We Bought ALL of the mystery gachas again in Japan!!!

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oh look what we found some gotchas but most importantly look we're Crystal standing yes it has the question mark an exclamation point and it's only a hundred yen it is another mystery gotcha machine guys so we didn't play this one in like a video before in one of our other Vlogs we only got like one or two I forgot how many we got in it and we actually got a really cool one so let's do a video we're gonna do at least 20 spins on this or until it runs out yeah so 20 or until it sells out well let's go ahead and get this party started I got the camera all set up ready to go this is play number one Chris let's see oh it sounds like it's pretty full okay so this is a yellow ball what is it um let's see can we open it for you yeah go ahead and open yeah let me open this guys because these are kind of hard to open what is this you're gonna take it out I'll look at the paper it'll look like Power Rangers but someone said it was actually Tokyo Revengers I think no it's uh something different is the name of the one that's like it's a box so that's like actually the um container and you put the uh weapon in it got a pen that's a weapon but it's a pin so here are the different ones in the set so you can see it's from this is the um the show or anime that it's from and there are quite a few different options but we have one of them all right let's go for number two oh so I'm gonna put this in your bag over there it's a small ball you need help with this one no oh she doesn't need help with this I keep the paper you take the figure okay it looks like it's a Tinkerbell oh no it's not Tinkerbell looks like a Tinkerbell all right so here is the paper of what we got she got which one did you get which color you got this one you got the green dress yeah but I kind of thought it looked like Tinkerbell because of the dress itself yeah I can see that so is it Hue cut and then special maybe this is the name if you guys know these be sure to let us know in the comments this is number three yeah which is great yeah oh you probably need help with this one this one's got a lot of tape on it so from the past video what we learned is once they once we um start getting a few eventually we'll get a dupe yeah and so oh this one looks pretty cool I'll take this yeah it looks like a sword do you want to take it out of there I'm gonna take it out of the bag all right while she's taking it out oh it's from Monster Hunter Monster Hunter yeah it says Monster Hunter rise and you got this thing whatever this thing on the end is here okay looks like there's five in this set what is that okay Crystal try don't worry about putting it on the S stand so this is the thing I think it's some kind of squid oh my God it's like a crazy attack squid that's just to stand for over there but yeah this is the it's like a squid spear or something let's go for number four we want to do no we don't want to do oh this is a big one and it's in a box oh it's something Miffy all right crystal take it out all right so she got some kind of Miffy there okay not exactly sure what the missing is a pouch yeah what's on the other side over here is um Mama Miffy and baby here's the different designs you can get inside so it looks like there are five total designs oh my gosh is it a pouch though like once I have something on the inside I don't know like maybe you put a book in here uh okay I guess I don't know let's go to number five I gotta do this one from way back in the back what is it Chris it is a yellow ball oh it's a master ball oh actually not basketball the Ultra Ball okay hopefully it's not a dupe oh gosh this one's oh that tape is really on there oh gosh okay there I go I got the paper crystals you go with that oh it's upside down oh yeah you're right I couldn't tell what it was it says control oh so that's probably the character's name I actually cannot tell from this list what we have here but it's a candy okay so we have one of the four numbers what will it be oh it's starting to rain over here I can't tell what this is do you think it's a dupe no no all right we're gonna find out here shortly um it has a tape if it has tape guys I have to do it because she has Nails all right there you go Chris hey I know what this is yes I know as well so we actually in the last video got one from the set the last time we did one of these mystery ones and so you actually have to open it because I'll just show on the this one is oh this is the PlayStation so it's actually the third one it's this one right here so this set is like a whole entertainment system for home and we got the third one which is like the PlayStation so we actually have two out of the set now lucky number seven I have a feeling we're gonna get something good I hope so come on number seven number seven number seven I have no idea what this is oh look that one just opened super easy oh take him and I'll take the bed yeah so that is that is somebody from um I believe Jiu Jitsu Kaizen yes it is so so there are the five different ones in the set so she got the second one right here yeah so I believe it comes with a oh the last one we got from this set we actually did in the Vlog we got one from this set and they had like a pillow thing that kind of went right here for a sleeping bag so check it out that looks pretty cool we're on number eight already this is going quickly oh it's not here for but hey some of y'all might think it's really cute what is that what is going on look at that you know why I think it's funny wait the set that it's from what like look at the other options in this guys I think you'd rather have the rodent than this random guy yeah that's true but honestly I don't know what's going on here but it's some kind of maybe it's a hamster it doesn't have a really long tail so a hamster let's just say it's a hamster's because Chris doesn't like rats what number is this number nine already with a heavy ball I got this one open pretty hey it's another one from this is the coral haired one yeah Coral or Rose I mean I would say Rose but I guess it could be Coral so it's from the same set will we be able to complete this set so she got this one right here one two can we get the other three I don't know so I believe this is number 10 although I am not 100 sure all right let's see what body we get oh a dark ball oh yes oh man this one has a lot of tape on it just take that tape there and that should be it and then I can go bam just like that it's a horseshoe of some kind what is this is a horseshoe like um little thing that you attached like it's not really a keychain different horses so which one do we we have this one yes okay this is different what is the name of the show I don't know if you guys can translate that for us I mean we could always Google wait is that Moomin wait that is wait no that's not movement is it it looks like maybe it's a cow yeah that's a cow and that's a cow and then the rest oh man look at this horse that horse looks like it has like a flame um oh man that one looks cool over halfway there now after this one at least you got it yes yes all right take the paper all right hey did you see Kaizen oh no no it's definitely not I don't even know what this one is a little time yeah so it's the silicone one but here's the paper I don't know what's going on with all these different ones here but it kind of reminded me of cousin because of the name oh okay it's like the way it looks uh you guys let us know here's number 12. 12 I believe yeah foreign that's all we care about at this point we want stuff that's not dupes hey it's some kind of standy of some kind so she looks like she's dressed up ready to attack what what has the name of the uh the show or whatever it is maybe we have the one and only possibility on this set so she looks like she's wearing some kind of ear or ears actually okay all right that one's pretty neat luckier unlucky number 13. oh Friday the 13th that's very unlucky all right what is this uh I don't know it's on the other side oh this is the one that you might okay actually you can do it nice yeah hey so this is like a newer one it looks like it's a gecko of some kind because it's cute I think it's called hasi hasu charm or something like that I like this or salamander so here are all the different ones in the set which one did you get Chris I got you got the chocolate head one okay I think it's that one right there the orange chocolate head kind of orange anyway all right this is actually a Christian a pretty new one we've actually seen it in the other gotcha also with the lucky number 13 on this one all right here's nothing number 14 let's see what is it gonna be spin it spin it spin it oh it might be sold out oh there's no balls there's no balls where's the paper here or the thing that pops it doesn't have a second oh I guess I guess we completed it already there's only what 13 unlucky 13. they just took our dollar well since that other one is sold out I thought we would show you guys some of these that we got so this one costs 200 yen but guess what we got it for 100 yen but the really cool thing is I'm going to show you more of the ones we got if we come across it but right here beside it is another one so this one doesn't have the same exclamation point in the question mark but it is a hundred Yen and it is a mystery one so we have to get how many more six more yeah we're number 14. that one kind of stole a dollar so we're gonna redo it okay we're gonna do at least 20 this video so let's get six out of this one so let's do number 14 again guys let's see what can I get it's a big one wow what is this right here um it looks like it's from hey Kitaro oh it's a pencil holder I've seen like this exact design but I've seen pencil holders yeah we've seen designs have like um animals cats and things um okay I guess all right let's go number 15. Bam Bam Bam we are getting more got your pom-pom-poms hey it doesn't look like a dude like something green oh my gosh there's tape on it that hurt my finger no it just hurt my fingers the skin on my fingers let me get that tape off okay now it should be a little easier to open oh yes hey it is some kind of game oh my gosh there's a lot of pieces of this oh it's like a a retro it's a Pac-Man game so I have a blue one so it's either this one or this one what kind of the stickers this one yeah I have this yellow one down here which is pack land so there's pack and pal Pac-Man uh Pac-Man Battle Royale and I can't tell what that one is so we got packed land looking at yep it actually says on the sticker Pac-Man I'm not gonna put this together because it's just an empty cabinet like just a piece of plastic here and the stickers are really what make it shine we have five left guys this is number 16. yeah let's see what it is oh this is a big one oh I whoa it looks like there's a lot of silver in this one um not sure what's going on in this one let's see there's a lot going on here hey this is not what is it have you what what that one's name okay they all have green on it there's so many pieces oh my gosh I am not putting this together I will tell you that right now I think it's this one though because it has the two end pieces yeah and it has so many of the Rails this is really interesting I feel like this is a weird one oh my wait actually it has the top piece so I think I have this yeah it could be this one like this one this one or I don't know it's one of these green ones because it has green on it oh my gosh this is a definitely a puzzle number 17. I have to admit Chris that one was my favorite it has a really cool yeah that was definitely my favorite oops like I ran through the camera there's like 300 to 400 Yen hey what is this one it looks like it's a Dandy of some kind it's something acrylic I'm pretty sure let's try to guess what it is just from looking at it oh wait it's stickers stickers wait that's all that's in there yeah they're stickers um mushroom stickers no it's like mushrooms these are mushrooms mushrooms wait a second wait did we just get stickers stickers or fungus look right here it says um I think it says collect all eight and are 200 yen for each one so we just got this one has to be like 200 yen this is really interesting yes it looks like just like a bunch of different stickers in here number 18 guys oh wow oh it could be a dupe it's a yellow one we've had a yellow ball before is it a Jew it's an ostrich wait it's an ostrich holding on to the thing that's on the sub the the handle do you see that it has a stand here that's just for its foot but it's an ostrich hang it oh look at this guys so look it has different animals hanging on a bear the first one in the face yeah we have the ostrich what is it a seal this one's kind of funny two left guys what will we get in the last two oh it's a tiny one it's like a little one that might be a dupe no it's not wait is that a Frenchy looking and binocular I have to figure this one out oh gosh I just do it you gotta be a French angel Chris that look at the tongue look at the top look at his head on I'm freaking out this is it has a bone as a snack S I know what it is it's a Frenchy Boy Scout or dog Scout sorry it's a Frenchy dog Scout let's get let's look at the paper this one's a good one all right oh gosh it has a pretty good paper wait it doesn't say how many maybe there are five in the set 15 I can't read this guys maybe you can read it maybe there's five because one two three four five and this is a friendship I cannot believe that oh that is a good one all right guys one more 20. number 20. oh look at this one do you guys know this looks like some school girl with purple hair maybe from an anime oh definitely has to be from an anime because yeah hey we've actually gotten this one in the past oh my gosh some was it from a mystery one I think it was it was good but we did that I don't think it was from one of our mystery gotcha videos but we actually have gotten this one in a in a different video okay Chris what do you say one more everybody start chanting type it in chat we're gonna do one last one do you think it's gonna be a good one or a bad one it's gonna be a good one it better not be a dude please be your friend see as long as it's not a dude I don't care oh we haven't had a blue ball yet I'm trying to look into it I can't tell what it is guys I want to get some Clues it's a mirror mirror on the wall who is what wait who's this guy oh geez it says okay something like that um let's see what he's from though because okay maybe we don't like it but maybe one of you guys oh my gosh there's so many in this set I feel like that can't be the last one Chris we had to do one more guys chanted again one more one more oh it's a white ball oh this one's heavy like it feels metal what is it what is it okay give me a second oh my gosh it's a metal ring what the heck it's actually a ring oh my God so why what this is the first time I ever got a metal one besides like a pin of some kind oh there's a pink one okay um it's one of the ones on the left I don't know which version It's version looking at the design Gumball rings I think it's this one right it's not a gumball this is actually a quality heavy ring fill it oh my God like it feels like a real like like solid metal ring too bad we didn't get one of the pink ones all right guys we cannot end on that thing we had no idea what it was you didn't like it one more but cream cheese hey it's a small one it could be wait I think it's nothing from that set but it's not a Frenchie no no it's not a Frenchie I think so it's a penguin oh my we were so close guys look someone wasn't chanting hard enough oh so now we have two from the scouts maybe they're in the Army actually because look is it walking like this because the backpack's so heavy or is it just sliding down because that's what Penguins do I don't know but this is a good one this isn't the same pencil holder one that we got but it is very similar and that's how much they usually cost about 300 Yen each look we found this sub chair one and look it's 300. yeah so we only got we only paid what 100 yen and we got a 300 Yen one that is pretty good here's the Monster Hunter one that we got 300 yeah so that's something we got man these deals are real and here's the weapon thing that we got which came with the uh the package which one did we get I think was this one yeah that was the pin right how much 300. you know I didn't think we would find this horse one because we've never seen it it must be like a relatively new one 300 guys literally every single one we got in there was a deal okay this is the last one I'm gonna show but it is a 300 Yen the Pac-Man one Pac-Man Museum what the heck watches all right guys that's we're gonna end the video it's raining right now we have the umbrella it was literally raining on us as we were doing that for those gotchas but I enjoyed it oh yeah I feel like my whole back side over here where the umbrella wasn't reaching is really wet but I thought that was really cool I enjoyed the ones we got out of this this one I can't believe my favorite is the Frenchie I cannot believe I got a Frenchie and you got the Penguin and no dupes I think the train one the substation or the sub is my favorite that one's pretty neat I like the weird ones that are kind of like strange a little bit hopefully you guys enjoyed the video we will see you next time thanks for watching everyone bye guys
Channel: Angel & Cris
Views: 40,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plush time vlogs, plush time wins vlogs, plush time, vlogs
Id: 2IU8XWZM1iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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