We can make ESP32 for Matter device without code (ESP ZeroCode)
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Channel: That Project
Views: 14,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZeroCode, Espressif, make matter device, matter project, matter ESP32, ESP32-C2 matter, ESP32-H2, ESP32-C3, ESP32-S3 matter, ESP32-H2 matter, Project CHIP, What is Matter?, make Matter accessories with ESP32, smart home device, smart home ESP32, iOS ESP32, AppleTV, Smart Lamp, How to make Matter accessories with ESP32, Smart Device with matter, AppleTV home hub, iPad Home hub, ESP32 HomeKit, matter HomeKit, Google Home, Home Assistant, No code, ESP32 Thread, ESP32 Zigbee
Id: z9ZiNjNmmYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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