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back on the outside by middle and be H there's that fight to CAU it oh my God it all around fundamentals And Trades staying over all of them are bled t with three kills in a row outside the diassi gets to spray T inside one more more the TR come out T gets the start S Take the Lead well you heard the breakdown from our analysts but now there's only one thing left to do settle the score we got a championship bo5 final on the line and two incredible CS I'm so happy that I get to toss to these guys take it away V silly and RI smoke happening on left side lane clearing out towards the left side should probably get to CK right now as the oneway smoke comes up Sentinels tries to execute in it actually does hit Q through at the back of the site there's the first Blood dropped by the sels a second as well by second and Crown is falling down on this pistol with the spike down on the E sight for s j CU already setting up with the camera so that's going to be the first Contact the rest of the team holding back towards beain looking to just Spam if loud make it through make it through the first line of contact John cue Beautiful by zelis it allows for him to get the kill onto Les there's Q upgrading weapon MOS beenin onto the ground the Lays coming out from SEL that clock is ticking down here ping shels on top of that nice shot though from T as they're leading forward boom to get more scans s dropping to beautiful hole for SEL in the end not even worrying about the smokes that can come through they have all the utility and weaponry coming into round five this til push is louds again but P answers two right away Sassi may go all out that would be such a gamble but look at him all these rotates so he's trying to get an angle he's trying to get a surprise attack here's our first jump spot here's two crossing over the third one already made it through so Sashi now has a timing behind the three players allowed roen in the Ro there's a s by towards now it's being Watch Two and he will have all the kit left now on his GE kit the mar going down for the halfway out of position now Les Falls away there's that thrash coming out too from the front of the pillar and Les even has to pull back towards the market it does not hit him though but that clock is taken down s away for the time gets it done and Sassi wins a three on one against loud Hunter Fury coming out from the defense of ping does get the hit onto John cue from qck as here's a shot from behind alur once again Sassi gets it done TS under heavy pressure alone towards the back of the site thrash being picked up the TP away from one sees the second one and it does get the hit here that's going to delay even more sedak is detained tu's had to TP away and now as they finally regroup they don't have too much utility but these smokes T is already pushing towards that spike a beautiful dizzy allowing T to get that pick up to sedak alone a nice shot from T once again leading out for another kill and sels finally get another Point dizzy comes up just to try to delay towards the back of the site even more finally that contact as you mentioned second season flash is coming out there's that execution now for S back and forth but still the advantage for the attack side as they know it was that flanker qck with no utility after he uses his wall contact out to sasi allowing here a z just to wait for the tap pain sh to keep him at Bay that will definitely end the half right now especially with that kill coming out from sasia know they close out the half with a four-point lead but the rest of loud made it through towards the Beast site nonetheless they gave up on that control towards the market the plant coming down here for cine hit by flashes all over faroud as SEL are still H back on the outside by middle and beam there's that fight the C my God it all around leaving now Les alone on a one versus four positioned now towards the Spike as at least the thrash is on spot him now back and forth we go and zelus gets another back stack T is ready to come out strong in his Grand finals as well for them to at least get a plant down to build that economy for the next ready with a shorty in the Smoke snake B keeps them at day but all of senal are here getting ready to flood back from that a link once again and there he goes look at that utility everybody's hiding with within the smoke don't for alloud outside the site right off for kills and there's only Less in left standing Z himself is cleaning up the sight showstopper ready for the next round as SEL scored the 11 throws up the half but the plant still went down for loud that's huge that's Cowen Z's the one they want an elbow for him to go down this means that s can get back in right now the goal is to protect sedak so that he could use his Hunter Fury there is that tap uses it out right away and now right after it's going to be allow to fight back inside the smoke flashes are coming through nades are coming across towards the smokes as as T is holding off angle a curveball a nice Kill from T snake fights underground as well wingman comes up trying to get it down it's at least at half play he's trying to stick it fully for wingman but gets the nine it's up to a two versus one a push for from BL once again the N but John cuy as they'll get to the fuse and M Point Sassi with a pistol himself so this is a very weak aside hold a flame coming behind here a flash T is fly blinded the lur comes up from the side from Les yeah sassy get against the ding from Les three players remaining from C coming back once again from the a link two now takes control towards the back of the default gets one for his troubles back there two versus two a pit out a rolling thunder giving a lot of chances for L here on the post plant Cameron coming out forcing now senel to go inside the pit to fight back zelus at low on HP upgraded into a rifle they actually have two rifles to work with there's that first Andi ability to run across elus does get the pick though and last has one more s fight by the tap on his fight the Kill from celsis and the fuse comes out for sels as they finally close out back number one it's incredible the amount of times we see Sentinels Squad Rush crowd up and Squad Rush aight coach of loud seems quite confident going into split but if you are a sensal fan you have to be feeling quite good about s's chances it's time to find out who walks away with the dub let's send it back over to your casters vilian RI Spike finally going down asasi is on that flank on the a main Les has fallen so the control on the a heaven is going to be a little bit more difficult especially when two East Falls giving an opportunity for senel to bombard utility nams and a flash trades off towards the back fult line not able to come out as 10 swings from the elbow into further rounds but at least they still have a gun round now third round on the board for split but T long range with a stinger laser beams qck and they are going to find a being a little Troublesome here as loud takes the sight he miss snake so has to fight alone fin swings out doesn't care about being vulnerable that's a one for one but the advantage is still for sels less and twoes they've done this before at a disadvantage the first one to fall is sashy almost gets that tap at one HP pain shells once again is in a touchdown but T doesn't care swings in for the kills with a stinger first and last two kills of this round Asal win the bonus that's crazy Vance Sentinels oh nice shot on the 10 yeah that's crazy Sentinels are losing players with a buy here from loud a lower buy that they have finally the anchor towards the back of the site swings for two s looking to trade it out qk was there 2 for timing made it through but QC Falls a 2v2 40 seconds left on the clock spike is still up so they actually manag to take it back and mo move forward but John CU not allowing L to leave anywhere else Z's been a nuisance towards the top of that a heav side and Loud can't seem to really push him away from that spot and as they try to go for control towards the ramp this time a slight change of pace TS trying to play that aggressive position up towards the doesn't even care about the satchels and cus Falls as well and Mel has a lot of utility looking to get that show ster out for control Den run away get what there was like from the grave is insane what going down with no kills he'll come up with two he'll come up with the unreal play got that little step if they make any noise on ramp he'll no there you go allows T to inch out a little bit more get that pick Z to join him towards the back of the site there's a second and he's been good in this position as well parano on both ends not allowing to push forward a TP backwards as well but then finally KUSI andless comes in they traded out two versus two giving him much more room to play with here what all what do they have two they could viper bite elbow and try to make their way in watching just the entrance to site from the uh top side here but that boombot gives a clue here oh that players are coming across the wall bang after but the second one is nowhere to just sticking the spike right now and zelus will get the diffuse Zen couldn't get that but there is that sedak judge avoids it but you saw the stun turning back so it's a fake to turn around and actually stun him to get the kill beautifully done by Sentinels two's now out in the open second as s across with his own judge opening up the be site a plant for main t on the boxes looking towards the spawn there's only last so far as his other teammates feels like they're leaving him for dead they're still holding towards middle and a main as T picks up the kill sasi fakes towards B Main Seekers are out and they're going to start moving here 30 seconds left there it is oh absolutely ridiculous they're So Far Behind Enemy Lines loud doesn't even know just because of that pick that allows that pick to happen for a second on the as one was falling back now players are falling down towards the a side cow xen alone Guardian cannot hold cannot hold the doors 10 seconds it's only one left two e and there's that swing out finally getting the last pick sels are one map away of winning the kickoff here in Americas well folks the question is will Sentinels close this out or will loud find a way to bounce back and dig deep listen it back over to velan RIT it's not only sheris but also a lot of ghosts now basically it's going to become a brawl oh he stays fundamentals And Trades staying over oh never blinded t with three kills in the round last one to go finally denied by twois but he's all alone and second again the twinsies come out to work as they pick up the orb so they have it available for less there's a swing on both ends n swarm to the lay Sak from pushing forward and trying to get this plant down underhand flash a swing out of that one blinds two t picks up the kill plant then comes down instantly though zelus gets the kill onto sedak a two versus four disadvantage for loud those two ultimates are still available and he might try to delay as much as they can for cow's hunted secur to do some damage as that's one slight mistake there Le is able to punish it and that pit could be very detrimental for the retake of Sentinels snake bite on the ground wingman's trying to diffuse it so far less Falls and wingman gets to diffuse definitely fighting forward alarm bot to also ring the bell allowing here SEL to try to fight back on the left side of 410 but Les is able to even up the tally the Stinger by from Sentinels they're trying to keep the weapons and the engagement Close n storm getting a pick on the qck but three versus three as a time is in favor of SEL so far the high tide coming up TS with the long range Stinger once again s are able to score on the four spy it has some easy picks the lurks or the the rotations have been so late for the last member of loud this time it's going to pay off that's well done here on the positioning from loud because of that op being posted up on the B side they could focus on the kitchen on the rotate down at the under pass even the op gets the pick off the time all them falling down 5 seconds left actually there is time at this point when T picks it up so two versus two the shorty still gets the kill but less now in a clerk situation information of our T is at the high low T doesn't even need it oh my gosh how did that happen for senal to be able to convert that round TW is the one that's going to have to stay alive here to give chances for allow to fight back this round 21 10's pushing forward within that pit still working on the other side or loud Outside The dce Sassy gets to spray T inside the TR come out T gets the third SEL Take the Lead they only need two now but this time SEL are pushing forward in the a site this is a very sketchy plan man comes out for a plant sadak gets the pick and a second one off to zelis qck with the off kill on to Z not even needed the assist the pain on the last one the FL is for bloud us are able to push this into a fourth [Applause] M but now the question remains who walks away the winner will Sentinels manage to pull off the 3-1 here or will allow take us to a mat five let's send it back over to velan R walk forward the first Contact in the continuous kills out of Sentinels Spike down at the same time Seekers coming out now know that sedak now pivoted across short towards the Sands and Sashi they will not part from each other just the flank watch on the other side and then they collapse once they know the spike is down here but right now zel is in range here if it did come a moment where these players fell down towards long B they had the oral strike so time was precious for loud and they let it go and it allows loud in round number n to actually do that execution to get the pick but not before now the execution towards the aide the show stopper out from Z landing on to C seconds though once again doing some hero plays just inside that smoke as T walking through gets the execution traded out by zelus that showers running through the Molly second gets the backstab on to Les Tu is now lone with the swipe H down zelus with a drive by once again in a stier get the backstab zel's just got spotted Molly to Molly L now pinned inside but the judge gets the kill second trades right back with the Stingers Advantage for SEL as they get the plant down towards the a site rotate around going be a little too late here for qck with the damage that Z's doing with the judge as he flies through sight picks up the Stinger once again after that damage has been done yeah allow got a piece of their own medicine 10's also winning that fight the Stinger meta has it returned one more to go it's qck denied by zelis off the trade to waiting for him to rotate back from the bite hit by the dog close range shorty denied right away but they get information of two players from C on the post m in U-Haul so for alloud they're trying to fight back towards showers Sassi getting ready for a pop flash so they could swing back off the tap of the spike but there's theability off utility can't stick on to the diffuse quite yet Cate is signed to move forward three players all the way back towards short a and the wall bang gets him but you saw that Molly that just came down there's not enough time here at this point and even not enough bodies to escape for loud everybody dies and Sentinels they get round number six Sentinels are now going to try to rehit this area to see just how much came down and Q out of it first blood for T there loud trying to be ready for this one but SOS also posted up so they can TP away they need to should Z not get the picks with a show stopper and you don't expect the timing Les does look inside the smoke though sadak gets the trade back off to Sashi second pushing all the way forward a double s towards the back of the sight he does get the first pick up the Sak twoes the TB came across like they wanted to for Sentinels loud eating into the strategy eating into the bait as he walks across the TP though is waiting is it going to get cleared across they didn't see him he made it through this 14 seconds left as T chases him down we will be going into a final map to decide the winner of kickoff it did not look oh they say it's not how you start it's how you finish and for both of these teams it's now a bo1 you got to lay it all on the line otherwise you're done here let's see what happens as we send it over to your casters for the final match of kickoff no big commitment just yet for l they do Peak them oh but to is still there the third player door opening as well so they're trying to pinch in trying to Pivot between C or B depending where the picks are going to be from Sentinels allowing sedak to win against Sassi old teammates going head to-head sui reposition around the Trailblazer swinging out the long range of the frenzy does not connect and SED ghost neither rasia with the ghost here moving forward now the re swing out from sedak H being thrown no he towards the back up towards the air ni shot from above SEL get the pistol SEL are now ready for the backstab John CU is the one that greets him on the corner of the Boxes by baby door one-on-one that situation door opening forward SEL are looking pretty good here in round number three their bonus Les dancing around the peak up from zelus at Rubble the push towards the spawn from z a sentinal score the Flawless what it's already coming out TP went forward though look at 10 double TP on both ends but's winning that one low HP door being opened sadak forced to fall back flash to try to get information the prowler fall right behind his second for three in the round a sight open for business and sels shuts down the defense here's that b hit we were talking about from Sentinels not afraid to just send it rare hit towards that Beast sight that paranoia is going to Blind too but close range still gets the kill with the guardian Q also moving forward After Shock forcing SEL to push forward but it's traded back and forth sendal back on the board two's answering right back pit is down counter coming out a Defenders less at low HP though Kon CU still at full with armor it's like sherber let's go oh a shot outside John cutie finds one is he remain oneon-one though Les has that snake bite John cuy playing all the way on the outside letting that pit down Les doing the same wall up tap on the spike John cue the sprays on the first it's halfway a little bit of a tap trying to stick it is going to release it now gets the kill tries to go back for the diffuse will he get it he will not less than a second but John Cy wins the one one 71 Sentinels up boom about to come out through the smoke the paranoia countered by loud from the back of the spawn John gets a St by kill onto Q as a do has to move in with the rest but they're getting delayed by the utility of Sentinels on the post plan a five versus three make that a four versus three Advantage for the Sentinels as well as l in the rest cannot move forward for loud finally it's tens that gets picked off two ninos storms onto the spike delayed available for zelis there's a hop and now they're moving forward but finally they got rid of that util it's at a halfway the swing out two with the second tap and Sashi gets that pick holy close call by both squads weapon upgraded at this pointner looking to get upgraded as SOS goes for the plant but there's that backstab John CU with the plant gets the pit that's going to make it difficult now for low to retake second he sping cannot be sorry all right very cool uh moving now L qck to do what they can here HP going to be going way down and short and close swings across alone oneon-one tap on the spike John cutie just staying outside of it gambling that he's not going to stick it just got spotted down to 11 Blaze wall now up another tap John C forced to run in but now there's not enough time Q with another tap got it John cuy with the rest of the patience and senal have they finish a half a 10 two to make as little noise as possible looks like they might catch a paranoia here if they do get themselves into position right behind Rubble oh dear oh the Wall came down as well paranoid moving forward a one for one make that a two for one in favor of the SOS control towards the rubble as well hit by the Seas killed by T again with a hatrick multi kills this whole series on both sides 11 to four is no pressure for loud they're feeling the z0 on the score board as they take shots and T however starts us off The Haun head information tens to went for tap while looking at the Min map and got the kill paranoid to push him away trying to fall back but there's a stink bite to not allow him from that Deep Cover waited out the Molly's going for the plant another plant that considers that loud has to stay inside with the Odin the SE got him to just spray through and now snake bights to delay and that's no rolling thunder to push him back there's only 12 seconds left on the clock Forest into go for the stick but the sprays are not coming at this time around plant is down the push from tuis does not get the surprise kill there onto SEL TS on to rotate back from the spawn hot comes through sadak is all alone sedak gets two but gets dropped right after sels with the fuse and sels around the way of breathing this series loud can only go forward here that Rolling Thunder still ready could cover all of B they have qck just lurking waiting but nobody from Sentinels is stepping into the danger zone right now they're waiting for a plant knowledge loud just with their regular stop and go under the pressure out of elimination yet at the brink of elimination does these plays 2K trying to go for the hero one trying to see if he can catch one off guard got your at least to get the plant down P out 5v3 Rolling Thunder prepped and ready from the tree position they're going to actually try to rotate a little bit around tuis can have a big Flank In the End a few of these seconds being wasted getting to the spike but sen still have a lot of time on the clock important to keep Cowen alive right now for the Rolling Thunder and he also has Aftershock holding the tree is the most important position but Sentinels are looking to fight right back there's the Aftershock there's a swing out from T but gets the n and now the tap on that Spike two e dropping one it's a two versus two right inside trying to stick it another one to fall it's all up to Z who does get the K trying to stick this F he gets to the fuse with the red clutch and sendal are going to be your Americas kickoff [Applause] Champions ice cold look at his [Applause] face then a stick diffuse in the sight with your opponents still on the other side it couldn't have gone any other way Sentinels used it so many times to get to this point it definitely shows the preparation and how ready they were under these pressure moments that could still stay commment thick as Spike on a 1 V one but look at them senel Crown here the victors of America's in this kickoff qu
Channel: TenZ
Views: 264,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, tenz, valorant fragmovie, sentinels, sen, sentinels valorant, sen tenz radiant, tenz vs radiant, tenz immortal, TenZ valorant, valorant radiant, valorant best player, zekken, loud, saadhak, qck, less, tuys, sacy, aspas, vct, americas
Id: K02LGS9u9Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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