We Built a Blizzard Survival Fort!

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we are following an intense storm known as a bum cyclone that is howling across Colorado tonight's method plays rotated towards Dan from Colorado on Wednesday March 13 2009 T Eric looper here in Castle Rock my goodness some of the worst conditions I've ever experienced in my time and Colorado my whole life I want to show you what we're dealing with outside this is insane right now we've got gusts as high at 77 miles per hour out here both the county and CDOT they've stopped plowing even too tough for the crews oh yeah oh there's somebody just spun out see it right here this Jeep right there now he's going backwards going backwards that's not good from the Colorado Office of Emergency Management jared Polis has just declared a statewide emergency authorizing the use of the National Guard National Guard Oh so as you guys heard there's a blizzard outside and it's so bad that they had to give it a name it's called the bomb cyclone and we're in the eye of it guys oh and we have to go outside and survive how I don't know but I think this cardboard will be just fine yeah you know when there's a snowstorm we don't just stay inside we got to go outside we're gonna make a survival for it so I hope you guys are excited for today's fort and if you are hit that like button right now this thing is about to get nutty yeah we haven't even shown you guys outside but let me just say it is impossibly a threat very scary what it's a super threat because you can see we're in the storage closet right now and we are in the preppers zone we got a first aid kit unlight we got rope matches a knife that's gonna come in handy and also got these little clamps because we're gonna need a tarp down our structure so we don't blow away look it's so bad us head you can't even see out the windows oh now that we have all our supplies it's time to get geared up and ready to face the monster I'm ready [Music] we were getting ready to head out into the white abyss and the power went out in the house the whole house just no come here no light for working literally what are we gonna do Harry that means our box war is the only chance so we kind of have to have a strategy going out there do you want me to carry the chairs and the shovel yeah you get those supplies and I'm gonna get all the boxes okay this storm is nothing compared to our abilities can't hold the costs let's do this here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh guys whoa you almost sprayed me with the snow boss oh just try and find a branch or something guys look at this it's about noon right now the storm started at 10 a.m. so this is two hours of blizzard I can't imagine what the rest of the day is gonna be like I'm already tired Andrews boxes are making him blow away we found trees the hut provide shelter right here huh yeah this'll do all right we found a spy in the trees that way the snow doesn't just penetrate us the whole time quick give me the shovel okay yeah let's start we clear the ground and make it flat so that we can sit on it and not be sitting on ice snow yeah I can't see the good thing we brought these goggles okay so we got the tape we set up our first wall this is going to be difficult but we can do it right and it's gonna hold very well trust me we can tape it too late to the tree branches too and yeah we have a fort that is actually holding up in a blizzard like so show them what you did and make it yeah this tape is just pointless as I am is sticky anymore but we made a rope here and it's holding onto this box is pretty solid because he's in the snow oh right here it's not as windy now yeah and we have a big tarp so we're gonna do is drape the tarp over this thing and hopefully have a nice little area that's warm and a little out of the way of the wind the winds pick it up out here perfect see this tarp pretty has holes in it so if we need to attach it with string we can okay here's our fort so far how's it look in there dude it's actually dude this is like a cool igloo yes we just need to get a stick maybe get put right here okay hold up a roof so I need to tie down these other end so cut this strength right here nice for your show we can do winter survival no problem yeah we'd be a good partner for bear girls I must say it was Lily just sitting on the ground here so perfect height so BAV right there yeah that works oh my goodness the back of our fort is falling apart this geez wind guys came blowing us all away jess is going to go look for a rock oh hey guys we have it all tied down I just put a rock on the tarp so the tarp ISM fly up and destroy everything we've built we're in fairly securely I mean it's not perfect but we're working with what we got we need cheers quick hurry but freezin nice there's one all right that'll hold that wall yeah good pulling on that side yeah I'll show you outside here in a minute whoa but it just keeps getting worse and worse and colder as well please tell me you brought snacks must have snacks of course oh good all right we got some coconut clusters yes so we could survive a few weeks off these we got some zesty Pizza sprouted hey Carol I made delicious Beverly be chilled nice you can see the camera is getting a little foggy that's because how warm it isn't here once you get out of the wind it's not too bad outside it's just fine alive in here yeah yeah what huh I think my bed was just cold now [Applause] I'm thirsty so long we gotta be able to survive in here I don't know until the snacks are gone give me my beverage fine and also guys if it gets dark out here we've got to show you look at this already see how bright it is yeah whoa yeah so you think we can order a piece that maybe you know how we easily order food reports now they might deliver let's call you guys delivery near us I don't even have any service guys you see in this top corner zero there's not even it just says offline completely offline no pizza stick with coconut clusters ma what if we have to go to the bathroom well I wouldn't advise that just hold it for a while if you do what you can Phaedra and I are curious let's take a look at what the rest of pall rattles like [Music] all right I think we need to go out and explore see if there's any other food we can find you're like pointy like we're gonna grind explored we're gonna bring the light with us in the night if you run across any wild animals for food I didn't do that here's what the form looks like from the outside come on Harry this is like a cliff where are we well what is this what is this a spark let's like around a rock huh look at this what then the war'll there's a stream running down there I'm freezing my biscuits off a little warmer no back home quick get back to the house quick yeah leave a like if this was a good one for you and click over here to watch another Ford video go watch the video YouTube recommends to you don't laugh daily good bye well guys we made it back the camera broke I don't know how we made it back our beards are frozen this is a good clip if you guys stayed and tell us after the ending
Channel: JStu
Views: 2,057,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fort, morejstu, morejstu fort, survival fort, blizzard 2019, blizzard, colorado blizzard, colorado bomb cyclone, blizzard survival fort, fort in a blizzard, fort in the woods, insane blizzard, igloo fort, primitive survival fort, snow survival, primitive technology, dangie bros, survival igloo, survival box fort, blizzard box fort, blizzard survival, bomb cyclone, bomb cyclone news, jstu, forts, 24 hour challenge, 24 hour morejstu forts
Id: yZcPV-xNg4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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