We can fix her 💖 | Needy Streamer Overload

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hey I'm Grump I'm not so gr and The Game Grumps welcome to Game Grumps everybody hello welcome to data 1 data 2 Data three no this is needy streamer overdose what does that mean um you you're playing okay the only thing I know about this game is that all the reviews are I can fix her okay all right so let's go okay sounds good oh let's go day one got the stre got the stream got the stream oh account time to log in and get ready time to log in and get ready click on stream and log in with my password Angel Kawaii 2 okay all right uh password Angel oh she's getting hacked no question what oh there she is okay I see you vlog good this is where our forever begins okay we'll be together no matter what happens online whether I die or I get arrested or I break or I get stabbed or I get flamed or I become God or I go crazy those are the possibilities of a streamer this the internet is truly the fer excess pool of how born of modern society but even so I have nowhere else to turn to cuz I have trouble getting out of bed in the morning I don't want to go out I don't want to get a proper job I'm scared of other people ad don'ts piss me off and I'm stupid and I still want everyone to F over OMG what who we what is this what are who are we talking to when you send a DM that's her okay and and who are we uh I don't know but I mean like are we just like a is is she a streamer and we're like fans of hers is that uh no we're her manager I guess okay I don't know uh and streamers get F over the most Ern so that's why I wanted to be one thanks for setting up on my gearar getting my streaming software running pchan I guess we're pchan okay p pchan p pchan yep you're my pean cuz you're so perfect for me okay [ __ ] yeah dude we're in I mean you're the only congratulations you're the only person in the world who understands and support me and you're my one true love and you're also like my producer so it fits you're super smart unlike me so you can guide me you can tell me I'll do anything and I'll do it let's do this let's do this let's do this really plays fast and loose with punctuation oh it's almost time my makeup looks good got my wig perfect here we go it's time for my first stream and go what is happening feel like I'm watching gem in the Holograms this a Sailor Moon dude uh not dating myself at all go it's just like The Wizard of Oz anyway I need my pills where are my pills dropped them can't get him can't bend over hey kitties oh I wasn't reading what the cat said if I bend over to pick him up the blood might run out of my heart OMG a new streamer Here Comes K angel I'm oh my God kael but you can call me Kel yay God [ __ ] cute who's saying that just just chat oh just people okay yeah got it I'm going to go ahead and delete that got it okay weird name [ __ ] you dude AR ray of light Illuminating the chaotic internet of today yep oh she's got stress levels and mental Darkness that's [ __ ] funny this is a true streamer oh boy here come the nerds in the comments bro shut the [ __ ] up kill you a promise of future piece I'm a little Manic and Moody but it's all right I'm about to [ __ ] don't go depression on us [ __ ] you deleting comments like nobody's business go get therapy first [ __ ] you God there's only 100 88 people watching that's a lot of like it's a lot of negativity for such a short amount of uh or a small amount of people in the room that's a good one gracing us let's go I didn't want to delete it let's go let's go get out of here [ __ ] off dude wait I don't want to show that one maybe you deleted too many I want to delete it got to be one of the cutest streamers I've SE yeah show that one how do I read the comments I think I'm doing this right I don't know Aaron okay I don't hate this great congratulations I'm here to love and heal all you nerds out there on the internet [ __ ] yeah you save me please hell yeah save them wait they really do have the internet speak down don't they I don't want to get get out of here when are you gonna okay that needs to go [ __ ] stress went up so when are you gonna go show us your T dress and while I'm at it I'm to become the biggest streamer on mebe that's a threat and a promise hell yeah oh threaten us more kangel Kangle hey yeah I could be your Kangle or you devil devil you've got my support go bigger go home so I'm going to shoot for 1 million subscribers [ __ ] yeah she looks promising like [ __ ] what what are you Professor Xavier yeah yeah H scratching his chin she looks promising make a phone call an interesting newbie has appeared still got6 subscribers she's not doing anything am I supposed to be like should she be doing something anyway here's anyway here's still a lot I have to learn but I'm so glad to be here I can't wait to meet you all hell yeah all right meet us Queen nice to meet you that they're being nice checking out [Music] comments I want to get rid of get out of here get out of here yeah okay I think I I think there just some you can't do anything about oh and if okay so she's a gamer yeah and if you're backy gamer do me a favorite stay away please see you at the end of the stream I will respond to the comments you choose the fans love that aren't they so kind and generous cool Tweeter Tweeter hey everyone wow this is my first time meeting all of you I'm OMG qu angel you're internet Angel what do you guys think of my first stream I hope you liked it didn't do much is that her yeah I think oh no no that's her competition it's her competition I think so right I think it's her looking at her phone oh that's right because I'm just confused because I know that she said she was going to wear a wig and I just don't know if that blonde was her or if that's a different streamer entirely yeah that's her okay OMG I'm still shaking Kel finally descends upon the world after we spent so much time so long Ming over we've got 1,000 more subscribers huh that's not enough I want more people to fought over me we're only just getting started I at least want 1 million fans satisfy my need for approval desperate need for approval we got to get to that within a month that's the most motivation I've got so let's make this month count we get that's so true that's the most motivation I've got I got to say she's very open with like who she is yeah I respect it she's she's saying the quiet part loud as the kids say so let's make this month count we can be Kel the biggest dream in the world we work together right yep I love you so much Queen um I really hope we can pull this stuff I'm counting on you pean hell yeah what's the X in her hair uh it's just like a thing I don't know it's just a thing that anime characters do sometimes cool a little hair tie oh I see it yeah like rubber bands or something got it I might break if you push me too hard but when that happens we could just destroy the internet anyway we'll be cting on you tomorrow too good night cool you seem like you have a very Firm Foundation yep we're all mentally stable here love forever good morning it's my first morning as an official streamer huh wait it's already noon OMG I'm just not a morning person at all oh well anyway since we're aiming for 1 million we still need to get to 9,000 999,000 more but let's start small go for 1K 10K first we'll get numbers are hard so frantic uh an idea coming hang out let's let's spend some time together what Aaron you got to play the game what her stress goes down oh oh I see and her affection goes up okay and her experience goes up let's do it did I do it this will change time to dust did you notice me uh okay [ __ ] so didn't tell me what the god [ __ ] okay as you know I'm completely useless on my own so you need to tell me what to do every day I know you'll make the right decisions for me so I'll do everything you tell me to real really I have complete faith in you pan I'll follow all your orders perfectly and I promise you won't become the best streamer cuz if not I I think I'll just break and fall apart I don't want to say that that's your only option to respond yeah but I don't want to say that maybe we play some games all right I'll just say that yeah you could all right let's spend some time together did we do it click to give me head Pats more spent the whole day lazing around with peaching energy restored stress gone [ __ ] yeah we did it marriage soon World Peace achieved thank you for always being so nice to me God this is what it feels like this is what it feels like what what what feels like it's like streaming and [ __ ] being young yes my queen I fell I fell ass backwards into this job man yeah I was just making dumb dick joke songs well I have an idea for a stream sexy stream you can only stream once with the ideas we get from commands Mark ah if we stream with a lowlevel idea we'll be able to find another idea on the next level up okay okay okay thank you for being nice to me I should carry on your spirit and be nice to my little nerds every once in a while but you're still the one I love the most okay no need to get jealous I'm not jealous [ __ ] are you talking about uh all right um I guess I have to go to dusk now uh I'll just send you that there are three stages in each day noon Dusk and night click the icon on the desktop to advance through them it's good to keep a regular schedule but be careful as some commands will take up to two stages instead of one or take up two stages when you see the exclamation mark on a command it means that you will be able to find new ideas for content with that command when you feel a bit lost try clicking on it and just as a note you can only make me stream at night cuz that's when most people are online is that right I guess that makes sense okay she's my kitten dude congratulations all right go away please I I get it I see I see the words you can go away is it just me or do n really like omelets no just me this she loved it I guess I guess uh all right so what time is it Jesus Christ Okay Internet social media no stay away from that we don't need that [ __ ] uh affection goes down and mental Darkness goes up oh don't do that video streaming watch a movie or some anime online oh that's nice okay stress goes down I guess she should stream right sure how do you do that what is this sh oh no that's [ __ ] that's like forchan get off get off get off this is terrible dinder dinder is Tinder she doesn't want to go on that though oh wait what what was forchan uh St okay got it so that's where she'll see the really horrible stuff yeah yeah okay let's just watch some stuff she's watching lost an oblivion dark and silent and complete I found Freedom losing all hopeless freedom I watched the movie about a secret club for fighting that you should definitely never talk about it was so good I started smacking Peach head in a joke but Peach thought I was giving a free back massage LOL zero retweets the streaming site I use updated no other anime does it like Idol animes truly and the best ones are the kids Idol anime it did it get zero retweets and likes because um she mentioned me yes I think it's just she doesn't really have an audience right now or is it because she's not posting as her I see okay but watching the girls work so hard for their Idol dreams makes me a bit stat over how in reality what's most important is how much money you could squeeze out of the fans ID anime is so pure wish that were me why is the real world so harsh I don't care this everything everything she ever says this you have a new idea for stream hell yeah okay let's go t night and now she can stream so let's do there could be sexy stream which brings up her stress quite a bit this game is making me feel incredibly in my 40s I mean it's literally just like [ __ ] numbers man yeah she sexy streams are bad for her health okay so let's do nerd talk it's probably not going to get as many fans but I I didn't see the stats did do the sexy streams make her like stressed out yeah all her bad things go up okay it's like mental Darkness stress interesting yeah I'm going to try to make her be a wholesome streamer okay that just talks about her nerdy [ __ ] okay you can also change the speed of my streams just thought okay bye but I would be guessing that like if you ignore the sexy stuff completely the numbers of people watching don't go up as fast I I think she's probably not going to grow as fast yeah yeah yeah it's like sell your soul or play the slow game welcome to the internet dog we're all friends we're all there it's your favorite Idol K angel you're so cute yeah she is she's cute she's got great colors any of you grown adults here like kids anime do you also wake up early like a 5-year-old and watch them you're so relatable kangel I struggle so hard to get up in the mornings should I share that one kids anime like Akira yeah hello vampire hun D kit uh La BL girl um you watch the kids superhero shows too yeah let's [ __ ] show that everybody's beinging positive right now I don't have to probably because you're not doing the sexy stuff that's probably when like the cruelty yeah shows up a lot you know when I was still in Angel and training I was Sav from my loneliness by a particular girl's anime and I think what makes them so appealing is how pure they are okay that's great okay seeing the girls work so hard for their dreams and aspirations and love it's just so inspiring you know what are we talking about I'm so glad we can talk about kids anime like like Attack on Titan yeah they I mean they they grew they grew to giant people that's so true yeah I love anime with little girls oh that's not good yeah we need to get rid of that show it yellow does yellow mean we can't trash the comet I don't know and when times are tough their friends and family are there to help them and share their dreams watching them makes me feel like my pretty bad thoughts have been purified that's why I like them is it red because it's like whoo whoa whoo no I think so that's funny yeah I don't know it's the the yellow yeah I don't know what it means I guess the color ones you just can't do anything about well the color ones I can share with her oh I'm a little girl okay get off the internet yeah like you are to be corrupted soon if that's even true what anime do you like when I remember that all the Nerds watching also had such Purity in their hearts one it makes me cry a all of her fans are getting inspired good for her time for a chat you watch the kids superhero shows too IKR I know impatient kangaroos Rock why would you even bring that up I'll show you my henin Bel sometime I struggled so hard to get up in the morning yes team just think of Sunday morning it's like an extension of Saturday night oh boy wow she's so inspiring it's so deep thanks Kangle every girl had an idol growing up and I'm going to do my best to become someone that all girls can look up to you sure are stuck up for someone who just happened to get popular by luck oh man they kept at the egg too that's really funny oh jeez once I was playing one of those girl Idol games at the arcade and the girl standing behind me kept staring at the rear card the machine gave me and I felt bad so I gave it to her going to invent time travel so I can beat my past self up that was my hard earned money wait what no that was nice that you did that that pan look at my DM already stop ignoring me oh okay sorry oh boy jeez uh DMS this game is stressing me out man if you died then I think I would just lose it so I've decided that no matter what I will die before you do I'm dead this ignoring you this [Laughter] this I don't care OMG oh my God okay are you sure this this all right well I guess we'll go to tomorrow then okay did she tweet again oh no she's just Fu I wonder if it's possible for me to grab myself by my own neck and throw myself out a window why what's wrong nothing dear P this isto from XY creation as per our last phone call your rent is still outstanding and you will have until the 10th to pay it in full please forward your payment to the account detailed below and contact me when you have done so regards W they didn't even put their name oh that's a l again oh it's syto it's it's like at least $1,000 okay what is this what does this mean we need to pay our rent by day 10 we're broke as hell we need to be able to monetize our content ASAP we need to get more than 10,000 followers first easy peasy for us let's go this what the [ __ ] is this I don't know okay that's that's very much commensurate with my experience on the internet where you're just like what is this and you just never get an answer uh stress goes down affection goes up if we go to Shinjuku go to haruku we got a new idea so let's do that let's [ __ ] go oh so we actually hang out and [ __ ] oh that's nice I thought she was just my internet girlfriend oh very healthy I had fun okay bought a lot of new makeup usually don't wear a lot of makeup so this is very exciting for me you know how a lot of those would to keep your girlfriend reply to my DM or I'm going to kill myself what where'd she say that that's the reply on her makeup tweet oh wow R our day today 10 out of 10 Haru was so much fun lots of people who think dressing alter is a personality trait though [Laughter] this you lot of those okay great uh I tried wearing Gothic lolia oh that'll get some views okay let's do that okay cool that's that's and it's holesome so [ __ ] great what does Gothic Lola mean it's like uh it's like ma dresses and stuff okay got it I guess it's like not a totally wholesome but well I know you mean but like not revealing yeah it's not like oh look at my titties right right here we [ __ ] go so is the new outfit going to go over that outfit I don't know hey cuties it's tangel your favorite Gothic Angel oh how sinful is my beauty oh she's just going to talk about it oh I see hey you're up over 200 people watching what's good what's good goth GF K angel don't touch her every beautiful rose has the horns okay it's not it's not overtly dud like punching his screen like full fisted [Laughter] punching I want to go too so you'll go on a date with me uh no that needs to go let's go let's go it's hard huku scary I heard it is went to haruku BU some goth I wonder if the number went down slightly when you deleted that comment I wonder if like they leave when you delete their uh I want to date her comment oh interesting it really feels good to wear what you like the most important opinion is your own that's [ __ ] right damn She's So based that's good right yeah Bas is good yeah cool I want to see more Lolita clothes uh okay that's fine so so let her know she's doing she's doing a good job right sure you've encouraged me to just I want too yeah [ __ ] yeah yes see you're changing people's lives girl 214 people at a time kangel let's both go out together in Lolita uh no that no no no no you don't know who she is I'll eventually get old and wrinkly and then I won't be able to wear these pretty dresses anymore so you can wear whatever you want girl h [ __ ] I need to enjoy it while I still can there's nothing more Gothic than being old and dead dress your age hag I want to show that to her je all right that's sad but you have a point I can get that I'll wear whatever I want no matter how old I get that's [ __ ] right I wish I could share that with her uh these are both not good though maybe maybe it's pronounced AOG and it's like like a type of sushi yeah a is like a means fried I think see I dress your fried hag I guess I guess I have one of those around here somewhere you guys better give me a billion likes is that a billion W it looks like a billion yeah it's a lot all right let's see those pics dog oh she's cute aren't you a little too old for Lolita no I'll be buried in Lolita tomorrow I think I could go until I'm 25 no maybe 30 come on I said stop ignoring me I'm [ __ ] Jesus I'm 5 billion times more needy than you think I am so hurry up that's I would have never guessed by the 45 exclamation points maybe I should just drop everything and go Frolic in a grassy plate somewhere for the rest of my life this [Laughter] this love forever ignoring you oh okay OMG oh my God G for genius [Laughter] this okay love forever love this oh God so not cute I'm dead I can't handle this de I don't care [Music] I'm orb is that good I'm [Laughter] dead this love forever oh she's like [ __ ] not even she's like I don't dude what are you doing look at just leave me alone day four okay pause this for one second I just have to run and get my sandwich but I don't want to miss one second of this hold on how do I pause uh you know what you can keep going you can keep going wait wait hold on hold on I got I can pause I can pause really yeah we can pause we can pause we can pause good are you sure her stress level went up but it's fine no no the stress is the stress is way high it's this is the end of the episode anyway so next time on G no what what do you mean no I need to know how this ends oh well you're not going to f you got to play through it oh we are going to do it yeah well I don't know do you want to it's I mean it's interesting right how do I [ __ ] save it save it save new game load game my pictures I'm going have to shut down I'm shutting down well if you if you can if you can new game I mean if new game and load game then certainly you can save a game well I think it auto saves ah we can do anything together right love forever so not cute what do you mean this this all right I'll see you later okay [Music] by I've been practicing it's really [Music] good
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 336,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, let's play, game play, dan avidan, arin hanson, Game Grumps
Id: axhChmMgGOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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