Cutting the frame to fit the big block Ford 😆

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ah I see what we can leave that on the bottom side we only got to cut half of this xmember and then we can box that back part where this Hook's on that that dry that dry shaft has to be taken out of there that dry shaft has to come out this here can stay there yeah but we're going to be right down on top of it almost right we'll cut this x brace is only half if we come down 5 in we're only halfway down inside of that X brace okay I see that yeah I don't think you're going to have to I I think you'll be okay with it leaving this right where it is like I'd like to that's cool and then you can just then after you cut that down we can box it like with an LBX or something well once we get it cut out then you can fix it from there yeah right yeah cut it out and then fix it right okay so B just don't be free just no do the chadway cut it just cut it did you want us to cut it right now did you is that what you wanted but right now there'd be a lot more like cut the floor will only take you a few minutes to cut the floor but then we got to get down in and Mark that frame and cut it that's going to be a little bit but I don't want to cut what I what I don't want to do is cut too much out of it yeah is what I don't want to do and that's sometimes that's a hard thing when you're cut and make something fit well the floor you cut the least of you want there and then we whoop excuse me hopefully you didn't get that on yes you did probably huh they they call that they call that live hey sorry um I'm thinking just by looking here Chad if you come up here and look if you're looking through here right when you're looking through here I figure you're only going to be about right there he got me down on her down here oh yeah I he got me down here come over here and take a look at this wait it's turn ch right down here if we got like I think we're only going to be like right here right yeah and that well you know you said 5 in where'd you throw your tape to uh uh right there [Music] here so the floor that's an inch see 5 in look at that see where 5 in is right there so even if we come to right here right and leave that and then we can box that afterwards I figure we only come to right here all the way back and that leaves this where it's supposed to be we might have to take a half an inch off the top of this right there just a/ an inch yeah to there and then cut that but it's going to be right here uh we leave room for the starter so we are going to have to come back a little bit more for the starter well I'm not wor the start of the second but yeah no then we'll have to box it and you're saying that's not so bad but see what I mean the whole bottom part of this will stay that's not so bad you were think you were thinking a bit more I was thinking cutting it all no and just taking the whole xay out of it and then making something new but don't which you you could you could cut that all out just leave that Center where it is whatever weighs the pretty Prest is what I like and the easiest the prettiest and the easiest jolene's the prettiest and I'm the easiest I used to be the sleaziest but I'm good now you moving up are you yeah I'm moving up I'm a good boy now he's not sleazy anymore I'm a good boy now used to be I'm starting to grow up CH yeah but I think growing up includes growing out doesn't it oh right there that ball okay [Laughter] Chad there's a few things you could do there tell me a few things you could do there that front X say this front X where your ball is yes right here where this ball is I'm going to come down and take a look too yeah come down here come down here and hang in for a minute chadel take a look so cuz yeah okay where this ball is right yeah you could come right here right here right yeah and then cut this piece of frame this x frame right out and take it off right to here right take that piece there out leave the ball piece here yeah take this here out then we can box this up here but where this ball is here we'll run a cross member run a crossmember right straight across on top of this right here crossmember right straight across on top right and then you'll have your transmission crossmember will be there too then you can just box this and get rid of that that would give that would make it look nice and clean right to there it does make sense that it make it makes um what can I say it makes me think that you know what you want to do that's just my op it's your car like I'm just throwing you out ideas is all I'm doing basically I'm thinking that cuz we'd like to leave this right where that is that's a great idea cuz that way there it everything else is going to fit around it yeah in the in the oil pan is going to hit in front it's not where the oil pan is not going to hit the only thing going to be close is the oil filter so either one of them 90s which I think I got one at my brother's I think okay and if I ain't I might even have a reme oil filter one if I look through some of my stuff so so right here what I'm saying right here we cut that right in front of that right here yeah cut this xray right out all the way up to the floor so we're cutting these off take this off right up here cut these off that yeah take that off I have to yeah take that off cuz that ain't doing nothing anyways no take this right out right up to here right up to right up to here take this right out to here and then we can just box this from here right back to here and then have a nice crossmember in it and then there'll be another crossmember for the transmission right there so you'll have a you'll have like a brace cross member here and just a regular transmission Square Tu crossmember or whatever right there just an idea yep I think we probably just pull the engine and start cutting basically I have to figure out what I want to do that dry shaft too I'm thinking I want to save it now what does cause a hassle cuz it takes time take it aart take the rear end out I don't want to take the rear end out of it we're going to take it out you just don't want to take it right now I don't but I don't want the dry shaft in the way bothering you know what we're doing so you have to do something you know you know what I'm trying to tell you and it's connected to those links on the on the rear end that dry shaft is if you're not in love with it you grab the saws all and go right there and cut it right off I'm not in love with it I'm not allowed to be in love with it am I Jo this is just my opinion yeah you go right there I haven't you know yeah I know what you're saying I don't know cuz we're going to change the rear endine gear up four link or something later on down the road mhm probably what to do just cut it w the piece across here and hold it because it will take off once it's you yeah you might even be able to go might lay a piece of square tubing right across the top of it just to hold yeah there you go right from one hole to the other maybe I don't know okay uh what are you thinking engine transmission is going to come up before you start cutting though that's for sure or I'm thinking it's going to sure it is sure it is and then that that Flor has to be called allart I don't like that but whatever so what if what if on on your floor here what if so your mark right mhm and it's just on it's just on the outside of it it's not like it's it would go down through it' have to be probably a little bit more if the transmission drops 5 in this much of it'll be under the floor right right yeah it's still like just second now that tape meure where's that tape measure again I got two here in my hand now two in your hand yep see see 5 in if we get down 5 in it doesn't go past that right so it's sort of right on that side this side pass the shifter either on this side yeah you pretty well still need it yeah we pretty much need that much yeah so we'll be sitting back here not up here sitting back here driving this car yeah quite back quite a ways to be honest with you well is the motor back as far as it's going to go now I'm thinking that's where the motor wants to go right there but it's going to be down 5 in so you have but you have a dog house yeah it's going be up you won't be back too far you'll be re there somewhere I don't know basically you know what I do know I think it's going to be a mean machine let's let's pull it out and then take a look at the Mark see what that's going on see what what that's doing she's going to be a mean machine oh yeah I love it what I'm going to do also we'll get that piece of wood we'll set we'll set that engine down we can set it right on the transmission there now we don't she'll go the transmission now okay [Music] yeah nice perfect that that went out nice this is basically what they got drawn on there just trying to center it up a little bit by looking at it and I can look you should I you know to be honest with you I should be able to Center the the the engine or the transmission in there with the cut so roll over here this fire and this one should probably take this one over here a little bit better so this right here is down from your floor how far do that this so that's 5 in 5 in puts us there so five they're 6 in to the floor this right here Chad if we all we do is about half an inch on that right there yeah then it leaves that there whole bottom structure with that ball yeah I can put a mark on it you want so that's we'll just leave it and that'll be the end of it if we leave it yeah there's five five in right there is on top so it might only be just on top we can leave it for now it might even be like qu of an inch that's it but this is all still going to have to be cut out yes right there yeah yeah right down to this level here but but that there leaves there's the bottom half of that one there I'm going to this is what I'm going to do I'm going to cut that off cuz I don't need it I'm going to cut this off and I'm going to put a piece of square stock and we'll get rid of that and then we can start hacking away at what you think needs to be cut off there do you want me to go right here with the plasma and snip this off here the plasma I can do that here here we're still on the frame are we not there that's this piece here yeah we're still just in front of the frame to mount right here and come down still got to mount right here so we're still good Mount the mount's over here the mount's not on this piece okay mount's over this I just come here and then I'd come down take this here piece off and you're and you're dropping it off in the front of oh leave this you can leave this bottom half or do you want to take that whole P I see what you're saying just drop the bottom part of it off or like we can just drop the top part off leave the bottom yeah measure up 5 in Show Me What You Got the 5 in puts this right here right okay so we could we can leave this bottom half and leave that whole bottom half you want to leave that come out here quarter of an inch and go right along there cuz there's I say there's your 5 in right you could leave that if you want to or we can take this off and box it yeah I'll put it to you this way if we just took the top of it off and took the top off we still holding together oh yeah yeah that's more or less just got to start hacking I guess if you want to start hacking at it you start hacking I'm going to get the rear end in place or the rear end so it stays I have a feeling that you got that figured out up there you know what you want to [Music] cut yep you know what I mean yep you know what you want to cut you know where you're at there I'll do I'll just do the the rear end thing uh you cut out some metal up there if you like and then what what will happen is we'll have the meeting of the mindes [Music] after just trying to slide a piece of square stock across the top of this rear end here across this here to see if I can let to get my school bag out your lunch yeah my lunch bag I'm got to get the sander [Music] going do you scream at the TV also no I don't I I trust you I trust you do you watch the Youtube at all oh yeah okay screaming the TV the next day I'm wrong so awesome sometimes when I watch it I scream at myself yeah it happens just so you know I don't mind being wrong once in a while seems to work out yes it's all good stuff like that's basically how goes how you build this stuff is mistakes you know what I mean you make a mistake then you that's how you learn how to fix it or which way which way you're going I'm still there here if I knew every every everywhere I was going every time I probably wouldn't go oh look what I did to my glasses sweetheart I bent the edges I bent them sitting on it looking at it there's couple sharp edges on this Square stock I'd rather have it off so I don't cut myself that's all basically we're just going to start shearing some metal out of it that's TR again stop it it's right way it's right the way she still got a brake line I can't break that off either wow [Music] [Music] I said that I thought said copper was weak Copper's out weak are you ready for some Sparky Sparks channels um yeah you okay I'm not going to throw them towards you okay go ahead no guarantees but W I need more of you around that was [Music] you guys that was not straight [Music] Chang go go from there off a little [Music] bit oh that's a good Hammer you see that your hand we'll be changing it up anyway he box what's going to hold that that's a box body [Music] got turn it [Music] on going to go there [Music] where else can you go to work and cut people's cars apart for fun they need to right where else can you go all right Chad we're going to go back to there and trim that a little bit more there on that [Music] one she must have powered out on here or something wonder if I come unplugged there Joe little off the pop youo light on [Music] di on there spe Chanel back here must what breaker must yeah there you go yeah [Music] yep that tip must be getting bad say is too okay now where are we going to go we're going to go back there trim that a little bit better there maybe while I'm there okay back w then you find after I'll start with a zip cut [Music] though kick it again I should have got kick Ked again I'm good for it doy dough the way best thing to do in a grage is just stand still then the fer can walk right by you exctly right you get going like this and you start dancing with each other right I'm a good dancer though can see that J don't like taking it in public that's not true maybe I should have just cut with the zip L keep cutting it I'll keep doing it oh we'll move it or give it a break [Music] [Music] and we have to be full of oil oh minut good fire dager [Music] okay okay on the other [Music] side oh not that one to go off again I can get it you get the right one sure there I got it didn't sweethe okay I got she's the St of the show Fina that TI bad on I grab a hand wo how do you like that Chad huh I'm in a mess are you hot stuff or what it's just I'm getting in a mess cutting that Jee that tip we have to change that tip too there's oil in the dry shaft too got a Clos dry shaft there still oil in it I'm going to go get reciprocators all down the down the down the truck and I'll be back I'm not filthy in it huh off wonder why she wants me to [Music] shower dang it [Music] [Music] that Jack [Applause] how's it going with you Nate getting anything cut out of her yet oh it's uh going slowly hold your ears for a minute oh sure one piece up up sounds good all that's Center of that c barar is hard yeah yeah it's got that dry shaft in it yeah I got quite a mess going e here oil flying everywhere one of days I don't want to do that woo man this is Dirty Work I want another red one if I can get it Nathan get any metal to fall yet what's that you're ahead of me you got metal to fall uh a little bit I got a stretch to go there now and then I'll be ready to go up to the floor I got one more stretch to go there up and then long as I can keep the plasma working the tip isn't the greatest the C I got some more in there I got one tip in there but I couldn't find the Caps okay you got them somewhere I'm going to make this fall before too long xay coming down you come down all [Music] right wow can I pull that out your way or you sure [Music] can it too big to come through no is it not is it what's on it there's a tab on it I'm going to have to come back to I guess a big might too big like emergency brake P or something just a little bit will it come out you LIF up a little bit yeah there you go hey Hercules Hercules all right and the rear end still in place there that's good good excellent not by much but a little excellent this is this right here should make everybody want to do it right shouldn't it everybody should want to do it now I haven't heard the cow cheering on you yet yay throw no tomatoes or anything no going to break my hair to cut that floor but it's going to be what it's going to be one more time should get it okay buddy one more time I can't guarantee it but I'm just saying I think one more time then we just snip that top and then cross pieces there and it should be close yeah you got a Nate you do this in your shop yeah and I go back before break your yeah oh did you Rel you got that little bit left the C we're going to get that uh we're going to get the old Lincoln out here in a bit buddy that'll cut her yeah maybe I should have grabbed the Lincoln to start with I was using this one this morning it works so good good for another 2 minutes Y 2 seconds 20 seconds okay okay that's what happy say I'm going to put the grinder through there now I should be able to over here in the basement oh still got the top left T yeah the top and two cross pieces yeah they have the top and two cross pieces where you at it's all time okay before we die thanks for coming back really appreciate we're cutting like beavers and come back tomorrow and see where we got you're polka dotted I know you eat chocolate chips someone threw at me through a fence oh
Channel: Bad Chad
Views: 73,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car, car restoration, automotive sheet metal repair, auto body patch panels, automotive, automotive engineering, mechanic, vehicle, automotive industry, rust repair, antique car, hot rods, parts, auto repair, cars, automobile repair shops, metal working, metal fabrication, bad chad, bad chad customs, Ford 460 big block blower engine, 460 ford, ford 460, 460 engine, ford engine, 1940 ford, hot wheels, ford, frame, floor, cowl, big block ford engine
Id: B6S4ik_buF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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