I don't even fully understand I just know that some evil person affected our worlds and changed our behavior what who and how like I said it's hard to explain but just be glad we found a place alone we need to be away from them I know I know that we do but it's is there any way to put the back to normal well I don't know there has to be a way I can't let's IRA and the others act like this forever don't worry about them right now what you mean don't you think we have bigger concerns what could possibly be worse than this well think of us being alone like this is kind of nice Monica what are you no no not hurt you come on don't you want to enjoy the moments we have for you after all I feel you and I have really got to know each other since the others join the club why don't we talk for a while this day cannot get any worse if Monica has been affected just like the others that I truly have nowhere to turn to this place isn't safe I have to run a game this this time stopping for nothing I quickly dashed at the door and went to the hall in the hall who do I meet over who I want to avoid more than anything there he is oh god we have nowhere to go this usually would be a dream but not right now I just have the worst luck you don't have to Brian I just went to the nursery you now they're all here I heard the door open behind me but Monica came joining the pack the four girls quickly had me surrounded this wasn't good what was I supposed to go Monica and now it's you bro undecided me sire Ian URI on the other to me was the left was the wall and okay there was walls around us basically so my right was a window we're just gonna jump out the window if I was fast enough daring enough I could escape through the window Monica and I ran down the set of stairs when we were running but it would still be one story drop I might be scared but something tells me this is the best chance that's reflected we're gonna literally kill ourselves basically trying to get away I quickly open the window and hop to the ledge looking down I see some bushes that I could potentially land in this is not the best plan but it's better without other without further hesitation I jumped out the window into the bushes it hurt I mean it hurt like a bee but I was still able to stand up and more importantly I was able to run and run I did not in the direction of the school not towards my house not anywhere I knew I just ran and I never and I never stopped whoever was responsible for changing the girls like they did whoever the evil person is is that Monica was talking about I need them to undo their actions I need them to I need them to take back what they did to stop this I need you to take back what you did get rid of this mud delete it wait what do you want me to do do it do I have to go to the files that was it guys Wow all right let's slay sorry why not god she's still alive crap well guys that was a lot shorter than I thought it was gonna be but it was a little what if the girls were gone dairy okay and so apparently we were the ones I'm guessing that changed the files to make them all gone dairy girls think this makes sense the most sense for me to play this since we are you know we play God every simulator so much it was only natural that eventually I would turn them all on Jerry little did I know it was a little bit the worst thing I could have done yeah and URI gets you the views but it also gets you dead today scrubbing the days gonna go to Bella Simone Gallo early squad hey hey hey I appreciate you Bella keep doing what you're doing okay I appreciate all the support you guys give me alright alright you know I had another scrub of the day why not hey I know it's crazy guys I'm really like acting out over here I know it's insane to absolute mad lad me bins abara far aid nice haircut thank you so much alright you were you were one of the few people that have you called me jacksepticeye yeah oh thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to check out you know the Creator down below if you have it already I'm Jack septic PI TDM and I will see all you salads and the next one make sure you're hitting that subscribe button leaving the five-can likes hitting the bell because i apparently people don't get my videos anymore just do it alright and I appreciate you so much thank you so much give yourself a round of applause and we'll see you salads in the next one bye bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 570,838
Rating: 4.9488101 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, I edited the files again and this happened, Doki Doki Yandere Club, bijuu mike doki doki, bijuu mike doki doki lit club, ddlc yandere, bijuu doki doki, doki doki, yandere club, Doki Doki Literature club, i edited the files and this happened, editing the files doki doki literature club, doki doki literature club mods, doki doki literature club yandere simulator, bijuu mike plays doki doki literature club, bijuu mike doki, bijuu mike doki mods, bijuu mike ddlc, ddlc
Id: E__6Ne6ZFJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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