I forced an AI to write a Doki Doki Mod, here are the results ...

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hey guys i'm steve doki owner and CEO of doki technologies and what i'm about to reveal to you guys is going to blow your minds because it quite well blew my mind to be honest today we're gonna play a new doki mod but this is gonna be a mod that is unlike anything that we've ever played on the channel don't you could say it out there you guys lucky you guys don't understand this is this is gonna be something completely different all right let me explain first of all let me show you something I don't even understand you see all of this that's going on I have no idea what it means but I think I'm hacking the government I might go to jail just to give you a brief summary this mod is called the Doki mod that keeps on modding that is literally what it's called why because heat mods itself it's as if Monaco is actually in control of this mod I haven't even tried you haven't even tested it but if it works like I think it's gonna work it's gonna be like a snowflake and anyone that it plays this mod will not get the same thing it's run by AI aka Monica Monica is literally running this mod do you understand now who's the mad freakin scientist that came up with this one because this is insane oh it's newer old pants so yeah I will link this down below it is not easy to setup at all in fact one of the most weirdest mods I've ever setup so in the weird part about it it's already asking us for a name we haven't even started it I hope it's gonna work it could be very scary or not scary we're going on this ride together so guys let's dokie it up okay buckle into it with me let's do this turn that volume up hello oh god I hope it's working is it working something it just doesn't seem right do I have to leave I don't know if the game started already over it's just messing with me well I saved a screenshot whoopsie AI temperature what the heck does that mean oh I think I did it oh okay yes I you did it I thought all hope was lost I'm scared they're saying my name already scrub pie no no no no what does that mean Carmen's gonna do this every time okay okay ignore it oh my god oh my god what is happening sorry delivers help a big live Abiff match all right drag a date is it really gonna do this every time is this how it's supposed to work what look at my history this is what this yeah my computer I don't even know how to comprehend what is happening but the computer is playing the game itself and basically being the dokey girls it's it's literally making up its own words and it's trying to bring up an image called lock mug I don't know if I got it to work right but here's how it's supposed to work they leak all over neat hitting instead no doy that's not Natsuki she's like speaking like Spanish Bob I don't understand you it's my computer possessed by a demon so sorry she said so sorry I'm just gonna read it like I would I think it says plate I'm a tuna eats my clique [ __ ] alright and know already URI what is the game doing this time oh my god it's so frickin unpredictable I don't know what its gonna do great here's yuria it keeps changing the characters so far the only person has popped up as Monica okay again I'm gonna show you what it's supposed to look like this is by I'm guessing the uploader Plus is by your waifu paradise so don't explain this a little better guys I know I haven't really done it justice I know I haven't at all it uses a reoccurring out was trained to write R NP code for D DLC which is executed as you play the game it is literally the mod that keeps on modding so I guess we're sort of seen it I don't know if we're supposed to like let it sit for a while but anyway here are some of the results that could happen yeah I I'm going to delivers why I met Monica I mention Monica I'm what the heck you're some scary what's worse than ski going oh my god - your yours has changed now her face just cool with these first I know she needs over it this is just for a while for a new test oh it's ok maybe ok so it actually does do that I didn't watch this full video ok oh my god they're all just crowding each other squeezy what's the game it just doesn't know what it wants and I love it I guess we should just keep going and see what happens should I maybe it's a mistake ok I want to quit your day job oh my god you scared the crap out of me it's on it's crap again I wouldn't put it fullscreen but it just changes by itself I can't even do anything fusing because he'll place alright this is the dumbest episode I've ever made it's interesting though you know what I mean I just want to see the girls do something weird that they did like they did before that's all I really want to see if shoot about yesterday not ski she's I took a paranthas um nicely don't let Joyce it's like it wants to say words but I just don't des don't okay you know I did change the IAI temperature a little too high maybe that's what's causing this look see maybe I should have turned that down well that like oh that's why she was talking gibberish I turned that up thinking it would do something earlier when it wasn't working oh okay alright maybe if we could actually get something now I was just thinking about the festival on the way I was just thinking about the festival in the way I was shaking about the festival the way I was just thinking about the festival in the way [Music] why are you saying that look at she just keeps repeating herself maybe we need to turn the temperature up a little bit let's turn it slightly up and see if that changes anything I was just thinking about the festival in the first place it's like a jeweler robot that's learning words or something and the club this is terrifying I was just thinking about the festival right all right when are you gonna stop saying the festival oh I was just thinking about the festival then I'm sure it would be fun yeah Monica and now she's back to the in the way do you know it away alright I think we need to turn this out a pretty good amount but not as high and we'll just see what happens oh oh we got URI I can't help but feel the worst the story in the first place I hope you only have been a while since we have a complete day the Crazy's about oh there's Monica now the crazy thing about this mod is it literally at random she could start stabbing herself and I would've been like you know what I mean it's the past couple in meta T's helps you feel that way this is like a bad fever dream I think that's enough reason it must be a little more Optimus optimus optimation is that even a word she used to the club guys I can use this mod to be confident oh there's not scheme I can use this money to make infinite amounts of episodes of doki-doki literature club of course this gibberish but you don't care I just want okay I think that's everyone oh she actually says that in the game I don't want to say it's been working out right now well I don't think it happens I don't want to start to learn the bottom yeah I don't think you should I guess that's why I mean URI get out from behind Monica I don't think I could have come over anymore yeah I don't want you over here oh my god sorry all I ever hear where's he go from I know there's a meth there so I just started to get into the club members with the festival and herself the game got bigger by itself and your changed I was hoping that I was just thinking that sounds long before you meant anything though yeah me too I was just taking me I just want to kind of keep going and just kind of see if it'll move like will the background change I mean in that video they did let's turn this up even a little higher and just to see what it'll do okay so that's default oh so that's default right there whoopsie but it's all I wanted this wouldn't know if I should be too pulling me at you a pun today he died Oh recitals my ass but it's is literally sick so your resettles my what we're all gust that has already hated it out I wonder everything I bought anxious bag buy cute things yeah so poetic this is the best lot of ever played a mere asleep stop changing but will still lower warning the pound that may be the lap streaming's to change Davey show this to your friends without any context TV I feel like we have to play for a while it's a gets you know gets to the good part so we haven't quite got there yet it's just kind of going but I want to wait I'm waiting for something to happen walking up with not ski hut now I can get behind that why does the thought of that make my heart pound it's actually normal I mean I think I would be afraid of what she do to me if I turned her down yeah yes quite normal is this she's so cute and fun to be around yeah that has nothing to do with what I just said how you admitted it geez oh it's this automatically defaulted to depress sigh or II there's not even up any point in speculating something that's never going to happen well maybe but I just like to think about it it's not long before you won't need me anymore you know needs you Sayuri I can't figure out how you're seeing things in your head right now sorry yeah the game's actually running like fast everything's so different nobody in the club is a replacement for you if you say so the conversation trails off and I'm left feeling awkward but it was kind of it's like the game just like I don't even know appointed time okay so network they're way normal for one second my favorite school driving you to the club thanks Monica thanks for chiming in it feels like they were not even going to me if you wanted it wouldn't be fun with me a fine scrub pie I do get really bokes I get it didn't your greasing it's me Oh God what's another Monica but I'm so scared I don't know what's gonna happen oh no oh no the game it changes resolution the game is just randomly put Monica on the screen and I can't even read the test that text anymore can i I don't even think I can go what if I hide I can't even go to the menu to change the settings anymore is there a shortcut for that cuz they don't remember it Oh Oh God Oh God it the music change finally not and Yuri okay I not to meet you why did it change why did it change to freakin Monica's music like this naturally then I don't know why but is so funny when they change position now not ski changed when did you do that when did you do that it's like when you go to concerts and people are like like a magic show and people change like that it's literally what they're doing to me Monica I would really appreciate it if you would please get off of the screen so I can adjust my settings she's like nah where'd it's how your we go now it like creates its own story and the funny thing about is you don't know what's gonna be on the knife as I feel octa Monica this is so annoying I mean I guess I'll just wait until she leaves I have no idea when that'll be music stopped that means I've repeat the music just stopped why why did the music stop wait does Jerry have one of those faces right now her crazy face I can't tell they're actually all in a straight line now I don't I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what this is I you really quickly exit the room oh is this the part where she fights you like snaps back at Monica oh we finally changed locations finally what's in the hallway she would Monica she's like that you can't enjoy the game is so annoying it's like the most annoying episode of doki-doki literature club ever cuz freaking stupid Monica it's as if she's fulfilling the exact purposes she intended to do you don't mean she wants to be center of attention she's literally doing that right now okay yeah it's kind of just going normal um I really wish I could see what's happening and now we're back to randomness image was long what does that was long what's long every time I look they change I'm gonna so I'm just gonna put the game I hope you're happy Monica you ruined it you ruined my life thinking about friends to me to me say you read prince2 me to me I think I think it's basically the more temperature the more gibberish oh my god I was just thinking about the festival right I have been sitting here and then eventually Monica just goes right back to the festival I was just thinking about the festival while saying that for you I could see the comments section already I was just thinking about the festival DV I'm trying to get it at that perfect level where they don't speak complete gibberish but also I want random things to happen like think about it does it actually have an end there is dirt into this story did the AI decide that there's an ending to this story oh I have a choice they have been playing for a while now okay just think of the club okay I guess I'm picking one I'm always picking Natsuki well baking sounds like it could be fun oh I guess we're here now all right no one's gonna pick sy already because no one you can see her which it's kind of funny because there wasn't even option to pick her kind of freaky for some reason sorry is just standing I never got to be with you ray anything what who are you talking to you up I let you down okay thanks wait I'm saying that to myself me every morning when I get up I won't let you down Michael alright you know I'm just gonna leave this here for a little bit if something happens let me know what is it doing when does this ever actually happen in the in the real game oh no this is doing it to it is the game just breaking I actually just don't know oh my god what is that why is there a room back there okay this is probably the weirdest thing it's done so far oh my god Yuri it's like all the dough keys are just like drunk and they're just they're left to their own devices and it's the worst thing in the world to be honest oh she did it she did it again are you kidding me Monica she's never gonna leave she's never gonna leave I saw my god not again the thing is too if you guys play this something insane might happen or it might be the most boring crap ever I've sat in for an hour in 20 minutes and I have no idea if anything's gonna happen but I think you get the point they're gonna be a little glitchy Yuri I don't know download it play for yourself if you need help I'll leave a guy down below I don't know guys this is different and yeah this is a literature club now
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 122,250
Rating: 4.9615283 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, doki doki literature club, bijuu mike doki doki, doki doki, doki doki literature club mods bijuu mike, doki doki mods, doki doki literature club mods, ddlc
Id: eXRtWBOwhzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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