Ways you may be doing Dice Wrong - Player Character Tips

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[Music] hello and welcome to this episode of how to be a great player well my name is guy and today's episode I'm asking the question are you a dice tosser the reason why I ask that with the little bits of venom in my voice is because some people don't know how to roll dice now many many many moons ago when the channel first started we did a April Fool's joke where we identified how one should roll the dice I didn't realize that a lot of people took that as advice on how to actually roll dice no you don't have to be this big but there are some fundamentals about dice that if you are doing then I'm gonna call you a tosser and the reason is because you're just plain irritating now before we get going the reason that what motivated this was I got sent this little bag of goodies now this is from hat stick and hat stick have released these these are absolutely beautiful now they sent me a couple sets so that I could have a look and of course mention them on a video and it inspired this particular video now these are metal enameled dice they're absolutely absolutely gorgeous lovely weight to them such lovely sound and I thought you know these are pretty good dice I roll them I can see the numbers clearly everybody around the table can see the numbers because they're big they're bold and they're obvious so I'm going to demonstrate not with these dice because they're not big enough for the demonstrations but I'm gonna take you through some of the ways that people use their dice or don't use their dice as appropriate and if you want to get a set of those dice I mean they really are stunning there are links below on where you can go and find them I suggest you you have a look they're very reasonably priced and they ship ship really quickly so let's say you're using a bigger days or maybe not that big let's say you're using a dice like this firstly when people come to the table and they say oh these are my dice they are so small I don't have a set with me actually because I was given a set of really small dice which you couldn't read unless you had a magnifying glass they roll the dice and then they pair at it or they don't know where the hell the things gone because it's so small but they think it's cute it's not cute it's irritating and if only you can read the dice well that's fine I'm not saying that you're a cheater or anything or trying to obscure your numbers from those that are sitting next to you but really small dice are frustrating and irritating and rather than push the game forward move the game along everyone has to wait whilst you look for that miniscule minut little dice and try and figure out what's written on it the same goes for people who like clear dice this is a clear dice I can in theory see through it but the numbers are nice opposite color and it's really not that see-through I'm talking about people who have absolutely crystal clear see-through dice where the numbers are so vague that you steer it and you go I don't know if I'm looking at the number on the top of the dice on the back of the dice now people will often say oh but that's that you can see that there's no air bubbles inside so you can see it's not a weighted dice sure it's not a way to dice but when I look at their dice I'm not sure what number I'm looking at I'm not saying you're cheating by the obscuring the numbers that people can't look at because they're seeing through your dice I'm just saying that it's irritating and once again we've got someone going I think it's a 17 because I can't see it very clearly why clear dice are great if you can see the number clearly but if it's a case of not being able to see the number kiddie because you can see through the dice that's a problem and then my other favorite is people who arrive with these dice that are well let's just regularly shaped you see this blob this is a d12 what what yes it's got 12 numbers on it now as I roll it it falls over like a lump of clay oh and I got a three the Knicks are all oh that's a 12 but we don't know if it's regularly shaped or not so how do we know that when you flick it over it doesn't automatically land on the side that you wanted to land on that's very strange they are interesting and as someone who has giant bags of dice because I've collected over the years they're fantastic as a conversation piece as a discussion as a look if you want to use role-playing dice they should be shaped like this so that everyone knows what you're rolling so there's no confusion again the reason why I say this is because we are all playing the same game so when you roll dice and a player is sitting next to you that player wants to get excited for you when you rolling well or to sympathize with you when you're rolling poorly but when you flick over a lump of plastic and it reveals a number the player next to you can't decide whether they should be happy for you sad for you or if the entire physics of the universe means nothing and that shaped dice is exactly the same as a shape dice that they are rolling for heaven's sakes sometimes it's difficult enough to tell the difference between a d-10 and a d8 for some people now you've changed the shape of it all that's making it even more confusing and slowing the game down so that's on the different types of dice you can use are you a dice tosser do you strain your obscured dice specifically so that only you can read it mmm not saying you're cheating but it does raise some questions then your dice rolling style take dice roll dice look at number don't touch dice look at number call out number one of my pet peeves are people who go I'll go to 16 what I got a 13 did you did it stop rolling before you instantly picked it up and held it towards yourself so that no one else can see what number it is not saying you're cheating but generally that's not hot what number did you I'll go to two six nine drop the dice let it fall and then watch it in ancient Rome if you were caught cheating it does that cut your hand off it's very simple sometimes I have some players whom I wish I could cut their hands off because I know they roll and then pick it up the next one which I particularly like is the one where the player has six or seven sets of dice all clumped together and they're all similar colors so they take their d20 and they roll it or their d6 or whatever dies they're using and they roll it into the pile and then look at the D twenties or the d sixes or whatever dice they're looking at and call out a number the rest of us don't really know which dice they rolls because it's their diets we're not really paying attention we're looking at our stats and other things and you look up you go which was your dice mmm which is the one that succeeded that one not saying that you're purposely trying to cheat maybe you like to roll lots of dice or one dice into a collection of dice cuz it'll somehow affect things yes absolutely not it won't do that the other option is someone who goes okay I'm gonna roll that one I'm gonna roll that one and I'm gonna roll it was the red one the red one was the one that I was that's the actual number the other dice I just rolled to keep it company what and if you'd pick this one up and said it's this one cuz it's pretty and the red one is just for the sound roll a dice that is called for not multiple dice it really won't change anything trust me it really physically won't change anything and it's a magnetic and if it does change something by the way if it does change the outcome of your dice rolling then that is technically cheating because you shouldn't alter the way the outcome of a dice in any shape or form it should roll and that's the number that should happen so if you are able to somehow change the outcome of your dice by rolling multiple dies together you are technically cheating right back to people who roll and pick up and drop dice other players that I have come across I particularly enjoy when they take their dice and they purposefully roll it behind something a mug or under some pages so that they didn't have to lift up the page oh I would random to the page it's a fifteen on a 12 sided dice what yes players roll dice under or behind things purposefully or my personal favorite oh oh it hit it hit the plastic tub so doesn't count huh my other favorite oh it rolled off the book and landed on the table and gave me a number no it's got to land just on the book otherwise it doesn't count oh oh is that a thing if that's a house rule fine but if it's only applicable to one player and every other player just accepts where the dice land sure in my own games I have a rule if it's on the floor if you couldn't hit the table in the first place you can't hit the creature so if the dice rolls off of the table and lands on the floor Yury roll the dice that's a standard house rule but the fact that it didn't land on your particular piece of blue paper and rat landed on the table that just allows you a reroll when you don't like it doesn't it now I'm not saying that's cheating but it certainly sounds like we've spoken about the multi roller who rolls multiple dice at once and then chooses which one it should be or as always though it's always the blue one in six different shades of blue sure which one is that exactly my other favorite is someone who does this make a roll please which one of those was your roll oh no no no no no I'm warming the dice up this is the actual roll coming up I mean to say that this now is the final looks so wrong dice I should be using this dice yeah there we go oh yeah that's better that's a nine that dude just don't just don't do it everyone knows that you're cheating and that is the lowest form of humanity do not do that so multiple rolling or multiple rolls before you actually decide on which one is applicable to the dice to the the call is not acceptable then my other favorite I want to make a perception check I got an 8 sorry did you roll the dice multiple times or just roll the dice randomly and then decide oh I'm gonna use that number for a check really yeah yeah yeah so those are things that really get me irritated my other favorite one I don't think I can do it here as people who build towers of dice during the game because they're obviously not listening they're bored and then they do that and then they do that and then oh my - tower clan really in the middle of a game that's what we that's what we want that's really what we want there's dice all over the floor they're everywhere they've made a mess and you've completely disrupted the game I hate those people other people when there's an action happening and the player who's got the action to do says oh I need another d6 can I use it you can't use my dice only my hands can touch my dice what what your superstitious really so someone else touches your dice they're broken if they are that in tune to you that they only gonna roll well for you that's cheating the dice work for you but they don't work for anyone else that's a loaded dice if you so believe in that sort of thing that's fine but then just know that if they specifically attuned to you to help just you that's cheating because that's not the idea behind a dice it's supposed to be a random number generator not a favoured number generator right people who go oh can I have come on barrio d20 okay great thanks and then another player goes where's my twenty with with my dot all of my dice are gone oh sorry yeah I've got them here I'm good Kim if you're gonna borrow other people's dice that's fine but then give them back so that they don't then have to borrow dice from someone else if you've already had to borrow dice because you didn't bring enough that's your fault and you've slowed the game down but if you have now taken someone else's dice as well you've slowed the game down twice now the whole point behind this dice tirade is simply this dice are there to facilitate the game they are not the game otherwise you would just be playing a dice based game and there's plenty of awesome ones out there they're not there to slow the game down they're not there to distract everybody else from the game they're not there for any other function other than to generate numbers you can have pretty dice you can really have pretty dice go ahead get stuff that looks cool but make sure that just because it looks cool doesn't mean that it stops working for the game and if it's going to irritate other people you have to check your catalogue of interpretations of whether this is a number or an Elvish rune or a strange symbol that sometimes this is a six and sometimes there's a one depending on which situation you're in it's all of that kind of stuff it just gets in the way of everybody else having fun or it makes you look like a cheater and if you really want to have that sort of brand on your head well then so be it I really really don't think that it's any title that anyone would want now I've got got that off my chest I need some excitement some happiness I'm going to try and experiment to end this video and I hope for their sake it works now that company hextech that I spoke about earlier they really really wanted me to talk about their dice and I am happy to they are really pretty this is a golden pink set which i think is really really cool now I'm going to try this with OBS I don't know what's gonna work or not so if it doesn't work I'm gonna look like an idiot sitting in the dark if it does work that will be great and I hope I hope that it does either way don't be a dice tosser be someone who uses dice responsibly make sure that people don't think of you as our God that idiot with the freaking dice every single time don't be that person be a great player don't be an idiot alright I'm gonna try this now let's see if this does what it's supposed to do see the backdrop falling apart can you see them in the camera no you can't but they are glowing I promise you they are glowing they're just not glowing bright enough for the camera to see them anyway it was a nice try while it lasted they do look very pretty but even then even then why would you want glowing dice they're very very nice but if you're gonna be playing in the complete dark there's a whole bunch of other problems that are out there on there anyway until next time hit that like button hit the subscribe button and I really really wish you could see these glowing maybe can you see the gang blindness this of them I don't know they're very pretty anyway till next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: How to be a Great GM
Views: 346,327
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Keywords: dnd 5e, dungeon masters guide, Dungeon master tips, Dungeon building, Dnd gm tips, Game master toolkit, dnd, d&d, dnd gm tips, game master tips, Great game master, Tabletop Roleplaying, GM, How to GM, How to be a great game master, Game Master, Great Game Mastering, How to, How to be a great dungeon master, DM Tips, Dungeon Master, RPG, Game Master Tips, Dungeon Master Tips, GMing Tips, DMing Tips, dnd dice, rpg dice, d&d dice, dnd dice tray, dice, dice dnd, dice rpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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