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anybody even Taps J G so fast with the moves yet Sentinels shut it down maybe it's a false information but they are looking everywhere now smoke drop down texture sticking half half denied in that top position with the operator still it a half clearance half clearance many fin Master MRI come beyond the America [Applause] [Music] something [Music] joh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] k Mr go it's time to see who has the better ideas here on bind and let's go ahead and send it to your cast you got Sideshow and I had to say it Bren the birthday boy love you buddy have funo will be about to be set up here now what's the emphasis being placed towards this aide dogs straight through the doing bit of damage it has slowed them down I realize showers is open the reposition now into the back of the side dizzy Up and Away broken in play Sassy good kill Wing man with the swing they are absolutely running over these geni players was the fast TP in a rrap around shut down Sentinels a pistol round gained has a snip by will send it flying that's just to block off that CT exit and entrance still the face and the fight is called munchkin lot more left to do now here with only a few seconds left removes the seek was pesky in his face a bit of a problem but again time against him with the spike in the middle of nowhere no time clear Wing cons acknowledge there zelus yeah he runs his way out by munchkin called to just contact all the way in has done them wers still they do have to worry about that Al and there it is s flying out into the back of the sight lack here po flash play out and collected all sorts of kills and damage but then why in face of celus beautiful with the movement he Glides and saves a day leaves it down to that 1 V2 still with the pit up munchkin plenty of options left here is he going to be aware of this potentially keeps the pit up tap he actually might be able to tap here and use the teleporter even but he's looking to try to take the fight instead trying to make a play every angle needs to be watched for and it is what a round by zelis yeah VI Merchant In the Flesh hiding inside the smoke doubled up now they want to flood back into this one trying to catch that timing and here it is doubled up high low Sentinels this might be the right re one but lck here his brute force and B through sassy so damn fancy might have brought them a window of opportunity a chance very narrowly nade rebounds but I don't have to stop this one and Z still has the rocket show stopper available pit now going to be dropped down here with the rocket the clear through and out over the top it's lifeless Baron in nature but he Snipes him anyway expected a position stiners claiming the six out meia oh meia oh what a snap to the side the RIS breaker there from sassy and hello what a time to come alive here for Sentinels much needed much anticipated now texture trying to dodge and dukee that timing here to T onto laaka is back to all of them chasing them down hunting them down sassy got even more offloading the see CU why not a winnable spot a winnable position Caron all alerted to the presence but he picks up the rifle almost with the pre-fire still two versus four Spike has to get planted here so senel will at least earn that everybody on sen inside lamps it's a really unusual post plant position gaps to be played with in s cannot let this one slip not after losing previous gun round after losing most of the scenari where they had that Advantage thrash of that tap Satchel over the top here and seek to punish there it is texture last one left Last One Alive through the box nade earned again but tucked hiding away from the position it Sentinal trying to play this one just with a little bit of intelligence and John gets that information and a shot to the Head Thrifty here Master Card well earned they've got an inkling that there's a ton of players here stacking the sight but they're not fast enough to pull the trigger and go for the rotate through the teleport which would have been a play to open up the a site for a free plant they found themselves that player advantage and now J G with the players stacked looking to re explore oh man look at this call a contact reclear are they going to be ready with the rifle play it needs to be Al it is Sentinels Clean Sweep there out towards it forcing gen out into the open that slight pause keeps them alive for now and it was time noise pressure on either side the TP rotation is now C with 20 seconds left guess what gone now abouton yeah it's not really going to be handled here at all and that's going to be sending it out with wingman he going to be broken no no they correctly but it does catch on the second So the plan is online 4v4 though flank fast wrap around flanks on flanks laia punished for it at least recognizing s the weaknesses of their own compositions but it's immediately answered and even back out Cel got so Advantage now for Jen G here with the alt here's the first T but he's waiting for the second Point K's fast onto him K's fast onto him already approaching and expecting that position and he just has to let it rip anyway before anybody even Taps J G so fast with the moves yet Sentinels shut it down close tucked here Sentinels I mean this is looking like you thrash to try to put pressure on people yeah and Z follows it up a SE is with a thrash on top like you said Josh here sending it flying Zen is eager for the engagement even more so spots it out munchkin first one to four fills up that feed for them nicely here but ji might even look to just try and fight back with a pit down something has to really dislodge this one here maybe even a few stray bullets sassy finally planting elbow control for them on top of that it's hookah that they didn't plant though they're still getting it down now and geni are taking elbow control in the meantime it might work against them because it has cut off these angles of the Cor cont works out beautifully thr through with the flash as well on top of it it comes down to how can he win these kills how second as the rang of the Beast that is his rifle lit up like beacons but it matters not SOS it's just all hinging on this isn't it it's an off angle at that I just don't see how munchkin clears this yeah and ads spoils it for munchkin here tends it's weird though because they don't know where geni are they could be all the way up Heaven all sorts of spots it's going to cause the push out here by Sentinels meeting them right into texture but he wasn't waiting for it as a trade attemp Carol he will fall too everybody topples Sentinels Flawless here rare mistake as well from gen G they haven't got the down sass here the noise cues but he just pre-ir and guesses incorrectly the gamble not paying off still not willing to give up that space But finally here m is out in the oh but still the kill found 2v2 running and G to just Retreat and cover that section now the diffuse meteor sticking sticking sticking all the way spray down have earned but that will be it Sentinels even up one to one and I said it was necessary and it certainly was [Applause] necessary to the Elation of the crowd send a grueling wind for them forced into overtime but they do it at the final moment converting a 3v5 absolutely incredible stuff so far plenty more action with that came from do not go anywhere it's not everybody in that area second gets off the line for just a moment and now he's going to be faced with an absolute Onslaught they Rush his position and still walks away with two returning to fire sen not leaving anything to CH they want to try and fle and rotate everybody towards him but yet still gen played right into their hands one enemy remaining no low on health indeed meteor forc to scatter him back away I mean we are talking about the opening 35 seconds Here and Now grouped up side by side looking to put a pistol round on the board s get an an here though joh QT out wi 10 wi face and definite chances but Sentinels necessary beginning here for this map on split the cam is going to spot them 30 seconds left just about snake by though yeah look at this they're looking to try to take the fight towards stairs while munchkin plant has got a plan he was trying to pit goes down entirely here the Trad online now for Sentinels obliterating any chance here for Kon to even stand Toe to Toe he'd have to hit those shot and he can't quite manage it a supremely better beginning to this match shouldn't be as much danger but you never know mol's rying overhead here quickly in the approach here was a paranoia and there pillars close to it players getting beamed down and ran down show stop a rocket out wide with zela's falling joh QT left scrambling he's trying to pick up these pieces pit collected a coral now it's only up to him in a one V one second maintains that composure and but look at metor again kind of picking up that rle as Sentinels re push out through b main it's a good call to make here but sassy surely not favored into that one in yeah just backs away 10 holding in the angle for him just over the shoulder load those Seekers as well giving him a good indicator now but already getting a move on a run now over towards a fast Sprint and fast in action there are anchoring players Z here oh my goodness almost claiming that one that was a dink drops him down to 10 HP meta falling to the nad Z still alive playing towards the pillar with the help of his team with only 30 seconds left what do it call now for Gen G there's very little time for them to work with they're going into a stack I mean where's where's the wing condition here how did they get this unlikely it just looks so damn unlikely texture forward in this approach again but there's no setup ready for it the Satchel to his doom and defeat everybody picked apart Spike dropped down no kill on Kon to get this plant down maybe potentially just yeah pushing end and put a stop to it seconds coming forwards to try to help 50 seconds now Caron does have util as well paranoia going to be getting good information with that one respecting the position here sassy not eager to that fight instead doubling up it looks like Central High Low set up yeah it is indeed with him playing up onto Heaven Satchel fors Cuts up the angle flash repick no not through main adjustment necessary and second comes up with the goods and more with four ripped away Zen goes from high to low but sass is here potentially as the safety net to clean it all up might be your time to strike Sun step up to the line and really reward the rest of your team as two topple and fall texture soon after and the movement wide swing wide face J all eyeses now on the bite will be trips waiting for him the nade should clear at least one layer of it Smoke's now up with the paranoia through and it's a call made to flood right back into with a rocket damage done but already texture right behind snaps back second shuts down the adversary shuts down the Nemesis but does he anticipate this yes he does movement Sublime this time less trusting of the gut and wondering where the hell these players have got to 10 almost going down there out to the open meta left to Anchor now and his position being assaulted and swarmed paranoia is good shot missed going stray still walks it down onto this angle but look at it they've just absolutely overpowered them really beautiful attack side from sen timing smoke out texo with the rifle in his hands he's the one who has to really landish onean short the crouched up not expeced that too many players to account for texture falling carara now with the judge and I've seen this one before if they walk right into him there could be trouble yeah but they've got the CER up they see that he's got that weapon they want no piece of that smoke now a maneuver all the way over lakia out wide trying to Anchor this position follow through with the kills and they do trade out those available plays but K TP in the fight in the mix inside the smoke trying to dominate this one but he only has the judge what can one man to not enough pit lay it down for Sentinels they're not leaving this one the chance they need to clean it up now Munch in the igl does he anticipate Z's forward position he does not so 11 one now on the board for Sentinels here's the dog Trail Blazer broken denying he sort of grounded he might be able to gain mettia he's up close and personal now with this rifle in his hands does he anticipate his kind of danger it's returned at least with the fire but he's already gained two kills for his team and now JN QT wants to put a bit of a move on here still doesn't have a rifle to take that fight doing ducking weaving finally the Run and Gun in action sassy sing his plant down very nicely done there by Sentinels Lucky had just given it away a little too early by taking the shot missed it on JN he's opened up a chance for sent post plants look good as well honestly they do they've also planted so that t could get one and then alter way to heaven possibilities now for sent cover going out twist and Turner find themselves up to 12 here paranoia exchanged May okay the nade just dodged the out with the TP engage texture matters into his own hands he's just Blitz his way onto the site now out through the back of it no off maybe it's a false information but they are looking everywhere now smoke drop down texture sticking half half denied what a way for sender respond the onslaught sweeping him through all of bounds and the stick is just not good for it at least for that paranoia though has to be a follow up and it has to be a clean up and there is there on time texture dropped in the process now with 30 seconds left take a pause and around and take a breather because Sentinels realize it the chance now to extend that play in the series to take it all the way to ice box ATT tap forces it out the first wave of the util all the flash is flying through and so do the bullets lack here a lot to overcome a lot to do and it's just impossible M five is on the cards drifting back and forth what a shot straight to the cranium sassy diffusing is already on half sassy diffusing wingman hello already on the half but it might have just brought them that critical crucial Lifeline munchkin from the side the time from second is that uncertainty but he's defended In Time by John QT you absolute Beauty up close it's all about the reactions but again they could come from any Direction no command it's a jiggle anticipating and expecting there to be that level of aggression but still T is's in that top position with the operator still it's a half clearance half clearance and Punishment in place beautiful adaptation from sen deciding to take the fight to gen G this lock down contacting walking right now finally the mollies being used to try and take that backside control texture oh line spoted lineups oh miss missed against the wall here MH has to be committed will it break here no because he needs the fragment as well so the additional util just doesn't add up was all missed in time TS forwards here there is the tment fragment n does he expect it no he does not metor again taking madis into his own hands and he's SLU himself up into that forward position but finally Delwood shut down laia canot stand it this pressure is just immense just bleach the eyeballs of second and 10's looking to try to take the fight you the Dizzy didn't get broken in time no way what a wall Bang white through the wall and 10's still not going to be removed from this spot he just sees it head poking over but now has to respect it players all around him sassy you're turn to strike back if you can what the iron is Hot and Hot it is they drop him no entry into the sight stand your ground say your peace the V Merchant on his feet the spike it went down wingman able to plant it in the midst of all of this but this pit it's not a post plant PL it's for S to go for the retake and they got all that space still have clear through this one Kon has a snake by at least one with the tap and now they're floating through onto the side that left flash magnificent mkin to deliver and he's got to stand and do it now attack forcing out the bullets no more left in the chamber plenty of angles to adjust and choose from but they are walking right into the one that matters most Dash online backs away sassy close now in their faces willing to take the fight straight to them with only 25 seconds left as the final round of the first half and an important one at that wingman broken that's the confirmation gen has to follow through with the weaponry and the guns and they're finding their own place but it's only down to one texture Soul Survivor breaks it down munchin late to the party and jumping around the nerves at play Jump above from ten here but he's out wide now with the face in top of the Dizzy they have to give up this space here but geni might seek to try and fight this one wingman he's already in The Fray through the back of the side here broken down land out in the open but behind the box second finds his Mark Precision being a name in a game but geni not willing to give up even a scrap of territory no map control and no gain really B of Genji Tes to oh my goodness two but eventually brought down three versus three and the spikes still not retrievable it's a [ __ ] position 30 seconds left they keep getting tucked behind this box over and over Karen though he took so much damage earlier on they could just Spam him out 20 seconds roughly in the round it all comes down to this for S and a pistol round one to stand one two fall sentinals are feeling it there isn't one yeah just trying to clear it out sassy can play so far back and just work off his thrash does munchin have some kind of knife to be able to deny this B pit flash through an out second how the hell is he alive there thrash now finally being being used but it's offloaded all the molles as well frash broken media wide texture trying to claim another one here being been dropped down to 10 HP 10 surely he fall surely they go down half out munchkin has he B enough time he's got too many targets to deal with too much indeed is telling J to keep three players a and they have lacky on pipes too this is looking like the way that sen wanted to defend is here eeken Ms into his own hands leading the charger with the dash it just collides right into the Collision of 410 that needs to be the adjustment it's not there an inevitability the cleared the way through it's munchkin standing his ground knife just a little bit too late here they can feel it now pressure mounting geni stacking but they will topple they will fall the rifles are too good 1,000 days in counting Sentinels maintaining irrelevancy 30 seconds left Spike planted the last time they were ring into National event last time they earned any sort of accolades tox going up and Caron from rank to rookie to tier one play left to Stew Pacific's hopes and dreams laid on his shoulders gen's hopes and dreams laid on his shoulders but how much can one man do first one found second one not there it's over s City here the play here the stay and history has been [Applause] [Applause] made this Sentinels organization leapt to stardom became a household name because of the win that they got in that first ever Masters event congratulations to your Masters Madrid Champions [Applause] SEL an unbelievable run a historic run a team that went from Rags to Riches right here in Madrid Spain they controlled their own destiny and now they can finally say they are [Music] champion
Channel: TenZ
Views: 380,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, tenz, valorant fragmovie, sentinels, sen, sentinels valorant, sen tenz radiant, tenz vs radiant, tenz immortal, TenZ valorant, valorant radiant, valorant best player, vct, vct masters, masters madrid, sen geng, geng, zekken, sacy, johnqt, zellsis, sen bundle, sentinels vct, sentinels geng, kyedae tenz, kyedae
Id: aispuvDK2Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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