Построили фахверковый дом. Новая технология. Пошаговый процесс строительства

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Today we will build a modern half-timbered house! Carefully install the beam so as not to pinch your fingers Ask a friend to help. Extra hands never get in the way Carefully tighten the screws so as not to poke in the eye The more screws you tighten, the better Don't forget to put foam under the beam So far, everything seems to be fine Mounting foam splashes a lot. Better ask a friend Twist it carefully so you don't tear your finger. Looks like we'll run out of foam soon... Install the floor joists. The more the merrier Ask a friend to hold you for a bit while you're fastening Don't forget safety precautions. A hungry cat is waiting for you at home... Or is it not a cat? =) Okay, then tell me. Don't get distracted... Ask a friend to help you raise the wall Lifting is easier than fixing it Be careful with your fingers One strong friend is better than two drunken neighbors Or are they not drunk? =) Okay, don't get distracted, you'll tell me later... Don't forget to fix the roof beams Next, we need to install the foil . Looks very nice! Moving on to roof insulation The more the better... Just a little more... Ask a friend to hold you while you're cutting Seal all the cracks well so it doesn't blow through . .. We drank carefully so as not to saw off the cable. Otherwise, we will have to work alone again... Let 's move on to the construction of the roof . It's nice to watch someone else's work... A small overview of the house. Looks good Next, install the windows Wall insulation. The first layer of insulation There is never too much foam... Install the third layer of insulation Gently seal all the seams Installing the sliding system Works! Roof installation. Ask a friend to hold the hair dryer Great job! It remains to install the facade for our house ... How do you like the house? Super? Write in the comments what you think! Thank you for watching! Don't forget to subscribe to the channel!
Channel: Dad builds a house
Views: 4,370,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fachwerk, фахверк, Как построить дом, дом своими руками, строительство домов, ремонт и строительство, how to build a house, house construction
Id: ncMRGDle6Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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