We Bought The CHEAPEST DURAMAX In The Country Part 2!!!

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what's up guys so a whole bunch of you guys have been asking for an update on our super cheap Duramax you know what they say ask and you shall receive so fine I guess we'll make another Duramax video where you done oh you know just moving our completely custom super cool come and swap square body out of the shop so we can bring stupid Duramax in here I know we make videos on this thing too right [Music] I have doubts about it actually cranking well it has been saying for a few weeks yeah we have not started it since the last video you know I think I'm just going to go ahead and pump it and then go from there see if it still has power just try to get a good little turnover okay we good but it's going to kill the battery if I do it without oh yeah no problem whatsoever not even a little bit this looks familiar this does look familiar seems like we've been here before I forgot about the white duct tape yeah still haven't fixed it doesn't seem to be getting any better okay maybe now so the consensus in the comments on the last video seemed to be that this primer uh the fuel filter head was bad so we got a new one of those we got a fuel rail pressure sensor because it was throwing that code and CJ has an injector on standby in case that's still the problem so we're going to change all this stuff and then we're going to bleed the system and see if that makes a difference so I'm tired of pumping let's try crank it he's pumping quite hard hey you're going to be priming this so much that the Hood's going to fall down on you yeah going to do it that don't look R A I think we're okay maybe just maybe thing's a piece of junk for for now for now for now for now right now it's junk it is junk right now cheap junk cheap junk I like that Che very cheap it's freaking h all right let me uh crank this dude up oo yeah what if I oh no back three oo still warm sir would you like to do the honors and Pull It in the shop so we can shut it off and then possibly not get it started again I would I would love to do the honors okay I'll unhit the charger all right there you go my dude your first test drive [Laughter] gentle it's throwing a code remember you're good come on straight go over to the right just a little bit all right straighten up nice that's good do I you want to turn it off this well I mean at this point this is where we're possibly going to fix it so uh yeah I guess uh if it doesn't turn on we'll drag it out here with our stare body coming maybe that's it see if it crank back back up surprising surprising but I just turned it off fair enough well we're about to take the fuel filter head off anyway and it's just going to create like a lot of air in the system so just uh you know just causing our our our problem to be way worse a lot worse than what it really needs to be yeah you're right hey it's a cheap match you're right here we go what do you have there so according to all you amazing people on YouTube this may very well be the fix to this entire problem it might be might be it's two bolts and then you know putting a new filter on plugging everything back up and then uh hoping for the best I mean that's that's pretty much what it comes down to yeah and then we got the uh sensor too that we got to change up fact so we got a fuel rail pressure sensor because according to our scanner that is what's causing this thing to be in limp mode and be extremely extremely weak so we're going to replace this then go ahead and replace that sensor try to get all the air blood out of the system and so hopefully this is the cause the air in the system so if it is this thing should have a whole bunch more power after doing this that fuel pressure sensor even if the injector is bad oh also let's just add the fuel to our nice freshly clean floor exactly why I didn't sweep before we got it in it was already like you know already some some fuel or oil dry there some oil dry there so I was like hey you know if we're going to make a mess may as will make a mess there typically we make the mess in this Bay but race car is in that yeah dude look how flat that slick is hey I've seen a flatter fair enough still [Music] unfortunate look look look there it is POS possibly the culprit to all of our problems the difference gross not gross that's just a Fu thing though yeah maybe maybe this fixes it but you know what else I just talked about we ain't got a new filter so we got to go to town and get a yeah we'll uh call and confirm that they have this filter actually no we'll just take a chance I think clouds has probably got this filter so I'm not even going to take this apart I'm just going to put this right there actually you know what I might have to have that sensor but it's fine we we'll get it when we get back let's go to town okay what do you have would you just looky that what you got nice pretty little bald one filter yeah well it's red it's supposed to be green to match the truck truck ain't going to be green for long anyway oh yeah Fair that's how it be oh that makes sense paint it gray with you're right you're right yeah secrets to come yeah secret to come but they sent me these uh these rings and I don't know I think okay that I'm I'm going to say that's probably not where that goes because uh well I don't know maybe let's see I have no idea let's just find out you know just see if it just threads on there like that how about it how about it wow just plastic threads of garbage you know what I think I got it right think got it right I didn't take the other one apart didn't know why don't we take it apart it's fine I got it actually we're going to need to take that part anyways cuz we need the bottom yes we are and that's what oh wait this is for nice yeah so we're going to take this off come on I need some pliers oh need some pliers get some channel locks brother right here right behind me right here this the fuel coming out of that yeah there we go man it's a lot of diesel so our filter housing is assembled now I just got to assemble it onto the truck yeah then um I'm a little nervous about the next part [Laughter] [Music] what was that that hurt all right there's that one we got to find our hose clan we dropped that you dropped that I dropped okay fine I dropped there's no we there's no we there's no we it's my fault no we all you it I'm not digging in the engine bay for that I got another one over here hello brand new we got a new fuel filter head in there now we got to figure out where the fuel pressure or fuel reil pressure sensor is I assume it's going to be that that is definitely not it oh you know what about that slight size difference oh you know better oh come on now it's right there you did what I found it found it yes oh I just had to look for a second off where's that right there right where right there you know right here oh is it right there how can break maybe need more light bridge light Bridge huh that don't seem too good my God almighty um what was that probably not good hey that one broke Lo good thing we have a new one uh yeah but we're going to try to not break this one that one I guess that sticks up a little bit further than the than the socket wants it to because uh we broke it D to be broke it d uh it is passed away it is gone in the wind it gave up the ghost [Music] whoa okay so fuel fuel filter and the primer bulb is put in and the pressure sensor pressure sensor is maybe installed hopefully so now we just got it it is if I can uh oh yeah you get plug it back in hurry up and plug it back in I'm trying my dude you talk about me being impatient I'm not impatient I have things to go do right right and you're holding me up what is more important to being right here right now hanging out with your best buddy I'm the old lady no I'm hanging out with my friend we got things to do babe trying to get rich I know I know you got plans or whatever ma'am I'm staying with my friend you know who's going to be there when you break my heart bra my friend my friend my friend said he'll never leave her way is Breaking My Heart Is Telling Me No when we go get food she said absolutely not and now it is time to prom the fuel filter housing I already hear air escaping listen you probably can't hear it over there can you a little bit it's filling up the filter right now okay we got fewu that was that was so fast actually all right so um I'm going to put this back on out of my way probably just going to have to come back off cuz you know we got to replace an injector it's got to come back off this is dumb sweating a little bit Bud a little bit it's hot it is hot welcome to Florida Florida not just any part of Florida either the pan handle the Panhandle where for the beach where it's where uh it's a wet hot lower Alabama lower we're in La baby la baby lower alib bny with a wet hot day it is hot today man God like whole other level of hot I wish it was cold again bro it ain't even got real summer yet I know dude it's only apron not thrilled my back hurts oh my God hey you guys might have been right in the comments it might have been that it ain't never that much pressure under it hey look no air I bet it is it'll start now hey I think y'all might have been right let's see it a crank cuz that was like straight remember we've been pumping it while we crank it you ready [Music] about to fix it honestly there's not even like a surge either no give us some gas oh there go hold on there it is a little air yeah take two of two post no air now yeah post fuel filter replacement yeah it's like all fuel so try there it goes I'mma take that as a no boss I said there's a leak somewhere they leaking all over the floor I'm in the week oh pumping up again yep but as soon as we get the air out of this thing I think we might be all right it's not even really surging so much anymore no it was we'll get crank up again and let it idle for a bit cuz see we're getting less and less air so I think we're getting pretty close yeah I hope some of the fuel lines you know like dry rod and crack it comes down to it and we can't get it figured out with this I guess that would be one of the next steps trying to figure that out and see if uh see if maybe we're sucking air in there when we Pump It I hope not because that's just going to be a whole other pain it going to be a bad day for that one yeah let's see what we got let's see brother again we're getting close because it is starting off now I don't want to do that I don't know bro feels like it's moving Prime so I'm kind of wondering if those lines they go to the fuel filter head if they're not dry rotted luckily they're only about that long I can see both ends of them but kind of wondering if whenever I started pulling on them if maybe I kind of broke them probably inside or something and getting some air from there now cuz I honestly I mean has it a brand new head brand new fuel pressure sensor I mean and when I'm bleeding it I'm not getting much air is is the thing so like once I actually pump it up to a prime and then I start bleeding it I'm not really I'm not really getting anything um so kind of wonder if maybe whatever I'm I'm just kind of want I'm split spitballing this honestly at this point but I'm kind of wondering if I said there's there's a crack in those lines somewhere and they're they're just sucking air I don't know what else what else it could be honestly unless there's just still that much air in the system but again when I actually pump it up and get a Prime on the bulb and then I bleed it I mean as long as we've been at it there should be no air in system this Joker is sucking in you hear it that might be one of the minines I heard it oh call our good old friends at clouds and see how much your lines are we got 8 A.M line here brother I make our own yeah they're not formed woo Tre black MO [Laughter] she is a be new St [Music] I said she smoked a little bit brother yeah it's definitely running better now than it was before so it still got a little bit of a surge but that could be that mass airflow sensor we don't have the boot to put that together which CJ said he also has one somewhere ly around and if we continue with the skip thing he's got another injector he's going to bring over we're going to throw it in there see if it makes a difference yeah if y'all remember we got the cylinder a misfire so yes throwing a code for that but you can tell this Joker is not in lint mode anymore yeah cuz before it would get up like no RPM whatsoever it would just kind of stumble even just sitting there but uh she got some wheelpower now yeah so let's let's take her to the road real quick see what she does yeah she want to go yeah she she's thinking about it she's there a little bit more get up than last time we tried this thing got some pimp in it now it was all that before no I think it's since that uh that fuel pressure regulator sensor thing Fu rail pressure sensor it was definitely causing some issues so now that we got that changed I'm pretty sure that you cleared that code yeah so uh it's uh it's definitely got a little more little more want to yeah it's actually get the right fuel too the right pressure it wouldn't do that before what that transmission we probably need to check the fluid you got to do it while running anyway Joker got a it's got a knot in a tire or something too I feel it there you what are you done what are you done what are you done it wouldn't do that before either the amount of grass I was getting blown away from the [Laughter] exhaust see does it's def it's still got a OU my freaking head I hit it on the pillar safy a helmet I have to wear a helmet when I ride with you let's see what we can do with a little turby turky launch oh God what you think let's see I'm might put my head back C I mean it's it's pretty heavy now it's definitely [Music] you ain't doing too bad it is still R okay I could hear it I was little stressed the tires it's definitely still skipping though yeah injector I mean we can replace that cylinder 81 so yeah when you get up like when it gets up to kind of that unless it's governed with this tune which I haven't looked at that yeah I don't know might be it might be governed with that but once you actually like get up CU some decent RPM like it don't want to it's definitely still still still got some some problems there I can't I could point exactly what it is but it's almost like it doesn't want to once you're up to speed if you get into it it don't really want to do very much does that make sense [Music] this smoke just small do what it smokes just a small amount I don't think the Comm smokes as much I'm I'm not talking about the square body I'm talking about your Canan one it does have another code probably cylinder eight and I'm sure it's probably still throwing that mass airf flow sensor yeah because uh it's not hooked up at all because of that tubing and we don't have the boot to put it back together we we took off The Good Old Reliable Gorilla Tape true it definitely and honestly the m sensor so I mean mass air flow circuit that's a new one there there was 0670 it's not even picking up the the cylinder eight yeah which there was only one mass airflow sensor earlier when I checked it yeah fuel temperature sensor which I think that's the long oh there's like 35 of these turbo over boost random random multiple cylinder misfire detected no cylinder one misfire oh cylinder two oh no oh no oh no it's getting worse and further we go nah I think it's just I mean if it was all of those misfiring like that we'd really be in trouble I don't think the truck would be running the way it be running right now not at all so let's just do this smoke I'm hearing turbos they don't feel like it's skipping now do you hear the [Laughter] turbo let's take this transmission fluid and um let it see here in idle cuz like I said it don't feel like it's skipping now so maybe a little bit but it's not as bad as it was we check that transmission flu we'll take it back on the road and drive it again I'm sure that transmission flew maybe a little low maybe I mean been yeah the way that it was running to and we haven't actually checked it so oh I grabbed the wrong one you did that's all I wasn't pension should be check it check it hurry up and check it there any in it no oh um I mean there is there is but uh get me some I figure as much a lot better A lot better still a little bit low but regular transition yeah might be like cool let's just see what it does now we're have to get some to um talk it off right bet kind of run it like this get get out of my way you trying to go bro you TR you a Duramax what can you really do does have coolant and everything in it so we're good on that has some gunky coolant in it was coolant FL that system later on yeah small things first oh let's go get some McDonald's think right I don't trust this thing that much just yet not yet oh my [Music] God got tried to fall on his SP right there like man we're not breaking any laws because we a technically I'm going zero miles hour we're not moving but the thing I don't know yet seems like it's doing all right um almost feels like it still has that M fire but it also almost feels like it's kind of clearing upway kind of feels like it's clearing up but it kind of still feels like it's there especially like at an idle if you kind of get on the get on the throttle it almost feels like it has a well it definitely feels like it has a little bit of skip um but I'm wondering I'm wondering if there's still a little bit of air in the system I don't I don't know there could be but that's why I want it to that's why I want to give it time to run and just let it kind of try to work itself out truck sounds phenomenal sounds great if we can ever just kind of get that skip worked out and make sure that it kind of shifts through the gears and everything like it's supposed to you know and that also we need to take that tuner and put back on and put it back to stock yeah and see if that makes a difference cuz that can also be with the shift points and everything else probably is honestly cuz it's a stock transmission so yeah I hadn't uh I hadn't actually thought about that so that going to be part of our problem turbo flutter turbo flut it's uh it's almost feeling like it's starting to clear up yeah I say we just leave it idling for a little while quit torturing it so much yeah and uh just let it an idle for a little while and just see kind of if that start there's another car coming see if it starts to clear up and just kind of kind of go from there cuz I guess it's not throwing another code nothing like that so yeah all I got our seat belts on safety first yeah I'm pretty sure I didn't get all of that on camera y'all think that's black smoke no that's just dirt he just dirt look look at all the dark like deep track I told my wife we just going to build a RAC track out here she said no she said I do what I want we doing it again we go brother oh no [Laughter] we just clearing out some land clearing it up bro just getting a head start on the garden I mean it it already needs be mode so I can't see nothing I didn't know we was in Arizona oh my God we're having way too much fun right now yeah we are way too much fun it's running a lot better it is one better it would not do this last video no so I do want to say to the guys that said it may be the primer bulb I appreciate you thank you so much because that helped and we also knew that that fuel reil pressure sensor was definitely bad because it was throwing a code for it so we replaced that and man this thing night and day from what it was last video oh yeah now now we just need to replace that injector yeah maybe that'll help with the skip if that's the issue really and truly what we need to do we need to talk to CJ get him to bring over his computer and run a balance test on see see kind of what's going on between each injector and then we'll just kind of go from there because you know like I said we let this thing run for a while it may work out the air and it may not be a problem at all but at the same time if it is he's got an injector he'll know what the issue is by looking at it with the computer and then we throw that injector in it we're good to go brother yep so we'll get him come over one of these weekends if he ain't too busy yeah honestly you know he may come over today and take a look just kind of figure out what's going on but like I said right now this thing's actually doing really really good yeah it's not completely Road worthy just yet not just yet but we are definitely definitely taking steps in the right direction be able to drive this thing before like actually drive this thing on the road very soon yeah make it a daily yeah I mean we've already drove it the equivalent of what it would have been to go to town and back just back in forth right in front of the house yeah you know and then the little bit of torture it just went through yeah so I I wouldn't say that was torture no not really but I mean to be even still you know last time we were $3,500 into this thing we got 150 bucks in the fuel filter head $70 which we already accounted for in the fuel rail pressure sensor and then we bought the filter which was an $85 filter by the way with plastic threads with plastic threads come on bro like what's the issue with that and it wasn't even all metal and they charged me metal price I know sheesh but I will say like I said we're going to let this thing idle and uh just kind of see what happens here in a few and I guess we'll come back to it here in a bit [Music] it's what a piece of [Laughter] [Music] BU the front of bance is still there oh that's okay you it only matters from front right yeah was it off the back huh was it off the B yeah it's off the the H goes oh okay I got you list maybe a little bit yeah it sounds good though do definitely you having entirely way too much for this wife's going to be so angry when she gets home no we're do we're just making a fire line for that burn pit you know what you are absolutely correct that fire is not going anywhere because of us nope firefighters we were thinking ahead that's yeah she wouldn't understand yeah Che would understand I can't lie to you bro I'm having way too much fun with this thing I know like we said fine we're going to shoot another durax video but for some reason we have an absolute blast when we mess with this thing oh yeah dude this thing freaking rips I'm not even going to lie to you bro it's not 100% and this thing is insane yeah so once we get that down in we just may have to put it up against old 24 valve man that joker I know that'll run but we blind them two up man we just might have to find out which one's King of the Diesels you know what this right here the old dirt dirty Max it ain't it ain't 100% but it got a little pep in Step it does it does I'm super super excited about the thing so yeah I think once we get this thing absolutely dialed in for 3,000 bucks we paid for the truck we are definitely money ahead and got a killer killer deal on this thing oh yeah once we get this thing dialed in we've actually got some pretty decent plans for want to put a paint job on it set of wheels and all that nothing crazy just some simple something simple but this thing's going to be absolutely insane when we get done with it super excited about it and I can't wait to see how it actually turns out between that and the coming oh yeah but guys if you enjoyed this video go ahead and hit that subscribe button and check out these videos right over here on the square body I think you'll like those we'll catch you on the next one deuces [Music]
Channel: Coop’s House
Views: 25,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Duramax, Diesel, Trucks, Budget diesel, Cheap diesel, Truck, 4x4, Chevrolet, Chevy, Crew Cab, Dirtymax, Racing, Duramax problems, Fuel filter, Replacing, Replacing fuel filter head, Priming fuel system, Primer, Bleeding Air, Cheapest, Truck Build
Id: 0Uh3Xh3mn1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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