Build a Smart Home Matter Device in 10 mins on ESP32

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better device is not in the market yet but as a matter is open sourced we can build a meta device power service in this video I'll show you how to build manual device from scratch within 10 minutes to build a matter device you need a esp32 device a laptop and a USBC to USB adapter if you are on Mac without USB port for esp32 device I am using the esp32 dev kit from M5 stack it's pressed at 39.9 it has Bluetooth Wi-Fi built-in support and LED screen I added a link in the description of this video feel free to check it out let's get started matter is initially branded as connect home over IP as it's based on IP protocol then it's rebranded as matter the Ripple name on GitHub connect home IP is still the Legacy name so don't get surprised the report contains meta protocol implantation on major platforms the ones that we are interested in is examples our cluster app all cluster app contains matter device side implementation for multiple device types it contains the implementation for light bulb thermometer and door lock Etc so we're going to install our cluster app on esp32 device to build our matter device so first we need to set up the environment to build the app there are two things are required for the setup the first is ESP IDF it's a two chain that we need to install so that we can build our custom app for esp32 and we will also use it to flash the binary to our esp32 device installation of ESP IDF is pretty straightforward we need first to clone the Ripple of ESP IDF note we are cloning version 4.4.3 then we just need to run the install script as I have already pre-cloned the Ripple I'll just go ahead and run the install script it may take a while for the pro to finish now it's finished we will need to run source to add the paths of IDF to our past variable so that IDF binary is in the past so now we're just to use a very simple command to see if IDF is properly set up as you can see here running IDF Dot py minus minus Hub gives us the harp information it's installed successfully now we can set up our measure environment you can find the instructions in your readme file about how to set up matter in docs guides so the very first type is the column meta repository from GitHub matter is a huge repo about 25 GB in size so it's going to take some time to clone the Ripple I suggest start cloning early while you are doing other things then we need to install the prerequisites a different platform we have different prerequisites in my case I'm a Mac so I'm going to run the command to install open SSL and PKG config and also run the configuration command I cloned the repo previously and already ran those commands so I'll skip this part I'll show you guys how to activate meta environment it's pretty simple with navigating to the battery pole under root directory we just need to run Source Scripts it will activate the matter environment for you looks like our environment is successfully set up now we can go ahead and build our cluster app let's go back to the readme in our cluster app under esp32 to build the app it's pretty simple you just need the wrong build but in our case as we want to Target M5 stack we're on the wrong menu config to change the target to M5 stat if you don't change the target it's still going to be working but you now see the UI interface on the screen on M5 stack device so we will run the command oops there's an error it says the python interpreter used is different from IDF passing environment this is because when we activate the meta environment matter itself has set up its personal environment with which overrides the one used by ADF to fix it it's actually very simple we can just prepared idfs python interpreter into our system path so that it will be selected first let's just do that okay now let's run our previous command now it's working we can configure the Target by select demo and then M5 stack the default option here is M5 tag is because I previously configured and saved in your case it might say esp32 dev kit 32 here now we will press s to save and press ESC to create the configuration we can run build now as you can see our all cluster app is successfully built the next step is to flash it to our esp32 device before we roll the command we need to figure out the USB port we'll be using from the readme some users has to install vcp driver before we can see the port as I'm using a Mac with USBC I need to install the driver after installing the driver we can plug in our esp32 device and we can list all the port by RS slash D Dev slash ddy we can unplug and replug esp32 device to determine which part is for esp32 in my case it is slash Dev slash TTS dot slab USB to uart so I'm going to run the flash command the monitor at the end of the command will connect to esp32 device and let us see the logs where our cluster app is running foreign is about to finish as it reaches to 100 percent now we can see our cluster app is running on esp32 by looking to the locks each meta device comes with a QR code for setup we can find the QR code in our log here if we paste the URL into our browser we can see the generated QR code congrats now you have a matter device successfully set up as meta device is set up it will be in commissioning mode it broadcast via Bluetooth Channel about itself and we can use iPhone app to set a meta device so that we can control my device via local network I have another video shows how to set up and control The Meta device with the iPhone that I linked it here feel free to check it out if you like this video and want to know more about programming please do click subscribe button and the like button of this video that's all for today thank you
Channel: Programming with Nemo
Views: 24,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smart home, matter protocol, esp32, m5stack, matter device, smarthome, alexa, siri, internet of things, chip, connectedhome, connectivity standards alliance, programming
Id: nO45szofvOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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