We Are The Real Slab City

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slab city is important in the world because whatever system of government whatever system of economy whatever system of social conduct you live in there's going to be some people that just can't get on board I feel like individuality should be led to flourish and people should build their own houses and or even just commission their own houses they are like you tell me we can stay out here indefinitely and do whatever we want and he goes yeah like well why would we go anywhere else let's move the slab setting [Music] [Music] I am in Slab City because I originally came here wanting to build a community and I needed to learn about nonprofit law and stuff like that so I could come here and live for free and not have to worry about rent and I could focus on study it's really important that there's one place on the planet where a person in that situation can go I'm builder bill and I've lived here a long time and somewhere around the way I found that everybody needed a party my name is Marta Rosa I go by Cherry out here everyone knows in SJ I raise kids and I might what I do I've been on an evolution a parent to seek wisdom and internalize it that I can actually progress it to show it to the people around me not what I do hi my name is Abel Barraza and what I do I just like to work with my hands everything from plants to building stuff you know enjoy being artists and being creative well I'm caveman and let's see what I do I build stuff I live my awesome life I take care of a bunch of chickens I take care of some dogs and a kitchen and [ __ ] a I just I live my awesome life what dude so my name is cause I started in eco village in Slab City I also do web development work currently is it hot I said the desert at summertime yeah how hot is it today yes every time somebody asks that question it gets another degree hotter add dogs and Englishmen go out the noonday Sun and that's the key to it you don't do that I have my choice as I choose to live and when I came out on my heatstroke weed scope that I couldn't even talk up but this is very good yeah this is that a good the front of a button chopping my back stuttering yeah I've come a long ways in two months I could let it move do things I had to give up all my house chore everything able became the cook it was yeah man you're better I like that Jay to mine through I will a very very cocky person but for there we go okay this is one of the dhobi oh nice at this wall over here is my first back foot wall does what is the plan has I started throwing everything a while I start cracking off so I was done what can I do so then I have people making breaks so then I just started starting bricks and literally I had all been done with means bucket at a time you know getting sand and pay I took me seven months to do all this I did probably 95% of it all by myself take personal responsibility I understand I can come to these revelations with the same education the same choices and opportunities why can't my fellow Americans rise above culture of tradition you know everything that I do to the past it's great let it go move on to find something better I feel that my ideal America would be everyone taking personal responsibility for the soul my and body health and working together to truly enjoy and help this world flourish and sort of you know taken away from it to where we're slowly killing ants but yet don't want to really face the fact that we don't know what to do to help okay it's okay we'll get it right now everyone living their own way it's it's not like anywhere else so don't have expectations you know how could you get people to say hey let's all let's create a thing where we're all living goods we don't you know and why do men some men seem to judge themselves by how many other men are under their thumb and shouldn't beyond some be traded as like a commodity like it doesn't [ __ ] belong anyone it's just here there's a good Native American proverb like I don't know from which tribe but it says the land is leased to you by your your grandchildren not given to you by your father or mother and so you're just here and using it in waiting for the next generation to take over and use it when you die so it's not yours you can't buy up a whole swath of land and then part it out and sell it to people that's just ridiculous if you're not occupying a [ __ ] space it shouldn't be yours and that's how it works inside city if you're occupying a space it's yours if you have a space and you try and lay claim to it and [ __ ] gets looted and it gets torn down and used as other people's [ __ ] because you're not occupying it and that's the way it should be how do you get food flash water um yeah we get food from the [ __ ] store and just like everyone else well I don't know what the [ __ ] they expect us to answer that with like we have it flown in on a [ __ ] helicopter like what where do we go hon to all our food I mean on a hunt occasional supplemental food [Music] and that doesn't mean you get anything for free doesn't mean you get everything for free it just means you can be someplace [Music] be very open mind and very strong wheels because they can swallow you or spirituality yeah only the strong survive like sitting you know you can't be incredible hot and when it comes to but you know slap justice out here is no Joe house the people who live in regular society have less negative impact on our environment well okay so then consider if you tell a regular person that but but what do I shoot is oh a composting toilet I think I think they're a little bit more mainstream most people turn up those heavy things but like in in areas where cities don't have more to go when you touch it and that will put a tree on top preferably friend or country and you should do more with your hand there's a lot of lost skills maybe like knitting so I like most you know what the binding [ __ ] clothes the second you get a little ribbon just grab some [ __ ] needle and thread sew back together it's an invaluable skill everyone worries about the apocalypse or what I feel like everyone hopes for an apocalypse nowadays but when it comes are you going to be able to mend your own [ __ ] clothes have you ever practiced people ask me all times what are you going to do is so I ask you to leave I can't ever leave you know I like leave why would I leave my home this is what I live I want like children my grandchildren my great grandchildren and my great great branches know that his grandparents built in slaves you know every stone and I have you know and with love and hope building a more brighter future not a feature that handed but that is actually made my own [Music] Oh
Channel: Cornelius Vango
Views: 654,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the real slab city, real slabber, slabbers, real, anarchy, anarchist, american, wasteland, ideals, frontier, off-grid, carbon footprint, squatters, librarian, open mic, the range, builder bill, ideology, freedom, spirit, free, last free place, life, living, recycle, re-use, reduce, tips, slab city, slabs, apocalyptic, apocalypse, new, ideas, library, hand built house, family, music, community, coz, alternative, life style, hand made
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2017
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