72 yr old SOLO Female Van Lifer | Van Tour in 4K

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody welcome back to another video with Trenton Ali except this is not Trent I have upgraded to Ruth today when she actually bought our first van from us Tony Danza and Ruth loved band life so much that she actually has since upgraded and custom-built her own new van and we're excited to tour today so Thank You Ruth for having us and let's step inside you walk in here and it looks just so polished so stunning first thing you see is this beautiful kitchen tell me about this alright this is a great kitchen got this big old thing because I need to pull that down so I can wash my hair excetera I love my sink I guess I don't know if you can tell how easy that will be to take care of but you know we got our fresh water in our gray water normal things like that I've got my water pump right here this is the fresh water this is the gray water and the hose is right here you pull that hose out here's where you would connect it and you can take it right out the side door there the great thing about this setup isn't you because you can attach that and put the holes out there you never have to pick this up pull that out because like I say one day I'm gonna get old and it will not want to pick things up and take them up such a nice setup and I just love the fact that Ruth has this decoy soap dispenser which is actually her water fill spot then we got this light for under the this area and then I've got the USB port where you can plug into devices or this kind of what does that 110 Hey whatever if you know normal stuff and that would tell me whether or not it has lots of gauges and sensors and monitors all over this vans so at any given second she can determine exactly how much power she has the temperature in here I love that you just you know everything totally in control thanks to control that's it right there well this refrigerator the great thing about it is it has separate compartments there's a freezer just a refrigerator part nice little refrigerator the best thing about the refrigerator is my magnet if you really wanted to you would listen for all the people that watch us and live their lives through us who think they want to do it they should just do it okay I've got this great paper towel Deeley that I picked up the idea from Trenton Ally because this one will flying you know Darien you can take one or several kitchen self pantry your pantry that's it yeah that's a big old pantry to them right there and so here is the most important part of the kitchen which is my microwave couple pots and pans my induction hot plate another pan and fortify it's just a bucket with the tote and so I have bang I have sawdust I think I have some chemicals simply anyway it's very simple I'm never gonna use this except at night if I need to at night otherwise I'm using public restrooms it just makes life real simple tucked away never smells we're good keeping it simple I like it exactly yeah so there you have the kitchen I just think this is so beautiful this countertop came out so well this nice black sink contrasts really nicely it gives it a really regal refined reeling in here yeah it's already regal it doesn't feel like a van it feels like a very nice kitchen khalessi this is the living room slash bedroom / office / dining area oh so multi-purpose I love no should I show how yes please yes my desk / dining room table pulls down even though that looks like the covers that pull out there's a light in here so I've got plenty of light another another USB port thing there then I've got all these little you know things all in this cubbies like paper clips you know three by five cards my patterns my clips these clips everything you'd ever want right there for office and then to file drawers slide out very nicely and you can access them from either side but this see this is why this is a big part of the design because it's important for me to have a place to read and study read my Bible Jim chill if I want to eat eat here this is a wall of storage this is every van lifers dream there's just all drawers and shelves and cupboards and openings and every single shelf is so well organized and so well thought out great foresight you had Ruth I'm just nice designer let's say here is all my personal stuff vitamins hair stuff makeup tooth care eventually I'll know exactly what is in every little bin would be very very easy to just pull it out and do it I got to do put it back in nice and neat there you go so this little gauge token the current voltage this tells me the percentage of battery this is the builders part of the van and I have four I figure they're deep cell batteries I think's hundred watt all kind of fuses and knobs and things to turn on and off but basically what I do is that then that goes along with that we have this humongous heavy inverter charger which is wonderful and it's humongous because Ruth said that she loves power our he wants the power out I want to just live real simple and this is doing it these drawers are all going to be for clothes I don't have them filled yet more start don't look at that man under wears an ankle then up here I have some tennis shoes and just stuff you have to have places to just put stuff this is my golf clubs which is the most important oh no that was the microwave one no this is the most important part of the van because you cannot go anywhere without your golf clubs I mean you can leave your underwear someplace but not your golf clubs I have to have them and I also keep my backpack in here which carries everything I need to go and take a shower because I don't have a shower in here so use a truck stop and a gym and you know underneath again we just have just some stories nice story that's why I store my bedding I have an electric blanket which I think I can use because I have power this cabinet is for food there's no food in there yet I have two two iPads case one breaks I have to have one so have to you know I like to of everything but now the Vans too small for to the very thing look place for my thing for the fantastic fan two of these USB no one USB thing there that fits too you can charge two things there and then a 12-volt Deeley and then again 110 down here and lights you can have those on only like if you're sitting in on the couch or in bed at night and you want some light there it is well here's the bedroom part the bed is right here I pull this out nope when it goes that far so I need and by myself no plans for anything else then there's a thing that falls down you put the couch in there you go to bed there you go it's called my happy yeah and here's what's nice I still have room to walk from the front to the back I got the back door I've got the side door or I can just get over here to my drawers and my clothes and all that without standing on the bed I love that this film also is so photogenic and beautiful from the backside ours is just a huge open empty gras at madam very full garage but this is nice that you can walk in through the back doors I can put clothes up here the builders wife wonderful and she is maybe's for me they're insulated they go in with magnets this matches the curtain that I have and you have your nice hat and an extra stuff ID this is ladies like to step up like that they can do it I prefer just to grab my handle and go up but you got to have this Linda made this curtain a little insulation in it reflectix on the inside and it's in two pieces so that I can just unclip and then this part you can roll up like so because the part of the window that opens is right here just slide this and that window opens tylo in a little bow and leave that open if you want that ventilation especially if you use your fantastic pen at the same time then you got a little wind tunnel thing going on but this whole thing from front to back you can take it off because it goes on very simply like that there you go all the lights you ever wanted a pet this full-length mirror so you know because girls I'm a girl and so I have to have the mirror that lights over it now these lights will also work individually on their switches and then this switch has one so and you can put those at any angle that you want but I'm not straight if you want to nice touch right so Ruth I'm really curious to know what got you into van life what drew you to it to begin with and I got so tired of things they're not really complicated but all of a sudden they seemed complicated it is like I just want to live simply if I looked around my house I didn't use the living room the chairs the great big old flatscreen beautiful TV didn't you I wonder watch TV I went in the bedroom so I used the bedroom it is the bathroom and use the kitchen I used the microwave know I could do I wouldn't have any trouble you know paying the bills but it's like I just got tired of life as usual I saw a couple videos of people you know living in vans and I said whoa that will work I'm over 30 so I know enough to do a little experiment so I ran it a minivan I bought a camper cop about yay wide you know and I bought the port-a-potty the first night that I slept on that cot in the back of that van I said oh I can totally do this because the feeling of freedom is just absolutely indescribable no I didn't really have my home with me but it was very easy to picture from there how it would be to have your home with it and from that point on it wasn't I kind of think I'd like to do this it was I'm gonna do this and of course everyone thought I was crazy but some people have come around and understand that it might not be crazy it might be okay and it totally fits me so basically that's that's it in a nutshell does it make you nervous at all to be an older woman traveling in a van by herself did you just wink or a woman over learning over 30 I just say that then um you know I'm not the least bit nervous no-nothing least bit nervous you carry a weapon or anything with you for some offense I actually don't I do have some wasps or wasp spray eating getting at fifteen feet with lobster but I'm not concerned because the thing is first of all you know I you know enough to know that you can go by your gut if I stop someplace I'm like I'm like oh I think I'll leave so you turn the key start the car and take your house someplace else and so no I'm not the least bit nervous and where do you generally sleep on that bed right now sure I did a lot of truck stops I love truck stops they've got great showers and usually there's a place for the RVs and Vance a park and another separate lot for the trucks so you're not taken away from what the trucker's have to do and want to do then I stayed at 24-hour gyms yeah there's just all kinds of places you can stay yeah it's a lot easier than people think it is oh yeah yeah oh yeah so it's a common question I mean this van is a little bit bigger than the mini van that you rented originally but why not just go all out into an RV couple reasons one I designed this so it's the way I wanted I designed it I couldn't design an RV secondly I'm not even interested in of the whole Blackwater deal but also to drive this is the easiest thing in the world to drive a van are you kidding hey easy to drive easy to park you can put it in a regular parking place there might be some other reasons to do that I forgot but listen this is the option this is the way to go right here well I think the last question I have to ask I'm sorry to put you on the spot like this Ruth is are you doing this to become Instagram or social media famous definitely listen I can barely turn on my iPad does that tell you anything well Ruth thank you so much this was so much fun we're so happy to be able to check in with you along your van life journey and I gotta say I'm a little jealous a girl's dream all storage and have in the house to yourself yeah um maybe you go with track no okay no I don't I have I'll let my van well thank you guys for watching as well if you like this video please hit the like button subscribe to Trenton Ally if you're not already and we will talk to you soon thanks subscribe well we're gonna have to hurt you thanks for watching guys we'll see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Trent & Allie
Views: 2,152,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van tour, solo female van life, vanlife, van, life, conversion van, camper van, 72 year old solo female van lifer, trent and allie, trent, allie, self built camper van, camper van tour, conversion van tour, living in a van, solo female travel, van life, is living in a van worth it, how to live in a van, trent and allie van tour, van build, tiny house, tiny home living, van conversion, promaster conversion van, Trent and allie van, experienced van builder, master carpenter, ruth
Id: -GFt-X9J04U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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