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we need to make it to the bottom Finish Line right here and the way we do that is we play this game basically we have to drop a drill Merchant together and then we make a better one I can spend as much money as I have and obviously I already went broke so the only thing I could do now is drop it and check that out this is how we make money in this game and we actually made it to the Finish Line great we got 20 bucks for that so now I can merge another never mind I can't afford it we need to stop it again sorry I'm still learning oh wait TNT can also show up wait that's actually dangerous dude maybe I shouldn't just drop it at random then but actually look at it before I drop it again ah I haven't made it to the finish in quite a while now I got 77 box though so now I got the chance to drop two drills at once gonna try to make the bad one go first and then the good one after we better now okay make it make it all the way yes now I can get another one merge those together and make a brand new one tier three drill check this one out dude this one destroys everything oh it's actually kind of hard to get through that but we did it okay make some more get a level two drill drop it right above it oh no the city where oh wait TT is good for me I thought it was gonna kill me for sure dude okay let's grind this money out a little bit and what I want you to do is hit that like button if you believe I can become the Drill Master alright thank you GG dude we got so much money already this is insane oh you see that there's a diamond wait so it's actually good to drop it over here now I guess wait let's let's buy some more drills I want to get to that diamond dude okay combine these and then we make a level four drill thank you then we spotted as many drills as we can mix them all together and we get something new wait I dropped it on accident but we got the diamond yeah buddy oh I didn't make it down to the TNT but you see how much better we're getting already right just by merging everything together this is how we get good at level five okay can I make more I can do that make a level three and then we'll just drop it right here let's try that out boom and oh my goodness this is so much money it got some extra health and it's still broke useless you're useless drill okay I'm saving up money as much as I can right now and trust me eventually we will be insanely op at this then I'll start spending some Roblox okay but not right now merge those together buy some more merch dolls buy some more merch then we take that that and that make it level five and now we got our first level six okay we can still buy a lot of drills there we go and I think we're ready drop it down buddy oh my goodness did you see how quickly that one went through everything I was going to the middle to see if there was anything we could get but it's already tempting me with Roblox okay what is this TNT and mid kit spawn 25 set more often okay you know I'm getting that I can't help myself how would I be able to and just a little bit extra boost we'll also get some double coins and listen if you're like me and you love spending Roblox in Roblox make sure to use code Crainer when you actually check out and buy more Roblox now we definitely want to go to this side because there is a diamond over there so let's set that there spawn in some more drills you know the drill okay yeah you know what I should stop making jokes and drop it all buddy there's so much CNC the upgrade definitely enough with the thing to think strategizing we honestly just need to grind right now so we can get a bunch of money up and combine even more drills I already got 1 000 bucks dude that's actually insane okay I would say two thousand dollars is definitely enough to try and get something else let's see if we can make a brand new drill then okay spot it all in combine all the tours oh no I dropped this whoops okay we'll just roll with it it's probably good for us anyway we'll make some more money poverty at level 18. did you notice how much taller it's getting every time I go up it's kind of insane okay so we got a level five there so we don't need that many more now okay make another five that equals a six that equals S7 now we'll spawn it even more combined combine combine combine got a Fiverr all right and we get another six and we're almost there where we can actually make a level eight I think it's happening I think it might be happening five right there six and an eight row we already made it to number eight now this is crazy I'm just going and going guys ain't nothing stopping me from this right now we are getting insanely op and I'm actually loving it right now okay should be good I guess we're ready to drop it now and see what happens I can trash that one I was a level one anyway all right drop it down and see oh my goodness this one is insane bro we're getting so strong right now it's actually crazy I just need to keep dropping right now I mean this level is far below what we're capable of right now anyway that is that good drill I have is definitely not breaking for a bunch of levels right now I can tell you that's a good drill okay we are now at level 24. I think it's time that we seriously just spend a bunch of time combining again I wish there was something that did it for me but I don't think there is that would have been a cheat code that I would love to have right now I'm getting a little bit tired of combining things I gotta be honest I know it's what I signed up for it's the name of the game but still I'm just combining everything give me a break and uh we'll now make another level eight so we got a level Niner dude good on all of these in combine all of these these sponsor if I combined yeah gives a five come back and for four four and uh bro I feel like I'm not even speaking English at this point it's just a bunch of Baba boops which I don't even know what means I made it up in this video five with the six and the seven and the eight and the nine and we got a Tedder I wish I could like upgrade this thing but I don't know where you would be able to really wait a rebirth that's we're never gonna rebirth that was like a hundred gems dude and I got like I got zero or something I don't know how many I got but it's not a lot and let's drop all the things holy crap okay dude I feel like we've already gotten really op in this game I will never be able to combine faster than I'm making money right now I feel like I already broke it and I didn't even do that much I gotta be honest with you but let's at least reach like level 30 or something I want to see what it's like okay just keep drilling just keep drilling let's keep drilling holy crap it's actually epic I love all the effects in this game if it didn't have that I would be bald out of my mind just leaving right now I gotta be honest with you all right the last level before level 30 make sure you go to creatorsoft.com if you want some sweet sweet merchandise and you know what I feel like I've done my thing in drill merching simulator if you enjoyed it hit that like button subscribe and I'll talk to you guys later
Channel: Crainer
Views: 58,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, roblox, simulator
Id: pP8F1UZURwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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