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foreign [Music] good morning beautiful people welcome back to you leave everything and wonder and welcome back to Sicily my name is Luca this is my wife Sarah and this beautiful baby girl is our daughter Lucha we recently bought on a house in the and in today's episode we will show you how we turn this floor 125 hours later this is the moment when you ask yourself why why is a good idea but unfortunately it's not so easy and it's not so quick so let's start from the beginning let's go thank you [Music] and if you think that a transforming an abandoned house into a homework we can live and grow our daughter is not challenging enough we are also on a budget and we need to move into this house by the end of October because we also bought an Olive Grove and we need to harvest our olives to produce our extra virgin organic olive oil [Music] but now let's get changed here we are in the kitchen this is the worst floor that we have in the entire house because it was covered I don't know why exactly brought because it was easier to clean with plastic flooring you know the really cheap one we discovered that underneath that's Fake Plastic flooring there is a fantastic checkerboard floor that we would like to keep we like to restore if possible in the kitchen now we have a mess we have the toilet and the bidet because Luca remove everything because it's calculating the space we need for the pipes and to replace all of that beautiful people after all the comments about this bathroom over here and the toilet and the bidet now I'm into a project I will remove this toilet so we can see if we can fit something a little bit different if we can change and move the pipes going down there so we can gain this space in the front because we don't need all that space back there but we need more space in the front as you can see in here it's super small and trying to gain every single inch every single centimeter is key in order to be able to leave as much as we can this bathroom so it's time to remove this toilet and see if we can uh replace it with something new something that can go a little bit more back here to gain space here in the front this was quite easy here there is something I don't like probably it is broken in there so we need to see what's going on with this pipe probably we will need to replace this put it outside I don't know yet so now that we have these two measures this is the most important because needing to move this hole is the most difficult thing because I would need to break a lot of tiles down here instead the one behind here we could put it outside the wall so it doesn't need to go inside the wall I will check this Piper because it's a little bit loose so I will see if there is any leak inside this pipe already inside the wall otherwise we can still use this one we can make it shorter or longer depending in what of what we need but the important is this one now we can with this measurement we can search and look for a new batter as you can see it was just put like this so I don't know how safe this was so probably I will need to break a little bit more and uh replace that piece of pipe in here if we want to use the pipe inside the the wall it's getting dark outside I will go back home and we'll catch you tomorrow this door was not closing anymore because with the humidity you know the wood it's it's getting bigger or it's just deforming and Nicola together with Luca they had to reshape all the doors in the house so now this is working wood chip all over and then there is the glue on the floor of the previous flooring we don't know exactly how terrible is the floor right now because we have to clean it and we bought some special products we will show you now that should be perfect for this type of situation so we need to remove all the plastic thing we need to remove the bidet and the toilet we need to clean the wood chip and then we can start cleaning the floor in the proper way with the right product [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right it's all good dice bye bye [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] o and we bought a lot of things that we needed we cannot find here or that we can find here but they are so expensive here instead of Palermo today we are here with our van second chance because we are leaving we are going to Palermo because we have to run some errands and we need to go to the airport because somebody is coming tonight okay let's go let's hit the road bye-bye [Music] okay let's go [Music] [Music] please beautiful place over here where they cook the ceramics though over here terracotta I'm the guy who lives under the overgrown beard and here of Luca and yesterday it was a really productive day at Palermo we bought a lot of stuff we went to the airport ate some delicious Japanese food but now we're back and it's time to unload the van and go into the house [Music] first of all we have to remove the glue from the floor and then we bought this I bought this online some professional cleaner this is Fida through Face Care Solutions I bought like five different ones because you have the one for the cocktail ties the one for the tamentina ties the one for the stain so we bought an entire collection of this professional solutions for the floor and this will be the product that we'll be using this is the wash after the construction site we went also to Palermo because we pick up my mom from the airport so Lucha is with my mom right now so we can look and I we can work together a little bit uh because it's not the best place for her to be when we use this kind of products are you ready yeah the glue thank you foreign we apply the product and now we are trying to scratch as much as we can like this [Music] foreign foreign is done the result is not what we expected actually but it's better than before one hand is not enough clearly especially for the glue for the glue we have to apply a solvent something different because it's it's it's not working but the rust and the stucco they paint everything else is going away so we're pretty happy about it now Luca will wash away the product and then tomorrow we will apply the second hand so this will take longer than we expected as always guys do you just have projects are always longer you expected especially if you don't know the house if you don't know the material that were used this is the result right now there is some glue that is starting to melt a little bit we just need to wait you can see over here let's try over here as well you know over here it's starting to we know that this floor will not be perfect but we like the fact that will not be perfect at the factory we want this to be clean at least huh [Music] we're almost done okay almost done okay guys we will see you tomorrow from our beautiful house ancient house is everything you want to say something if you want to say hi do you want the camera I know it put people see you tomorrow see you tomorrow bye bye bye thank you now at the end of the day I would like to harvest some figs we have two varieties of figs one is the dark one is the purple one and the other one is kind of yellow green you can see here purple one and the plant the tree is pretty big is white liquid is called the milk of the figs and it's can irritate the skin so don't touch it [Music] this is the second tree this one is not a variety they are so sweet they seems like candy [Music] [Music] are you eating the figs she loves the figs [Music] good morning let's go back to work [Music] foreign which in English is let's try with this one and then we'll see if it's working otherwise we need to buy it we need to try another another hand of the of the product because the product is pretty strong but also this glue is pretty strong yeah we [Music] and you keep going until you reach your goals but let's see something beautiful guys I see The View today is a little bit foggy you cannot really see the line between the Sea and the sky it is beautiful anyway if we will win against the floor the glue and we'll try with some acetone this morning let us know in the comments if you think that we will be successful or if we will need to be defeated yeah we'll need more time and more options [Music] no no it's working will take forever hopefully also the floor will last forever I think it's a good idea to put a GoPro on yeah time lapsing time lapse 55 hours later 125 hours later a thousand years later [Music] we didn't even find a cop here bending on the floor trying to clean some bones there were some bones in this position hugging each other like in Pompeii in the world you in the tires this is the moment when you ask yourself why why and what is a good idea and you understand why they put the plastic linoleum flooring no I don't I still don't understand that because for this beautiful floor foreign [Music] you can still see the line of the glue not the yellow anymore we have been working off half of the floor of the kitchen using acetone and then in some parts we're using steel this product and it's kind of acid it's okay for these tires to not be okay for the tomentina in our living room because they are delicate these ones are strong and anyways they are so destroyed so damaged that we are not afraid of damaging the tires more than this so you see in some parts you can apply this directly on the floor and you have to leave it a few minutes and now we will show you will clean with some water and we'll show you the result and the difference between one half and the other half of the floor it's it's long it's hard our fingers are hurting our arms are hurting everything is hurting it is quite devastating but uh I mean most of the floor of this kitchen will be covered anyways by closet buy some furniture or the peach the table and the chairs the fridge or the cabinets and yeah we'll probably buy some you know this old vintage gas kitchen with the oven everything is second hand everything second hand so even if the floor will not be perfect perfect we like this idea so we're doing our best like always I was probably two of optimistic thinking about doing the plumbing this week so we will need to postpone data because we still need to finish the doors and the windows the flooring so step by step and especially because we miss some parts for the planning and we are also working with an amazing company Italian company will reveal this in the next videos for the bathroom so yeah when we will know everything about the furniture for the bathroom then we'll be able to uh to finish the plumbing to start and finish the planning yeah also we are working behind the scenes on some really huge projects that we cannot reveal yet one of them I guess is of course the the actors in olive oil so that it's a huge project because here in Italy you have a lot of bureaucracy so we basically need to open a new company just to be able to produce and sell the extra virginal organic olive oil but then we are also working on other projects for the future which are taking a lot of time and effort and energy from us so we are doing our best to keep working on renovation and managing the other projects behind the scenes this is the side that we didn't touch so you can see you can still see the yellow blue [Music] and this one is the side that we treated now Luca is cleaning with some water and let us know in the comments if you can see some difference please if you have some ideas some design ideas for the kitchen we would like to have something simple it's difficult because we will buy everything second hand but we have some layout ideas please let us know just remember that we have the water here we don't have the bombing still so and we can play very good with this area it's 2.92 meters and 90 centimeters [Music] here is where the the sink needs to go in this area also like the the washing machine or the washer everything needs to go in this area because what we need to make the plumbing go down there going to pick up and it's very easy because I just need to walk down this road and there is a little playground Cucina [Music] they're working also I'm renovation [Applause] [Music] one minute Island thank you yeah so let's see if we can see Lucha thing good I'll give you some bread we need to buy some acetone more there is a little shop here in town two little shops one is here and you can buy almost everything not fresh fruits or fresh veggies but they are coming here once once a week with a little truck with fresh fruits and vegetables and then I come in here with bread every day with fish [Music] this is really wow that's the camera [Music] Papa Papa oh there's a tripod the small one this is the gorilla pot and this is the big tripod which one do you like the big one that that is fun Mero and here is where we would like to go beautiful people for today's episode it was an epic fail it was a big mistake we thought it would be better we had a high expectations yeah like the the floor is actually looking better than before but it's not the fact that we had in our mind we imagined something different but uh it's okay life so it's not always peaches and creamer yeah I mean it's nothing terrible it's just uh project that didn't go as we planned but it's not the end like we are we have done just half of the floor uh let's see if we can speak with some professional and to see if somebody can give us a good advice how to clean and how to turn that that floor yeah but at the same time we need to figure it out if it's worth it I mean most of that floor will be covered by kitchen by table chairs and a lot of things so how to improve this vintage at least they take advantage of this look and make it you know rustic exactly very important guys we are thinking because we are receiving so many messages so many emails of you guys asking how can I buy a house like this how did you do this which agencies did you use uh can you give us some advices so for us it's impossible it's very impossible to answer to all the comments all the questions all the emails because they are too much so please drop your comments your question in the comments Below in this video yes because we're planning to do a question and answer video next week so if you have any question write it down below this video so we will try to answer as many questions as possible in the next episode we will collect the most um frequent questions and then we will try to answer to everything in the next video and together we will go ahead with several projects we have still the windows to to finish it to paint the floor the kitchen floor other floor in the house to yeah the plumbing to start and bathroom all the electric part so a lot of things it could feel overwhelming when you are doing sell some some projects and you don't know if you are going in the right direction but actually you are because every direction is a good direction it's just you know could take more time than you expected if you enjoyed today's episode please show it to us smashing the Thumbs Up Button hit the notification Bell so you won't miss a new video and please consider subscribing to this YouTube channel if you haven't done already we love you we appreciate you thank you for coming along with us and stay with us we will see you next Sunday and remember levita Bella life is beautiful and love always wins winter siembre ciao [Music] okay [Music] [Music] Uno do it [Music] foreign [Music] hahaha [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: LeAw Leave Everything and Wander - Luca & Sara
Views: 1,118,038
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Keywords: leaw, leaveeverythingandwander, leave everything and wander, van life, vanlife, reality, couple, italian, italians, italy, sara, luca, travel, luca and sara, real, luce, home, diy family, family, babygirl, baby, travelfamily, travel with a baby, lifewithababy, drone, van, rebirth, sicily, property, seaview, dream, paradise, history, village life, case a un euro, 1 euro houses, buying, medieval, realestate, village, motta d'affermo, renovation, reno, big fail, floor renovation, old tiles, antique, vintage, mistake
Id: _9BE41wkQ_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 28sec (2128 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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