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in this video we adopt a pet axolotl in minecraft we go on all sorts of adventures with our pet axolotl like raiding a temple exploring the ocean fighting monsters and many more there is a crazy twist with our pet axolotl so make sure to watch it till the end to find out what it is let's go oh adam what a great day here at minecraft we're chilling at the minecraft aquarium oh wow i can't wait to see what type of ocean animals are here oh man let's go inside and i'm always gonna be so much fun i'm gonna do some dancing hey we're at the aquarium hey and dude i heard they actually have a new axolotl exhibit oh man i'm an axolotl in minecraft this is so cool look at all the animals and look at the fishies hey i found nemo where's dory at bro wow they got so many cool fish and sharks and all this cool stuff yeah this is so fun wow i love aquariums look at all these fishies adam this is so cool nature is so special huh yeah i wish i could take them home no i had to wear an aquarium you can't do that okay whoa whoa over here they got an axolotl oh it's cute oh it's so clever dance [Music] hey do the axolotl dance wow and it's purple and pink like you wow he seems to be liking my dance moves adam this is cool it's just kind of like dancing by itself yeah it actually likes us yeah it's swimming around is this what it's like to have friends ate them i think so whoa it's so cool yo this is like i'm dancing oh it probably does adam but it's getting real excited look at how fast it's swimming yeah you're right oh man it's making us dizzy just watching it swimming so fast wow it's so cute okay adam we've had fun with the axolotl but i think it's time we go home i'm pretty sad that we have to leave our friend behind yeah sorry buddy but we gotta leave you at the aquarium okay we'll see you later mr excellent we'll see you later time to go home yeah thanks for dancing with me and my friend justin okay bye mr axelot we'll see you later wow that was a lot of fun that was fun so yeah we're at the ae aquarium okay yeah i spent a lot of energy man luckily i got this water bottle okay you get thirsty ate him yeah okay yeah okay yeah let's go home man what a great day in the aquarium huh yeah i got to fill up my water bottle because i drank it all oh okay wait wait this is something looks kind of funny about your water bottle wait yeah it's like flashing and moving a little bit wait what there's something in it what no no no no wait what's wrong with it wait what oh no yo there's something in the water bottle bro what is that oh it's the axolotl wow it's snuck in the water bottle it snuck out of the aquarium hey that's so fun but wait a minute mr axolotl you got to go back to the aquarium we can't take you home you belong in the aquarium we gotta take it back adam yeah sorry we gotta take you back okay let's go back to the aquarium okay yeah oh it is pretty late now though hey one more quick dance it really likes your dabbing okay we gotta take the axolotl back to the aquarium we can't take him from his home yeah no matter how cute and awesome he is we gotta let him go back all right let's go back to the aquarium all right here we go um we're taking you back to your home little guy here we go it does seem really laid out and no one's even here anymore what no well yeah it's late oh wait a minute no the aquarium is currently closed oh no guys but wait if the aquarium is closed how are we going to get them back in there i don't know and i just realized that today's friday it's going to be closed all weekend so we can't take the axle back for a few days well we can't just leave it on the street here oh we definitely can't do that i guess we gotta take them home yeah oh yeah it's the only thing we can do yeah guys [Music] whoa axolotl do you want to come home with us this is going to be so much fun all right mr axolotl here's our house we'll give you a little house tour oh yeah oh yeah there's a lot of fun stuff to do with the lanky box house all right check it out check it out we got here is like kind of the living room here is the entryway and we got to find a nice place to put the axolotl for the night we gotta like put him in some water yeah you're right we can fill up the bathtub upstairs and put it in there yeah good idea okay let's go inside give him a house tour yeah oh man this is so exciting come on in yeah welcome to the lakey house tour all right so here's the living room this is where me and justin watch a lot of tv yeah well i had to watch the tv i'm not allowed to all right and upstairs is where we go make videos okay we'll show you in here yeah this is where we make our youtube videos yeah okay this is where we filmed videos what is up everyone welcome to this episode of like box see i can do the intro alright i'll be right back all right bye justin okay axolotta come on over here i'll fill up this bathtub with water and you can hang out here so you don't get dehydrated all right follow me um yep through the bedroom here we go this is my room justin's room is actually upstairs okay i'm gonna take this water here and i'm gonna make sure you got lots and lots of water to play around and splash in and drink and all that fun stuff okay i'm gonna fill it up here and nice okay come on in the water's nice and warm come on over let's hope you like it oh cool wow the axolotl loves it wow and now the axolotl's all taken care of and oh i'm actually getting a little bit tired myself so i'm going to head to bed guys and we're going to start the next day and it's going to be super awesome wow dude it's the next day yeah adam how are you at the axolotl the axolotl slept in the tub overnight and i think it was having a great time okay let's go say hi to our axolotl friend okay yeah oh i hope his first night at the leggy house was good yeah and we should do a lot of fun activities with our pet axolotl later we can do axolotl activity oh he looks so heavy okay yeah okay let's take him outside we go okay let's take him outside to the pool we can go hang out over there because there's water there too oh yeah good idea if we put him in the pool he'll kind of feel like home because that's probably similar to the aquarium yeah this is gonna be so much fun and we're gonna have a best friend montage with our new friend the axolotl yeah we love our new best friend all right here we go let's go outside to the pool we got to get you back in some water oh and what fun stuff do you want to do later today i'm gonna do a bunch of the axolotl dance okay everybody let's go yeah this is the living room is where we like to chill out and dance okay yup here's the pool okay let's get it with the pool oh yeah the sun's out and it's gonna be a nice fun day at the pool for the boys time fun time let's go wow that's a couple of cool boys hanging out wow life really can't get any better than this hey justin whoa cannonball yeah this is the greatest day ever let's go have a bunch of fun with our axolotl we can do all kinds of things i'm gonna hit the shoot oh the axolotl likes that oh man we're having a pool party you already know guys we gotta go do some awesome stuff with our awesome axolotl i think we should go take a bunch of adventures adam what do we have scheduled for today i believe we were gonna go to the city and use some superpowers to go fight crime yeah let's do some best friend stuff like stop some bad guys yeah we're gonna do all the stuff we usually do we're gonna bring the axolotl with us it's gonna be so cool all right axolotl here we go are you ready to have some fun oh it's gonna be lit hey hey hey okay let's take the axolotl with us first up we gotta fight some crime get out of here bad guys whoa the axolotl helped us corner these guys oh that's so awesome nice we're helping out and then we're gonna go get some donuts yeah whoa we got a dozen donuts hey we got a bunch of axolotl donuts all right let's go have a little donut party oh and the axolotl's on justin's shoulder yeah we're having a donut party with the axolotl and i can throw donuts everywhere we can do the axolotl dance yeah well what do you guys want to do next well that was a lot of fun we just go outside and go fishing next day yeah let's go fishing yeah okay we're fishing with the x lotto this is so much fun because they can go swimming while we're fishing yeah we're fishing in the ocean whoa they caught something oh awesome good job this is so much fun let's go and now we can go cook the fish in a campfire oh we're having a camping adventure with the xlr it's so happy jumping up and down this is the greatest day ever ahead of yeah yeah we're gonna have some axolotl s'mores oh man this is gonna be so much fun and then after that we're gonna go to the movie theater and watch some movies with our axolotl friend let's go inside we're first in line let's go catch some cool movies because like i said early adam it's the weekend we're just chilling yeah good idea we're chilling to the children adam come on inside let's go watch some fun movies with our fun axolotl friend all right you go grab the seats i'll get us some popcorn yeah make sure it's extra buttery adam let's go oh like your dance moves yeah extra smooth yeah let's go oh man all right let's go this is gonna be the coolest movie ever oh man oh no ed we accidentally picked the sad movie oh but the axolotl is having fun that's the most important thing yeah yeah at least we got some popcorn yeah okay let's go back home and do some more fun activities like for example we could play on this trampoline i'm gonna jump off the roof oh good idea bounce axolotl nobody ever tries to help but wear minecraft whoa boy whoa you're really high up dude so much fun we're having a trampoline party with our axolotl friend this is so cool wow awesome let's go do some other activities and what else you want to do um we could do some archery oh some minecraft archery let's go to the archery range yeah we got all these fun activities at our house isn't it fun axolotl this is awesome yeah i never want to have the axolotl leave us ever again don't worry and we won't have to we're gonna have some fun do some archery here we go okay good idea we gotta get the bullseye oh man do it for our axolotl friend this is so much fun we're doing all of our favorite activities of minecraft but now we have a new friend yeah this is super cool yeah let's go whoa bullseye good job and let's go wow i couldn't have done it without you and my new best friend axolotl wow we're back home after that exciting day guys what an awesome day with our new pet axolotl friend wow wait the axolotl's near something near the couch wait there's something here what is this it's a treasure map oh whoa what does it say oh man let's look at it it's going to take us to buried treasure adam this is so fun oh man we're gonna be rich all cause of our axolotl friends okay let's go get some high level gear because we don't know what kind of adventure we're gonna go on guys this is so fun we're gonna go on a treasure hunt adventure with our axolotl wow awesome well this is where the treasure map took us guys okay i think the secret treasure is buried over here everybody follow us follow us let's go ah the axolotl is so cute with its sword i'm still just dancing oh i think it's over here guys this is so exciting what do you think the treasure's gonna be adam i think it's gonna be a bunch of diamonds it might be some donuts oh yeah maybe okay let's go inside of here what's over here this is so cool oh wait a minute adam there looks like a really really deep well i don't think we should go down this adam we might get stuck and then get ooh yeah maybe we should just stop and give up no no i don't know we don't want to give up wait a minute we can't go down here but there's water wait the axolotl can swim maybe it'll go down the well oh yeah axolotl you got this oh oh we just jumped in with no hesitation ah it's having fun wow it's having fun and it's being brave adam we can't swim down this we are too scared yeah look at it go all right what do you see down there oh man oh it's exploring it found all the treasure chests it says there's a ton of diamonds wow guys look at all the chests that the axolotl found this is crazy it's swimming back up it's swimming so fast oh man what did it get added what do you think it got oh come on come on come on big money big money oh man what's inside what's inside it was a bunch of diamonds awesome wait what should we spend this money on we should give it all to the axolotl we wouldn't even got it it wasn't for his help this is so exciting because we were both too scared to go down that well yeah we could also spend it on theme park tickets let's go to a theme park with the axolotl let's show them around this is the coolest day ever let's go wow what rides do you want to go on axolotl oh man any rides will be fun with you guys because we're out here we're looking at fireworks what a great day let's go play some bumper cars me and the axolotl versus that over here we go oh i'm gonna get you oh this is so much fun yeah oh this is so much fun i can't wait to explore the oh the whole theme park together wow i bet they didn't have bumper cars at the aquarium huh axelot this is so much fun wow those bumper cars are so much fun and let's go ride some more rides with our axolotl oh awesome all right what else should we do here oh man look there's a merry-go-round of carousel there's all kinds of fun rides this is the greatest adventure ever adam yeah it's so much fun oh look at this let's go on this dropper are you sure this seems kind of unsafe no and it'll be great it's a theme park it's safe we'll go down the dropper then we'll take the axle out the burger king get some whoppers yeah let's go let's ride this this is so much fun all right guys make sure you got your seat belts on yeah i bet the axolotl never did anything like this in the aquarium yeah definitely not he was stuck in a tank in the aquarium here we go wow there we go this is so much fun wow okay oh man the axolotl looks a little bit tired adam i think we should take him home and get some rest yeah you're right that was a fun day but we should definitely get our beauty sleep this has been the most fun wait what beauty sleep huh well we gotta get be well rested i don't think we've ever gotten any beauty sleep at him because if we did it's not working all right let's go home yeah all right guys everyone let's get to bed and get well rested yeah okay wait we're finally back home what a long day but we got all these gems we had so much fun wait a minute adam now there's something else in our living room there's a chest wait open it what is that um wait the axolotl's freaking out there's something here there's a note inside he says hell read it it says help a sea monster has been terrorizing our home what a sea monster wait who is this note from wait the axolotl's saying that it thinks it might be its parent what wait what we gotta follow the axolotl it's really stressed out okay the axolotl led us over to the ocean here good thing we have these swords adam i guess we're gonna go raid an underwater base and fight some sea monsters oh no way are you serious yeah let's go adam we got potions of water breathing let's get down there let's go all right we can breathe underwater yeah the axolotl says it thinks it's family might be there no way okay lead the way axolotl let's go whoa yeah there's an underwater sea temple oh wow but who knows what type of monsters could be in here it doesn't matter we got to be brave because this clearly means a lot to our axolotl friend we got to help him out yeah you're right wow the axolotl can swim really quick underwater yeah of course oh giant sea monsters fight it out of ah slice oh nice okay we oofed it let's keep going and keep going whoever sent us that note really needs our help come on let's go okay axolotl we'll follow you lead the way oh man this is so scary adam oh whoa there's a door that's sealed off there's a bunch of axolotls behind that door wow those axolotls kind of look like our friendly axolotl adam i think you're right i think this is the family of our axolotl friend oh wow we saved them we reunited them it is it's the family of our axolotl friend but wait adam this means that our ex-lotto friend's gonna go back to his family so he won't be our friend anymore oh but it's the right thing to do adam i'm so happy we saved our friend's whole family from those sea monsters yeah i guess you're right we should just leave him here with his family oh it's kind of sad though adam let's go swim back to the surface oh yeah hopefully you can't see my tears underwater we were underwater so i couldn't see the tears at him that's not how that works don't cry adam oh we gotta sit down oh i feel so tired all of a sudden oh i mean he's back home with his family but i still really miss him yeah we had so many good times with the archery and the fireworks and all the adventures we had oh i feel sad oh yeah we really lost one of our best friends don't cry adam it was the right thing to do we helped our friend we helped our friend it was definitely the right thing to do yeah i i i guess you're right justin yeah and we did the right thing we helped reunited with his family we saved this family for a bunch of seabosters we should be proud of ourselves wait wait a minute someone's at the door it's our axolotl friend he came back he says that he brought his whole family and now we're having a donut party with him and all of his family this is the greatest day ever wow [Applause] [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 2,718,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, justin, adam, foxy, boxy, rocky, sticky, canny, ghosty, pet, adopt, adopt me, axolotl, ocean temple, raid, pets, cute, adorable
Id: ChxZ92W1mK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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