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[Music] [Music] Wow welcome back everybody to blogs it's been a long time coming you guys have been leaving us so many comments telling us through the overnight challenge in the new woods fort we built so that's what we're doing we got a bunch of things to do though before we get to the mountains right first up food cuz that's important mm-hmm let's go and mix here all right no guys I found what we need check it out oh yeah well it comes with ranch and oh there's like barely anything in this bag though and it by book that's like a handful and then you're done we got water and some beverages yeah I think I've only got this eyeball we get this here calm stomach or smooth move comps to paint it yes actually we're going with this flavor I think watermelon line boo boo we just picked out dinner whoa looked insane so we got carne asada with veggies to cedar wooden plank Salmons dinner's gonna be so good yeah we're at Bass Pro because we're gonna grab a few more supplies that we need to make this challenge a success Oh jeepers should we have a whole pack of these are a captain's we're here to get a cast iron pan because we're gonna do some cooking we need a pan so we're trying to decide which one is that one it's good cuz he's pretty big and okay today I'm at Sammy's let's get it all right I think we got all the supplies we need so we're headed up right now the adventure of beginning guys we just got to the dirt road guys now we have to adventure up the mountain let's do this [Music] [Music] there's a good amount of snow up here actually so we're hoping that all the wood out here isn't wet so we're gonna put four fire yeah oh man we have our first visitor okay good right better [Music] Wow this road ow over here over there it is windy up here I don't know if it's gonna be windy in the canyon but we're ready to brave all the elements right fellas yeah I can just hear that way and that sounds nasty yeah yeah you're getting all our stuff packed so we each brought backpacks we got a cooler of snacks which we can go through later Nick made some food as well we got the shovel rake loppers extra clothes sleeping bags snacks guys we are set we're about ready to descend into the canyon this is a nice little hack Andrews using the backpack from our short film saw Rihanna it comes in handy we're going in the right way [Music] somebody has to sit in seat rock otherwise we can't know any further I will and we have - what's the password - sandwich sandwich we're good to go after a nice little hike down the mountain we have made it folks and snow has made its way here as well but home sweet home we got a lot of work to do to expand this fellas yeah we do all right so we're discussing what renovations and planes we need to do first I remember reading a lot of comments and a lot of you said to dig it out more yes we need to do that because it's so windy but inside this cave it's really nice yeah so yeah we got a lot to do guys we have moved all our stuff outside of the fort right there because we're gonna do some shoveling raking we're gonna try and see if because that little tunnels right there we're thinking if we maybe move all this stuff there'll be a little ventilation but we'll see dust yes real dusty yeah but I feel like I'm getting a lot of progress yeah you're sitting down completely your heads not hitting the ceiling yeah like if we can get this all level like this level back there I'd be sick because like all fit back there so I stumbled up on some bark here that would be good for a fire starter but little duo Justin and Andrew Nell I saved something from a previous video they did so yeah we're gonna use that so there's this down Bush this would be good for like little sticks and then just pass that if you can see that big down tree I think we could chop up and use for firewood okay so it might not look like we dug a lot out but take a look at this you can see the old dirt line right there so you can see how much more room we have and it's a bigger air vent yeah we dug out the back end there and smoke can go away all right so we decided to put the fire this is where it was last time and we're putting it over here this time why well now if it's right here we can sit back a little further like somebody sit here so I'm gonna sit here maybe around over there and then we get a bunch of rocks build up a wall so the heat can radiate up and like stay in this area plus I think the our best shelter are these rocks so if we can be in the rocks versus like out here with the sticks all the trash you can just make a like that branches and stuff you just chuck up don't need any more yeah what is this this is the fire shield this is the heat reflector device we made we're kind of hungry so we're gonna get the tarp out set it down so we can not get dirty even though we already are Wow Wow Wow what is the time for sandwiches which are in the core right there Oh graciously prepared for us chips San Pellegrino limo not muy bonito Oh beautiful image are they your spider webs on your hat yeah I know mmm so what do you say this is a strata trick mm-hmm thank you Lord for this food mmm Oh crunchy peanut butter - I never been hugged you being around I love that let me try a chip he's our barbecue how do we stop working we need to fortify this wall otherwise we're gonna freeze to death we have to go rock hunting stick hunting exploring because I actually found a cave and you said you found one too right yeah a real life cave all right you lazy idiots i'ma get back to shore what is happening Nick someone hurt himself so we need to make sure he doesn't get this infected first-aid kit is coming in handy there Gert no keep on getting it these rocks are sharp so I kind of like hit it when I was shoveling yay thank you huh okay the adventures begun I'm showing you guys the cave I found over here this is the cave oh this so it's like this rock fell on the other rock and made like a little crevice found the rock so we're rock hunting now okay guys I just told everybody a new challenge first person to find a golf ball wins well haha I think we should do a new challenge what who can find the most golf balls okay so I have one did you get back whoa pull harder trying my hardest take my hand take my hand I'm so strong what's she got to do Andrew looks like the only way down is through the slide into this spike pit do you think I should try yeah the only way down hello what I don't know what kind of tree this is but definitely interesting like and subscribe hey Andrew where's Justin you seen him right here I don't know he just kind of wandered off maybe we should try to find him okay yeah we should probably find a note actually turning it kind of dark oh boy how do we distinguish his footprints from ours okay so so mine looks like Justin's got all these lines what's yours look like [Music] how about yours maybe that one was mine this way okay are those yours no it must be his Justin Justin huh what was that Oh what was that yes that's dead huh I thought I was gonna have to make camp in here well if we don't get back soon we're gonna have to you know getting patner down slowly oh is that a bear's cave right there some sort of weapon I'll get one ready Andrew yes that is like usually caves it's like black in there so that means it's at least somewhat to see I got like the whole point here if something tries to jump it I'm falling behind you and Nick's in the back with his knife okay careful careful you just have to explore this before we go back before the Sun Goes Down it's moving in there can you get in do good I can barely see you what is it like should I come in this is a big natural game they love this surprise some creature is an injured I know maybe it was at one point but how's it looking out there it's good oh Jesus let's scare me but it's just a root what time did you say this one goes down probably around 5 now guys what it's for what so what is 4 p.m. we don't even have enough firewood for the fort tonight what we're gonna do what are we been doing this whole time hurry we need fire water we're gonna freeze to death yeah we can't see the Sun anywhere because it's just about to go down the horizon that's I don't even remember how to get back
Channel: JStu
Views: 4,134,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morejstu, more, jstu, overnight, overnight challenge, 24 hour challenge, 24 hour fort, 24 hour fort in the woods, fort in the woods, overnight survival challenge, survival challenge at night, $10 survival challenge, jstu forts, fort, overnight fort, overnight fort challenge, new forest fort, fort in the forest, fort in a cave, 24 hour cave, overnight survival challenge in a cave, top overnight challenges, family friendly, for kids, challenge, survival challenge, top 10, forts
Id: gylpscmLHH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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