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big news guys jelly is finally gonna go to school that's right today we're gonna be playing as nine-year-olds and you know what nine-year-olds do they go to school so this is gonna be a first for jelly so everyone give them give them a round of applause yay now me and crain are gonna get to experience what it is like being jelly's height in minecraft now in the next episode if you want us to play as old people so that means we're like really fragile click the like button at 50 000 likes we'll do it anyway let's get into the video guys we've got to get to school come on let's go before we go to school can we please our best nine-year-old boys okay okay i'll go first i can't get up pay attention i'm about to do my nine-year-old voice what i thought this was your nine-year-old voice hello no nine-year-olds don't have a d this is how i said joey guys can we can we get to school please we need to get to school okay you already sound like a guy i've been in school before yeah that's not true right here yeah you have never been to school we're actually late by the way one plus one yeah equals three oh he did it he did it you saw that josh he did the math okay guys have you noticed we've got like five hearts by the way uh oh yeah we are yeah we are nine year olds wait guys did you know what i heard what if the teacher doesn't turn up for 15 minutes legally you're allowed to leave we can pee wait in case he doesn't show up i'll be the teacher for today here we go welcome back to math class like i said one plus one equals three dislike button you dislike this teacher wait we gotta be wait wait give it wait hang on i didn't know nine-year-olds says had a baby dislike oh wow here you go jelly accidentally took yours in the chest check out the ability wait guys jenny's trying to lead the class here yeah oh are we still doing it okay i'm sorry tj wait don't make him cry oh no oh no oh my god you flooded the school all right that wasn't on purpose just do his job okay go on you keep going keep going i don't even know let me explain to you how one was you're literally standing in water can we get rid of this first basically wait a second t-shirts train the left be quiet teacher train it laughs because it makes sense in your brain uh i'm gonna break the laws i can fix this yeah here we go teacher i'm going to get extra grades now holy crap i missed what are you doing please there you go okay well how keep going well you guys you guys stay right what are you teaching us your teacher's gonna go home wait what where did you get that from teacher's going home i killed the boogers you're never gonna graduate did you guys hear this sound that thing made jelly can we can we finish checking out our cool abilities before we go riding so what do we have we have the dislike button yeah don't hit me we have crying which basically makes you pee a giant no no okay why did you blow me up man uh that's the display were you not here when we did it before no i've been like you guys are talking about math the next ability what i want you to use my boogers oh come on do it eat it i threw it in his mouth i threw it in his mouth you're gonna make me cry oh no don't worry i got that i've got that oh okay could you please stop well the last one that i've got here is a balloon okay what does that do oh guys wait oh guys this is the school for kids who can't read good oh yeah are you guys i haven't learned how to swim wait do you know what's ironic jelly you didn't read that guys i'm drowning and none of you care about me true true good point wait you're oh yeah he is wait i've got an idea i've got an idea i'm okay oh gosh i'll dislike oh i'll run run run yeah why didn't you just use the balloon to fly up that would have been pretty simple well guys should we take this ah i'm so frustrated use the balloon you dummy nine year old guys all right well again nine-year-old bikes okay let's go and explore see you later let's go mess with some kids all right let's go ahead to the nearest town oh wait we go actually hold up hold on guys guys hang on guys we're like a biker gang i need to eat i need to eat the nine year old i'm too hungry guys josh what are you doing i'm hungry we don't need to eat yeah what's up it's me and my know i've got like no health i do need food okay jelly you want to go steal something i i kind of want to see what happens what up tommy villagers with the dislike button hey josh are you a partner oh i see a villager i'm going to prank this villager get booted let's get him okay i think he's going to blow up oh wait what's up hey hey we got him we got him we killed him oh you killed me i i'm sorry that that's not very biker gang i'm very sorry about that karina josh get on get on man there's nothing yeah there's no room there's no room sorry wait jelly what are you doing up there on a roof how do i get down don't tell me he ballooned up really high off yeah hang on jenny stay still no whoa oh i missed hey let's see if we can hit him with our boogers josh maybe i could throw i could throw mine though booga fight ah i hit him quick stop throwing your boogers i need help i need help wait i have an idea park your bike below and then i can jump down and land on the bike this sounds stained that's my bike what's up loser hey guys come on bring me up i'm out of here boy you don't mess with the bike game the fight game messes with you you just blow up your bike no i'm fine how do i get the bike rescue me i can't get the bike up too there's another bike over here guys there's the bikes the bikes don't go up what you look so cute on that bike you say that to my face and i'll mess you up okay i guess i'll just do it why am i stuck okay you can take this bike homie okay that's my butt right my butt guys guys my bike's stuck yeah yeah yeah let me get out of the zombies oh yeah we should bully a zombie underneath one of them i'm stuck why is josh the only let me help you it's so stupid wait i've got an idea i'll cry maybe how all that helps damn oh yeah wait we fake tried to get out of situations all the time that's what night guys nice jelly you can always go on the trees though that's not that special that's not true yeah it's not really that special daily so wait we just need to find a cave now by the way i want to point something no quick what is it our bike is literally run on gas i don't think that's very responsible i don't think that's a good thing [Music] i think i've got an idea i'll dislike kratos okay yes that will help you somebody else no that's my oh that's genius see you later cradle back my point lady loser you come back here that's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you guys don't like yellow tape that's your yellow loser i'm throwing my boogers at him while he runs craters say hello to your brothers your pigs are here oh hey come on man whoa whoa whoa jelly crazy jelly you got my bike oh oh two wait so so my bike is the only one that's fine i guess i'll just go to the deep deep oceans you know what jelly this is why mom does like you oh wow are you guys coming to play with me in the water no no no no no no no i don't want it guys what huh oh my god i'm underground i will when i get there wait for me i'm stuck with the balloon thanks guys thanks best nine year old ever please do not click the dislike button again bunch of creepers ahead oh my jelly that doesn't kill them oh it doesn't look i'm throwing fire boogers firework korea fire burger fireworks okay why are they fire because of the love jenny watch out it's okay oh we killed the the creepers are powerful our fire burgers are the best we're in a little bit of a situation oh i saved you oh i can't get out of here wait we need to oh yeah daddy's stuck leave jenny in there leave jelly in there i got the balloon i got the balloon wait fly we need to diss them we're bullying them right no we're just nine-year-olds we're doing this you look like a creeper and your mom looks like people too i'll cry i'll cry yeah use your cry ability tactical cry oh my god oh my god your uncle looked like a creeper your daddy looked like hey what a hit i'm really good at this well i think this proves that we're pretty powerful nine-year-olds to be honest yeah i agree with you josh i agree but the question is who is the most powerful nine-year-old well i think the one with the most powerful nine-year-old voice well i actually think it's the uh the last one alive oh yeah me too go go nine year old okay good yeah wait no [Laughter] one down one to go i trusted you okay tell you're the last one come on man oh you're dead am i though i'm the last nine-year-old thanks for watching the video if you would like to watch some more i put some on the screen here tap those video box things and it will take you to the next one enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,265,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, mincecraft, noob, school, jelly, crainer, 9 year old
Id: xnN02XYy1Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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