We Caught Them BREAKING IN!!!

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[Music] [Music] good morning everyone it's been a day or two since we saw you last we are in Hawaii K down in Patagonia in Chile and boy do we have a story for you well as most of you guys probably already know we had to get some paperwork for Frank so that we can get into our hen Tina and we basically had to go and jump through a bunch of Hoops so yesterday we had to do something for Frank that we've never had to do before in any of the 14 countries that we've been to we had to get him microchipped in order to go into Argentina we had to go and pay to do that we had to go and do some other things at the vet they said that our vaccination records weren't authorized all this other crap so now we're here at the federal office we're gonna see if Frank get this paperwork today or not [Music] [Music] and in Australia oh yeah [Music] what are you doing Frank you got all your paperwork you can go to the schwa mmm which means no more vet visits for Frank for at least 70 days and I know Frank is happy about that now we have one more errand to run before we get out of town and before we leave town we're gonna tell you guys what happened last night clothes this is our next stop to pick up our laundry and even though it says it opens at 9:00 right on the door and it is 936 right now looks pretty dark in there huh I guess go bang on the door and see if they're ready for you [Music] okay good to go all right so I guess we really just have to start with what we were doing last night we basically stayed up way later than we should have which was probably a good thing we were up watching TV till pretty much the early hours of the morning we decided to park at a place here in kawaii kay where we were gonna have good cellphone reception because that's how we like stream movies or TV shows or whatever we're watching so we parked in a place that had really good reception it was right by this monument by a downtown square it seemed safe so you guys might remember in Nicaragua someone tried to break into her van it freaked us out we were super unprepared and ever since then we've kind of had it in the back of our minds that this could happen again and what are the steps that we're gonna have in place to make sure it's prevented and if it does happen like what's the what's gonna be the protocol so basically ever since whatever ten countries we try to pay for secure gated camping we try even if it's to a couple dollars more expensive than it would be to park for free on the side of a quiet road we think it's important to be safe but now we're in Patagonia it's rural there's a lot of backpackers it seems very safe we're in southern chile where there just doesn't seem to be that much to worry about and I think we started to let our guard down now city that we're in kwai UK is not dangerous when you walk around you feel safe you feel like it's a place where you could leave your doors unlocked and they wouldn't have a problem however last night we ended up watching a movie until late into the night it was way past midnight I think it was even like 2:00 a.m. I shut down the computer batten down the hatches and I climbed into bed so like Ali said since Nicaragua we've been pretty much on edge not to mention our window right here is always open when we sleep so that we have ventilation so like our ears are basically a foot away from an open window we can usually hear anything that's going on outside the van so a lot of times people will pull up in cars they'll be walking by they're talking there's noise I sleep so light after Nicaragua so I'm always listening for any noise any sound any people maybe they're you know trying to mess with a motorcycle or steal our gas cans I'm just always on edge I'm a very light sleeper in the van so about 2:00 a.m. when we go to bed I'm kind of in and out of sleep I'm not really falling asleep I'm kind of checking the surroundings everything seems fine I start dozing off and I think it's actually right before about 4:00 in the morning and I start to hear a noise so the noise that I hear is not coming from outside the van I'm not hearing footsteps I don't hear car doors or people talking all I hear is hunka hunka hunka it immediately wakes me up and I'm hit with a load of adrenaline something's going on the noise that I hear is almost undeniably someone yanking on the door handle now I don't know if this guy's trying to pop the door open if he's trying to break the door handle off he thinks that's gonna open the door I don't know what's going on so I listen very intently for the next 2 or 3 seconds chunk chunk I hear the door handle again all the flashbacks of Nicaragua come to me should I grab the ax should I grab the keys I immediately go for that we're getting the heck out of here so I grab the keys the keys hang right here on this hook I grabbed the keys I launched out of bed and I come running up to the cab so I'm climbing into the cab keep in mind on base wearing some shorts I'm not wearing a shirt I'm not wearing socks I'm not wearing shoes I just launched out of bed I've got the keys in my hand and I'm ready to jump into the driver's seat and drive away as I'm sitting down here I remember one of the things I thought I would do if somebody was trying to break into the van is I would hit the lock button on the key fob this makes a noise if the doors are unlocked if the doors are locked the noise is pretty muffled and it flashes all of the blinkers so all of the orange lights around the van the mirror the front the back they all flash so I thought I'll hit this button the guy will see the lights flash maybe he'll run off I hit the button as I'm sitting down but nothing happens I can still hear him messing with the door handles I flip out the keys and as I'm pushing the key into the ignition I look into the passenger window so what I see from the driver's seat is a man sliding from one side of the van towards the passenger window but what I see first is a beam of light he either has a flashlight or he has the light on his phone turned on and it's illuminating what he's looking at this is probably why he didn't see the yellow lights flash he's trying to use this flashlight to look in the slider window but since we have these window covers his lights not shining through he can't see anything so I think he's trying to mess with the door handle nothing's working he's trying to look in the window he's not seeing anything and by the time he moves to the passenger door I'm already sitting in the driver's seat and the key is in the ignition a kid maybe 15 to 25 I'm not exactly sure how old he was he's wearing a hood he's got something in his hand that I think is a screwdriver and then this flashlight so as he slides over he's peering through the window obviously looking for things to steal out of the van this is pretty common this is something that I've seen in Utah in different places in the states where people will just try and go see if your door is unlocked maybe they'll steal your stereo your spare change whatever they can find as he's peering through the window with this flashlight he's looking around and I see him look up and connect eyes with me keep in mind I'm a very pale white man and I'm not wearing really any clothes at this point it's 4:00 in the morning this guy's trying to break into a van and all of a sudden he notices what is this naked white guy doing sitting in the driver's seat so we both lock eyes and I don't know if he thought maybe I didn't see him if he was just trying to freeze if it just scared him and he didn't know what to do but he paused there for maybe four or five seconds and then the next day it is absolutely hilarious he's shining the flashlight in he's looking at me and he brings his hand up and he goes peace and as I'm looking at him and he goes peace I realize he's scared he doesn't know what to do so I start the van and as soon as I start the van he completely leaves the scene I look in this rearview mirror and I can see his flashlight swinging as he's heading down the sidewalk going down the street so needless to say this was just some punk kid trying to steal something out of our van but it's one of those things that just like in Nicaragua it violates our sense of security so the van was started I drove off we drove and found a different place to park in a better part of town and kind of got some sleep the problem with things like this is you can be in the safest place in the world from here on out and you're gonna wake up to any noise anything happening and you're gonna assume somebody's trying to break into the van again it's almost like a haunting nightmare and it's been hard to get sleep and hopefully for the next few days once we're outside of the city this won't be a concern of mine the last night it was pretty scary we take this type of situation very seriously but what I do think is really funny about this is that we have been preparing for this moment for months we have a whole protocol of what to do if this happens we know to keep the driver's seat empty so that if this happens in the middle of the night we can access the driver's seat and drive away as soon as possible so even though Trent had this burst of adrenaline at the he heard the door trying to like be fiddled with by the time he got up to the driver's seat he knew what was going on he knew how to react and when he was sitting down looking at this guy coming up to the passenger door he was calm he was calmly staring half naked at this guy trying to enter our van and the guy was the one I think that was terrified the moment he saw you and started to freak out especially realizing that there were people in the van but there was just a dude at 4:00 in the morning staring back at him makes me laugh yeah and I mean you can tell by the fact that this guy was wearing a hood and had a tool with him this wasn't some guy walking down the street that was like oh let me see if this car door is open this is a kid who's going out and it was a Saturday night he's probably going out on the weekends in the middle of the night it's 4:00 a.m. everyone's asleep I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna come up and make some money off some things that I steal or whatever so even though this isn't something new to us is the second time that it's happened we wanted to share this with you guys so that you know what to expect maybe if you live in a van or just to realize that everything is not sunshine and rainbows on this side of the camera anyway we are gonna stay vigilant and we are going to be prepared from here on out but as for today this is enough talking about what happened last night we're gonna hit the road because we're heading out of Khoi UK into the wilderness [Music] if you guys haven't noticed Ally's driving you're welcome Mike well we've hit one of the road construction zones here on the cutter Teta Australia take this time to explain to you guys about surf shark surf shark is the sponsor of today's video you guys don't know what a VPN is it's something that gives you protection when you're connected to an unsecured Network anyone else on that network actually has access to your device people can steal your social security number your bank account number basically anything that's stored or this accessed by your device can be accessed by other people so a VPN actually stands between you and the Wi-Fi it encrypts your data coming in and going out so that if anybody intercepts your information it's encrypted they can't get any information from it one of my absolute favorite features of surf shark is that when you are watching Netflix a lot of times when you're in different countries you get a different version of Netflix and sometimes it doesn't have the shows that you're used to on the United States Netflix with surf shark you can actually choose with the VPN what country you want to appear to be coming from which actually gives you that country's Netflix so for the viewers of this channel surf shark is doing a huge favor if you guys click the link in the description and you use the promo code Trent and Ali you get 83% off and one extra month for free so I highly recommend trying it make sure you're protected thanks again to surf shark for sponsoring this video looks like we're ready to go let's get back on the road so we drove for a few more hours I thought we had a really cool campsite picked out with a waterfall and some great views we were gonna spend the afternoon hiking and exploring and instead we pulled up to this I don't know if you guys can see that too well but there's probably about 25 or 30 cars in front of us and I guess this part of the road in the middle of nowhere closes at 1:00 p.m. and doesn't open again until 5:00 p.m. it's about quarter after 3:00 so we've got a good hour and 45 minutes of sitting here in line I think we're gonna take Frank for a little walk [Music] [Music] it's not pavement but it'll do like a nice compacted road-based sand dirt that they're like working on that's why everyone has to stop for multiple hours per day but they just let us drive on it and it's amazingly smooth there's barely any squeaks or noises or vibrations I'm a happy camper we wanted to share this story with you today of everything that happened to us last night not to scare you and not even to deter you from Dan life man life is something that we will continue to do for sure but we just wanted to share a piece of reality of what it can be like to live in a van and to remind everybody to always keep safety at the forefront of your mind and just to stay vigilant be safe out there everybody and speaking of safety make sure you guys check out surf shark like I said click the link in the description use our coupon code Trent and Ally and you get 83% off which makes it like a dollar ninety-nine a month thanks for watching guys we'll see on the next one [Music] start
Channel: Trent & Allie
Views: 1,451,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, vanlife, trent and allie, the nomadic movement, eamon and bec, trent and allie van, trent and allie van tour, living in a van, how to live in a van, custom camper van, van life couple, travel couple, van life in south america, vanlife in chile, van life in chile, patagonia, patagonia chile, we made it to patagonia, van life in patagonia, vanlife in patagonia, why we live in a van, We caught them breaking in, vanlife break in, Vanlife thief, vanlife security
Id: 82SfnoLVimI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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