Arin's Superhuman Comedic Timing - FAN MADE Game Grumps Compilation [UNOFFICIAL]

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I'm going to put this stencil on my hand and then you put the stencil in your hand the way that you want it do you think this activity is going to be a struggle Aaron what hold on wait wait wait wait wait hold on wasn't Halloween 2 not about Michael Myers no that's Halloween 3 season of the witch that one doesn't have Michael Myers in it that just has the one where they like the kids put on the masks and that music plays like and then the kids die it was amazingly stupid the best Halloween it was not borf don't spread misinformation and Halloween 4 the return of Michael Myers that was also quite terrible well thanks for joining us uh the shaman tramples that one so you take two damage Aon has taken two damage yeah which means seven water cannons oh my God my ear I'm blocking water cannons that's enough oh my gosh this is brutal all right back to the game I'm feeling at the V feeling disturbed go over here cuz the controls never work when I oh they're not working right now that's me being [Music] disturbed my friend's name is Danny and he's a good Zelda player he likes to shoot swords at Lanos they got swords for hands but I don't care how do they hug their children they must kiss them lots of kisses anyway uh right I was like is this going to resolve in some way nothing against anyone who likes Denny's or works at Denny's or is Mr Denny like whatever you like is totally cool I'm just speaking for my own opinion I don't know if I've ever had a worst meal in my life and I mean like it it didn't damper dampen our moods at all cuz we were so happy cu the tool concert was amazing but jez gez I don't know I think I'm still like emotionally recovering and you should never have to say that about a meal [ __ ] good [Music] job oh my God watching you stand there and study like mhm mhm mhm all right here we go dead oh man that was really funny all right thanks Leah wow we did it yeah oh we love you Leah great job oh Leah was a fantastic friend yeah that was really nice oh sorry I let go let go the mouse every time you let go of the mouse it just looks like the character's like oh what's up here my boyfriend is being enough of a dick to me tonight I don't need yours to add to the mix dudee oh no [ __ ] I feel like such a douche walked out and had a Wandering eye I was like huh hey Catherine what's up God I'm [Laughter] crying holy [ __ ] okay so okay always a pleasure Catherine yeah so uh next time on game grubs I oh my God ceiling sure is white oh I love hanging out with you dude what are the odds that I'll roll a two like if you roll a two then you're going straight to jail well I'm more concerned with the fact that you'd get that expensive property for nothing Parkplace no you won't land on it if you roll to you go to jail doesn't even happen yeah I see well [ __ ] it those dice are hot oh three that's a luxury tax [ __ ] that's not good it's good for me no could have been worse ooh 53 bucks now we're cooking with gas really land on one of my railroads you [ __ ] 10 I just did holy [ __ ] boy that is karma if ever I've seen it I hate it throw it on the table oh my God it's Nails we're doing pop on nails are we we're doing pop on nails acrylic nails what does acrylic nails mean it's never seen when people make those nails that are pop pop popping white is the same as yellow look that looks white doesn't it it does not what have you done what have you done kill me Rob look like a vase full of [Laughter] piss oh Blockbuster Video no what Burger King Pepsi Taco Bell Maserati Bugatti hot body oh was that America or future fonts for spaceous SK for amen ways a gray Aaron for Pur Mountain I'm going need you to turn in your citizenship model of an iron atom ident magnified called the atomium uh oh I'm just going to say a random one okay man I got to clip my toenails like a mother foe oh you yeah it was Brussels I don't know what how why did everyone know Brussels cuz that's [Music] uh it's where the sprouts grow techology in space that's why I don't even know which way to look up or down or left or right really got hand with that one oh my God that just looks like the Angry Orange like in Hell The Annoying Orange the Annoying Orange that's what I mean now that's scary he I don't I don't know what you're talking about he's very handsome [Laughter] ah they're trying to clean this the dark soldiers off the walls bro that's weird we've been up since Dawn washing these paintings off the walls crummy joke if you ask me looks like you're making amazing progress yeah why do I have a much more authorative voice than the [ __ ] Captain morning lus what brings you here so early oh man hey o now you got to get it in one [Laughter] shot can I go back down oh I can ah how'd you do that oh come on you got to be [ __ ] me pool is very hard uh it's the opposite button on the face I'm saying yes cuz that one was the top button to make it go mm the bottom button was the button to make it not go you're learning today is opposite what are you thinking I'm just going for it dude yeah I'm I'm thinking much the same pause pause just stop just why don't you stop when it's good for me and then you stop when I'm right at the hole you stupid bastard [ __ ] bastard game that's how we create Legacy that's how we shut your [ __ ] mouth you stupid ass who's saying that Monopoly man no some dick it's probably Marvin probably Marvin H what else am I wasting my time with I feel the veins in my forehead [Laughter] thickening oh my god oh come the freck on dude no dude look at that that's directly in mhm boom boom [Laughter] boom here you go oh hell's yes dude that is sprinkly and sparkly let me get some big diamonds on there dude oh thank you how do you like that kiss cut right there baby oh I don't like it it feels like something's crawling on me almost done e oops oops oops oops did you just make a pizza on my hand if I go to like the Alanis moriset concert do you think people will be like dude sick Hanah yeah and and you have to like oh yeah how's it going like yeah uh-huh oh that's interesting what's that it's for gravy sauces soups and stews drink it down homie oh my god did you see how much you drank [Laughter] [Applause] I've never experienced such a thing before I need to wash it down with lemon place the Kenny G mover on the game board in the first morning space okay boom he's in morning okay a so you you draw two cards and place them face up here okay and then event card cards represent hectic events that Kenny G must overcome using Jazz I did an Acappella cover of this before I even knew smooth mcgroove existed no kidding yeah I haven't heard from smooth in a long time yeah hope over at office before right before I moved out really yeah he's a sweet dude man yes I've always enjoyed hanging out with him um and he's got a very lovely voice but there was a guy what the [ __ ] dude give me a damn break uh there was a guy what was his name he was like the original Acappella guy for like nerd [ __ ] mhm he did Acappella songs of all the DDR songs oh and then people would make like step charts for like stepmania you could make your own DDR like Maps ooh that's cool and people would make maps of his songs I don't know who that gentleman is that you speak of I don't know I don't remember his name it's like something Chan or something Jackie yeah Jackie CH Yes actually well oh good job dude he already caught you with I didn't know he already caught you with alcohol no dude you're just stunned he didn't catch me with alcohol he caught me with the Jammer Madison was all pissed off that I was stealing the Jammer from her garage really you just got here I know well I mean have you been have you been playing this in your off time what no it's random the the the party loads random like all the locations are random so I'm used to mean all the locations are random all the locations of the character are random sometimes give okay there we go my balls are better than regular balls Welcome To My [Laughter] Nightmare that sound was insane Aaron I'm starting to get really into like funny screams hey all right par there's this there's this scream there's this scream that Eric Andre is in every episode episod whenever like animal burst comes out or something it's just like this audience member that's like [Laughter] yeah here may I okay close look at me like after all that you screw up the lot did I do it look at me look at me CAU jeez man we spray painted you and everything I know dude all this for like a 1 in coin it should just but it shows bevels on both ones I'm not crazy well I don't know man tiny bevil the waves are getting really choppy all right so we figured out what was wrong it was it was are we going to go back to Sonic Adventure 2 I don't know maybe I forgot we were even playing that yeah yes yes how far did we get in that game we got pretty far oh man there was a lot a lot of fan got R um I I think I think we're close yeah I I I think we'll Circle back to a lot of those games um yeah it was people were really enjoying Sonic Adventure I think yep as was I although it did completely slip my mind that we played it both of those things are true are we going to play every single Phoenix Right game on game gums uh I don't know it depends how long game grumps goes as a channel forever which is hopefully forever um but I feel like after one of us dies on camera that's what I want I want to die on camera I can't die unless it's being filmed I just want to make if if we don't monetize my death then my entire life has been a waste what's the point I want to go out as I lived fully monetized zap zap get your equipment give me your [ __ ] zap zap zap St step Steppy seppy oh yeah hell yeah time to get serious what' you say time to get serious time to get I thought you said wxrs all right wxrk in the morning all right did I tell you my phone thinks I'm the word catchy when I do voice to text even when nothing happens what yeah either catch catchy catcher or I catch it just like it thinks empty silence is the word catch hold on that's a ghost dude it's not a ghost that's a straight up ghost hold what are you talking about that's 100% a ghost well check it [Music] out it's because you dang it now now cuz now everyone's watching you don't believe in the ghost so now he's like well I'm not going to say catchy [Music] anymore you just [ __ ] said catchy so that one doesn't count put a sock in it for a second oh no a rival Rescue Team bump them off oh yeah [Laughter] holy [ __ ] killing me with this do you want me to just say catchy silently into your phone so everyone thinks that it's impressive no we'll come back to it later it happens five times a day I'm telling you when does it happen in your house no all over the place in your house all over the place in your house oh my God it sounds like you have a house ghost says catchy all the time the dumbest GH what purpose could that possibly serve here you go just a [ __ ] swear to God he just follows you around then when you turn out T speed he's just like catchy that's what it feels like okay I got I'm the one who does the saving okay there ain't no ambulance that's going to beat me to the punch okay I'm the saver I'm the rescue boy I'm the one who [Music] saves we'll be right back after these messages hey Aaron you did a pretty good job I'm impressed with your skills do you think you're my friend catchy no shut up Aaron that doesn't count did it say did it get it of course it said catchy oh wait that's sep that's with me isn't it or is that Carl that's with me oh yeah I was calling you Carl oops oops no no no no no no no we'll be right back after these messages [Laughter] [Music] we now return to your regularly scheduled program no oh we're just fine oh my God that was so funny Topp or something so annoying is catchy even a word yeah that's a catchy song oh maybe the ghost likes my music that would be cool I would love that tree tree tree tree tree treat tree I'm going so fast I'm going so fast I'll be right back after these messages oh God no you only had like two pieces like I said oh jeez that with my mouth open it's in my beard yeah it's in your beard oh no things are looking good no I don't want to be the Hulk anymore I feel it hold on I'm just going to let this sit and drip for a minute all right here comes the flippish oh oh my God look at that you think he's gonna think that's Princess Daisy this looks like if he was like if you went to like the toy district and you found like Y [Laughter] show am I a clown stop using all the gems you got to leave some for me to put on you okay I am your canvas no yes uh 36 you finished you made it all the way through 24 correct 770 beat that that you math [ __ ] show me your math dick I want to suck it he's supposed to provide those sick nasty golf drops yeah you think you can squeeze it between you did you did that oh light it up no get the F out of here bro yeah maybe you're supposed to like oh my God this is so intense yeah stay away dude get me out of your red cone yeah get like put him in the fire oh snap him into the fire wonder if there's a way to do that get into the fire to the fire to the Flames oh no okay maybe to the knife hack mode oh I have to I have to ha oh I can honk okay great now I heard him earlier saying they're famous for being grumpy or some [ __ ] which sounds like a One-Stop ticket to litigation station if iation station but you you're just a playable character you ain't got to worry about personal injury lawsuits if you were to say knock them silly just one highly trained companion God you're going to beat the [ __ ] out of yourself oh wow all right I didn't say hit enough use your words do gloomer you [ __ ] rabbit punched yourself right in the back of your head oh no he's still doing it is your is your postmate here it's almost it's here it's going to be here in 6 minutes oh boy hey all right you died while I was looking away so I couldn't make fun of you I'm going to be eating Shake Shack at 10 p.m. that's a good idea always uh-oh that's typically when I always eat it anyway send your condolences to my digestive tract that is the P box butthole Lane 1156 poopy comes out of there wow hey could you please uh shove the knife in your heart could you do that I can't I can't I can't kill you unless you do it all right um this like the most pathetic Saw movie [Laughter] ever trade proposal yeah you oh you want to trade what have I got that you want let's see hey uh Patrick you should come over here you should come over here real quick Patrick hey Patrick hey it's my main mro mro how's it going man I think you can just tell Frank that Patrick's drunk I know but Patrick's right here but you might be able to get away with it while he's kicking his ass like remember how you picked up the wine bottle the same way oh right while the fight was happening well I picked it up that doesn't count though oh cuz when I picked it up while he was in the room he got pissed off oh also Steph wanted to chalate you on your suby with a s dance thanks bro no problem right get the [ __ ] out of here all right Frank's it going dude catch you later bro pck it sucks word oh come on man [ __ ] double KO ass [ __ ] it's fine it's the right in the stage so it's good I got all my stuff refilled okay yay hate my I'm just kidding I don't hate my [Laughter] dad so funny whoa Game Grumps compilations thank you you do great compilations Cameron Robbins oh my gosh when I'm when I'm feeling proud of myself I watch your compilations and and laugh upon my previous triumphs um
Channel: The Lovelies FAN CHANNEL
Views: 160,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, laughter, laughing, danny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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